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10-10-10 Stargate - Lightworker to the New Human

 Ashira - Sm Vertical copy

Message from Naeshira | Ashira

Telepathic transmission 15 September 2010

Meredith Murphy |


The remaining aspects within the year are for reminding you of your inner glory and awakening your multidimensional eye to light (information).  This inner eye is held in such high regard, that its availability is entrusted to those whose frequency has already elevated to love and compassion.  For the knowing that accompanies the activation of this inner eye is expansive and precise.  Clarity begins to permeate your experience in a way which is transformative and liberating; which might also be alarming, confusing and overwhelming, if one had not already progressed to a state where the Law of One was beginning to re-organize your cells, your alignments and your perceptions.

From within this orientation to new ways of seeing, vistas appear which are not always understood, but over time your clarity will improve.  In the beginning you will notice new angles of light—shimmering flashes in your peripheral vision, likewise forms will appear to you even with your eyes closed—such as the energetic templates of thoughtforms--as your visibility begins to expand beyond 3d layers of reality.

In addition, there is a profound sense of knowing which is circular and looping, ever aware of all potentials and possibilities.  This is a vast improvement from the limited 3d sense of factual, linear and/or singular concepts.  Your knowing becomes attuned to ever evolving, constantly changing potentials--and you are able to navigate moment to moment from a truly quantum state of clarity and participation!

The inner eye, as it is called, is visual and yet often one experiences this as knowing they see something rather than seeing something.  Some will have both this knowing and the actually visual apparatus present.  One is not better than the other; these are personal preferences determined by your own sensibilities and natures, nothing more.  Not a reflection of consciousness in terms of how high your vibration is. 

Expansive, non-linear, quantum informed inner knowing awakened!

Now what?

The 10-10-10 Stargate is a powerful point of alignment.  These dates exist for maximum opportunities to shift timelines in concordance with collective belief systems evolving and newer paradigms becoming integrated.  Unified focus—meaning unified beliefs, substantially unified beliefs arriving in focus upon a specific now point, creates the opportunity to shift timelines.  Such is the opportunity of the 1-10-10 Stargate.  Remember, a Stargate is a portal.

Once the timeline is shifted, the collective has immediate, spontaneous access to the new paradigms and to alignment and participation in the new timeline! 

This does not mean that all existing forms of conscious life on the Earth will immediately embrace the new paradigms.  Oh that would be a denial of free will.  However all those born after this moment, will indeed come forth harmoniously aligned and innately understanding the new paradigms.  In order for those existing on the planet to integrate the new paradigms there must be willingness and allowing.  (You do, after all, live in a free will universe!)  When these (willingness and allowing) are present the integration of more liberating thoughtforms will take place upon the shifting of timelines!  All who desire to experience the new, more expansive consciousness available will receive the upgrade, in parcels which they need to re-organize and shift their being to the new frequency and perspective platform.

Following 10-10-10 there will be a re-assessment of the progress toward a higher frequency Earth plane and messages and infusions of Light from those who are participating with you from beyond your human reference point, will reflect the new foundation existing on the Earth, following the shift in timelines and will once more endeavor to inform you, encourage you and participate with you in the ascending process of Earth.

Your role?

Your role is to encounter yourself fully.

This is so much more than you perhaps consider.

We speak to the innately multidimensional nature of the emergent New Human.  And also the wholeness which continually expands as you integrate an ever-enlarging understanding of your true identity.

To liberate this expansive re-integration of self, there must first be a clearing.  Many of you are experiencing the multiple phases of release and clearing that prepare you for the multidimensional living you've intended.  The many "letting-go" moments, the heat in your bodies, the moments you are awakened to allow key upgrades to take place during the quiet hours of your night, the continual refinement of your sense of self...all of these are or facilitate, essential upgrades to your vessel.

Within this moment of introspection and awareness and in approach of the September Equinox--a powerful moment of balance and alignment-- you must seek out and release all limiting thoughtforms which in any way discredit your Divine nature.  This it the remaining stronghold of the old energetic paradigms; the refusal to fully embrace yourself with loving delight and great joy.

Although you may find this simple and perhaps not lofty enough, we encourage you to realize that your own wholeness requires a full commitment to embracing all facets of you with divine love, and the curiosity and interest of one caring for a treasured and ever inventive living presence.  You are morphing and integrating new information, reorganizing and becoming increasingly whole.  Do not focus on what is yet to be done except in noticing it and moving toward its completion.  Otherwise focus on the momentum and the improved experiences you are having as you increase the love-factor in your own life!

Imagine that you are an endlessly blooming, expanding energetic flower of sorts, and that your visibility to your petals and layers continually enlarges, and with this enlargement your delight is magnificient!

Cultivate a sense of your own expansive awareness and find ways to reconnect with this throughout the day.

A morning practice is a divine way to begin this.  IN sleep you are naturally ONE with All-That-Is and your body, mind, emotions and spirit are in perfect harmony and balance.  When you awaken, take time to notice this quality within your experience and take note of the characteristics of this feeling. 

What is it like to be fully one and ONE? 

Quite comfortable and peaceful isn’t it?  For the mind and for all of you.  Enjoy and savor this experience each morning and throughout the day summon your memories of this fully harmonious, expanded, integrated state when you can.  The goal is to cultivate living in this balanced, harmonious expanded state more and more.  To do so requires self-love; for any form of self-negation is resistance to wholeness and balance.  So notice, clear out and uproot these.  And cultivate the new integrated, divinely resourced and expanded YOU.  This is the playground of the New Human; beginning with your home base—your own vessel and focal point, and eventually connecting to your expanded self—the Earth, the Universe—noticing and articulating the experience and sensibility of each of these.  But I get ahead of myself.

And now I have something very important to share with you, which may surprise some of you.

Your role IS NOT in transmuting energy for others.  It is not in sending healing energy to the Earth.  The Earth and others are on their own individual paths to ascension.  They are fully informed FROM WITHIN as you are and have no need of your unsolicited advice or energy transmissions.  Only when asked shall you give focus to these extended aspects of you—those which have their own focal point.

There is a lingering aspect of powerlessness being projected onto other entirely sovereign aspects of the Universe, which is hidden in these actions.  Your psychology calls this co-dependence.  And it lives on in many Lightworkers.  Notice this in your own lives as you may still not be receiving the abundance and clarity around your work and self-expression which you desire, and yet?  What are you doing?  Giving giving giving to others and the earth as though you have everything.

You do, indeed have everything, but until you can create a way of allowing it in for yourself, you are not in possession of your own divine resources. They are in limbo awaiting a sense of worthiness, an openness and ability to flow into your life.  This is what you must focus on if you are not already overflowing with abundance in your life—in love, in finances, in clarity, in relationships, in joy, in health and wellness.  Your own wholeness is of utmost importance and must be your primary concern.  No one else can do this for you!  And you cannot do this for anyone else.  The idea that you can is an old paradigm that implied some are powerful and some are not.  This is clearly not accurate.  Let go of this and you will find an amazing amount of resources at your command for doing what you do best—focusing light and creating!

The invitation dear Lightworkers, is to transition from Lightworkers TO the New Human.  To come forth as the New Human in the New Earth and get on with the business of creating, expressing, harmonizing and enjoying the love and unity which are flowing into your experience!

Furthermore, you have a role in the creation of culture and civiliazation which is far more expansive than anything you are aware of.  To approach this mantle, you must first make the passage to claiming what you know and who you are.  The days of stepping up and into this role are close at hand (some of you are already playing here!) and the fun of this scenario is extravagant!  Outrageous! Prepare yourselves!

Call forth all the support and insight you need by asking.  Focus your attention on aligning and balancing your energies.  Use the morning awareness of oneness to learn more how to find this expanded and naturally harmonious balance within yourself.  Learn to listen and give your allegiance entirely to your inner sense of truth and clarity.  Love yourself until nothing anyone else says matters at all to you in any way.  Marvel and the diversity around you!  Use it for inspiration and ideas if you like!  Your life is your life is your life is your life…is this clear? 

You have a sacred purpose.  You have an entirely divine blueprint which has an important role in creating the civilization of the New Earth.  You are needed, vital and profoundly love.

Move into alignment with this at once.  Let go of all else.

I remain, divinely focused on your efforts and report that the heavens are united in our ceaseless enjoyment and happiness as your expansion continues to unfold.


I AM Naeshira | Ashira.

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Replies to This Discussion

Thank you Sonja! I find these words very inspiring!
Hi Anna, god to hear from you again :-)

Blessed BE,

Sonja Myriel



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


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This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


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