lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
Hello Lightgrid Family~
Within the month of March, 2012, we are newly aligned with our central sun, as never before. Opportunities for healing and growth have amplified, beyond what we have known before, on our planet.
As you discern all, through your 'inner Source knowing', choices, new ideas, connections, information and new tools may unfold for you. True desire to be of Love and compassion, through each unique and special call, is now capable of birthing even more miracles, should you choose.
Blessings and LOVE~
by Soluntra King
The Central Sun is really a level of consciousness we attain and at this level we are a Creator Goddess God creating Heaven on Earth. In the physical realm our Sun is connected to the Central Suns, our own Central Sun is Alcyone, from the Pleiadian Star System that we are part of. There are many Suns and Central Suns, it is through these Suns that all worlds are created and aligned. The Sun illuminates the vibrations that help us to grow, if it feels our Love it feeds that Love, if it feels our fear it creates experiences for us to open up more fully to Love.
The Central Sun we open up to once we have reached a higher light vibration in our being through purification of our lower self and moved out of the lower astral world. We get to a point where we become a Central Sun and our light illuminates brightly as we hold the beam for all humanity and the upliftment in consciousness. We have great responsibility at this level and work in the Councils of Light where there are twelve of us in unified consciousness. The Golden Solar Discs are at this level and the Central Sun holds the living library of Light at the realm of creation we operate in. The Golden Solar Discs were used by the ancients to keep the alignment of the Suns in balance and we were totally connected to our Solar Self at that time, the last Golden Cycle .
As we progress in our awakening through our initiations and transcend the lower realms of desires and attachments we become the Greater Central Sun where we work in the Council of Four. With even more awareness of the bigger picture and our part in it, that it is not us but all of us and the ego plays no part in the work.
Our Sun and Solar System cycles around the Central Sun in a cycle of 26,000 years that we are completing now. There are photons of Light that illuminate from the Central Sun that we pass through half way through this cycle and then again now at the end of the cycle. The Central Sun, Sun and Greater Central Sun are also aligned to the Galactic Centre at this time, the Black Hole that we move through as we transform into Star Walkers, Shinning Ones, Goddesses and Gods, our Divine Self, Physically Immortal, Body of Light. This is what we are preparing for now and have been all our lives and for aeons of time. What makes it special is that we are not dying and doing this, but doing it in our body, or those who chose are; to be the Sun of our true self the Son of God, Christed One.
The Mayans who come from the planet Maya which is a lot closer in orbit to the Central Sun Alycone and thereby illuminated with Photon Belt Light to a lot greater degree than our Solar System, understood the cycles and the role of the Central Sun and Photo Belt. They built the Pyramids aligned to Alycone when it would align with the Sun and Central Sun and we move through the Galactic Centre. The Ball Court was our Galaxy and at its centre the inter- stellar dust cloud, the centre of our Galaxy where we move through, this time in our bodies and on our Earth who is us and we her all one.
Gate and the doorway is now open in the oneness of our divine self for all to move through. It will take a couple more years to filter into the lower dimensions and fully integrate in our physical bodies, but in the greater reality it has already happened and we are through.
Your Gold Light Body is the level of harmony you achieve when you are in harmony with Source, as you know it at the level of the Central Sun. Once you have aligned with the Central Sun you have fully anchored the Divine principle in matter as the connector vehicle that you are. You then move through the Central Sun into wholeness, Nirvana, unified essence, the Seventh Dimension and flow outwards once more creating new worlds. You create these worlds at this level as you are the Creator Goddess/God at this vibration in alignment with Source. You are not Source but at the level of full creative principle in action. So you become true essence, your Solar Self, Golden Being, home through the Central Sun, your connection to source, your God I Am/We are presence. We are becoming our Gold Light Body for the first time ever as we are, still in a body on the Earth plane.
It is the state of being that we are, as we shift into the Golden cycle and align fully with the Sun, Central Sun and Greater Central Sun. This is the time of the completion of all these great cycles as we move through the Photon Belt and into our home Solar System and the Second Sun. The Earth herself is becoming a Sun, as our Sun becomes a Central Sun and the Central Sun becomes a Greater Central Sun. This state is a blessing that has not occurred before in full embodiment. We have the opportunity to fully marry spirit and matter and create Heaven on Earth as the God Creators that we are. Please see the introduction for more information on the Sun, Central Sun and Greater Central Sun. We have always been Goddess/God Creators but abused the power previously that is why we are all here in our creation frantically trying to get it together. We are healing our power plays and control dramas in the great Cosmic play by becoming that which we created without full consciousness. So the only way to resolve this was to come back into our past, which is now on Earth and heal from within, becoming fully conscious. That way we create the doorway for our future life in alignment with Divine Will, otherwise we continue duality and destroy our future.
* Being your Solar Self, I am/We are.
* Resolved Cosmic karma and great power plays that have kept this world trapped in duality and in the belief that the body is a limitation and not Divine.
* Awareness of yourself as a Creator Goddess/God and the responsibility of co-creating worlds in alignment with Divine Will, being the Divine in all creation, Divine Right Action.
* Through Being, allowing the transmutation of duality consciousness into Unity/God consciousness.
* Instrumental in the great change of cycle through the Central Sun and fulfilling your destiny in loving service, at the completion of the duality drama as you create the New Earth and Heaven on Earth.
* You are now ready to move into the black hole, fully back with Source, the void in total surrender and then you will create new worlds to play in. The Central Sun is also at the level where you work consciously with the Councils of Light and also anchoring or activating the Golden Solar Discs. Working at this level is not something you can just do, you will know if you do it as you will be conscious of your meetings with the Councils of Light and what is being activated, aligned, anchored for the shift in cycle and merging of the Suns.
WOW - Thank you, AyAnna!
Thank you Sonja, and ALL who are answering the call of the 'inner Divine'.
With my 'God Heart', I am speaking and so truly LOVE you all, blessedly. It is an honor to share this time and space, with Each of you .
Writing this, I am seeing people ~ our family ~ experiencing a peeling of their Light bodies, in amplification; as a banana, peeling of one light, birthing more frequency...GLORIOUS BEAUTY~
Thank I AM as WE ARE
Blessings ~ Showered with JOY
Hi Shenna~Lee
Yes :-) !!!
That is it... the feeling (resonance/experience) grounds the energy, through our 'being'.
Mother SohiniBen, has posted info on 'visioning' (understanding) and 'sight. Perhaps this may be additionally interesting. Here's the link:
Thank you Shenna, for your presence and your 'Heart's seeking' the Divine, through you, simply by living your life~
LOVE is and shall be, infinitely, through the Divine~
'What you seek, is seeking YOU.' ~Rumi
Blessings and Love~
Thank you, so very awesome validation. Would one of the golden disc you speak of be in Arkansas that is being activated now?
Hi Deborah~
The discs which you speak of are geographic, energetic holograms (reflections of) the 'Golden discs' referred to above:
'The Golden Solar Discs are at this level and the Central Sun holds the living library of Light at the realm of creation we operate in. The Golden Solar Discs were used by the ancients to keep the alignment of the Suns in balance...'
The reference in the text above, is referring to our Universal/Cosmic Solar discs. These are activated through the higher self/over soul (12 light beings, ascended soul energies, housing/overseeing our individual soul incarnations, here in the 3D realm of this universe).
Your desire and wonder of this may bring you other information, perhaps new info as well, pertinent and specific to you.
{Some of this can get a bit intellectually tedious, if trying to understand it from the mental/scientific perspective. While comprehension of it can be accomplished this way, when as it becomes wisdom (knowledge lived), if will begin to flow to and through you with ease.}
Sometimes, when filtered through your inner knowing, information and 'vision' comes forth, uniquely specified for you.
Love and Blessings Deborah~
WoW, a BEAUTIFUL image Arleem~
~OH THANK YOU so much~
~LIGHT FRIEND~wonderful Sister~
Blessings and LOVE~
Thank you Ay Anna,
This is a wonderful post!
Love, Ishema
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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July 3rd-4th 2014 and March 20th-21st 2015:
SUN and Central Sun Connection
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