lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light




Ashtar addressing the September 21, 2010


"Well, Greetings, Beloved Family!  So much is going on.  Can you feel
it?  You can just reach out and touch it, pull it into your fields, into
your Hearts, all that is transpiring in each moment.  And there is
something new occurring in each moment.  It's now coming out from behind
the scenes, it is now making itself known in the
A lot of the headlines are in other places in the world, but nevertheless, it
is as though the United States of America government is suddenly in a building
of glass.  The Capitol has become glass.  And you can see, and
everyone can see what is going on there, and it is being told far and


"And if you think there is
nothing going on there, because there are so many who are saying 'No', look
closer. There is so much that is going on. Dynamics amongst relationships are
being played out. The final hours are heavy with change and promise
of great, wondrous things about to burst upon the scene. No dates of
course, but we are saying sooner, rather than later. We are saying that the
climate, if you will, the atmosphere, is


"Those who are currently in the
houses of Congress and the Senate, who have been told by the voters, 'No more!
You're not coming back.'  They're looking at things from a different
perspective. And they're saying, 'Well, maybe we need to remember why we came
here in the first place, when we were young, and full of enthusiasm and energy
for helping to make change in this country.'  And there are some like
that. They didn't all land there with corruption in their


"Corruption is something that
grows quite well in Washington, D.C., and other places, of course, you can find
it anywhere, but it has been particularly prevalent there. And many times the
fresh, young, men and women who came there with such ideals, with such fervor,
with such dedication to making a difference and helping, genuinely helping
- well they got corrupted in the


"We are going to pause for a
moment to make a recommendation, and that is that you find a movie. Most likely
you will find it in the rental places for DVD's. You might find it on a TV
channel that features the old movies, and we would recommend that you take
another look, or see for the first time, a delightful, de-LIGHT-ful, of the
Light, offering, called 'Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.'  Ah hah, we know
some of you are in recognition of that!


"We aren't going to spoil the ending, but that is what is needed in Washington,
D.C., and that is what Washington, D.C. is getting right now, a form of 'Just
Say No
,' that is actually a good one, because more and more of the individuals,
not just in the Congress, but their aides, their assistants, their associates
in the other buildings where government is housed, they are saying 'no' to
So when you think about Washington, D.C. saying 'no,' remember, those who are
saying 'no' in public to anything that appears to be helpful to the people,
they're a minority compared to the ones who are just saying no to
corruption.  Ah hah!


"Now there are those who are scared. We shall be sending Love, Compassion,
Forgiveness and Gratitude to all involved, including those who are scared. And
why are they scared? Well, because they're
recognizing that they, too, are becoming more and more transparent, and that
the world is ready for change of the highest order. You might say Golden
change. And they also can feel it in the atmosphere, just as we can, Beloved
Ones, because we know it's happening. It's a done


"All we're doing is bringing it into the place of anchoring in what remains of
the third dimension, which really there isn't very much of, and certainly not
in your world. And if you're feeling third dimensional, lift yourselves
We have been discussing telepathic communications a great deal. And the reason
for it is that we want you to get used to listening to what
is coming in. Of course, it is wise to intend that only the highest vibrational
messages come into your energy fields, your being, your sacred space. And you
can always check on that. And you can always voice the intent, use the Violet
Ray and the White Light, and so on.


"Hear the messages coming now of
Freedom, of Joy, of Peace on Earth, yes, Peace on Earth, because that is part
of the package you know, this Reformation package. We're part of it too,
although you won't probably find that in writing. But, St. Germain himself has
been inspirational for centuries, seeing the needs of the people. St. Germain
was a lobbyist of the highest vibrational kind. (Now we know, that's another
story about Washington, D.C. We're not going


"St. Germain lobbied for the
people. And of course you know the famous quotation that came back to him as a
response when he tried over and over again, and he got the same answers from
the Queen of France, whose name was Marie Antoinette. And you know the famous
quotation, and it is called, 'Let them eat cake, if they can't afford bread.'
 That was her answer to what he was saying, that they were so poor they
couldn't even find a loaf of bread, they couldn't pay for a loaf of bread to
feed their families, and she said, 'Well then, let them eat


"Well you know what happened to
Marie Antoinette? Now we're not here to dwell on violence, so let's just say,
that she was removed from the stage. And so you have this array of characters
whose attitude is 'Let them eat cake.' And you have some rather interesting,
supposedly opposites among these characters, but it doesn't


"It doesn't matter whether they
are, humm, just having some kind of a tea party, or whether they are, old
timers who have been corrupted and they are greedy, and so on, and so on, or
whether they've been influenced by the lobbyists, the Wall Street Bankers, you
know, the oil companies, the neo-cons as you call them.  'Con' is a
good word is it not; in all of the corporations? It matters not what their
source of that attitude is. We're here to tell you that everybody's going to
get all the bread, and the cake, and all the goodies, and everything they


"And those that would say, 'Too
bad for the people,' those that have been corrupt and concentrating all of the
power within themselves, they're the ones that are being removed from the
stage. Many of them are gone, and you know that story. We won't go into that,
but you've got these programs that seem to still be running. But here we are
again, looking at the Truth of what they're doing, or having exposure, after
exposure, after exposure, of what they have been doing behind closed doors,
behind walls that they felt were so secure that nobody would ever catch


"Well just now, redo the entire structure of the Capitol building, and see it
as glass. Oh yes, it's beautiful, but what is really beautiful is the vision
that it presents. Is it not? Now you can send messages any way that you want to
do, but we are encouraging telepathic support for all of those who for one
reason or another, either because they got there un-corrupt and they still are,
and you know who some of those are, or
because they have been corrupt, but they have taken off the dark hat and
exchanged it for the white hat, and they've said, 'Ok, I'm not coming back.
This is my last chance to make amends,' or whether they're just jumping on the
band wagon because they think nobody's going to know where they've been, or
whatever the reason - makes no difference!  Support them, Beloved
Ones. We shall be supporting them in their


"We shall have a guest speaker,
who will lead an exercise for that, while at the same time we are supporting
Truth, more Truth. Let's hear it. Call for more Truth, and ye shall receive
it, 'Big Time.'  So we're pretty excited tonight. We're kind of
jumping and dancing around, because we know that the tellers of Truth, and the
observers of Truth, and you, Beloved Ones, discerners of Truth, are on the


"Mission is being accomplished in oh
so many ways. So breathe. And we ask that you check in momentarily in this
moment. Check in with yourselves. Look down in your hearts, and we are here to
suggest to you, that if you have any momentary waves of anger passing through
your energy fields, let them pass. Breathe! Breathe in Love! Breathe in
Compassion! Breathe in Forgiveness, and breathe in
Love of course, the greatest energy in the Universe, direct it to you, to
the white hats, to the dark hats, to the gray hats, to everybody in between, to
all of the Lightworkers, to the children, to those dwelling in the so-called
third world nations, who are aware, and who are feeling, and have been feeling
the weight of those who would enslave them, in the sweat shops of
manufacturing, on the farms where the countryies' governments provide them with
toxic materials to grow more, and the corporations provide them with seeds
which are GMO. Oh yes!


"Everyone on the Planet, and let
us remember also that the Animals, the beloved Animals, and the Plants, and the
Minerals, are being re-coded, re-encoded with Love, and with the empowerment
that Love brings. And then we have Compassion. Don't feel sorry for somebody
who is about to go from the stage, just be the compassionate observer. And you
can say, 'Well, you did your mission really well, and you taught me a lot, and
I send you with Love and Compassion.'


"And say to those people who, are at this moment, living
miserable lives, 'Compassion, Compassion - allow your tears to dry, and come up
to the high dimensional level of Compassion.'  Be the observer and send
out the messages from your Heart, that all is changing - fast. Reformation
will bring Joy and abundance to all, and it's close. Feel it! Breathe it in!
Reformation; Obama himself mentioned it in his speech when he said,
'Reformation is what is needed now.'

This was a while back in your time, not all that far back.
And he gives clues in every speech. It may be a phrase; it may be one sentence.
He gives clues in every speech that he makes. You might want to watch his
speeches, because it's a moment of high vibration and Joy to do so. If you want
to be the compassionate discerning observer, you might


"Forgiveness, ah yes, now we come to forgiveness.
Remember we asked if you identified some anger and let it kind of drift through
your fields. Well, send it on its way. Wave the Violet Light, do some Ho'o
ponoponos, whatever works best for you, quickly. Forgiveness, Forgiveness for
all involved; and guess where it starts, Beloved Ones? It starts with you, and
you, and you, and with all of us, because we have allowed, through our
co-creations, we have allowed the world to get to this
The dawn is dawning. The darkness is giving way. Your Forgiveness will assist
exponentially in the bright Light of the Golden Sun shining for all
upon the Planet perpetually. Well, there are going to be some changes in
your atmosphere too, so stay tuned, but the Sun will shine for all. It's there,
it's shining now.


"But sometimes there are clouds
that obscure it. Sometimes incidents happen. And yes, we understand that many
people are finding that their home, their city, their country even, may not be
the place where they feel the highest vibrations, and they are drawn someplace
else. Listen to your Hearts, Beloved Ones. Do not keep yourself locked in
somewhere because you're afraid to get out of the 3D box, or because you feel
guilty and you've got to stay there, because otherwise to leave would be
creating more guilt, or whatever.


"Now is the time for absolute
Forgiveness, including for yourselves. You've got to enjoy these wonderful
changes which are coming, this abundance. So forgive. Forgive the Wall Street
brokers, forgive the ones who came, and the Sheriff who took your home away.
Forgive the ones who have created unhappiness for you. Yes, forgive the IRS and
all of the government agencies that have been so repressive. Forgive, forgive,
forgive - you'll help move NESARA's announcement forward


"And now we come to the best
part of Forgiveness and Compassion, which is loving Gratitude. Yes, 'Thank you
so much.' Attitude of Gratitude, I AM. Whenever you start to feel as though
somebody has done you wrong, or you look on the television and there is the
'tan man' [Congressman Boehner] telling you he wants to take away your
social security and all of that. Or, you happen to hear that Rushie [Limbaugh]
telling you the exact opposite of Truth, and you know he's out there. Thank


"In a loving way with Compassion and Forgiveness, thank them. Because they're
starting to look not only transparent, but let's face it, a wee bit, some of
them, so far out that they're just really what you call over the
Do you remember the woman - she didn't quite make it past the primaries,
do you remember the woman who was on national tv - who thought it would be
a good idea to take a chicken to your doctor, if you didn't have the money to
pay? Now she was calling back the revolutionary times, the times of the
beginnings of this country, the times even going farther back into Europe, and
actually into the entire world, where bartering was a way of life. Well you can
have a bit of a laugh, and you can say, 'Well, that was very


"But get ready, because
we're going to reach a point where everybody has so much gold, nobody really
cares. And we're going to go farther than that, and we're going to go into 5D,
where you create, manifest, or call forth, whatever it is that you want. And
when you give, whatever, pieces of gold, to anyone, just because you feel like
giving out of Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude, it doesn't matter to
you if you get anything in return. That's one step past bartering. That's 5D
living. And it's coming. It's coming. 


"So even though you have people going on and on about the cost of living going
up and the paychecks are not, and so on, and so on, and you can find gloomy
doomy news anywhere you choose to look, choose to look for the bright ones, the
bright spots. Choose to say, 'Thank you senator, or congress person, or whoever
is writing your speeches, because you've done great good, whether you've
really had
your Heart and mindset unwavering to help the people that you're representing,
like Mr. Smith, or whether you have allowed the system to corrupt you and put
you into the box.
Or whether you have been one of the really, really, really dark hats, who've
been here to corrupt and enslave everyone else.  Thank you so much for
showing us where we've been, and where we don't want to be anymore, and we're
flying free of the boxes that you have created.  We're flying free of the
dogmas, of the rules, of the enslavements, and the generally depressive,
oppressive way that you have been treating the World, and we're not going to
buy into your programs anymore, because we are freeing


"You see we can't do it for you,
Beloved Ones, you've got to be in participation with us, and that's exactly
where you are. We are, what you might say, on the leading edge.  You know
why the Ashtar Command is here, you know why there are three trillion or
so ships parked, you know why there have been more and more sightings.
It's because we're bringing reality to Planet Earth, we're bringing Truth,
we're bringing Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, Gratitude, and gold, abundance,
food, technologies, free energy. And if it's already here on the Planet, we're
helping to bring it forth.


"And, here's a late-breaking thought for you. We just want
to take this moment to mention it. We're not going to be presenting any bills
to you to pay for what we're bringing. How about that? Is that not just
absolutely de-lightful? So think about that. Not only is your fictitious
deficit going to be wiped out when NESARA is announced, but we're not going to
lay any more debt upon you. We're going to give to you. Well, St. Germain has
it in his bank. It's already there. So, we want it to be upbeat. We want you to
know and have absolute confirmation, and call it up within yourselves, Beloved
Ones, these changes we're talking about. This is reality. This is


"When we gathered last time we did an exercise for Truth
to come out. 
Well, if you thought back to that, you certainly must be starting to feel how
powerful we are together, co-creating, and it's because you, Beloved Ones, have
given so beautifully of your time, your energies and your Love, to join us in
this Family, to be together, to co-create all that the world has been waiting
for. And we honor you, and we express to you our Love because, without you it
would not be happening. So stay tuned!


have great work, great mission work. We have great Joy to create together for
the world, because the times they are changing now.  So we ask that you
feel it, enjoy it.  And stand by, we're going to have a little music, and
then our guest speaker will be joining us, and he will come forth to speak, and
to lead an exercise to empower even more, what we have just been
And so I Ashtar, move aside, and thank you, Beloved Ones, for being a part of
this audience. Let the Truth shine forth. Let your Love beam the Planet, and be
in the high vibrations of Love, which is your reality, your Truth, and your
sacred home space.  And so it is! 



Additional Note from Ashtar:  "We are asking each
of you to take a brief moment to email your US
representative and senators* to request them to watch the movie
"Mr. Smith
Goes to Washington
," and to suggest that they be a Mr. or Ms.
Smith, speaking up for the people in the face of almost overwhelming pressure
to do otherwise!" 


Given through
Susan Leland, September 21, 2010.
 © Ashtar on the Road Publications 2010.  All rights
reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely
on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered
or deleted.


*To find your US
Senators' or Representative's websites:


Other notes: Be sure to check out the information on
our new website:
.  We are continuing to add
articles which we hope will be interesting and helpful to you, as well as
offering the energy tools for sale.  Thanks to all of you who have placed
orders - we are filling them as fast as we can!  If you
wish additional information on the tools, email Elise at


information to share from our Family member in Calgary, Canada for your
"Want to see the northern lights? 
Can't see them from where you live?  Don't want to change your wardrobe
and travel to the great white north to see them.....  Well...the
government of Canada has come to your rescue. They have installed a web cam of
sorts near Yellowknife in the Northwest Territories north of the Arctic circle
and connected the cam to the internet.
this link for the story
this link for the view
"Note that the camera only works when
the sky is dark.  Starting soon, that will be almost all day until the
spring arrives."    Jim, Calgary

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Replies to This Discussion

What a joy!!
This is great news... It is a blessing to be here at this moment in time... Thanks Ashtar... Thank you Angela for one more of the many wonderful messages you always bring us... God bless you and yours...



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!



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