lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light














BE the LOVE you ARE

You are LOVE and you are eternally LOVED

CHOOSE to BE the LOVE you ARE and you will encounter LOVE wherever you are.

On July 11, 2010, the Sun and the Moon will meet at 8: 34 pm. They are no longer in opposition – they are uniting now and together they will help you to balance your masculine and your feminine parts.

You have all long been waiting for this to happen – NOW is the time.

You have been preparing yourself for this. You have been exploring your outgoing masculine nature and you know the beauty of your inner world. On July 11 and hence forward you will be guided to bring these two components together.

Going inward to contemplate is just as important as being firmly grounded in everyday life. None is better – these are the two sides of the coin and only when the merging of these seemingly opposite traits has been accomplished you have the power and are free to CREATE.

The Healing Room – or Healing Chamber of Light – is unfolding. The process was started on June 26, 2010, when Lightworkers all around the globe were accessing this New Room for the first time.

I now ask you to this again on July 11, only this time pay special attention to the MERGING of OPPOSITES!

We will meet again at 8:34 pm Middle European Time (7:34 pm UT) – but of course you can choose any time you wish for your own Chymical Wedding. I recommend to start your preparations at 8 pm, grounding your energies and balancing your system, so you are prepared to be with us at 8:34 pm. The Solar Eclipse starts at 19:15:15 pm Middle European Time (18:15:14 pm GMT) and lasts until 21:51:42 pm MET (20:51:42 pm GMT) (place to convert from is any place in Middle Europe, for example Austria / Vienna!)

This is the mandala which will facilitate accessing the Healing Room:


Put the mandala in front of you – or for group meditation in the centre of your circle and / or in front of each of the participants.

Connect to Mother Earth and Her Healing Songs. Connect to the four elements of FIRE, WATER, EARTH and AIR.

Hold a bowl of water in your left hand, palm up (do not fill it to the brim or it will overflow when you place the candle in in ;-) )

Imagine the activation of the number 43 in your left hand – this is the MOON and SILVER is its energy.

Hold a broad candle in your right hand, palm up (broad enough that it can easily be placed in the bowl of water without dripping!)

Then imagine the activation of the number 61 in your right hand – this is the SUN and GOLDen is its energy

Now bring your hands together in front of your heart chakra – and then slowly place the candle in the bowl thinking of the number 104. The SUN and the MOON, male and female are merging (7:34 UT – 8:34 MET: exact time of the solar eclipse). The door is opening.

Place the bowl and candle in front of you or keep it in your hands, whatever feels better at that time - and take both elements in … Breathe ...

Feel the energies of your HEART, connect to the energies of the HEART of MOTHER EARTH (EARTH) and to the HEART of the Sun / Galactic Sun / Centre of the Universe (AIR). Let the energies flow through you and let them create the miracle of the fusion of male and female energies. You are now connected to ALL that IS. YOU are the Centre of the Universe, YOU are an eternal Being, YOU are BLISS, you are JOY, YOU are PEACE, YOU are LOVE, YOU are ALL that IS, YOU ARE … Let it be the way it is. You need not do anything, just let the energies flow freely and know that you are guided. Healing will take place inside of your energetic system, Healing will take place accordingly on a universal level, Healing will take place for our Beloved Mother Earth. Remain in this Healing Space of opposite energies being MERGED without any other intent. HEALING the POLARITIES. In the Centre of your Heart, the Centre of Mother Earth, the Centre of the Galactic Sun, whose portal is our physical sun.

It is time for the Chymical Wedding - let your Spirit soar while you remain firmly grounded to the energies of the Earth in the energies of your HEART, the energies of LOVE.

It is done.

Do NOT blow out the candle at the end of your meditation. It will be extinguished by the water when it has burned down.

Thank you

You can do this meditation any time you choose, but if you can, join us on July 17 at 8:34 pm Middle European Time so we can access this room as a worldwide family which we ARE all together. (place to convert from is any place in Middle Europe, for example Austria / Vienna!)

The exact time of the Solar Eclipse is 19:34 UT. 34 in the periodic table is the number of selenium – selene meaning MOON ... be prepared to dive into the watery world of your emotions while remaining firmly grounded in your Heart Centre and thus connected to the Heart Centre of the Earth and the Heart Centre of the Universe, the Galactic Central Sun! Much shall be accomplished that day if you remember to stay focused in your HEART.

The Mandala was created by Werner Neuner and is FREELY AVAILABLE for anyone to use! You are invited to copy, print out, pass on to your friends and acquaintances and USE it. If you publish this text and the mandala on other sites, please include the following links to Werner Neuner's site (German) and the English site at

Thank you!

Sonja Myriel Aouine



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Beautiful Sonja!

Thank you!

Total convergence !! Compassion, empaty and love to everybody!! After all everyboby needs it!!
So much and fantastic harmony, it was magic, Even the candle sing a song!!
Thank you so much for sharing this here, Monica!

We have set the intention, we are on our path :-)

For me the meditation was a challenge, as I was outside, in a forest, near the water and many many moscitos all around - lol! Wax was dripping from the candle, but didn't burn me.
I experienced a strong conection to Mother Earth and her HEALING Potential, though. I felt strongly protected and savely guided and the energies of the sun and the moon / fire and water/ were both present - and merging, merging, merging ...
I know now that this was the first step in the direction of Unifying the male and female principle and thus experiencing Unity Consciousness and CO-CREATION and we will experience more and more of it in the course of the following 3 years ... we are on track and WE ARE BLESSED!

Obrigado.....estarewi aqui no Brasil a acompanhar a meditação ......namaste....
Estarei aqui no Meco a sintonizar o Amor para tudo e para todos. A terra mãe precisa de Amor, assim como o universo e nós fazemos parte dele. Estarei sincronizado com o Amor, ou seja com todos aqueles que estão igualmente a Amar, sem expectativas, sem esperar compensações, tão somente damos, por Amor pois é dele que é feito o universo e reparem, não é lindo?!

Thank you Sonja...I will see you in the HEALING ROOM /^\
Thank you, Monica :-)
Hi catherine :-)
Thank you for calling our attention to this. I posted it Anrita's message here:

These are the links:

You Tube ~
Mp3 download

You are enternally BLESSED :-)

Sonja Myriel
Thank you. It was/is awesome.


The ceremony with the water bowl and candle was very beautiful. It completely charmed one man who was not convinced in the beginning that he wanted to participate. I observed him being softer and expressing his feminine side more after the ceremony.

I have noticed that the weather around the Mexican Gulf has quieted down. Even the news has become more hopeful! Hmmm, perhaps our prayers and meditations are making a difference.

Yes!!! Helping the Gulf to heal itself...(((Amen/And so it is)))

THank you Carol! That's great news...

(((Love to ALL with/in the Gulf of Mexico)))

I love you beyond words.

Ayanna/Texas Gulf Coast Resident
In preperation to enter the Healing Room in the daytime, I blew my Conch shell & sat down to meditate and as I did Ravens appeared out of nowhere. They are the carriers of the medicine of magic. I thanked them and asked if they had a message. They reminded me to have courage to step into the darkness of the void which is all that is not yet in form...the GREAT MYSTERY. As I looked up into the sky there were clouds in formations of birds, angels, & even a dragon. When I looked around, there were white feathers all over the ground which weren't there before. I connected to the 4directions.
As the day turned into night there were bats flying over (which represent "rebirth". My crown was tingling and I sensced the energy of the dolphins, whales & crystals on this planet & I could feel the messages being sent from the Indiginous Peoples throughout the world, then did the water/candle & #'s visualization/meditation.
The visuals were very steady in coming. A whale was eyeball to eyeball. I asked for it's message>>which was go with the flow. In each hand were lotus flowers; one had a gold stream of light the other was silver..Then a copper-gold light. A top of a Pyrimid was glowing in a bright yellow/golden essence. Then there were floating Souls of golden/white Light lifting.
During this time my energy field was being stroked. Then I saw the waters world wide which were crystal clear/clean & we could travel down to the lost Atlantis for learnings. All of a sudden I had all kinds of birds around me..(an unusual combination on the ground & in the water).
My heart, bursting with Light I saw countless earthbound souls that were being lifted to the heavens. The words, I LOVE YOU, YOUR FORGIVEN were in my mind. Then I was shown people with illness's that were ready to leave. With their permission I showed them the Light & they were lifted. The others that were sick, I asked if they could be healed for their Highest Good.
Then my future self united with me. The question that came accross my thoughts was...what do I want? The answer was to Create Miracles....A globe of White Light came towards me into my forhead/third eye & as if in a tunnel, sparkles of Light came towards me very rapidly from the globe. My Aura & Chakras received these sparkles, and the sensation under my skin throughout my body felt a tremendous tingling sensation. My Mind asked::: is this in my head?? The answer was::: it is what you asked for.
My higher heart was overflowing with so much Love I thought it was going to burst :-D as I felt a fusion of my RNA/DNA cells. It was like a whole rewiring. The night was very still and it was as if I could hear the prayers being sent around the world which was in a form of a Light-wave. Needing a drink of water I got up and felt weightless. I looked to see if I was realy standing on the grass in bare feet, because I could only feel the complete intergration of myself & the New Gaia... the tears streamed down & I feel Blessed beyond measure.
I look foward to connecting on the 17th.
Eternal Light & Love to you ALL



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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