lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
Please help my son!
I am in need of help and prayers and healing for my son! My son was diagnosed with Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma April 26 of 2011. We were forced(Dr called Cps)to go the chemo route. When all the cort stuff was behid us, I switched hospita and Dr.' the ocologist that we have now:) The roadmap or protocol for the chemo that my son is to get is a tough one...the first round was hard...we had scans in Nov. which showed that the tumor was shrinking we were excited!! At home I have him on several different supplements and we get acupunture b4 any chemo treatment to help with nausea and to flush the toxins out. We were granted a wish with Make-a Wish, and in March we were in Hawaii for a week. Meikel felt fabulous it was a vaction we both needed:)
When we got back..I requested a scan b4 we continued with the next dose of chemo...since the scan in Nov we have been on a lot stronger dose of chemo that has made Meike reallly sick! We recieved the scan results fro the scan 2 weeks ago....Meikel's tumor is growing. The dr had a tear in his eye he was upset, we alll thought the tuor woud be gone. Instead one of the chemicals caused it to grow double the size of what it was in Nov. The dr does not know what to do. He gave us a chemo pill to take that will hopefuly stop it from graowing, but it may not shrink. He wants us to go to a clinical trial that starts here in 2 months. I have started Meikel on acupunture 3x a week tryg to detox his system.
I have him now drining carrot juice everyday as much as he can tolerate without being nauseated. Next week we wil be doing vit infusons 2x a week. I have him doing coffee enemas...3x a wee we will do 4times...trying to get him to the point we can do 3x a day every other day. I have had Meike watch Gregg Braden Miracle Healing DVD... have told him that everything is energy and its a matter of shifting thought...but I am mom, he doesn't always believe me.
Meikel is a very old soul. He had a past life regression session last week, and came to me after and said mom you killed me last life time! We were in Egypt he was a Pharoah n line for throan...I was a healer as well as the first Dr we had...the one that caled CPS on us because I hestitated wth chemo idea.....apparently Meikel got sick, this dr and I tried to heal him with herbs. The dr gave him some herbs that Meikel had an allergic reacton to and died. Now ths incident has been cleared...but he chose to come bac in this lifetime to let me try again. We have been awae since 4a today because he is in such pain!! The tumor is going into his lungs and he has strong pains in his shoulders and now his chest. I need help!!!
Please any help suggestion all prayers would be greatly appreciated!! My son is 14
Hanne Hansen
When i link into this i am drawn to a man called "Braco" just by his gaze or parent can hold a photo of the child needing healing, miracles can happen, i send a link for you to see for yourself.
my heart and prayers are with you and family right now Hanne
I love Braco!! I volunteered or his event a few times when he was in AZ. First time was before all this happened...second time we new what was going on, very different energy. I have purchased a few of his DVD and I put one underneath Meikel's bed where he sleeps to get the energy while he sleeps:) Thank you
that is great Hanne, follow your intuition with Braco, find a place where you have..Faith~
you aren't playing the dvd out loud while Meikel is sleeping are you though? (under his bed like you mentioned) ... just wanting to be sure he doesn't have his sleep interrupted with noise...
much love to you both, faith Apple Goddess
My heart is crying for you...sending you all my love and blessings....
This is the link to Dr.Joanna Budwig might have some interesting information for you...
Cute Graphics
Dear Hanne and Meikel
I will send a healing and pray.
All my love to you both
Lynette xxx
Dear Hanna, You and your son are in my prayers. I will send healing with Reiki. May you be surrounded by the Violet Flame to transmute all pain and disease and fear. Love and Light, Renate
Dear Hanne,
My heart goes out to you and Meikel. He has chosen a difficult path this time and only he can truly help himself by choosing to live and with your assistance. Do everything you can, but do not feel guilty if he instead choses to move into spirit.
I heard John Dyer speak recently, he said that he had cancer and John of God helped him. I heard of him before. Check out the link. Also I will ask to put you both in the Blue Light prayer circle.
Love and light!
Sorry, it should have been Dr. Wayne Dyer, not John Dyer.
No words - Just LOVE ... and this picture ... look at it, if you can, print it out - I AM - WE ARE with you - ANGELS watching over you!
May the bonds of OLD break AWAY now!
You received a key - TURN IT!
No shame, no guilt
Only LOVE!
Feel your high heart expand ....
and fill with turquoise blue light ...
VIOLET Beams of LIGHT are scanning your bodies
eliminating and melting down tumors in a minute ...
You are not alone, dear Hanne -
and whatever may happen - TRUST in SOURCE!
all and any shadow included!
Dring the LIGHT
Fill yourself with light
And know that your son is being filled with love light joy, too ...
On many levels!
Don't hold on ....
RELAX into nothing ...
the void
release your fear of death ...
it is an illusion
only in the world of flesh does it exist.
But we are ETERNAL BEINGS!!!
We can release the grip on life ...
and LIVE!!!
When we die in the flesh
we live forever
and as long as we live in the flesh
we are called to release all bonds of fear through encoutnering LOVE.
So, once again ...
FEEL your High Heart ... between your heart and throat ...
Let LOVE stream in from the many angels who surround you - eternally ...
and let go ...
LOVE is the Healer.
Love is a frequency above fear.
We are here for you to hold you dearly in the LOVE LIGHT of the Creator, dear Hanne,
both of you.
Release the fear
highten your frequency ...
elevate your vibration ...
use my words to climb ...
steadily ...
climb ...
BREATHE deeply!
Breath in LOVE and SOURCE LIGHT through all your body -
and breathe out all the past experiences, the doctors' advice, the low frequency ...
You have chosen a difficult path ...
You have done it for a REASON!
Do not give up now!
Your trial is not meaningless!
Breathe in LOVE
And breathe out all the sorrow and plight which weigh you down ...
RE-MEMBER this truth!!!
Meikel - re-MEMBER!
Together you - we - your mother and you - are strong!
You need not demonstrate anything -
Just allow your SELF to BE ...
YES ... the pain is easing ...
let yourself fall into the LOVE and LIGHT which surround you.
You are SAFE!!!
No-thing can harm you!
No cancer can kill YOU!
The live here is like a computer game.
Would you like to continue playing?
You can only take this decision without fear.
So breathe in the Love Light of CREATION ...
and let go of the bad feelings in your stomach and lower part of your body ...
BREATHE into the pain ...
yes, do not try to evade the pain by NOT breathing - you need the energy ...
Yes ...
In and out ...
Everything else is an illusion ...
let go of the illusion ...
Nothing to fear anymore ...
We are at your side ... Angels and Ascended Beings ...
They know what you are going through - and why ...
and they all want to help you.
Accept their LOVE...
accept YOUR love ...
Sonja Myriel Aouine
This came through immediately after our lightgrid connection - still in the energy ... I was led to turn on the computer once again, although it was already late at night, I did and found your plea, Hanne.
You found your way here to ask for help - I am grateful that you allow us in!
Huge change is underway!
Open up ... you are totally safe!
Sonja Myriel
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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July 3rd-4th 2014 and March 20th-21st 2015:
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