lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
Very Beautiful Message!
Crystalai's message from Elohim Angels
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Crystalai Ó2010
This is the message given to me by Elohim Angels (Mary, Raphael, AA Michael,
St. Germain, and many others) and Oraphim Angels (Cinderella, Zigfried,
Winnefred, Tinker Bell and Shajinka)
"The crystal light energy is the ignition of the Spark of Source that lines us
into the garment of white light. The crystal dust energy removes all pain,
violence, grief, jealousy--anything that is not included in the perfect
harmony. The crystal gel energy transforms the physical temple into alignment
with the spiritual body creating the zero point transformation into the silica
based body. These frequencies are sent as golden star dust blasting through the
rays of the sun."
We were given this crystal light, crystal dust and crystal gel as breaths of
creation or frequencies. We have been exhaling these frequencies into the
atmosphere for three years as Cosmic Wave Files. Those who listened to these
recordings know what these frequencies FEEL like. These were the HIGHEST
FREQUENCIES brought to Earth through music.
First we could hear the frequencies and feel the frequencies that we recorded.
Now we can see these frequencies of golden star dust blasting down onto the
Earth right through the Veil that was around the Earth.
Now these frequencies can be felt in the atmosphere the same way they were felt
when listening to the Cosmic Breaths in our Recordings.
The Age of Aquarius is Here! We have let the Sun Shine In. It should be the
headline news of every website! The sun's rays have completely broken down the
veil. We have pictures. We have proof. We can show the world the truth
The cosmic gamma rays of our Suns--Sun Vesta, Sun Alcyone and billions of other
Suns have completed their first mission of blasting through the Dark Veil that
was placed around the Earth. I was blessed with the vision and the frequency of
the ultra violet blue sun in 2008. I recorded the frequencies of that cosmic
interaction as a wave file called ULTRA VIOLET BLUE SUN. The frequencies of
this cosmic moment were a gift from Sun Alcyone that melts away the death
hormone. This week we have moved ULTRA VIOLET BLUE SUN to #1 on the listening
This is what is actually happening at this very moment in history. What we feel
in the physical plane is a reflection of these streams of golden crystal dust
energy (golden star dust from all of the suns and stars that created the Milky
Way Galaxy, the Aquarius Galaxy and all other Galaxies in our Cosmos).
This golden stardust energy sent to us through the rays of billions of
will blast through and melt away all of the reverse spin holograms that have
been created for us to live within for the past eons.
We can think of this situation like the blue screen used in making movies.
Someone took our temples--our bodies-- and placed them in front of a blue
screen that contained their movie. They created movies of wars and hatred and
then took our bodies and placed them in their movie. Now, they can't put their
blue screen out there any longer. Now, we create our own movies to put on our
blue screen.
We can now co-create our movie screens with angelic consciousness or cosmic
consciousness. We can do this by aligning the angelic harpstrings into the
finest harpstrings in our neuronets.
We have allowed our body to be plugged into the hormonal cell structure of the
body for eons. The hormonal structure is the body connected to very slow wave
lengths of infrasound of 8 hertz to 100 hertz. Even the hertzian wave lengths
of 10,000 and 20,000 are very slow... Even the infra red wave length is
connected to the slower wave lengths... We have learned to connect a full
spectrum of wave lengths beginning at the 96,000 hertzian level and connect
this stream of light consciousness through a golden pillar held by Elohim of
Hearing into the complete stream of gamma waves.
This was the completion of my mission to bring the highest frequencies to Earth
through music. I was guided minute by minute by my Elohim Team and Sun Alcyone
in completing this mission... These are the frequencies that hold the mysteries
of our new kingdom.
Now we can unplug from the old hormonal structure and plug into the higher
strings of consciousness by transmutting all of the third dimensional wave
lengths up into the ultraviolet blue wave lengths.
From this frequency we can then pull the body up higher into the sixth
dimensional hue above the fifth dimensional body and completely into the gamma
rays uniting us with all of our cosmic family. Those who wish to make the
complete leap into immortality can connect completely into the infinite unknown
by reaching their harpstrings of their mind out beyond this matrix into Source
Consciousness. This is the place that allows our entire Milky Way to become the
Rose Nebulae.
So, you see, we aren't just working on the ascension of Mother Earth. We
are working on a Galactic Ascension which Archangel Michael has termed the
Golden Galaxy. The Golden Galaxy then turns into the Rose Nebulae when it
transforms into ONENESS.
The more we activate these streams of angelic consciousness by listening to and
absorbing cosmic frequencies, the faster the transition of our New Reality will
appear. There is a key unlocking the passage into our new reality system. This
key is the change in key or frequency of our individual consciousness as it
harmonizes with Source Consciousness. It is the harmonic convergence into the
Highest Frequency on Earth.
Zadkiel, the Elohim of Hearing and the Knights of Templar said this music would
bring the highest frequencies to Earth and it would be the key to our new home
in our golden galaxy. The Frequency Music allows the listener to tune their
vibrations into the frequencies of all of the angels in the Omniverse. This
creates the KEY that places the listener's consciousness into ATUNEMENT or AT
Revelations speaks of a tremendous choir of 144,000. When we bring in all of
the frequencies of consciousness from all 12 dimensions of Christ Consciousness
or the 12 angelic tribes, and lock this frequency into consciousness through
the Golden Star Consciousness of the Heart of the Milky Way-- the Star Factory
or Soul Factory of all of the hundreds of selves we have been--our Starry
Brothers--our Galactic Family. Next we lock these frequencies within the Heart
of our co-creative Cosmic Family. Finally we wrap all of these Frequencies
inside of the spark of Source and the original Breath of Source
This is how the NEW SONG or NEW FREQUENCY--The highest frequency on Earth is
created. This is how the Elohim Angels have directed us to re-create their
music on Earth. It is here. It is complete. As we connect to this frequency by
connecting our Crystal Heart to the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth, to the
Crystal Heart of the Milky Way and to the Crystal Heart of the Cosmos, we are
ready to walk through the diamond door into the new Spark of Source
Consciousness. This is where the frequencies are available to create our NEW
STAR--the star that Mother Earth as we become a star.
When this KEY is used to unlock the diamond door into our Future Selves who
live continuously in the multidimensional frequencies of all angelic
consciousness weaving and braiding and singing into liquid light streams of one
new grand symphony, we become the Masters of our Universe, the gods of our
galaxy. We will once again create magical melodies together as one galactic
Zadkiel explained our mission of bringing the highest frequencies to Earth
through music at this time. Mary, Raphael, AA Michael and St. Germain called on
the Elohim of Hearing and connected a golden pillar into my left ear.
This stream of crystal light energy carries the breath of Source Consciousness
and then ignites the spark through the three spheres to activate THE MUSIC OF
THE SPHERES which stream all consciousness from the angelic, Christic and
galactic co-creative families into oneness. Once all of the angelic breaths of
consciousness stream into harmonic alignment they create keys and signatures
that create vortexes of light and sound. Finally all these keys unite into one
grand key, which is the key that unlocks our door of our Consciousness into the
remembering of being One with this Grand Symphony.
The new silica based body aligned with the original spark of source and
carrying the co-creative frequencies of the Elohim Angels together with the
Oraphim Angels -our Blue Dolphinoid Family from Sirius B is now being created
as the new Immortal Man. We were that immortal man and the blue print of that
divinity has been held for us in our Aquafaria Home in the Crystal Heart of
Mother Earth. Our Oraphim Dolphinoid Mother Cinderella together with our Elohim
Mother Mary are now giving birth to the new Christ who will walk upon this
Terra Firma once again. This divine re-creation is being performed by our
Gaurdian Family of Oraphim Angels- the divine creators of the Blue Oraphim
Dolphinoids who came to Earth many times to restore Terra Firma. My name is
Crystalai and I came to Earth ten thousand years ago as a Dolphinoid. My
husband, aDolphino and I have been working on this job of Cosmic realignment
with our starry brother from Sirius who left this matrix and went on to create
his own star system. Markus is the head of our co-creation team. He says he was
on the same creation team as those who have worked on this huge project of
realigning all that has been created in the Cosmos into a brand new reality. We
are told what many think of as their Higher Self is actually the head of their
co-creation team.
Blessings & Thank you
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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July 3rd-4th 2014 and March 20th-21st 2015:
SUN and Central Sun Connection
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