lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

NEWS from Cynthia Schlosser:
A comet is made up largely of ice.  As it travels through the cold cold vacuum of space, it stays largely intact. As it approaches heat, like our sun, it evaporates water from the
fiery heat and forms a large tail as shown below in the crop circle.

This water contains amino acid chains which is what science has discovered seeds new life on planets like ours.

At 4:11 PM Eastern time today these water crystals will be encoded with dramatic enlightenment energy from the special configuration described below.

The dusting of our planet with these minute divinely coded water crystals is similar in essence to the fairy tales of old, where magic pixie dust worked miracles.

The proof is in the pudding.

In the days that follow, we will see ancient prophecies of Heaven on Earth fulfilled.

Beware of fearmongers, because there are many, and stay in love.

Comet = water
Sun = fire.

Today is fire and water.

What a beautiful day!

Today at 4:11 PM EST is the exact Pluto Uranus square as seen from the sun, occurring as the comet Ison is seeding our solar system with amino acids that bring new life codes
from the heart of creation.

There is a merkaba, a six pointed star, formed by the planets of
Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto.
 As these planets form a six-pointed star mandala around the Sun, this configuration of the six-pointed star activates into the star-tetrahedronal shape and lifts all Life into a greater level of Cosmic Consciousness awareness.
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Comet ISON is now located in the constellation Libra in the SE early morning sky around and after 5:45 am local time up until sunrise, but it is very difficult to spot because of twilight and the moon. Using a pair of binoculars might help you spot ISON, but it will become gradually lower and lower in the sky each morning each morning until perihelion, reducing the likelihood that you will see ISON. The last update was on November 18, 2013.

Here are the latest and best images of Comet ISON from the past couple of days. It might take a while to load the pics, but it’s worth the wait. You can follow on Twitter for the last Comet ISON images and news.

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You may or may not have participiated in the global meditations yesterday

as the six pointed star formed by  

Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto

initiated the SEEDING process.

NOW is the time to KEEP the global meditations GOING!


SET UP A GRID with the intention to

WELCOME the seeding of STAR DUST on Earth!

The implications of this will become known long AFTER the seeding has taken place.

Let us not wait for our scientists to analyse and find out more.

We are beings of LIGHT

Beings of pure CONSCIOUSNESS.

And amino acids from the Universe bring New Life in 3D manifestation to EARTH -


It has begun.




And we are ready to listen to the mesages we receive DIRECTLY from our Star Brethren.

And here is the place to SHARE our insights, visions and messages.

On November 28th I invite you to CREATE

rituals with FIRE and WATER.


Maybe you can brew a "Magic" Drink on that day over an open fire and SHARE it with the Earth.

Drink the magic tea  with your friends and offer part of it to the EARTH,

symbolic of the SEEDING - and that we are READY to RECEIVE!


you are welcome to create a GRID!

Without knowing, I did this the day before yesterday ...

My grid is SET UP.



Now GOLDEN hues of light are intermingling ...


Sonja Myriel

Views: 1456

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 TOGETHER we are INFINITE WHITE SOURCE LIGHT  Indead we are Sonja INDEAD WE ARE!  Enjoy the prospects ahead! ~Frank

Thank You Dear One  We must go forward but you must as I have said look to your past to see who you are and keep on your path this is what Our Lord Jesus is telling Me open up and make your changes oh what a wonderful thing this is. Love to All I Am Elfso

Indeed - looking to our past and re-MEMBER who we truly are ...! And make our changes ... AH! Together :-)

WE ARE her to BLESS.


Sonja Myriel

Comet ISON brightening fast as its moment of truth nears

“We might witness a nice, long-tailed comet visible to the naked eye that will leave millions of people with fond memories for a lifetime, or maybe it will be a small comet for sky hunters using binoculars and a good map of its position. Or it might yet break up and vanish.” – Alan MacRobert

Comet ISON, anticipated by skywatchers for more than a year, is brightening fast just days from its fateful hairpin swing on November 28 around the broiling surface of the sun. The comet is now a greenish-white fuzzy “star” in binoculars, low in the east-southeast at the beginning of dawn. Telescopic photos are showing it with a long, ribbony tail. The comet has flared with unexpected outbursts of gas and dust three times already this month.

Click here for more photos, plus charts showing ISON on November 24...

See full size | Comet ISON, imaged by longtime amateur astrophotograper Damian Peach in the U.K. He used a 4-inch f/5 telescope for 12 minutes of combined exposures on November 15th. Credit: Damian Peach /

See full size | Comet ISON, imaged by longtime amateur astrophotograper Damian Peach in the U.K. He used a 4-inch f/5 telescope for 12 minutes of combined exposures on November 15th. Credit:Damian Peach /

What will emerge from its solar encounter into the dawns of early December?

“We might witness a nice, long-tailed comet visible to the naked eye that will leave millions of people with fond memories for a lifetime,” says Alan MacRobert, a senior editor of Sky & Telescope magazine. “Or maybe it will be a small comet for sky hunters using binoculars and a good map of its position. Or it might yet break up and vanish.”

It all depends on what happens to the comet’s tiny nucleus, its only solid part. A comet’s nucleus is a dirty iceball that’s just a pinpoint by astronomical standards — in this case less than a mile or two across. As it flies in from the cold outer solar system and warms in the heat of the sun, some of its ice evaporates, releasing gas and dust that expands by thousands or even millions of miles to become the comet’s glowing head (“coma”) and tail.

ISON will pass closest to the sun’s surface — by less than one sun diameter! — for a few hours on Thanksgiving Day, November 28th. (Closest time: around 2 p.m. EST; 19:00 Universal Time [GMT].) The sun will be enormous from the comet’s point of view, filling the comet’s sky and broiling its surface to a temperature of about 2,700 degrees C (4,900 degrees F). That’s hot enough to melt iron, not to mention ice. In addition, the sun’s tidal force (the difference in the sun’s gravitational force on the nucleus’s near and far sides), combined with the nucleus’s 10-hour rotation, could help to break it apart.

The closest approach to the sun is called perihelion. If ISON breaks up before then, as comets sometimes do, little or nothing visible may emerge from the other side of the close encounter. If the nucleus holds together, we might get a memorable celestial sight early in the December dawns, at least for people who know exactly where to look.

Check out this 20-second HD clip of a comet tumbling through space as it approaches the sun…

If the comet breaks into pieces around or after perihelion, the pieces wouldn’t disperse too far apart to show. More icy surface area would be exposed to the solar broiling, more dust and gas would blow off to make a brighter tail, and the December dawn show could be glorious.

No one yet knows what will happen.

Where to look

Even as it approaches the sun, the warming comet has brightened into binocular visibility. Amateur astronomers have also been taking spectacular long-exposure photos of it through telescopes, such as the one at the top of this page. (Click the image for a high-resolution version free for media use if credit is given as in the caption).

The naked-eye sightings of ISON that have been reported so far come from skilled observers under very dark skies using highly detailed star charts to pinpoint its exact location.

“If you want to try viewing ISON in binoculars before perihelion, don’t wait!” says Sky & Telescope associate editor Tony Flanders. “It’s appearing much lower each morning as it approaches the sun. Fortunately, it has also been brightening rapidly, so it’s actually getting a little easier to see. But nobody can guess how long that will continue.”

Find a spot with a completely unobstructed view of the east-southeast horizon. Start looking at least an hour before your local sunrise time and continue scanning the sky as dawn grows brighter. The planets Mercury and Saturn and the star Spica help to point the way, as shown in our daily dawn-scene graphics here. The comet symbol is exaggerated; it’s meant to show where the comet is, not to be a realistic picture. (Click the graphics for high-resolution versions, free for use with credit.)

A bonus comet!

A second comet is currently higher and easier to see in binoculars before dawn’s first light begins! That means looking at least 90 minutes before your local sunrise time. It’s named Comet Lovejoy C/2013 R1 (not to be confused with the other three Comet Lovejoys discovered by Terry Lovejoy of Australia). You’ll need to use Sky & Telescope’s detailed finder chart for it. Included with that is a similarly detailed chart for ISON among faint stars.

Watch a 16-second HD animation of a comet nearing the sun and beginning to release its gases in a spectacular display…

We’ll have more to say as ISON rounds the sun and its future becomes clear.


A comet’s trajectory through the solar system is governed by the laws of gravity, so astronomers can predict months or years in advance exactly when and where a comet will appear in the sky. But how bright it will be is a lot less predictable. This is especially true of a “sun-grazer” comet like ISON.

Some sun-grazers have performed better than expected, such as Comet Ikeya-Seki in 1965 and Comet Lovejoy C/2011 W3 in 2011. Many experts predicted that the nucleus of the 2011 Comet Lovejoy would disintegrate during its very close pass by the sun that December, but it survived long enough before breaking up to produce a spectacular long tail easily visible for people in the Southern Hemisphere.

“All of us at Sky & Telescope are hoping that Comet ISON will be a glorious spectacle in December,” says Sky & Telescope editor in chief Robert Naeye. “But we also remember past comet flops such as Comet Kohoutek in 1974, which was actually a fairly nice comet but unfortunately fell far short of the hype. It’s important for the media to emphasize the unpredictable nature of comets, and that it’s by no means guaranteed that ISON will turn into a show-stopping comet later this year, or even one that most people will see at all without good charts and optical aid.”

ISON is named for the Russia-based International Scientific Optical Network, in which the comet’s discoverers, Artyom Novichonok and Vitali Nevski, were participating when they discovered the incoming comet in September 2012.

Via Sky & Telescope

thanks for this. and yes I agree we need to stay in love. things will try to get us out of it.     also I wanted to mention when I meditate normally when I see things in color they are normally flat looking as if its on paper. but I  noticed 2 days ago during meditating I was seeing colors but they were so bright they were the color of angelic crystals and many colors very bright. also the visions I had looked multi dimensional with many faucets to it. for example I saw a door appear to me imagine the door made out of all diamonds with all the faucets in it.  love and light sharing again the 2 grids  me and my daughter made.

I love your grids, Ken :-)

Your daughter is an angel!


Sonja Myriel

Beautiful grids Ken, and amazing about your new dimensions of vision in meditation! want to see a picture of the diamond faucet door!!!!    hugs to all here!  and yes your daughter is an angel! please thank her for helping with all of this...for her pictures   and helping with the grid.  and thank you too!

Thank you for this I am very glad of this Love and Light to My Dear Family I Elfso

LOVE and LIGHT, dear Elfso :-)

Thank you for the star image, dear SohiniBen :-)

ONE Love




Sonja MYriel

Thank you Sonja for this post.

I love the picture of Comet Ison that looks like the crop circle of 2009!  

Blessings, Ishema



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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