lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Dear Lightgrid Family and Gridwork Team,

The Moon of the Maiden is FULL and she is re-uniting with her mother to be initiated into the

Wisdom of the Grandmothers. 

Men and women - OPEN YOUR HEARTS to receive guidance and the first initiation into the Mysteries of the LOVE, Power and WISDOM of the Divine Feminine!

The Pearslescent White Ray of soul and monad integration and Unity with the Creator invites us to surrender ... surrender our life's experiences to the Goddess of Initiation!

All that happens in our lives is to be seen as another step on the ladder of initiation.

What once was preserved for temple initiates is now to be experienced by all in everyday life!

Begin to see the challenges of life as personal steps of initiation - and open up to receive life's teachings ...

We are weaving the net of light ... Beware, you are never alone!


13 Holy Nights are leading from December 24th to January 6th. Each night stands for a moon to come. 

The first night, from December 24th to 25th is the BASE (January's Moon)

The second night offers inner guidance and access to the Higher Self:
The third night invites us to open our hearts and receive the Blessings of Miracles into our lives.

The fourth night and the 28th of December is about dissolution ...! It is the day of the INNOCENT CHILDREN - It is the day to re-member and play with the child within and to promise to never let it alone again ...

The fifth night and December 29th are about FRIENDSHIP:
The sixth night and December 30th are reserved for the FAMILY - Use this night and the following day settle conflicts and prepare for a new beginning.

The seventh night  serves to prepare what is to come

The eight night is new Year's night: The BIRTH of a New Year takes place - and 2013 is going to bring a quantum leap in consciousness :-)

The ninth night seals the New Beginning - BLESS the New Year, light a candle and become SILENT to receive guidance and insight.

The tenth night you may tune in to your inner visions and find UNITY with Source

The eleventh night is about letting go. DEATH is a topic we cannot evade - confront it - NOW.

The twelfth night and January 5th bring GRACE - cleanse and purify to prepare for the last night,

the thirteenth night, the night of the PERCHT - a goddess who has two faces - a beautiful and an ugly one - She shows the face most appropriate for each moment andwith her BELLS she helps to banish the demons of winter frost and deadness.

(According to Jeanne Ruland - The Secret of the Holy Nights - Das Geheimnis der Rauhnächte)


I would like to invite all STONE and CRYSTAL KEEPERS to work with the SEED CRYSTALS from the Full Moon to the New Moon to upgrade and integrate the WISDOM of the GRANDMOTHERS into our NETWORK of LOVE.

If you need new Seed Crystals, THIS is the perfect time to inform new ones!

ANYONE can do this, who would like to progamme his /her own Seed Crystal: Open up to your inner guidance and you shall find the perfect crystal in the coming two weeks.

We shall HOLD CEREMONY on January 11th - NEW MOON - all together, weaving the net of light to inform the crystals which have chosen you.

And the Stone and Crystal Keepers will hold the energy for you from NOW on.


I wish you all a BLESSED Maiden Full Moon on this day of the INNOCENT CHILDREN,

Sonja MYRIEL RAouine

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I was walking to town yesterday which was 28/12/12 in the afternoon, me and my friend felt a shift in consciousness, was something i have never felt before. We was just walking to town as we normally do, when i got this sharp pain in my left shoulder, i couldn't shift it, then i started feeling all clammy n then cold, then this voice in my head was saying " imagine if you just died, rite now but you didn't know it, you just carried on walking" then my friend said said " is there a shift or something happening" i didn't even think of that to be honest, i actually thought that i was going to have a stroke or something  anyway i told my friend of this voice in my head n explained on what it said & the feeling i had in my shoulder & he told me that he could hear all these voices but it was like he could hear people's thoughts, anyway we stopped talking, still walking to town n then again this voice in my head, and now do you see the people who are walking about, to see them without their clothes, without any skin or bones, what do you see? you now see spirit, take away all the buildings, the cars, all the material things where no more, you see the spirit of the tree's, plants, then he said this is how it should be .... no pollution,  just everything was in Peace and Harmony with each other Xx  I beleive this was part of the shift in consciousness and we are going to be feeling alot more of it Xx Lots of Love & many Blessinsg for the New Year xX

Ah - Mandy, YES!!!

PURE energy is what is left when we strip it all away - and in this energy we are ONE :-)

Awakening ... :-)

You might have experienced a parallel reality, too, Mandy ... a reality in which you would have died - but through your choice to WAKE UP now and serve you have changed your destiny - and here you are, with a new gift :-)

BLESSED BE - and have a wonder-filled 2013 ;-)

Sonja Myriel

thank you Sonja for your explanation, I started on my own awakening back in 2010 but have never seen what i did on Friday,  have been shown many things in my dreams and in meditation, now i have been shown this,  is it an awakening or a shift in consciousness, as i have always believed we are all energy and connected together as one X

BLESSED BE ...  hope you have a Blessed New Year ... 2013  :)


Yes, Mandy, it is all at oncee :-)

Have a wonder-filled New Year - 2013 will surely bring some more of this kind of awakening and activation :-)


Sonja Myriel

THANK YOU, Shenna :-)


As Received By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

I am Mary, Divine Mother, Giver of Hope, Giver of Love. I am She who comes to welcome you as I open my heart and my arms and bring you close to my breast. I bind you in love and I bind what hurts you. I bind what pains you and I bind what cries in your soul to be healed. I collect with love what tears fall from your eyes. Allow me to wrap myself around you. I come to speak to you about your divine responsibility.

I come on this day (12:12:12) in the vibration of twelve that once surrounded my son The Christ. I come to escort you into a higher understanding of what being divine means. The divinity that you seek does not live in some far off land, only accessible by the holy ones. Divinity does not wait for you to have a perfect body, hair, day. Divinity does not wait for the day that you are hallowed enough to be in its presence. The Divine part of you has sat on the shelf for eons waiting for you to remember that the time is now and the crown is of light not thorns.

The consciousness within your body exclaims, that it cannot receive this Divinity until you feel holy and whole in every droplet of your being. Self/Ego will not allow you to announce that you are ready to receive divinity. The ascension process depends upon when you place that beautiful crown of light upon your head. When you finally embrace in Allness that divine sector of your humanness. You each wait for a crucifixion, for the stigmata, for martyrdom, and for sainthood before you receive the divinity that is longing for your touch that is longing to be embraced by you.

So I ask you all to see in your mind's eye, a beautiful crown of light, sparkling with the stars in the heavens, the quasars and the galaxies, sparkling with love and holiness. See it by your feet. Now, in your mind's eye, reach down and pick it up. It feels as if you have the whole world in your hands, not just earth, but all of God's creations. Move that divine crown of light to your heart and place it as a sacred circle around your heart. Feel it open your heart up to levels of love that go beyond you're understanding. Now put the crown of light to your throat and let a light come forth that will allow you to speak to those in anger, in negativity, in confusion with words of love as sweet as a nightingale's song. Now move that crown up into your third eye and see as a seer that has the ability to see beyond the time space veil of illusion.

Open your perceptions to what is still invisible. Visualize with all of your light, with all of your love, everything that you have ever dreamt that you wanted to be, wanted to do! Divine Perfection in body and mind and spirit. Divine perfection within intention and heart. In that Divine intention, place this crown of light, this crown of divinity upon your head, Dear Children. You see it does not sit above it, but blends into your body and soul. Shrouding your body in holiness and love. Feel it move down to your feet and then see it becoming One with the flesh of Mother Earth. For as you receive your divinity into you heart and thinking she is released of the burden of awakening you and can thus place her loving attention on those that still slumber in forgetfulness.

The time for accepting and receiving your Divinity, your divine nature, your divine future, and your divine creation is now, this minute of this day. You ask for gifts from spirit. You ask for gifts from Christ. They sit about your feet as unopened presents because you do not embrace them into your presence that never has felt holy enough. Even those of you throughout time and space that have held sacred positions of priests and ministers, saints and nuns, healers and shamans, never have you felt Holy enough. In that fractured-ness, you caused a great ripple effect affecting the outcome and timing of this great Divine Presence within you that was seeking release.

as you have placed this Divine Crown of Light upon your head and received it into your cellular structure, you have made a pledge. The pledge says, "I embrace my divinity now! I am good enough now! Grand enough, smart enough, beautiful enough, rich enough, holy enough to be Divine now!. The activated Divinity will set into motion a series of events that entirely recalibrate the next steps of your journey. This is the piano that you have been waiting to play. This is the picture you have wanted to paint. This is the song that you have wanted to sing. In the past these expressions of self and soul existed in 'someday'.

You travel and travel to 'someday' but never get there. By you receiving in fullness the first cell of divinity, you have changed everything. You have changed your walk, your twinkle, your skin tone, your hair, your smile, and your words. You will walk more in a holy fashion and embrace what is more whole and holy within you. You will resist the temptation of others negativity to bring you into anger, into sadness, into remorse. Everything of life tries to escort you away from your light; do you not see that? As long as you are sad and fractured and upset and too busy, the light cannot land upon you. That is why evenings as such are so important, for you sit long enough to allow the spotlight of divinity to land upon you as a hummingbird that finally quits flying and lands upon a branch embracing the time of rest.

By opening and fully receiving your Divine innate natural nature and state of being, you move the possibilities of your life and your future to a destination that was not visible on the map of your soul. You have all looked for the stairway to heaven. You have jumped up to try to reach the golden hoop. You have tried to quantum leap forward. You have tried everything, but you could not get to that next level that you so seek. You could splash about in it for a moment, but it did not stay adhered. The reason it did not adhere is because you had not received in fullness your divine presence. This is the year that you unwrap that divinity for yourself. Each of you now wear it fully, what beautiful beings you are.

In your mind's eye you have always seen a picture of yourself that is grand and glorious and lily white. A picture of yourself where you walk, or rather float through your life, where your clothes are never dirty and you always wear white. Where your hair never needs washed and your halo is always shiny. Do not wait for death to receive these images. Realize them in life. You know that they are real. Receive them in the here and now - not in kingdom come - but on earth, let it be done.

As you embrace the Divine Crown that you have placed within your energy field, you also allow entrance for the Son of the Sun to come to you. Call forth to the Christ. Look at him at eye to eye. The picture that was given to you this evening is fully filled with my presence. I changed the colors deliberately so that it would be seen as a miracle. Believing is seeing, is it not? - For those of earth. When you need me, look into my eyes. It matters not what your faith, your religion, your belief - for I am here for all. Look eye to eye with your angels now. They are not above you. They are with you as is my Son, and the Ascended Masters. I am Mary and I wish you a Mary Christmas from my heart. Speak to others about finally being able to receive divinity while in human form. On Earth it will be done. I Love you and Bless you.


As Received By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

I am the essence, the light, the sound, and the thought of Mary. I represent the ultimate Mother, the Divine Mother, the Divine Female. After the time of my Son’s Ascension, I was escorted off, not to be seen again. The energies kept me sequestered away as to protect me in my light, in my body, and in my heart.

Many of you in your existences through space and time, have oft times been scooted away from those that you loved, from those that you considered to be family. At this time in this intersection of heaven and earth, of stars and sun, it is a time of going back and healing that deep within you that still mourns for what could have been what should have been, and what wasn’t. The feeling of being separate, of being abandoned – and yet at the same time, a feeling of being protected for one’s own sake.

The Divine Mother, the Divine Female stands in the center of her journey of healing. She walks the long shores of self, barefoot -- often cutting herself on the shards and the shrouds of the past. She walks barefooted and bare-hearted into her future. She seeks a time beyond human conception. The Divine Female, the Divine Mother comes full circle into her Cosmic Heart and her Cosmic Self as she no longer licks the wounds of the past, as she no longer camps and sleeps upon the skeletons of what was. She moves quickly yet slowly, gently yet deeply into a future that is embedded within her genetically.

Celebrate the 365 days of your birth, of your life, of your serving, and of yourself. For women have stayed in the background far too long. They have whimpered and cried in the night. They have seen injustice after injustice. Their hands were tied and their mouths were sewn shut. But now you sit in a place, in a time, and a doorway of coronation. Receiving the gifts that have awaited you patiently, through all time. I, Mary, Queen of the Universe, come to proclaim to you that you are now united and ignited in Sacred Coronation as you receive your Crown of Light as Queen of your Life. A queen that sits with tears rolling down her face as she looks at all of the plenty that comes her way. A queen that feels guilty as she receives and receives all that life and light has to offer. But it is at this point of receiving that you open a doorway for all the hearts of humanity to receive this plenty as well. Knowing that you are in service in this receiving will make it easier for you, Dear Ones. Celebrate every single day as a birthday, a day of specialness, a day of light, a day of remembrance, and a day of receiving.

Receive these little gifts of spirit day after day. Do not let a day go by that you do not expect gratitude – gratitude from the energies that you have served throughout existence. Finally the circle comes full. It is closed into a Flower of Light at this point of receiving. This comes forward to all the females of earth that have chosen to incarnate as females at this time. There will come a time when the males will receive the same fulfillment in a balanced equation.

As woman you have always been on the back porch of your life, in the back of the bus, the back of the carriage, the back of the train, the back of the burner. And now you are in the forefront. Allow these words to heal you. Sup upon them. Drink from them. And fill your being with them for you escort all of life into a closing ceremony. And in that closing ceremony, you are initiated into the Land of Plenty, into the Kingdom and Queen-dom of receiving, and into the hidden treasures of light. I am Mary. I leave you with these thoughts and words and gifts – for I am the first to give to you.



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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