lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse - and part 3 of our Lightgrid Meeting: HAVAN at the Ötscher, the White Father

Dear Lightgrid Family and Gridwork Team,


In 10 hours from NOW the Moon will begin to darken and we will unite again in Spirit in our "midnight" Violet Ray Transmission - as this will be the time of midnight here in Austria - midday in New York. Tonight's connexion will be a special one, as Earth's shadow will be visible in the moon which gives us the chance to LOOK at it - and HEAL the wounds which darkness inflicted on us - and the world we live in.


As always, we begin with US - ourSELF ... do not try to change the world before you have not found PEACE within and healed yourself. And know, that when you use the powerful emission of Violet Light during our connexions for your own healing and benefit - you are HEALING the WORLD by HEALING YOURSELF!!!


Thus, let us focus on our PERSONAL story - and bring to LIGHT the remaining demons of the past. We are clearing the way for ALL who come after us. They will find it much easier to walk the same path we are now plowing. But we must not be afraid to face whatever might be brought to the light NOW - and RELEASE in full awareness and with LOVE in our HEARTS the shadows of the past.


The energies are rising - do not suppress the shadows who are rising, too, to finally MEET the LIGHT and transform into pure Divine Potential again from which they once were born. You are SAFE. Angels and Spirit Guides, Ascended Masters and Beings of Light from all around the multiverse are standing at our side. CALL ON THEM whenever need arises - and they will not hesitate to intervene when only you INVITE them to do so!


We live on a planet of FREE WILL. For thousands of  years we have now been exploring the depths of free will decisions who do not take into consideration the bigger picture of UNITY and Oneness. At the very moment that we re-MEMBER that we are NOT ALONE, surrendering to the Infinity of the Glorious Divine Plan which is based and thus accessible only through Unity Consciousness, we begin to turn around the helm and sail towards the Fifth and Higher dimensions again - setting course for our return HOME, and at the same time BUILDING this HOME which we have begun to term the New Earth. Fully inspired - inSPIRIT - matter, our bodies, will inhabit this New Earth. And tonight we will take our next step towards this glorious end.


Thus, REMEMBER that you are not alone! Call on your Spirit Guides, your Angels and the Ascended Masters from this and other worlds to HELP you whenever help is NEEDED - and enter the LIGHT releasing any remaining demons of the past in the knowing that they are taken care of. They came from the LIGHT, served the purpose of training human discernment in duality consciousness - and to the LIGHT they want and will return now with our help.


See the planet inundated in pure VIOLET LIGHT - and a net of Crystalline White Light running beneath the surface of the Earth, connecting all the lightworkers on Planet Earth who are anchoring Higher Dimensional Frequencies through their Being.


We are




of ever evolving LIGHT!

We split into many souls

many bodies

and yet:



Let us grasp the MEANING of this underlying UNITY of ALL that IS tonight - each and everyone to the maximum extent we are able to!


and remember:


You are GOD's Will in Action

You are GOD's Love in Action

You are GOD's Divine Intelligence and Wisdom




this place.



Mother Earth!



 your Life

and thus



The following account is part 3 of what happened at our 1st lightgrid meeting in August. It tells the story of our slow climb to hold a Sacred Fire Ceremony on the Ötscher, the highest mountain in the region where the meeting was held. The White Father, which is the meaning of the name "Ötscher", was testing us - and we left after our ceremony with the promise of MORE to come in the future. But read for yourself - and make up your mind. There is no coincidence in the fact that I am sharing this NOW. We are training our FAITH in Unity Consciousness :-)


August 20 - Day 6,

We begin our journey towards Mount Ötscher, preparing the bags and items to be taken for the climb and night stay on the White Father, the highest mountain of the region. The drive along was scenic and beautiful, it was nature at its best, the trees standing tall, the rivers flowing beautifully across the country side, nature is at peace here. As we approach the mountain the rain intensifies and we cannot make our climb…instead we were guided to the Source of the River Erlauf.

The River Erlauf is the river where we used to take our daily morning bath – the river where we had spread part of the ashes of the first havan. Now it was calling us to come to its SOURCE – obviously in preparation for the Ötscher whose foot it is bathing.

We had no idea whatsoever of how important this deviation from the original plan, to sleep on Mount Ötscher, was. We gave in to the powerful urgings of nature and followed the flow of energy. The signs were clear and easy to follow. The lift up the mountain was out of order due to the bad weather and it was already too late to begin to climb the mountain on foot.

The energies are high and all of Nature was with us, the elementals, the Guardian of the Woods, the Fairies, the Elves and the Centurion…Overseen by Merlin himself we are given the blessings and are guided by the divine, the stillness and quietness of the forest welcomes us and we seed another crystal. The day of Fulfillment was complete.

We come to meet Merlin and the Guardian of the Woods at the spring of the River Erlauf – and we carry a stone to be put to REST there – together with a seed crystal to anchor the New Earth Crystalline Energies. Avalon is only a dream away. On our way to the spring we talk about Arthur and his sister and spouse Morgaine. We begin to see how the old ways were coming to an end – and yet, the new ways, which were beginning to unfold, were lacking the promise of a better future. Instead, the downfall of magick met the rise of the abuse of physical power over others. We came to SOURCE – the source of the River Erlauf, meaning HORSE River – to burry the old ways of whatever abuse of power and to plant the Seed of a Crystalline new Future in Oneness. The elves were dancing, angels watching and dwarfs and gnomes recognizing us as the ones who had finally come to re-establish the bonds between kingdoms.

The descent into the sinkhole of the fount gave us an idea of what we would have to expect the next day on our climb. It was difficult to scale down. The stones were slippery and we had to use our hands, too. But we made it – and we burried the past down there at the spring with Merlin and the Guardian of the Woods watching over us.


On our way back home we passed by an important pilgrim's place in honor of Mother Mary – and when I went up to the cathedral I heard people inside cleaning and tidying up the church. It was at about 11 pm by then. The doors were closed. But the cleansing an preparation had begun and were continuing …

August 21 - Day 7,


Early Morning rise as we catch the Full moon setting on one side

and the Sunrise on the other…














We go and Visit an Old Oak tree by the highway and pay respect to the little shrine near the Oak tree…for then the trinity once again was united…The Sunrise was welcomed with the Sun prayer and Four Horses (One black and three white) were freely walking in front of us…This was truly Magnificent.

Only NOW do I see the deeper meaning of these 4 horses - three white ones (three of us being women) and one black horse (one male being in our group of 4) in connection to our ceremony which we had held the day before at the River Erlauf, the HORSE River ... We had been SET FREE. There was no fence anymore. We were now free of the past (the matriarchy of Avalon AND the patriarchy of the Church) - and ready to WELCOME IN the NEW SUN!!! And the river carried this information down to the SEAS now ...


This morning was originally planned to take place on top of Mount Ötscher - but HERE we were - and the 4 horses, grazing freely, told us, everything was as it was meant to be ...


Our climb two hours later began easy. But soon we were slowing down, adjusting our pace to the steepness of the mountain hill we had to master:



until we reached the mountain ridge:









Although we had planned to hold the havan in one of the big Ötscher caves, we gave up when we faced down the valley - as we would have had to descend a steep hill on loose stones and FEAR was rising. No way to bring us down savely, or so it seemed. So we turned back again and held our ceremony at the mountain ridge:



It was cold. But soon the warmth of the Fire reflected the warmth of the Sun and we were reminded of the BIG HUG which took place on May 1, 2012. It was then that the lightgrid community opened the energy line from EAST to WEST - from Santiago de Compostela in Spain to the Altai Mountains in Russia, passing right through the Ötscher. On that day I was not able to climb the White Father, either. SNOW was still covering its peak at that time. So I had to adjust my plans and, instead, walked along the river Erlauf at the foot of the mountain. Yet, one autumn day half a year later, we were invited to COME - and the whole family made it up to the top of the mountain and I burried initiation stones and the mountain was connected to the HEART of the Mother again - and a pyramid of LIGHT erected. Since that day the blessings of the White Father have begun to SPREAD again and the people living in the vicinity are becoming guardians ... NOW we were back again - another important step being taken. EAST and WEST connected - here, at the HEART Centre of Europe ... The Cleansing and Healing Energies were spreading along this new and yet ancient energy line - and our hearts filling with joy. WE WERE HERE - DOING the CEREMONY although each of us had had their doubts during the process of ascending if we would EVER reach the place meant for ceremony safely!

It is interesting to note here that no-one passed while we were doing ceremony. Yet, shortly after we had finished three people came up the mountain - and they were heading tot he CAVE where we had previously intended to go! They wanted to spend the night there to study the bats - and I gave them an initiation stone and asked them to take it to the cave.

On our descent we then met two other groups - and THEY were headed towards the TOP of the mountain - and I gave them an initiation stone, too, to place it on top of the mountain. And thus, the energies of the Havan AND our connection to our Star Brethren were physically brought to the places where we had intended to go - but were not able to at that specific moment in time due to our inexperience in mountain climbing ...


Well, if THAT is not symbolical of the process of Ascension which Humanity is NOW undergoing as a whole, lol!


The day ended with us having some chips at a restaurant. Tired but HAPPY to have fulfilled our mission, no matter how hard it had been :-)



When we are celebrating the Full Moon tonight, re-member those scenes in your life when you had the impression that you didn't quite get what you had in mind. What were the GIFTS which you were given - which you might have overlooked? What were the LESSONS you learnt? And where do you stand today? You can change the past when you change the MEMORY of it NOW and receive the BLESSINGS - and at that very moment you are changing, of course, the present and the future.


What we learned that day escapes mere words. But we were made aware of the fact that the process of ascension for all of humanity needs to be slow. Consideration is key. Some go ahead and prepare the way. Some are given power objects and they are asked to place them where others are not yet able to go in order to anchor the energy where one day, finally, ALL will arrive. And ALL are raising their energies at their own pace, in their very personal way and in perfectly divine timing :-)


We can LET GO of the need to do it all alone. We can begin to TRUST that everything is truly in perfect Divine Order! We are part of a world wide community of SOULS who have all come to heal the wounds of the past and thus create a crystalline future on Earth. All we need to do is find out what OUR part is - and fulfill it! Messengers will cross our way - and carriers :) - and TOGETHER we will arrive where some have already been! Many of them turned around again and came back down to help those who are now slowly climbing the steep hill, too.


The heavy weight that we should save the world is taken from our shoulders. All we need to do is climb the mountain once again, take our time to ENJOY the climb and help those who fall or need s guiding hand. What remains is FAITH. And we climb at our own pace or group pace and reach the ridge - the cave - the top of the mountain exactly when we need to be there. And as we are ALL part of ONE Divine LIGHT, ONE Divine ENERGY which inhabits ALL Beingness it does not matter who is first and who is last. Thus, Divine LOVE is guiding us and we are weaving patterns of LOVE LIGHT all around Mother Earth which our Higher Self is fully aware of - even if our everyday, earthbound self is not ;-)


And NOW: Let us WEAVE a RIBBON of LOVE all around Mother Earth for the Full Moon, too!

We are




of ever evolving LIGHT!

We split into many souls

many bodies

and yet:



Let us grasp the MEANING of this underlying UNITY of ALL that IS tonight - each and everyone to the maximum extent we are able to!

And remember:


You are GOD's Will in Action

You are GOD's Love in Action

You are GOD's Divine Intelligence and Wisdom




this place.



Mother Earth!



 your Life

and thus



Let yourself be GUIDED.


Sonja Myriel RAouine



Views: 296

Replies to This Discussion

THANK YOU!!! - so very much for sharing your wonderful experience with all of us!

XXX Take care !  indead we are ONE! 

Lol! I love this picture, Frank ;-)

Have a great weekend,

Sonja Myriel

Haha it was in Luxembourg. Last year. We made a major campfire. Than into the freezing water and again back to the fire.  Just like a sauna!  hang on! XXX


Have you ever sat in a teepee with heavy RAIN outside, Frank? You need to have quite a fire to keep the rain out - and it's sooo hot! And when it gets too much, you simply go outside and stand in the rain for a while :-)

ENJOY Nature's embrace,

Sonja Myriel

haha I wil!  By the way. I lived for a year in a tent! Just because I liked it so much ! So Indead there was plenty of rain sometimes and the coldest night was -21 celcius !!! freezing brrr.  But fun......Frank

Sounds like a true challenge - and a great way to come to know your SELF :-)

You have all my admiration!

With LOVE in my HEART,

Sonja Myriel

With Love in my HEARTH......

Oh Vee ... sooo special what we experienced - and are NOW still experiencing together although we seem to live lives separated on two different continents



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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