lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
Dear Lightgrid Team and Family,
We are about to enter the Monkey Wave of the Mayan Calender this Saturday, October 6th and I would like to start a HEALING and CLEANSING Cycle for all who would like to prepare for the Portal of Ascension which will open on 11-11 and culminate in the New Moon Solar Eclipse on November 13.
The 39 day period comprises 3 Time Waves of the Mayan Calender, that is the
MONKEY Wave, which starts on October 6th, this Saturday,
the SEED WAVE, which begins on October 19th and contains a series of PORTAL DAYS,
and the EARTH WAVE with its starting point on November 1st, which ensures powerful synchronicities bewteen the Mayan and the Gregorian Calender.
The Wave which will begin on November 14th is a WAVE of LOVE - the DOG or OC WAVE.
By then, the transformation will be finished and we will adjust to the quantum leap which the solar eclipse will have gifted us with.
The principle of the cleansing cycle is easy: For the first 9 days we choose specific topics of mental and emotional HEALING. On the remaining four days we focus on HEALING, LOVE, LIGHT and UNITY.
Attached to this message you find an overview of the 39 days. I suggest 9 topics on which to work - but PLEASE FEEL FREE to CHOOSE YOUR OWN and very personal TOPIC for Healing and Cleansing! Dedicate some thought as to what is the counterbalancing emotional and mental attitude, so you can focus on in in the Seeding Cycle and bring BALANCE to the inherent polarity during the Earth Cycle.
The first Wave, the Monkey Wave, serves us to bring to the surface all the emotional wounds and mental programs which we no longer want to bear and suffer from.
We invoke the VIOLET RAY and see it spinning all around and through our 4 bodies. The Violet Flame is the most powerful tool to transmute all and any misqualified energy back into light - and so we ask our Father Mother God to transmute back all our Fear / Hatred / ... (whatever the topic of the day is) BACK INTO PURE LOVE and LIGHT.
You can say the following - or find your own words: (words here from Patricia Cota Robles)
"I ask my I AM Presence to send forth the Violet Flame into every thought, word, action or feeling I have ever expressed in any time frame or dimension that's vibrating with fear consciousness / hatred consciousness / poverty consciousness ... (whatever the topic of the day is)!"
The Violet Flame then magnetizes to itself every electrone out there that's vibrating with our pattern on it of, for example, fear or poverty consciousness , activating it's original Divine Potential.(Patricia Cota Robles)
The four days of HEALING start with the Pachamama NEW MOON on October 15th and we will send the Violet Flame into all 9 aspects which we have chosen to HEAL
The Second Wave is the SEED Wave. During this wave we focus on DIVINE POTENTIAL. The order of topics is now reversed - as in a MIRROR. We focus on the Divine potential of each of our topics, sending out the Violet Ray to attract like vibration to us, thus reprogramming ourself and drawing Divine Potential into the Earth Atmosphere. When we connect to the Great Central Sun, after having allowed enough time for the magnetization through the Violet Ray, and anchor the Crystalline White Light on Earth through our intention, we are simultaneously SEEDING DIVINE POTENTIAL for ALL Life on Earth.
On October 29th we celebrate the Pachamama Full Moon - and on this day I would like to invite you to set up a Divinely Inspired Crystal Grid wherever you are, link with lightgrid and PLANT a special stone / crystal / or plant SEED of LIGHT!
Of course, it might be a good idea to plant light seeds throughout this WAVE! Follow your personal guidance and help anchor DIVINE POTENTIAL throughout this wave :-)
The wave ends in Samhain - so we will celebrate with all our ancestors and flow into the last wave - the EARTH WAVE
The EARTH WAVE begins on November 1 - and we optimize our work during this wave with our Ancestor's Help. We will WATER the seeds we planted during the seed wave through our Focus on UNITY in all apparant Polarity.
For details, please see the attached word file.
This wave ends in the NEW MOON Solar Eclipse - and the new moon will be dedicated to the GREAT DIVINE FATHER/MOTHER of ALL CREATION. The wave which follows is the Dog or OC Wave of LOVE ...
Are you ready for this next step?
If so, you may find the following meditation, which I shared with you at the beginning of the ISIS moon to activate our Merkabah, usefull again:
During connection time tune in to the OM Wave and CHANT THE OM 3 to 13 times and concentrate on our HEART chakra and the fifth chamber of the heart where the Threefold Flame resides within the dodecahedron of LOVE LIGHT!
With each OM expand the dodecahedron and the Threefold Flame some more until you stand within this Sacred Geometric Form - the Threefold Flame burning all around and inside your four lower bodies … and the Mer-Ka-BAH spinning, faster and faster, drawing in and emanating LIGHT all at the same time …
Now FEEL the LOVE - POWER - WISDOM of the Threefold Flame
and say:
Ready to Manifest Heaven on Earth,
Ready to EMBODY Christ Consciousness,
Ready to LOVE my-SELF FREE -
and BE
So BE it -
And so it IS!
At the end of your meditation shrink the dodecahedron back into your HEART - and see yourself surrounded by Violet Light which is contained in a bubble of PLATINUM Light which possesses enormous HEALING and TRANSMUTING powers which will serve to protect you.
See your body made of WHITE CHRIST LIGHT and within this light there is the threefold flame which serves as the ANCHOR for the LOVE LIGHT POWER which are sent in waves throughout the GALAXY!
This meditation, done at lightgrid connection time or any other time you choose, will gain more and more power every time you DO it - at best, at the same time and place.
It connects you to SOURCE and unites us in the intention to manifest the Divine Will and Plan first in our lives and then in the world ... and as we connect in Spirit now - we will be able to connect and manifest our DREAMS more easily lateron, when the world outside us is ready too, prepared by our daily connexions and invokation of the Violet Flame and Light and our personal meditations which help us to develop our lightbody and raise our individual and collective frequency.
Sonja MYriel Aouine
PS.: More information will be provided in due course. For the moment: Make a list of your topics to heal - or review the list attached to find out if you would like to work with it.
hahaha..."Journey to the East",by Hermann Hesse,if you remember...:))...You just have TO BE,all other things will be taken care of...And it is so much easier to live,knowing this...that we are not alone,ever.
Yes, it's really easier, then :-)))
I forgot to mention that I had hidden at about 10$ which I thought would help me if it's going to becfome really dense ... well, a friend needed the money and I did not give it to him. When he realized I still HAD some money he was really pisseed off! I underwent a taugh cleansing process ... I knew I should have been honest from the very beginning and should have told him about the little money I still had! Finally, he forgave me - and I gave him the money - and, guess what? He went straight to a bar and bought beer for the two of us!!!
From that point onwards I was really FREE, LOL!
Sonja MYriel
I often dream .. that I lost wallet with all documents or my bags help me always come souls of my grandfathers and grandmothers who are in a world of souls
That was a lovely story. I am touched. Thanks, Sonja.
LOL :-)
Your story is amazing, Sarah - the Sahara desert!!!
Reminds me of my adventures at Tikal - lol :-) I was hiding from the guardians and slept on one of the pyramids - it was a great Full Moon night. The sun was sinking on one side of the pyramid - and on the other the moon rising. In the morning just the reverse. To keep me save from the scorpions I placed a grid of four stones or so around me.
I slept on each side of the pyramid for a few hours :-)
Kindred Spirits, indeed :-)
We are learning the fastest through facing the challenges of life, don't we? LOL!
Love Light BLESSINGS from kindred heart to kindred heart :-)))
Sonja Myriel
How is the best way to remember all the words and where is the 5th chamber within the heart centre, are you to print it off or are people writing it down to follow the words etc
Sonja as we begin the self healing and as we start the session of the 39 days do we still link into the grid and send the light to the 3rd central sun. I have placed my Grid and went through the hour I did not feel an hour was long enough. lol
or is the healing just to be released into the violet flames? I would rather be clear of the main intention
Thank you so much for asking, Jan Marie!
I have just created a group on the 39 days of healing - which actually turn out to be 40, as the 40th day is for CELEBRATION - or so it seems, lol! Celebration of our Re-birth ...!
The best way to remember the word is to write them down once - and use this piece of paper in the beginning.
The 5th chamber of the heart is an actual atom within our heart. It was made visible through microscopic studies in the 1920-ies - but all material disappeared after the publication of the findings. Within this 5th heart chamber in every human being you see a youth in Divine Perfection. The Divine Blueprint, if you will. It is the seat of the spark of Divinity and this spark is the Threefold Flame!
When we work with the Threefold Flame it's important that all three flames are equally developped. We should neither work too much with the blue flame nor the pink flame nor the golden flame - they really need to be BALANCED.
When we work with the 5th heart chamber we work with the Spark of Divinity, igniting the recovery of our Divine Blueprint - and we expand the Threefold Flame within the dodecahedronal shape of the Seed Atom (= 5th Heart Chamber). And the dodecahedronal shape is the shape of the universe ... When we do the mediation which I suggested on a regular basis, we develop our Merkabah Light body and when we are ready we can visit other realms and dimensions in our 5th Heart Chamber Universe Vehicle.
About the Cleansing and Healing:
The first nine days of the first wave serve us to re-qualify each misqualified energy we ever sent out into the universe by calling on the Transmuting Power of the Violet Flame with CLEAR INTENTION and FOCUS.
Today, the first day, I suggested to work with FEAR - as FEAR is the main emotion /mental blockage which keeps us from entering the light fully. Some say ALL negative emotions can be backtraced to some underlying fear ... What I did was SEND OUT the Violet Flame with the clear intention to transmute all fear energy I ever sent out at any time in any dimension BACK into its original Divine POTENTIAL - so NO FEAR which I ever sent out in ANY incarnation / dimension does exist anymore!!!
At this point I found it MOST important to be PROTECTED - and the 5th HEART CHAMBER which surrounded me provided my being with all the love and light I needed. The OUTER surface of the dodecahedron is a powerful Platinum Silver Shield of Light ... It's like a cocoon in which we are absolutely save - just like in a mother's womb! (On one of the picture which I took today an orb with a fetus like form inside is clearly visible!!!)
So the precedure which I used today, step by step, is the following:
1. Ivokation of the Violet Flame and Ray
2. State clearly and loud what exactly you want the Violet Flame to TRANSMUTE back into Divine Potential in all times, worlds and dimensions. Your voice serves as your personal sound signature here.
3. While the Violet Flame and Ray is at work, go with your consciousness into your fifth heart chamber - see yourself surrounded by the dodecahedronal shape of the Divine Seed Atom and activate the Threefold Flame which you find in the Center of this eternal sphere. Expand the the Threefold Flame and the dodecahedron until your whole body and aura are contained within. You are now surrounded by White Light - and Violet Hues appear where TRANSMUTATION takes place. The Threefold Flame is blazing evenly throughout your four bodies, too, within the dodecahedron.
Allow for as much time to pass now as is appropriate. The cells, atoms, and electrons and all the tiniest particles of your body are now assimilating the PURE DIVINE POTENTIAL, which for me, is pure WHITE Crystalline LIGHT. Feel this process ... energy is coming back to you form all over the multiverse ... pure and white ... and entirely YOURS!
4. When you feel COMPLETE, connect to the Core of Mother Earth and give THANKS to your existence. You are ONE with Gaia and she is nourishing you with her Amber Honey Light whenever you ask for it.
5. Connect to the Crystalline Creatrix White Light Matrix which we anchored throughtout the year of 2012. It is the SAME white light essence which is keeping you cosy in your dodecahedronal cocoon.
6. TRAVEL to the Centre of the Galaxy :-)
Now, this step was new for me today - as usually we allow the White Light to pass through our body and flow through our Crown chakra and Soul Star through our united Kuxan Suums to the Central Sun - but this time, withing the 5th Heart Chamber, I travelled through a broad shaft of light through the portal of the Sun to the Great Central Sun or Hunab Ku! I had the impression that we met there ... and then we were forming a circle, dancing, dancing, dancing ... until we EXPLODED out in all directions like a rainbow of Light .... and each dropping back down on earth in her /his own and unique path of light!
7. Upon entering the atmosphere of the earth, which at lightgrid times is inundated in the Violet Ray, Rose Pink LOVE LIGHT is being set free, nourishing all life on Earth and Gaia Herself.
Voilá - here we are :-)
I will now copy your question and my reply, dear Jan Marie, and transfer it all to our new group, adding some pictures ...
Sonja Myriel
PS: This is not what is must be like - but my account may serve everyone who need a map of the landscape which is now unfolding ;-)
Thank you....I am with you all as well...I feel this is going to be so very powerful...
Yes, indeed, it's going to be REALLY powerful!!! Have a look at these pictures which I took today - they reveal soooo much of the activity of LIGHT that's taking place through our work!
Find more photos like this on LIGHTGRID - Lichtnetz - REDDELUZ
And here's a link to the photos of the grid which I laid out - it's basically the stones for America ... what an energy!
I just realized that LOSING our possessions is tomorrow's topic!!! And I have been talking quite a bit about the topic today here, haven't I? LOL! And Ana has actually lost her wallet today and she told me it was tomorrow's topic - so this is how I realized the connections ...
That's exactly HOW powerful all this is!
I'm excited :-)))
Sending you all LOVING thoughts and Angel Kisses, looking forward to seeing you in the new group,
Sonja MYriel
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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July 3rd-4th 2014 and March 20th-21st 2015:
SUN and Central Sun Connection
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