lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Usful Info for the coming days!




The Cosmic Ray of Universal Service

By Children of the Sun



New Directive from St. Germain


St. Germain, one of the Ascended Master Avatars leading us into the Golden Age and one who holds front row seating in the Children of the Sun Council of 12, has just issued a new and most glorious directive. All light servers who are part of this collective mission in the roles of wayshower, teaching, healing and communications must now come as One Mission to share the truth of the I AM Presence to all people who have open hearts and inquiring minds.

We are a little more than just two years away from the first ascension gateway. Our preparatory passage through the years of 2011 and 2012 is the most  important phase of all of our earthly embodiments combined. It is imperative that a certain number of us make full transition into the new I AM Avatar consciousness blueprint in order to blaze the way for the rest of Humanity to follow.


St. Germain has decreed that we must now make it our highest priority in daily life to give rhythmic attention and constant focus with our mighty I AM Presence as the only Presence acting in all activity, both individually and as a group. This is no more a mental exercise, he says, but an integrated, fully embodied experience and reality!

The Cosmic Ray of Universal Service

Joining our Universal I AM Family of Light

We have finally approached the time for the lifting of the veils, that we might receive the wisdom and knowledge of our Divine Inheritance through the Kingdom of God within. In this current cycle of energy, we are receiving group initiation for soul advancement into the monadic level of consciousness to more intimately experience and embody our true eternal nature, the mighty I AM Presence of our being.

In this collective focus, we are being overlighted by the great cosmic beings from On High, expressing as Universal I AM Intelligence and one luminous field of Mother-Father God in action. With us are the great avatars, angels and cosmic beings of our Universe including the many nameless and formless ones, silent watchers, teachers, record keepers, spiritual guardians and ancestors who have watched over the human race for millions of years.

Through this beautiful platinum ray of light at a Universal level, we are able to enter into the Ascension Seat of the Brotherhood of the Light in Orion, holding the core focus of all the teachings of light on this earth plane and overlighted by our own I AM Presence. Orion is the prominent constellation located on the celestial equator and most easily recognized in the night sky by the Belt of Orion, three bright stars in a row.


~ Our Gifts ~

The way is being opened so that we may learn how to hold the frequency and vibrational signature of our I AM Presence within our form, sustained and without waiver, each and every moment of our daily life. Prepare yourselves in these coming days for greater and greater self empowerment and heart-mind activation as we are initiated into greatness and much closer intimacy with our universal I AM family. We are being assisted in every way so that we may feel, adore, know and call forth our mighty God Presence as the only Presence acting on every level of our life expression.

In the next two years leading up to the 2012 ascension gateway, we are being gifted with detailed instructions in how to hold our unwavering faith and rhythmic focus in the activity of the BECOMING, and to sacredly walk as a self-realized Christ Presence upon this sacred Earth.

This great knowledge will be shared through a special dispensation from the Great Central Sun and will enter into our awareness through many different forms such as nightly sojourns, through dreams, prayer and meditation, the crystalline grid, intuition, thought transference, conversations, imaginations, and visions. Children of the Sun Foundation will also disseminate this information as group grid focus supported by new educational programming.



 The Mighty I AM Presence

The Light of God that Never Fails!

The mighty "I AM Presence" is an electronic body of blazing light substance that is individualized within each of us as the flame of life from the heart of Mother-Father God. It is our true nature... that imperishable, eternal and individual identity of each and every human being. It is that which we have been seeking to return for millennia of lifetimes, The Great God Self, which never misuses life's energy nor sends out anything but Perfection.

As the highest divine aspect of our vast multidimensional constitution, the I AM Presence is the original seed of Love and the immortal nucleus of our entire being. It is the Source of every constructive impulse... thought, feeling and action. Its unifying, cohesive nature is the source of all the love, wisdom and power required to overcome absolutely anything and everything that is of discordance and limitation.

As we develop intimate relationship with and give constant adoration to our I AM Presence, miracles begin to happen including instant manifestation, spontaneous transformation and absolute knowing. This occurs simply through the constancy of our unwavering focus placed upon the Greater. In doing so, spiritual energy around us intensifies and expands as the points of light within every cell of our flesh body respond in tremendous gratitude. As our attention continuously pours out Love to the I AM of our being, an impenetrable radiance of light forms around our body encasing us in a protective tube of light of great magnetization and transformative influence to the outer world.

God, expressing as the mighty I AM Presence within each of us, is the authority of the entire Universe. As we give sincere attention to our I AM Presence each and every day and allow this supreme authority of our own consciousness to govern and be ever present in the forefront of our lives, personal transformation and the collective ascension is dramatically quickened.

The I AM Presence hears, sees, thinks, feels and responds to only Perfection on its level of cosmic service. As we consistently give adoration, feel gratitude and qualify our every activity with and through this energy stream, our daily positive impact upon life is immeasurable.

This is especially amplified when our focus is consciously combined with all of the beings of light from On High supporting our dimensional transition. Together we coherently serve as Universal I AM, operating within all cosmic dimensions and radiating the patterns of perfection of Mother/Father God in action.



 The Planetary Grid Transmissions
New Moon, September 8

 Pouring Out Love to the Greater

In this new moon transmission, we are receiving group initiation for soul advancement into the monadic level of consciousness. With support from this platinum colored Cosmic Ray, we journey deep into the silence of our being to directly experience the vastness of our Supreme Self and as this is one with the infinite diversity of perfection within Universal I AM.

Through the sacred fires of cosmic light, we are allowing the patterns of perfection to flow into our mighty heart flames to release the love of the universe and to simultaneously burst any remaining chords of separation and discordant programming.

In receiving this Love through our own I AM Presence, we are in turn feeling the action of "pouring out love" in a return flow to the entire Universe. As we generate love to the Greater, we are constantly asking that Greater to teach us of itself.


This is the return of  Super Consciousness!

Fifth Cosmic Ray of Universal Service ~ New Moon September 8th

Through our connection to all the Beings of Light from On High, Mother Father God, and our Mighty I Am Presence,

we are presented with the opportunity to step into a deeper level of Service.

As wayshowers, Light workers, starseeded Ones, teachers and healers,

we are offered this mantle of leadership through the One Mission,

of awakening the hearts and minds of all Humanity,

and to share the teachings of Light through the becoming of our I AM Presence.

To lift all Life into the Patterns of Perfection,

as these first wave Souls in full embodiment of our I Am Presence and our I Am Avatar Blueprint of Light;

our perfected Adam Kadmon Blueprint and etheric, electronic body of Light.


The Clarion call has sounded through the Unity Grid of Light,

as we lifted in Cosmic Consciousness awareness into the higher dimensions,

we are cloaked in our garments of Light,

and the imprinting of our I Am Presence,

steeping in our roles as world teachers and leaders,

Overlighted at this time by all the Beings of Light from On High,

and further to this, in this New Moon focus,

by the beautiful platinum ray of Universal Service,

the Brotherhood of the Light, and Lord Melchizedek, the Universal Logos,

through the Kingdoms of Light and Ascension Seat in Orion.


Through these eighth dimensional encodings of Light,

We assist in building these new earth matrix frequencies of Light.

And through our own individualized frequencies of Light,

collectively we create the Patterns of Perfection within and around this earth plane,

as together we move into this new Golden Age of Light.


We are offered an opportunity to be placed in an “I Am Presence Chamber of Light”,

integrating all the key codes of Self Mastery through this Ascension Seat,

and the full activation of our 12 Strand DNA,

through the flame of Divine Love, and our Mighty I Am Presence.

In becoming this etheric, electronic body of blazing Light substance,

our Godselves and Christed Overselves of the Light,

in this merging and adoration of our I Am Presence,

miracles occur within our daily lives,

taking us into Unity Consciousness,

our many Ascended Master gifts,

and the  ability to access the teachings of wisdom and Light given only to seekers of Light.


Invocation for the Cosmic Ray of Universal Service

I align with Mother/Father God, my Mighty I Am Presence,

and all the Beings of Light that I personally acknowledge,

as I call upon the Overlighted of Lord Melchizedek, the Universal Logos,

and the Brotherhood of the Light,

to take me into the Ascension Seat of the Cosmic Ray of Universal Service,

and into the Kingdoms of Light within Orion.


I now travel in an external Merkaba vehicle of Light,

into this Ascension Seat in Orion,

as I enter into this Ashram of Light,

I am surrounded in this beautiful platinum ray of Light,

bringing insight and understanding of my service work,

Through the One Mission of embracing all Life within the Flame of Divine Love,

the source of all Light.


I now merge with my eighth dimensional Selves,

taking on these key codes of Light of my own Self mastery,

as this Master Being of Light, as this Keeper of Light,

in Service to all Life through joy and Love.

I recognize myself as an initiate of Light,

as I merge parallel realities and timelines of my Highest Potential,

from Lemuria, Atlantis and ancient Egypt,

through these Temples of Light holding the teachings of Light through the Brotherhood of the Light,

and through my I Am Presence.


Cloaked in this platinum ray of Universal Service,

I am now placed in an “I Am Presence Chamber of Light”,

experiencing the full integration of my I Am Presence,

this original seed of Love and immortal nucleus of my entire Beingness.

As each cell in my body is immortalized in this crystalline frequency of Divine Light,

I experience myself within the Heart of Mother/Father God,

I experience myself as One with all Life.


My twelve strand DNA is now activated to the maximum Cosmic Law will allow,

removing all veils of illusion for all time, space and dimensions,

and returning to me the footprints of Light of my puzzle piece within the collective,

as this world leader and Ambassador of Light.


I now assist in amplifying this platinum ray of Light onto the lower worlds through the quadrant of the Galaxy,

now onto earth, into Shamballa, into the Unity Grid of Light, the leylines and sacred sites,

making this ray of Universal Intelligence and Cosmic map into our I Am Presence,

these teachings of Light from On High,

available to all Life.


I am the Light,

I am in Service to all Life,

I Am Becoming my I AM Presence,

This Divine embodiment is All That I Am.





Invocation: You Tube

Spanish Version Invocation:

Written Invocations:

Mp3 downloads:

Original source of Cosmic ray understandings taken from The Melchizedek Ambassadors Training Program (The MAT Program)

                                  Artwork in mailing: Fiona Almeleh

Websites: Children of the Sun

The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network


Views: 119

Replies to This Discussion

and so dear friends, the time/space is now that all that we have been visualizing and energizing is to manifest. our hearts truth in this moment of now. guided from our divine source we are one. this is not an exercise in imagination nor a beautiful vision of something from some another lifetime. i see for us our union of unconditional love in consciousness and the powerful gathering of light energy. what can be the result of all of this love energy and long hours spent in meditation and prayer sharing with one another the scope of our awareness? light blessings mean just that, blessings of light through the space of our thought and brought to form because we know in our inner heart the truth is now. we are surrounded with the wisdom of our masters who love us and are helping us to envision this new earth and ascension. from this human perspective i release and surrender the veil of duality and breathe in new life because you and i are one in consciousness unconditionally loving the uplifting of our hearts. i trust our source to walk me gently through the transformation. and i share my grateful heart with you, my constant light, who i dearly appreciate. thank you
Thank you s much for posting this here, Angela! Today is truly a special day: let us unite in Consciousness and Invoke the Cosmic Ray of Universal Service!

I feel the importance of calling in my I AM presence not only daily but continuously ... to finally live a life in full connection to my Divine I AM! It is time to step forward and become visible ... visible to liike minded people, SOUL FAMILY!

Thank you for expressing your thoughts and inspirational vision, dear Judith! I feel that what is happening NOW is equally important to both of us - and we are CONNECTED.

Blessings of Love and Light,

Sonja Myriel
Thank you so much !



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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