lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
Rose Ray Grid created by Shekina Rose Designed by Mary Angelico
Blue Ray Transmissions
Rose Ray Mother Mary Visitations Activating the
Sacred Order of the Mother
The heart of the Mother of Creation is appearing on the planet through the Rose Ray and being anchored through Mother Mary and Shekinah. It is through the sacred heart of Mother Mary and the Holy Spirit of Shekinah that the Rose Ray along with the Blue Ray is assisting in restoring the God essence to fully manifest into form for humanity. This enables the Mother of the World's heart to return to transform human suffering, resurrecting the Christ body and the Divine Original Blueprint. 333
Rose Ray
The Rose Ray carries the Divine love of Creation through the Mother's Heart and acts as protection from lower, dark energies, while raising vibrational frequency. It works at a deep cellular level of healing of Divine love that will amplify all of your spiritual gifts and sacred work. It will transmute lingering damaged genetics, attuning you to the Christ template. 44.
Mother Mary Orders Clans
The sacred seals of the Mother Mary Orders are being activated within you that it is now safe and time for the Christed female to re-emerge; all women and men who are ready to carry the frequency of the Holy Grail Codes are to awaken. The grail codes within the Rose Ray from the Order of Mary impart an alchemical process of divine ancient power and love. They awaken the angelic DNA Codes of cellular regeneration and transcendence through the Holy Spirit Shekinah via the rays of creation.
Mother of Creation is calling you through:
Mother Mary Order and the Rose Ray
Sisters of the Sacred Rose
Shekinah Order
Holy Lineage of the Mother
Order of Mary Magdalene
Many of you carry the Creator codes from the offices of Christ that became the disciples of the Mary clans. In the Creator Codes are the angelic DNA that manifested as the ancient Lemurians, Atlanteans and Egyptians, dolphins, whales, mermaids, fairies and more of the sacred lineages. These holy strands of Divine DNA are awakening now to create a synergy of Source Creation power to provide all that your energy fields and crystalline bodies need to be a Christed ascended being to carry the new Earth.
This holy ascension mastery activation of the sacred seals can only be awakened and accessed through the sacred heart or higher heart and through a purification process of your body and being. Many of you have been going through this transcendence and transmutation process for some time and these are the final pieces to your ascension.
The Rose Ray anointing dispensation through the Blue Ray provides this process for you to awaken to the Creator Codes. This is not the only dispensation, for there are other ways and systems that are awakening your Christed self. The Language of Light through the Mother's Frequency is a prophecy that would take place at the end of the cycle of time that would bring the new man of light. It is also the angelic language of the angels that creates healing miracles and transcendence for the embodiment of your Divine original blueprint.
The Rose Ray anointing and the Language of Light are a powerful synergy when used together and open the gateways to the higher heavens to prepare the body and being for the new Earth. 22
Rose Ray at Cathedral Rock Sedona AZ
The Rose Ray and Mother Mary's sacred heart are manifesting in real life in physical form so you will know that you have stepped into the new Earth and it is time for this reawakening. This is happening by visitations by the Mother Mary, sacred divine feminine, and seeing the Rose Ray of Creation physically on Earth.
How to Experience the Rose Ray
Go to your higher heart and call on the "Rose Ray Mother Mary Shekinah Dispensation" for she knows you and will come into your life with blessings. The Mother's heart lives within you and wishes to be reawakened, for as you accept her divine love and essence, you anchor this healing to the world. You become the emissary of her divine love, raising the frequency of the planet that activates the sacred codes of life.
Mother Mary Rose Ray Visitations
The Mother Mary Visitations occurred on Christmas Eve 2011 to anchor the Rose Ray of the Sacred Heart through the Holy Spirit of Shekinah. This is bringing the Mother of the World's heart to transform the sadness of human suffering that awakens the essence of God in human form the Angelic Human DNA and Christ embodiment.
It was unexpected as I sat down with a friend as we intended on meditating to the Christ Consciousness on Christmas Eve. We both started bawling together as Mother Mary came and we were not able to speak for two hours as she bathed us in the most incredible Rose Ray and Holy Spirit Light. As we both came to and looked at each other, we thought only a half hour had gone by. We then blurted out simultaneously, "Mother Mary!"
Since the Mother Mary visitations, others who have experienced her divine Love of the Rose Ray have had miraculous physical, spiritual and emotional healings. To spread her divine love, the Rose Ray Miracle Water was placed at the Mother Mary Altar, Cathedral Rock vortex in Sedona, AZ, to purify the Earth and heart of humanity. On one of the visits to the Mother Mary Altar, she asked for pictures to be taken as they would be transmissions and testaments of the Rose Ray Heart. Below and above are just some of the many amazing photos that were taken.
The Lady of Guadalupe
Mesoamerica, the New World, 1521: The capital city of the Aztec empire falls under the Spanish forces. Less than 20 years later, 9 million of the inhabitants of the land, who professed for centuries a polytheistic and human sacrificing religion, are converted to Christianity. What happened to precipitate such an upward conversion?
December 9, 1531: Juan Diego hears music and a woman's voice calling to him. At the crest of the hill he sees a radiantly beautiful woman, who reveals that she is Our Lady, the Mother of God. She instructs Juan Diego to go to the local bishop and tell him that a temple should be built in her honor at the base of the hill.
Juan Diego proceeds directly to Tlatelolco and the palace of Bishop Juan de Zumárraga, a Franciscan friar. The bishop receives him, but is reluctant to believe Juan Diego's story. A discouraged Juan Diego returns to Tepeyac Hill, and admits his failure to Our Lady. She directs him to again go to the bishop, and repeat her request.
December 10, 1531 (Sunday): Juan Diego returns to the bishop's palace. The bishop questions him for a long time, and finishes by telling Juan Diego that he needs a sign to believe that Our Lady sent him. On his return to Tepeyac Hill, Juan Diego tells her of the bishop's demand. She promises to fulfill it the next day when Juan Diego visits her again.
When Juan Diego arrives before the skeptical Bishop Zumárraga, he opens his tilma and the roses fall to the floor. However, Juan Diego has more than roses as a sign, for a portrait of Our Lady appears on the coarse fabric of the tilma. The bishop and his whole household are filled with amazement. The Bishop and people fulfill Juan Diego's request, and build a temple dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe. The roses are a miracle as these flowers did not grow in that region or climate nor could roses grow in one day.
Fast forward to 2011-2012: It is my belief that Mother Mary apparitions and visitations are representative of the Divine Mother of creation returning to us, this time in the form of Rose Ray energy rather than roses. We are ready. For such a long time, this energy was withdrawn from Gaia/Earth in order to protect Itself for the right time to return. As we on Earth become more and more Heart-centered, this Rose Ray of Creation is being made evident. The Rose Ray Violet Flame is a great cleanser and transmuter at the core level, restoring us individually therefore collectively into the limitless perfection and limitless abundance of God. ---
Shekina Rose 44
Goddess Tree at Cathedral Rock AZ where Mother Mary Annointing Event will take place for Rose Ray initations
very nice! fits right in with the candle i made yesterday and is stilll burning!
also, it was nice to see Juan Diego mentioned. I happen to be of the "Diego" halpogroup (or blood type) as I do not have type A, B or O. This was named after him I believe. If I had the funds I would get one of her healing sessions STAT, but alas, single mom in the states with no child support and only charging minimal fees for the readings and healings I do for others leaves me still struggling to pay rent each month and I haven't had a car for months. Perhaps I am capable of healing these things on my own, or creator will manifest the funds for me to do so! xox
Pink Rays of Mary light :-)))
I always felt that the violet Ray was a combination of the pink ray and the blue ray - and now we have the rose ray of the Divine Feminine ... combining with Michael's God Will Ray of BLUE light ... I will work with these and the Merkabah, too!
I feel a new sense of CONNECTION between us - and I realize how important it is that we have found each other! We are here to learn how to UNCONDITIONALLY support each other - and thus truly UNITE in SPIRIT ... and our awakening to our true identity will help humanity to wake up in WAVES upon WAVES of enlightenment, too ...
And I see that what I write sounds not so very much different from what has been said often, already, and yet, I feel a new MEANING and SENSE in it ...
Last night I woke up some more to my own Divinity - an activation of Christ Codes took place and I am now integrating new possibilities.
Stasha and Sarah, I am sending you both a loving sister's hug and rose ray kisses :-))
Sonja Myriel
sarah are you still here? i feel you are en route?
this is what just happened:
hello all.
i am deeply saddened by sarah's situation. nearly everyone i have ever loved, including my best friend and high school sweetheart passed away when i was young and my husband left me shortly after i gave birth to our second child, which also felt like a death as we now have minimal to no contact. my son is in ireland with his father and my daughter is here in the states with me. i felt her pain so deeply. it aches my soul. i made a few altars for her:
you will see the snow white, the twin owls mother and child bronze elephants, a photo of my son and i... and a million other things. i burned a chinese hell note which is burnt as an offering to those who have passed for her ex.
i feel she may be in a bit of a shock - numbness phase and i focused on it so strongly that i somehow shifted into a lower dimension again.
when i am in the higher dimensions, i am so happy, creative, everything flows and i actually LOVE the sunlight (ive been a night time owl girl my whole life) my daughter and i get along amazingly, even my mother who still to this day hides her involvement/knowledge of the cabal in our family.
i also had the mary magdalene experience. my mary experience was last year. that was intense! i had my first memories of being jesus when i was about 16 or 17, i was crossing over a bridge in northern california near mt shasta and rocks were being thrown at my feet.
the newest experiences i have had that have been sooo loving and light have been of st germain.
one of my dear friends told me my first christ activation at 16 i was not ready for (i was also HEAVILY medicated at the time, and far too stuck in the physical.) so i believe i started the colors of the rainbow all over again. coming full circle with st germain this morning. i felt so high, i went to sarahs altar and prayed to take her pain and transmute it. i have been energy healing for 11 years and had never felt more capable than this morning. and then something happened. i am not sure what exactly triggered it. but im back down again. and i don't mean energetically. im back in the lower as we speak. dearest brothers and sisters i truly need help~ i conducted two healings this morning for clients... both were repeat clients, so i do not believe it was a psychic attack from one of them. but something somehow, when i prayed for sarah has pulled me back down.
when this happens it is one of two things. sarah is in SEVERE pain and heartache and/or something connected to her ex's death has either entered me or pulled me back down.
this was the other altar i was praying to:
i am trying desperately to stay out of my mind and out of fear, but being an empath already and knowing i am "elsehwere" i desperately need your help.
if anyone is a distance or remote healer, can you please help me.
my own daughter is talking to me like dirt, she keep saying trigger type of words that bring me back to being hospitalized as a teenager. i have a feeling this is something else and it could possibly reverse my progress. i come from a very unique bloodline and i have always been a target. but not like this. i hardly ever deal with souls who have passed on. but i am feeling this may even be the spirit of her ex. but as i do not work with this energy often i dont want to assume or add power to it. can someone please help?
love you all
Hi, this same thing has happened to me when I prayed with my dear friend for her healing from cancer. I was so very weak afterwards. It helped her but I spent the next day in bed and then it went away. I feel that people like you and I that have big hearts are so susceptible to negativity that we readily absorb it and it affects us because we want so much for things to work out right. So be strong, understand that everything right now is striving for balance. It is hard for me here too. It is like when you get really mad and your adrenalin is rushing, just know that if you hold on things will be better soon!
Dearest Sarah of white,
I am writing to say I am so excited to have come to this site as I have been seeing a pink ray over the last two weeks, I have experienced AA Chamuel before at one of my groups I teach and that was awesome as I felt half of my body embraced by the experience. But the pink ray was just in my home in front of me, I did wonder how come I am now seeing a ray of beaming pink light and now it has made sense.
A little like the penny has droped, and everything makes sense. I have not seen a blue ray although along time ago a violet ray appeared over my crown. That is why I now feel inclined to take the violet flame as sacred and special, it feels as if everything is coming in quite quickly. jan marie Angel blessings
Greetings, to speak about the colors. I met the greatest love of my life this year, as we were together I saw the swirling colors of pink and blue. I kept getting impressions of these colors.
Hi Tammy, this picture is for you :-) I took it during this month's Full Moon Ceremony, some days ago ... BLESSED BE,
Sonja Myriel
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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July 3rd-4th 2014 and March 20th-21st 2015:
SUN and Central Sun Connection
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