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Turmeric, Indian saffron , turmeric root , wild saffron , Indian saffron
Curcuma longa

Turmeric, Indian saffron , turmeric root , wild saffron , Indian saffron

Curcuma longa

Turmeric, Indian saffron , turmeric root , wild saffron , Indian saffron
Photo of Turmeric, Indian saffron , turmeric root , wild saffron , Saffron of the Indies - - - http : / / ~ Katzer /

- scientific or Latin name : Curcuma longa

- Common name or vulgar : Turmeric , Indian saffron , turmeric root , wild saffron , Indian saffron

- Family: Zingiberaceae ( Zingiberaceae ).

- Source: South Asia.

- herbaceous species , perennial , rhizomatous , of 1 m in height.

- The leaves are broad , long petioled , oval or lanceolate, light green.

- Flowers can have different colors depending on variety, yellow, purple , etc. arranged in cylindrical spikes , concave , usually green, and flowers whose armpits are born .

- Flowering occurs in summer, and then the leaves wilt .

- The main rhizome is fleshy , ovate , pyriform and his leaving other , secondary rhizomes , elongated , somewhat cylindrical and tender.

- Turmeric is a rhizome or underground stems which are those used for centuries as a condiment , dye and medicinal stimulant .

Culinary uses

- The smell of turmeric is spicy and fresh and the taste is bitter , pungent with a touch of musk, reminiscent of orange and ginger.

- In terms of its culinary uses an ingredient of curry powder just giving its characteristic yellow color . The Curry is a mixture of spices is always present in traditional Indian cuisine .

- It is suitable for fish and egg dishes and rice.

- It's great for an Indonesian curry shrimp , rice , Madras (India ) or the chicken curry and also for fish and shrimp skewers marinated .

- It is often used as a color to replace saffron, because it is much cheaper but you can not compare in terms of flavor that gives the aforementioned saffron.

- In Asia , had long discovered that the rhizome, reduced to dust , it allows to preserve freshness , flavor and nutritional value of food.

- It is yellow and has been and is the most widely used dye in the cuisine of India. Apart from its culinary uses has also been used for coloring textiles.


- It has been cultivated for more than two thousand years in India , China and the Middle East and now grown in all tropical regions of the world.

- It's a kind of tropical or subtropical climate .

- can not stand frost.

- thrives in loose soils , fertile humíferos , enabling the smooth development of the rhizomes , with good moisture content, but well drained.

- They are not suitable compacted soils , poor drainage , where water can stagnate.

- Soil preparation should be meticulous and thorough , as the useful portion is a rhizome that should be favored in its development. It is also important that the property is free of weeds.

- The planting of the rhizome should be carried out from late winter to early spring . Planting distance can be between 0.70 and 0.30 lines between plants , which vary mainly depending on the machinery available , the depth of 0.10 m will be covering them with soil.

- The collection of the rhizomes is done during the fall, after leaf drop . rhizomes are extracted with the help of shovels or plow through , taking care not to damage them , boil , thus follows the outer shell and the egg yolks and are exposed to sunlight for five to seven days to dry. Finally, classified by their quality and is usually ground to be sold.

- Harvesting is done at 10 months after planting.

- Playback is performed from buds or fingers that arise in the rhizome itself in the last year of growth and that gives rise to a new plant renewed.

- It is also possible through seeds, but is not commercially , but on rhizomes. The selection of rhizomes must be rigorous, preferring those vigorous and excellent health.

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I believe it either lowers blood pressure or cholestoral. Don't recall which one. But I am cooking with it (curry) often.
Me too :-) - and the Curcuma in Curry is very good against cancer - most preventive! Make sure to add some pepper, too - these two together are said to work miracles - lol!

Blessed BE,

Sonja Myriel



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Sonja Myriel RAouine

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