lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

*****copyright by Damian, 2011


"... and my living shall not be in vain."

This dissertation was approved by the Department of Graduate Studies at The University of Metaphysics at Sedona












The purpose of this dissertation is to bring consciousness forward through examination of the awakening of Divine Feminine energies in man, as well as to raise awareness about the H-I-V/AIDS debacle and crisis.



















The subtle energy of Kundalini merges the internal female and male energies in each of us and leads to transcendence beyond both.  My search for truth and for healing from the threat of death from an H-I-V Positive diagnosis from a medical doctor led me on a search for God.  The mystical energy of Kundalni awakened in me and granted wisdom and intuition.  This dissertation examines the phenomenon of Kundalini Awakening, also known as Spiritual Emergence or Spiritual Crisis, and delineates its effects and offers solutions to dealing with changes in consciousness that arise within oneself.  The wisdom gained sheds light on the horrible atrocities committed against humanity.  Attempts to thwart the evolution of consciousness through the misdiagnosis of innocent people as H-I-V Positive, and the consequent medical malpractice of prescribing toxic medications, which have debilitating effects, and often lead to the physical death are also explored and discussed.















CHAPTER I     INTRODUCTION……………………………….......................... 4


CHAPTER 2     REVIEW OF LITERATURE………………………………....... 9


CHAPTER 3     FINDINGS………………………………....................................15


CHAPTER 4     DISCUSSION………………………………...............................25





















As I lay outstretched in absolute thanks and praise to God for all of me, it was as if I had slipped beyond thought and just existed.  Somehow, for a moment in time I quelled the chaotic world within.  Without warning, I began to feel a miraculous sensation beginning in my feet and proceeding up my entire being as if playing a melody on my body. I honestly felt like a holograph of myself. I couldn’t move. I didn’t want to move. What was happening to me?  From the soles of my feet to the crown of my head the prickly tingling sensation had pervaded my entire being. I lay, as if paralyzed, with my mouth agape, and tearful eyes, in total awe at what had just happened. And then came the realization, that I had been healed of the dreadful dis-ease I had felt of myself, for far too long. I had been given an opportunity to know self-love, as I never had before. After two years of intense research, I realized that the grace of God had descended on me, at birth by water, and now by the fire of the Holy Spirit.  I learned that I had had a Kundalini Awakening (Horakhty, 2001, p.26)

From that very moment in time in the year 1998, my life changed in ways that I could never have imagined.  I went “From HIV to Kundalini”, and awakened the Divine Feminine within.  What initially was thought to be the grace of God healing me of HIV, and the threat of death from a deadly disease turned out to be so much more than healing a physical dis-ease with self.

Who knew that what I had initially been taught as a child under a patriarchal system, which wrote the Divine Feminine out of history and represented the Holy Trinity as The Father, Son and Holy Spirit, was more correctly represented as Father God, Mother God, and The Child of God?  The dual aspect of both the masculine and feminine principles had been intentionally misrepresented in favor of forming a patriarchy.

Little did I know then that there was the potential that “…the energy rises upwards, towards your head, and shall awaken your Kundalini and become Gods” (Weor, 2009). Or that, what had happened to me was the same as revealed in Ancient African Spirituality in the story of Ausar, Auset and Heru, now told as Osirus, Isis, and Horus in Greek. “The Soul, the consciousness within every individual being has to be torn apart, scattered, through identification with the desires, cravings and ignorance of the ego-personality, and must be reconstituted, through spiritual practice in order to have full insight” (Ashby, 2005).

I had spent a life yearning for something more, something else; something that I thought I did not already have.  As a result of my dynamic Kundalini Awakening (KA), my perception of reality changed in ways I did not know were possible.  I chose to live in the present moment of awareness and affirm myself.  I lived in recognition of the “Christ Intelligence” within, the Divine Son of my true parents, Father and Mother God.

As a result of my dynamic spiritual awakening I began to experience a powerful presence, a voice that vibrated instructions and spiritual truth, namely that, all illness is illusion.  As the Holy Spirit rose in me I felt a comforting closeness to God which compelled me to let go of old thought-forms, concepts and attachments.

This dissertation will define Kundalini Awakening (KA), examine and delineate its effects, and offer solutions to dealing which the changes in consciousness that arise within oneself, so as to avoid losing perception of my connection with the third dimensional (3D) world of illusion.  I will describe my KA, and my spiritual transformation, as it progressed through the alchemical stages of awakening, blackening, crucifixion, resurrection and rebirth, as a result of my search for truth after receiving a mis-qualified HIV positive diagnosis from a medical practitioner.

It is with great apprehension that I address the topic of HIV/AIDS being the greatest medical hoax of the 21st century in this dissertation, because sharing my intuition and research has caused me great pain and rejection from various factions in society, as well as strife among my family, friends and associates.

Attempting to convince people that HIV is a lie has been most difficult since 2001 when I arrived at my conclusions and began sharing them with the world via the internet.  On the one hand, many are still in a consciousness that: homosexuality is an abomination to God, and that homosexual sexual behavior is disdainful, and therefore justifies contraction a deadly disease.  And on the other, that forwarding such information could endanger peoples’ lives by having them release all fear of having so-called unprotected sex.  I, however, based on my personal experiences, as well as research, contend that sexual-energy, and people are not potential contaminants, but provide opportunities to express love.

And moreover, that this work is part of my purpose for being on the planet.  It was Mother God, Lord Shiva, the Divine Feminine, who both healed me of the dreadful dis-ease I had thought of myself, and who led me into the light of truth.

Henceforth, I will bring to the light the horrible atrocities committed against humanity for genocide and the attempt to thwart the evolution of human consciousness through the misdiagnosis of innocent people as HIV positive, and the consequent medical malpractice of prescribing toxic medications, which have debilitating side effects, and often lead to the physical death of the people who ingest them.

The deplorable fact of what Dr. Boyd Graves says is “400 years of systematic eugenics-based/race specific genocide on natural, melinated hue-peoples throughout the world and across the globe” will be called into question.

Further, I will help promote and understanding of Metaphysical Science, Spirituality, and of the awakening of the Divine Feminine in the consciousness of humanity here on planet Earth.

Additionally, those who have been misdiagnosed with Schizophrenia, but who are experiencing KA signs and symptoms can thereby begin to receive more appropriate treatments for their conditions.

     In this light, I will expound how consciousness creates experience and how altering (shifting) one’s consciousness can result in restoration of health to the body.  Also, the healing technique called Quantum Entrainment, which can heal people of physical, emotional and psychological problems will discussed.

     I intend to share knowledge for more healthful living.  I will speak from a position research and from personal experience and of “knowing”, rather than from “belief”, which is derived from accepting what others say or think, as I have “experienced” first-hand, not only the signs and symptoms of KA, but also the medical and AIDS Establishment’s attempt on my life by diagnosing me HIV positive in 1996, and subsequently prescribing toxic and deadly medications, Epivir and Zerit.

     There will be no attack on any person(s) or group, only a presentation of the facts of research.  I am not taking a stand against AIDS perpetrators.  I am taking a stand for what I know to be truth; not fighting against, but fighting for.

     I humbly recognize and appreciate my journey, as it has led me on a search for self, which led to spiritual awakening, and the resulting and subsequent expansion of my consciousness.  An awareness of a non-dual approach to life where there is a merging of opposites at the heart chakra will be evident.

     As Divine Feminine energy continues to awaken the consciousness of humanity, the biggest challenge in the years to come is that there will be an increase in both the pressures to speak one’s truth, in the face of pressures to remain silent, in order to protect ones’ self.  This will be both an individual and collective choice (The Hathors & Mary Magdeline, 2009).

     I will speak my truth.  The overall effect of this work will enhance love, peace, health, balance, well-being, harmony, and compassion, and will help create a world where everyone can feel at home.

     “We are approaching not only a millennium of great change in this solar system, but we are also achieving the great ascension of light in this galaxy after battling the dark forces” (Essene, W.V. & Nidle, S., 1994).  It is my hope that the spiritual light of truth will prevail.











     The subtle energy of Kundalini merges the internal female and male energies in each of us and leads to the transcendence beyond both.  Kundalini is the story of the gods, the god within each of us (Dale, 2009, p. 241).  The “Mother”, or womb of God, as your creative power is being returned to the throne of each person’s awareness (Chuse, 1998).

     Kundalini Shakti is an evolutionary energy shrouded in mystery (Morris, Carlson, hidden by symbolic codes occult practices and religious dogma.  Formerly reserved for high level priesthoods and royalty, this ultimate self-empowerment practice can be developed by an open and willing participant through self-disciplined practice.  Yet the Kundalini fire can also be activated by Shaktipat, by hands-on touch, transmitting energy through the body’s meridian lines from a person who has experience and demonstrated competence with Kundalini activation.

     While Kundalini was activated in me through my own personal meditation practice and mantra chanting, I also later received Shaktipat from a guru, though I only attended weekly meetings for about a two month period.  I felt I was ultimately responsible for my own spiritual growth.  I did not want to give away my power to guru or any other person, as reports at that time were surfacing about misconduct among gurus.

     Nevertheless, I knew that “man must become God-like through a life of virtue.  He must cultivate his/her spirit through knowledge, practice and bodily discipline in the realization that there is no mediator between him/her and his/her salvation” (Ashby, 2003).

     Opening the doors of perception, and letting spirit in requires the responsibility  of making personal changes in order awaken one’s entire being to the energy that animates and connects you to the universe in order that you can live a peaceful and harmonious life.

     The arousal of the Serpent Goddess Kundalini is the symbol of higher consciousness.  She bestows great spiritual gifts and grants wisdom and vision beyond space and time (Arewa, 1998).  During this process of spiritual transformation she tosses you around, floods you with emotion, blows down your illusions, and cracks apart your material world until you recognize that “your world is an impermanent as autumn leaves” (Valle’e, 2009).  Her primeval raw power of transformation is not at all gentle, but fiery and causes trembling as it cuts through obstacles and impediments, shaking things up until balance is achieved and what was earthly becomes celestial (Narby, 1999).

     Kundalini acts as a “teacher to the soul”. And, while the initial awakening may have been preceded by a time of grief and despair, the most trying dark night of the soul comes at a later stage when there seems to be a withdrawal of divine favor resulting in profound despair (Walters, 2009).

     I believe that this period was when I learned that my journey is not under my control, but is directed by some mysterious force that appears to be both inside and outside of me.  As my former guru used to say, “You are not the doer of action, you are the seer.”  And, that “Mother will never give you more than you can handle.”   “It is all Mother’s Play of Consciousness”, he would say. I learned that “everything in your existence is a result of your consciousness”.  And, that you should seek to have God (Christ In You) consciousness, and live as if you are never, not in God’s presence” (Horakhty, 2001).

     I humbly ask the committee’s indulgence that I refer to my book “The Rainbow Warrior: Healing HIV Through Chakra Awareness, penned under my spiritual name, Kabir Amen RA Horakhty, along with other resources that revealed similar truths about the whole debacle.  My book is an exploration of how Mother God propelled me through a journey of the awareness, nature, and functioning of the chakras.

     The time of greatest despair in my life began when I initially heard on a television news program that there was a new disease called HIV/AIDS that was affecting gay men.

     However, the threat of death from HIV/AIDS was a gift in disguise.  The threat of death propelled my conscious evolution in the recognition of “Who I Really Am”.  Through the process of prayer, relaxation, meditation and research, The Divine Mother within led me on a search for truth and to the restoration of my health (Horakhty, 2001).

     There are, in fact, those who think like I do, that HIV/AIDS is the biggest medical hoax of the century (Maat RA, 2007).

     Video presentations like “House of Numbers” and “HIV Fact of Fiction”   which was made by classical virologists who contend that is no scientific evidence for the existence of an HIV virus that is sexually transmittable which causes AIDS.  Websites like  and  are large contributors to the dissenting voice that HIV exists and causes AIDS.

     Even world renowned nutritionists, Dr. Scott Whitaker, ND, and Jose’ Fleming CN, MH (2010) in their book “Medisin”, calls AIDS, “a farce created to enlarge the market for drugs from which it derives large profits”.

     Dr. Boyd Graves  suggested and reported that certain groups of people are targeted for eradication and destruction based on their genetics.  This is called Eugenics.

     In my view, this global agenda to decrease world populations uses HIV propaganda and toxic medication regimes to intentionally thwart the evolution of human consciousness, and help rid the world of so-called undesirables, or as has been termed “useless eaters“, in particular homosexuals and peoples of color, largely those in Africa and other areas all around the globe.  This is but one in a multitude of tactics used to carry out the agenda of population control and eugenics.

     These inhumane intentions are replete among many institutions in the world including educational systems, medical establishments, political, economic, corporate marketing of drinking-water and food production and distribution, etc.; what Dr. Llaila Africa, in his book termed and titled “Nutricide”, which is a combination of ment-icide (extermination of the mind), gen-ocide (extermination of the body by violence, cloning or drugs), and spirit-icide (extermination of the spirit).

     Despite misinformation campaigns showered on the public by media, authors are coming to the fore to present spiritual truths and methods and techniques for healing the mind, body and spirit.

     Among them Louise L. Hay, author of “You Can Heal Your Life (2004), and Penny Pierce (2009) whose book “Frequency: The Power of Personal Vibration”, encourages the conscious cultivation and application of thought-energy as a most powerful agent for self-transformation by raising the physical frequency of vibration of the body, the individual life, and life throughout the cosmos.

     While the individual Kundalini awakening experience varies from person to person there are classic signs that an awakening has occurred (Dale, 2011).  There are also particular symptoms of pranic (breath) movements, yogic phenomenon, physiological and psychological symptoms, extrasensory and psychic perceptions, as well as mystical states of consciousness, which might arise.

     Bonnie Greenwell, Ph.D. in an article in Kundalini Rising, wrote of symptoms like tingling, heat or cold sensations in or outside the body, energy running through the body, intensified sexual desires, emotional outbursts, mental confusion, increased creativity, seeing flashes of white light, deeper spiritual insights, overwhelming feelings of love, astral projection, soul travel and out of body experiences (OBEs), and other experiences can take place as a result of the awakening of the Divine Feminine energy within.

     I, in coping with my own personal signs and symptoms of Kundalini, was supported and helped most prominently by the writings and counseling from “Shared Transformation”, a support group created by El Collie, a person who experienced first-hand the difficulties of KA herself, and who became thrust into more severe indications that Kundalini had awakened in her.  She experienced more severe symptoms like difficulty swallowing, agitation, insomnia, tremors, drooling, protrusion of the tongue, an inability to remain still, making mask-like faces, spasms of the neck and other body parts (kriyas), a shuffling gait, etc.

     My personal favorite technique from Quantum Physics Principle know as Quantum Entrainment offers “The Secret of Instant Healing” and teaches that one can become aware of awareness to heal self and others (Kinslow, 2008).






















There are a many ways that the Kundalini Energy can become awakened in a person.  My personal KA experience was precipitated by a desire to heal from what I was told was an HIV positive diagnosis from a medical doctor.

     I began a search for God, for truth, and for healing.  Any death, other than dying from the stigma of HIV/AIDS was preferable. I went from religious church to another, read books about many related topics, sought the help of a Spiritual Guru, attended a Siddha Yoga Ashram, etc…

Yet, it wasn’t until I learned and frequently chanted the mantra, “Om Namah Shivaya”, which loosely translates to “I Honor Me as God”, or “Om and salutations to that which I am capable of becoming”, in meditation, did I experience the mystical experience of Kundalini Awakening.

“Nama Sivaya” has power. The mere intonation of these syllables reaps its own reward in salvaging the soul from bondage of the treacherous instinctive mind and the steel bands of a perfected externalized intellect. Nama Sivaya quells the instinct, cuts through the steel bands and turns this intellect within and on itself, to face itself and see its ignorance. Sages declare that mantra is life, that mantra is action, that mantra is love and that the repetition of mantra, japa, bursts forth wisdom from within.”  --Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami

     During meditation that night, I was not sure what had happened to me.  All I knew was that from that point, my life was changed.  I researched for a period of about two years before I came to understand what had happened and what was happening in my life.  I realized that I had been spiritually awakened by The Divine Mother God, Serpent Goddess, who manifests herself as Diana, Maria, Isis, Hecate, Persephone, and Mother Nature.

     While becoming clean and clear enhances purification, a key component to the cultivation of kudalini movement is detoxifying the body of pollutants through physical exercise, and eating organic foods (Dale, 2011).  As spiritual beings we must also purify our hearts and souls.

     Unless a person purifies their energy systems of pollution, pesticides, additives in food and other environmental toxics, Kundalini can create havoc one’s life, and can potentially destabilize the personality, particularly if the spiritual seeker is naïve in their understanding of the major psychological and physical changes involved in spiritual awakening.  Throughout many life times, others’ energy patterns can be stored inside our chakra fields.  Those patterns came from our ancestry, religion, peer groups, and other institutions from which we have absorbed energies.

     And, while purification includes many of the aforementioned activities, various meditation techniques including projection and visualization, bhandas (body locks), mantras (chanted words), Kriyas ( exercise sets), mudras ( hand gestures) and regulation of the four basic instincts (food, sleep, sex, and self-preservation) are frequently used to raise the sleeping Shakti Kundalini energy coiled 3 and ½ times within the root chakra at the base of the spine to return to the Shiva energy in the seventh chakra which awaiting his lost mate (Dale,  2011, 2009).

     After an initiate experiences what has been described by Walters (2000) as “a tiny spark in a great, indescribable, inscrutable force, the unnamed source of all that is, that which animated and powers the universe in overwhelming love”, Mother God grants wisdom beyond space and time (Arewa, 1998).  One gets to see beyond the illusion of limitation and duality, embrace the darkness within and enter the light.

     While some energetic systems hold that because of the KA process powers called siddhi become active and grant seemingly godlike magical abilities like the ability to heal, levitation, invisibility and many more which essentially free the initiate from the confines of the physical laws of the universe, for some people, myself included, major unresolved psychological issues may cause one to become at risk for constrictions in the mind, body, emotions and psyche brought on by hidden energetic blockages in the body chakra system. Nevertheless, the Kundalini energy presses on until they are cleared.

     This troublesome and difficult period brings on bodily sensations and impulses never experienced before.  One becomes incredibly sensitive to both pain and pleasure.  Even for the most seemingly normal or balanced person there may be episodes of intense alternating between intense bliss and severe pain (Walters, 2000).

     There is usually an abrupt shift sense of self and in worldview.  Why, because, all imperfections and weaknesses of the soul must be rooted out.  One’s diet, harmful addictive habits, destructive patterns of behavior and unresolved conflicts need to be healed.  Kundalini becomes a “teacher for the soul” because it points out these areas that need to be healed.

     It is as if from the moment of KA, one’s life is forever changed.  Kundalini can cause havoc in one’s life for quite a long time.

     Many people must seek meaningful psychological help to deal with unconscious motives and desires being pushed to the surface for psychological review and assimilation.  One gets the opportunity to integrate denied parts of self into the whole of who they are.  Those who are self- rejecting need to learn to accept and love themselves as worthy and loveable beings, for ego inflation and/or self-deprecation is an obstacle to realization.

     In extreme cases, serious mental and physical damage can be experienced by people if the energy is moving too fast and furiously through the body unleashing unconscious and super conscious material and can create mental chaos for a person.  There are those who have committed suicide. For persons through whom the energies move too fast or forcefully, medications might be their own salvation.

     However, a person experiencing spiritual emergency should be weary of physicians who want to prescribe neuroleptic anti-depressants, and anti-psychotic drugs like Valium, Librium, Thorazine, Stelazine, Prolixin, Vesprin, Trilafon, Navane, Taractan, Serentil, Orap, Repoise, Compazine, Dartal, Clorazil, Mellaril, Quide, Haldol and Tindal, which could cause life-threatening drug reactions.

     While some of the reactions to these drugs are, in fact,  identical to Kundalini symptoms, other reactions include and are not limited to strokes, heart poisoning, bone-marrow poisoning, suicide, blood abnormalities, irregular pulse, cerebral edema, endocrine disturbances, catatonia, cardiac arrest, liver damage, petit and grand mal seizures, skin disorders, intestinal paralysis, hypotension, urinary retention, or difficulty urinating, dry mouth, hair loss, impotence, nosebleeds, mood changes, nausea, sensitivity to light, loss of appetite, cramps, convulsions, nightmares, fever, skin rashes, numbness in fingers and toes, ringing in the ears, uncoordinated movements and balance problems, etc.

     More bizarre symptoms can occur, as well. Kundalini can interfere with household electricity. Lights may go dim or flicker. Electrical appliances may break down.  Television and radio channels may produce static.  Computers or printers might malfunction.

     Even animals may react differently in the presence of an awakened person, being either magnetized toward or bolting away from them.  Or, touching other persons can produce an electric shock.

     Kundalini will permanently rewire the body-mind to release stored tension.  One must release shame, guilt, abuse, denial, and neglect, or any attempt to avoid their True Nature in order to better facilitate the movement of the energy of Kundalini that flows throughout the body.  One’s spiritual focus must contribute to an expansion of consciousness and the deepening of one’s life and contribution to life.

     Grounding, relaxation, toning, various breathing techniques, raw diet, cold showers, foot baths, sun and rock meditation, mindfulness, affirmations and visualization are all ways help oneself manage changes taking place within an awakened body.   The stronger the Shakti energy in a person, they are more likely to experience mysterious forms of the cosmic play of consciousness.  The Kundalini manifestations are not proof that a person is falling apart; they are signs of inner growth and change.  This process unfolds in its own way, at its own pace.

During this time of planetary transformation, Mother God led me to the truth about HIV/AIDS; that, “HIV-positive response means nothing of any relevance to health” (Whitaker, Fleming, 2010).  It was as if I was led by an invisible being or force throughout libraries’ and bookstores’ maze of books, as well as sites and articles in the internet kingdom, though well before many authors and researchers presented here came to the same conclusions and published their findings.

I became increasingly astounded at what I learned, all of which is presented in bullet form for ease of understanding.

Let’s look at the facts:

1)      “Up to today there is actually no single scientifically really convincing evidence for the existence of HIV.  Not even one such retrovirus has been isolated and purified by the methods of classical virology.”  --Dr. Heinz Ludwig Sanger, Emeritus Professor of Molecular Biology and Virology, Max-Plank-Institute for Biochemistry, Munchen

2)  “AIDS was created as a modern day fear tactic to continue the control and domination over people via sex and fear, a powerful combination, and it has worked like a charm.” --Djehuty Maat Ra,,  2007)

3)   AIDS is simply a new name for 25 diseases that have always existed whose causes have been listed in medical texts (Merck Manual) for over 70 years.  They are: malnutrition (starvation), drugs, radiation, and chemotherapy.”  --Whitaker and Fleming, (Medisin,2010)

4)     AZT, a drug so toxic that it was discarded by the Nixon administration as a treatment for cancer, and which causes AIDS is being given to individuals because they tested positive for antibodies to an innocent virus.  Though they are likely healthy at the time of administration, they will likely die from an acquired deficiency caused by AZT and fear-induced related illnesses.

5)     The gay population became an identifiable group when they began to suffer the effects of years of drug abuse.

6)     AIDS in Africa is what it has always been-slow starvation and malnutrition and hasn’t changed at all except for the name.

7)     AIDS is not a disease at all.  It is a government program. 

8)     AIDS is not contagious. Nor is AIDS sexually transmitted. --Dr. Llaila Afrika, “Nutricide”, 2000 

9)     Fear that germs cause disease is superstitious behavior and not backed by science.

10)    One does not catch healthy, catch bad breath, or catch a cold, or catch AIDS.  Nor can a person acquire another person’s immune deficiency.  Most illness is the way the body’s intelligence cleanses itself from poor nutrition, and toxic conditions and toxic environmental influences.

Five deadly deceptions forwarded by The AIDS Establishment are:

1)    AIDS is caused by the HIV virus.

2)    AIDS is contagious.

3)    A positive HIV test means death by AIDS.

4)    AIDS has no cure.

Healing from HIV/AIDS theories and deceptions by educating oneself is paramount.  All drugs, whether legal or illegal are toxic to the body.  Cleansing the body of toxic medication through ozone (oxygen) therapy, diet is helpful.

Just as we can make ourselves sick pursuant to our beliefs and thought processes, we can also make ourselves healthy by releasing shame and guilt over sex and sexuality.

Cindi Dale (2011) says that managing KA signs and symptoms can be affected by resolving childhood problems, release of energies that are not your own, setting energetic boundaries, activating of intuitive spiritual gifts, connecting with the Divine, seeking spiritual guidance and protection, , eliminating energetic bindings, curses and entity attachments, integrating soul fragments, setting energetic boundaries, embracing limits, and making healthy lifestyle choices can allow for a more supportive and comfortable KA.

     While the more order we reflect in our life, the healthier we are, healing does not come from us.  It comes from the “pure awareness” of God.  It is not a vibration, but the source of vibration, and potential order and energy of every form (Kinslow, 2008).  Procedures do not heal.  Thoughts do not heal.  Awareness does the healing.

     I use Quantum Entrainment (QE) developed by Frank Kinslow (2008) in his book the Secret of Instant Healing is my most recommended method for creating an atmosphere in which deep healing of the body and mind can take place.  Through the use of gentle touch the autonomic nervous system is spontaneously affected.

The three step QE touch healing process in a nutshell involves:

1.  Client describes pain

2.  Pre-test

3.  Think intention.  Make it present, precise and positive.  Identify what it is you are healing in the present moment of awareness in positive terms as if it were already healed.

4.  Become aware of Contact A (hard or painful muscle)

5.  Become aware of contact B

6.  Become aware of both A & B at the same time

7.  Wait for Eufeeling.  “Eufeelings” is short for euphoric feeling. They are not conditional.  They are always there wherever we are though we may not be aware of them.  Feelings like peace, silence, stillness joy, love are our natural state of being when we are not serving the needs of our ego to divide and conquer.    

8.  Hold awareness of A & B Eufeeling

9.  Muscle under Contact A relaxes (or other signs of relaxation)

10.  Post-test

QE heals both the healer and the healed.  Relaxation and peace is the body’s reaction to the healing presence of “pure awareness”.

In fact, it was when I had “slipped beyond thought and just existed”, in the gap between thoughts, that Mother God granted me the grace of healing, and so much more.

“The fire is lit.  You are fulfilled, and this fulfillment gives you peace.”  --Patricia Jepsen Chuse

























     The writings in this dissertation have been based on in-depth reading, research and evaluation of what Kundalini is and how it awakens and expands a person’s consciousness awareness. This student differs from what many believe they know about what HIV is and determined that HIV is a fraud.  This writer’s KA led to revelations that, as Hoover-Institute researcher, Tom Bethel, has said, “AIDS is not a disease at all-it is a government program.

     This student is eager and determined to be heard and given a chance to share the truth of his personal revelations based on personal experience and research.  I look forward to the moment when the opportunity is present when I will ask the Leaders of Metaphysics and the world at large to open their minds the reality and truth of what is stated as real in this dissertation.

     Since my spiritual awakening, it seems that I would always have a hunch about something; an idea in my head that would resound truth.  I would then seek and search for that truth in a book or an article somewhere “out there” to provide support for my own conclusions after the truth initially came to me from within.  I needed to corroborate what I already knew with someone else’s ideas.

     While the term “subtle energies” of Kundalini is new, the idea of subtle energies is embedded in human history, as our ancestors developed methods and systems to work with healing energies of the cosmos within ourselves.  Whether Hindu, Tibetan, Mayan, Cherokee, Incan, Christian, , Egyptian, African, or Jewish, etc., all systems agree that the  human body is really a universe composed of energy bodies--swirling vortices of light that literally transform sensory energy to spiritual energy, and vice versa (Dale, 2009).

     And while there was a schism between Western and Eastern Medicine, practitioners and patients noticed that the two approaches enhanced one another.  Western Medicine is allopathic and mechanistic and seeks to alleviate symptoms through scientifically documented methods.  Eastern medicine, on the other hand, is devoted to holistic health care, which treats the total person--mind, body and spirit.  With the knowledge that diseases are energetic and that energetic imbalances ensue as a result of consciousness, health can be restored and established by balancing one’s energies using an integrative care approach. 

Mother God’s awakening in me allowed me to gain this knowledge intuitively, but the most exciting studies are now being done using leading edge equipment, physics and processes in laboratories, clinics, institutes and universities around the world, where history meets research to yield proof and substantiate the existence of subtle energy structures in the body that are intricately linked to the chakra system (Dale, 2009).

Studies using super-conducting quantum interference devices, which perceive electromagnetic energies beyond the bounds of the body, as well as processes that embeds human intention onto a simple electrical device, show the effects of thought on physicality.  While these subtle energies operate by different rules than do measurable energies can completely ignore time and space, change form at will, and occupy many places at once. (Dale, 2009)

Respected researcher, physicist and expert on subtle energy, Dr. William Tiller’s model shows that subtle energies flow downward from the highest, “The Divine” providing a template for the level below.  There was once a single consciousness that unified everything, within which was Shiva (infinite supreme consciousness), and Shakti (eternal supreme consciousness).  Shiva represents time, and Shakti represents space.  These two beings separated, creating a distinction between matter and consciousness within the universe.  Within people this energy lies dormant and coiled within the base of the spine. 

When Kundalini is awakened the masculine (electrical) and feminine (magnetic) energies within the person frees him/her from the confines of the physical body.  Innate powers--magical, mystical abilities--awaken.  Moreover, the soul is freed from the wheel of life that forces reincarnation.  When balance and blending of both energies is achieved, then there is harmony, and within harmony, healing.

That describes exactly what happened to me.  “It was as if I had slipped beyond time and just existed” (Horakhty, 2001).  From that moment in time my life changed in ways I did not at the time know was possible. 

I ask the reader’s indulgence in my presentation of a succinct overview of my experiences without my having to elaborate on such personal and private experiences.  The next day and from that day forward, I noticed that birds and animals on occasion reacted strangely in my presence.  Ravens appeared almost wherever I was: at home, at work, while driving, in the park, etc.  They frequently swooped in and landed on the ledge of the roof of the building where I lived, or in the trees outside my high-rise apartment, and cawed ominously.  They flew in and encircled the area where I was parked outside a Mall.  Over one hundred of them descended around me once.  There were many times when ravens approached me in as few a number as one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, or as many as twenty or a hundred or more.  As odd as it may seem, I actually learned to communicate with them, based on the number of caws I heard.

On occasion ravens and hawks or falcons frolicked outside my window or in the air over my head.  Today, in fact, while visiting my parents in Alabama, I took a break from writing this dissertation, went outside, and looked up and there were seven hawks soaring, weaving some pattern among them, high in the air directly overhead.  I rushed inside to get my camera phone only to find they had dispersed when I returned.  This occurrence was without a doubt a synchronous event. Hawks symbolize emerging higher consciousness.  Amazing!

     Throughout the years since my awakening, butterflies, bees and dragonflies also fluttered or buzzed by me regularly, and sometimes startled me when they came inside my car while waiting at a traffic signal.  Once I almost had an accident.  I recall an incident when I looked out of my window and viewed a fleet of dragonflies which flew back and forth in a line the length of my apartment for over an hour without resting.  And I remember the day a bumblebee alighted in my window nonstop for over an hour without cease.

I want to emphasize that these many of these seemingly bizarre behaviors were not just random occurrences.  They happened quite frequently, as if something wanted to get my attention.  So, I began to research their symbolic significance.

I was led to information about the cyclical stages of spiritual alchemy as well as Native American spirituality; ravens symbolized the second stage after awakening, blackening, where an awakened person‘s life seemingly falls apart in order that they die to their old ways, experience a crucifixion of their former self, resurrect and are reborn anew.

I further learned that of animal totems and spirit guides.  The raven is a powerful animal totem which represents healing, wisdom and protection while working in the void, connection to and communication from ancestors.  Raven is the evolutionized form of the prehistoric veloceraptor.  Butterflies symbolized transformation.  Bees symbolized “working” for the common good, and dragonflies symbolized the breaking down of illusions, which is required when learning of one‘s true self.

I also learned that some insects are drawn to a person’s aura whose Kundalini was awakened, just as bees are drawn to flowers.  As far as strange animal behavior--once, a puppy left its owner and ran clear across a large field in the park to where I sat talking to a friend and jumped up on my leg and began licking me.  I had not called it to me.  And yet another time while I jogged in a crowded park, a boy’s pet dog ran across my path only to immediately turn around.  It barked ferociously at me while snapping at my lower legs and feet.

As the years unfolded and as I learned more about what was happening to me, I began to appreciate the new awareness that I was gaining.  I learned to recognize the spiritual significance of certain animals and insects that appeared in my environment.  I learned of shamanism and considered that perhaps I was an urban shaman in training. 

One day I was sitting on bleachers in the park, writing in my journal.  I had just written the last word of thanks to God for the birds and the bees, when all of a sudden two birds flew right by my head, while a large bumblebee simultaneously landed on my backpack that was positioned right next to me.  Synchronous and bizarre events became commonplace.  I could be thinking of a person and suddenly they would appear around the next corner, or call me over the telephone.  I seemed to have perceived premonitions of things to come.

I also experienced long periods of depression and suicidal ideation, as well as periods of ecstatic joy and bliss.  At times, I slipped into licentious behaviors and experienced parts of my being that I would never have thought possible.  In effect, I became what I had previously  judged as deplorable in others, namely an alcoholic and a drug addict.

Kundalini, Holy Spirit, The Great Mother, Divine Feminine, once awakened, breaks down a person’s illusions and annihilates the ego, or sense of separateness one feels from others and God.  Sometimes it is necessary to become that which you think you hate in order that you assimilate the shadow side of yourself, making transformation extremely difficult at times.  She also bestows grace, awakens truth, and grants the experience of different realities.

     While asleep, or while drifting to sleep, or waking up in the middle of the night, I had frequent out-of-body experiences (OBEs).  I read many books on the subjects of Soul Travel, Astral Projection and OBEs.  I studied techniques for facilitating their occurrence.  When I finally overcame the fear of leaving my body, I visited other worlds nightly assisted by beings that I believe to be “Star People”, a term I prefer to extraterrestrial,  whose loving presence I could only sense and feel, but who I could not see.  I chose not to see, except for one time in particular, because I thought I would become overly frightened which would likely prevent me from future explorations.  Communication between us was telepathic.

A most memorable OBE was when a heavenly black male star-being,  assisted me on a tour of what appeared to be a world of swirling colors of purple and lavender.  The experience was breathtaking.  His skin was dark and vibrant, hair wooly, and his eyes blazed like fire.

The most memorable OBE to date was when I an open 3rd eye experience.  I flew at incredible speed through a tunnel and emerged in the cosmos.  I flew as if assisted by beings that were glad to have me there.  They were happy to have a person who let go of fear in order that they could show me the wonders of the universe.  I saw infinite galaxies in the distance as I hurtled through space.  It was the most exhilarating experience to date.

I even composed original poetry and made journal entries detailing what I could remember of my night-time voyages.  One such poem was:

Beyond the Body

They were here last night

Carried me for another ride

Tickled my feet, supported my shoulders, stroked my hair

At incredible speed, we flew through the air

Longed and wished to be whisked away

Hued and breathed, relaxed and prayed

Let the physical body go

No fear to be had

Then came the vibes

Gave in to the flow

Up and away

Where?  I guess dimensions unknown

A cosmic adventure one more time

Look forward to the next

What a thrilling ride

Focus on love, worlds beyond

Worlds within

Thank God for the fun


     There were also mornings when I woke up and heard incredible symphonies and/or beautiful poetry in my head which did not come from my own thought.  I did however compose poetry of my own and made journal experiences detailing what I could remember of my nightly voyages.

     Each experience ended with me traveling in reverse direction and re-emerging into my body and vibrating and/or pulsing back down into my physical vessel.  This was a literal physical sensation.  It was as if my consciousness and or astral body had to readjust now that it was back inside my physical body.

     I had also regularly made contact with star people.  I requested and received what I term “vibrational healing” from the Arcturians, Medical Assistance Program (MAP Teams).  I learned of them in Dr. Joshua Stones “Ascension Manual”.  The MAP teams came when requested and used some sort of rod-like instrument, which was place on areas of my body.  It vibrated those areas back to health.  The physical sensation was one of raising the frequency of vibration of internal organs.

     While in the dream state, I learned of my “multidimensional self” and came to know that I exist in many worlds as a different version of myself while here in this 3rd dimension of earth existence.

Many times I questioned my own sanity and feared sharing my experiences with others.  Fortunately my mother listened and did her best to understand what I was revealing.  She read many of the books I shared with her so that she would better understand and be able to support my transformation.  I was a voracious reader of all things Metaphysical.

I also required periods of rest and relaxation whenever Kundalini caused intense energetic surges throughout my body.  Lying down and relaxing or letting go of the body as well as any doubts and fears.  This allowed the energy to move less obstructed, which relieved internal pressure.   I felt as if I was being mysteriously rewired from inside out.  I referred to it as an “oval of energy” or “egg of energy” in an area of the body that could be felt as if reorganizing something internal, perhaps altering and/or activating my dormant DNA. 

My research led me to a book called Kundalini Rising.  In it, one experience detailed a woman named Whitehawk spoke of Kundalini leading her to profound liberation, in which she relinquished her need for control in favor of absolute trust and surrender to the strangeness that becomes part and parcel of life when Kundalini takes the reins.  She too had had OBEs, experiences in other realms with beings in nonphysical realms.  She said, Kundalini had “stretched her beyond previous limits into entirely new octaves of existence.”  She corresponded with the beings from the Pleiades in other worlds, higher dimensions, or in traveling craft.  “Walls, objects, even the air itself seemed alive with their energetic essence…” she wrote.

I read experiences of other people, too many to discuss here.  Imagine my surprise when I learned about Shurlene and Earlene Carr, two African American sisters called “The UFO Twins who wrote a book, “From the Motherland to the Mothership“, detailing their interaction with extraterrestrials from other worlds.  I could not have written this dissertation without their published contributions.  I, without their confirmation and similar experiences traveling to distant planets/worlds, would not have been as believable.  I listened to several of their Blog-Talk Radio interviews too.  I literally cried when similarities were revealed between their experiences and mine. Hear them for yourself.

Many of my OBE and astral experiences seemed to be some sort of initiation process where I was required to overcome fear.  I had to traverse seemingly impossible terrains, breathe under water, walk through fire, or through walls.  Whenever I was overcome with fear, or not aware that I was actually in the dream state, not conscious during the dream (lucid dreaming), so to speak, and had nothing to fear, I would immediately wake up.  I had failed that test.  So, my challenge became to be aware (conscious) even while asleep so that I would recognize that there was nothing to fear but fear itself.  Whenever I did that, transcending any situation or environment was incredibly easy when I became “conscious” in the dream state.

In the course of our transformation, we, the sisters and I, we had been led to read many of the same books, among them Conversations with God, You can Heal your Life, The Sirius Mystery, The Celestine Prophecy and others works more related to our own ethnicity by authors like Dr. Yosef A. A. ben-Jochannan, Dr. John Henry Clark, W.E.B. Dubois and others who instilled cultural pride in us;  facts of history which we had been denied from learning in the traditional education system here in the United States public school system.  We listened to griots like Dr. Delbert Blair, Dr. Phil Valentine, and Brother Bobby Hemmit, and others.

For me personally, there came a time when I also shared with my family the research and revelations I had come to regarding the HIV debacle.  They read my manuscript, “The Rainbow Warrior:  Healing HIV through Chakra Awareness”, and initially thought I was deluded and confused.

Six years after I completed my manuscript a friend sent me a link to an article written by Djheuty Maat Ra, a world renowned nutritionist, a man who like me had changed made an ancient African spiritual name for himself just as I had, mine being Kabir Amen Ra Horakhty.  His article   essentially said the same things that I had been saying for years, points of fact delineated earlier in the findings section of this dissertation.  I was saddened to recently find in November 2012 that he had changed the article’s content under pressure from the Food and Drug Administration.  He actually said he feared “being shot down by the government” (Maat RA, 2012).

Other nutritionists and classical virologists began to publish information questioning conventional HIV/AIDS.  They arrived at the same conclusions that I had gained from the personal experience of being impacted by an HIV positive diagnosis.  They, like I, were diligently working to raise public awareness in an effort to save lives and promote world harmony.  

Many friends and associates who had received an HIV positive diagnosis, and who experienced debilitating effects of their toxic medication prescriptions, thanked me for providing views of which they were not familiar.  They, like I am, are no longer taking them, and are healthy once again.

I have received many emails from people around the world who have shared articles I wrote with their friends and loved ones.  One such article titled “Let HIV Set You Free“, published in 2006.   

While some people have not been able to accept my revelations as truth, generally those who have experienced conventional HIV therapies are glad to consider a new approach, since the ones they used created horrible side effects like nausea, vomiting, mental confusion, numbness in the fingers and toes (peripheral neuropathy), etc.  Many personal friends and associates who persisted in their prescribed toxic medication regimes for an HIV positive diagnosis have passed.

For me, the threat of death from an HIV positive diagnosis propelled the evolution of my conscious awareness of God in me, as me.  And, while according to Samael Aun Weor (2009), the progress, development and evolution in Kundalini is very slow and difficult, disciples must have a system of purification and sanctification.  They must make a list of their defects and amend them orderly and methodically to allow the Inner Christ to flourish.







    Socrates said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.”  The only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing.” (Kinslow, 2008)

My former guru used to always say to me, “You are not the doer of action.  You are the seer.  It is all Mother’s Play of Consciousness.  And, Mother will never give you more than you can handle.”

As the cycles of spiritual and alchemical transformation in my life unfold, I am learning to honor others, to respect myself, to love unconditionally, to surrender personal will to Divine Will, to seek only the truth, to release anger, be compassionate, forgive, and to live in the present moment of awareness while endeavoring to recognize the oneness of all life.

     “They slept until the black raven, blithe hearted proclaimed the joy of heaven.--Beowulf  

It has been established in this dissertation it has been shown that in a moment in time the serpent Goddess Kundalini can rise up the spine of a person and grant wisdom beyond space and time, as She did in me, granting special psychic abilities called siddhis.  Among these gifted precognition, teleportation (OBEs), remote viewing, clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience, as well as the ability to see into and travel to the outer realms and other dimensions to experience the entities and environments there.

For some people, the energy surge of Kundalini is intense and can lead to more dramatic behaviors and physical, emotional and mental challenges. Grounding and breathing techniques, prayer, relaxation, and eating a raw food diet can help ease the effects of Kundalini.

Kundalini support groups, whether online or in a physical setting also provide immense support especially for those who have been misdiagnosed as schizophrenic.   

As one begins to understand what is happening in their life as a result of KA their sense of separateness from others and from God is realized through the inevitable process of ego annihilation.  One gets the opportunity to heal past traumas and unresolved psychological issues to help restore energetic balance in the body.

This student contended that while there has been a fraudulent imposition on the public who have allowed itself to be brainwashed about HIV/AIDS, Mother Goddess Kundalini has revealed through the KA experience healing and the truth that health comes from within.

One can align oneself with healing energies and restore health to the body whether they experience difficulties assimilating the divine energies awakened by Kundalini, or physical symptoms of illness related to HIV or any other dis-ease with self.

Detoxifying and purifying the body, meditation, relaxation, chanting mantras can help awaken the Holy Spirit within.  Healing wounds through forgiveness, obtaining loving support, affirmations, creative visualization, proper diet, and raising the overall frequency of the body help facilitate healing from any illness.

     Neale Donald Walsh said that “we are waking up to our true gifts--and stewarding the emergence of a new era.  We are evolving a new form of masculinity--one fused with integrity, authenticity, generosity and virtue.  And we’re living more purposefully and finding ways to serve a cause greater than ourselves.  It is not an easy path.  We are learning as we go--transforming our past, expressing our inner strengths in new ways.  We are learning to lead boldly without dominating, feel fully and freely, and use our power to protect instead of destroy.  And we have further to go--both for the sake of our liberation and the world’s.”

I attribute this new awareness to the energy of Mother God awakening in me and others.

     Divine Mother Kundalini’s awakening in me inspired me to write and dedicate a poem to Her called:

Goddess Energy

What is this movement that’s stirring in me?

Something’s awakened.  What can it be?

Lying or standing or sitting in place

My legs, my stomach, my chest, my face.

Something has happened to ignite such a spark.

It feels like a pulse from deep in my heart.

I know it as separate from the flow of my blood.

It whirls. It fidgets. It really feels good.

Balancing my energy, regenerating my cells,

Pulling and tugging restoring me well.

I guess I AM chosen as all of us are,

If we would but notice, and be who we are.

No need to pretend that I’m something I’m not,

For God is expressing, and that is my lot.

Relax, Relate, Release, and Be Free.

Acknowledge my uniqueness, to live and to be.

All that I am whether different or same,

Loving myself is the name of the game.

Only then can I love others as well,

Forgiving them and listening to the stories they tell.

I’ve researched and figured it out to be

The loving force of Goddess Energy

The Serpent is aroused------ Kundalini!



Perhaps the awakening of my Kundalini was a call to world service, a personal mission bigger than me. And while I recognize the oneness of all life, I also realize that I am not here to fit in.  I am here to be different, to totally and completely upset status quo reality.  Everything I thought was wrong with me is exactly what was right with me and perfect for the realization of my awesome magnificence.  And as I continue on the continual cycle of spiritual transformation of birth, growth, death and return, I will gain experience of God in me, as me.

“You plotted evil against me, but God turned it into good in order to preserve the lives of many people…” (Gen. 50:20).  Hence, a merging of opposites at the heart chakra, and ascension into higher levels of conscious awareness, from HIV to Kundalini:  Awakening the Divine Feminine Within.














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Hello Dr.  I would like to be able to submit it the  the Journal of Transpersonal of Psychology for publication.  I am afraid I will not be able to submit it in the requested format considering my level of computer skills.  .  Any help shall be greatly appreciated.  Send me a private email on the site if you have any suggestions.  Thank you so much.  



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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