lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

In one of my writings I mentioned the importane of the number 13 - which is like the quantum leap ... The number 12 makes up a perfect CYCLE - which is reflected in the zodiac, the clock and the 12 months ... BUT!!! ... the circle always brings us back to the same point - no MOVEMENT FORWARD is possible in the cycle! What is needed is a kind of "quantum leap" which transfers the particle out of its circular movement, transporting it into another orbit - whence the movement of the cylce is continued in another FREQUENCY ... Do you really think, that it is coincidence that we are all meant to follow the tickings of a clock which divides the day in 2 times 12 entities???

I assume you know that the 13 moon calender is much more common among native tribes than a 12 month calender with months of UNEQUAL lengths - as to make it even more difficult for us to follow a regular rhythm and natural cycle. A solar year is made up of 28 x 13 moons PLUS 1 day according to most ancient traditions - and this +1 factor is most important to escape the cycle and move into an ever cycling SPIRAL!


This +1 factor is also contained in the ancient knowledge of the signs of the zodiacs - and it is reappearing again NOW as this knowledge is absolutely substantial for the evolution of humanity and thus for our Ascension into the New Crystalline Age: it is a necessary paradigm shift which will free us both: from the illusion of linear time as well as the perception that ancient cultures were trapped in cyclical thinking ...!


I ask you to read the following information with that in mind which I have now explained - and I hope to be able to find out, when exactly we will enter Ophiuchus this year, 2011 ... it must be somewhere between Sagittarius and Scorpio ... it is somewhere near the 11.11.11 portal, which is 13 days after the end of the 9th underworld - maybe a bit later ... i am not sure if the talbe at the end of the discussion is accurate or not. Any help in finding out more is greatly appreciated ;-)


Love and Light,


Sonja Myriel


PS.: I first heard about a 13th sign of the zodiac in the summer of 1998, when my eldest daughter was born. I was at a seminar for students of the Mayan Calender and I overheard a conversation about the 13th sign of the Zodiac being Aquila ... it is actually very near Ophiuchus



Ophiuchus: The "13th Sign" of the Zodiac?

A January article in the Minneapolis Star Tribune caused a stir amongst astrology adherents by claiming that due to the Earth’s wobble about its axis (known as “procession”) over the centuries, the classical twelve signs of the Zodiac no longer line-up with their original placements in the night sky. In addition others have pointed out that a 13th sign, between Scorpio and Sagittarius, was once considered by the Babylonians, as its constellation crosses the plain of the ecliptic in late fall. However, this constellation, Ophiuchus (aka “Serpentarius”), was discarded when the final form of the Zodiac, twelve regions of 30 degrees each, was established. But what/who was Ophiuchus (Greek for “snake holder”), and what was its place in the great mythologies that make up the Zodiac?


Ophiuchus is located between Aquila, Serpens and Hercules, northwest of the center of the Milky Way. The southern part lies between Scorpius to the west and Sagittarius to the east. It is most visible in the northern summer, and is located opposite Orion in the sky. The constellation’s brightest stars include α Ophiuchi, (called Rasalhague) and η Ophiuchi. Barnard’s Star, one of the nearest stars to the Solar System, lies inside Ophiuchus, as do numerous star clusters (M9, M10, M12, M14, M19, etc.)


Ophiuchus’ mythical history is unclear, but there are several theories to explain its form, including:

It represents the healer Asclepius, son of Apollo, who learned the secrets of avoiding death, and was slain by Zeus either to assuage Hades’ anger, or to keep Asclepius from using those secrets to make mankind immortal. In recompense Zeus then placed Asclepius in the heavens to honor his accomplishments.
It is the figure of Laocoön, the Trojan priest slain by a pair of sea serpents after he attempted to warn the Trojans against accepting the Greeks’ gift of a horse.
It depicts the god Apollo wrestling with a python to take control of the Oracle at Delphi.
It illustrates the story of Phorbas of Thessaloniki who saved the island of Rhodes from a plague of serpents, and was granted a place of honor in the heavens as a result.
Prior to the Greeks, Ophiuchus may have represented the Babylonian constellation known as the Sitting Gods which originally may have been a human figure whose legs were replaced by the tail of a huge serpent.
Below is the astrological symbol for Ophiuchus, known as the Rod of Asclepius:




he constellation, Ophiuchus, has been known since ancient times, and is better known as Serpentarius, the Serpent Holder. It  is included in the list of 48 constellations described by Ptolemy. Ophiuchus is depicted as a man handling a serpent; his body dividing the large snake into two parts, giving way to the symbol used today as an Asclepius - the medical staff. Astrologers have not included Ophiuchus in the wheel of Astrological signs because the Sun spends only about nineteen days in this 13th sign of the Mazzaroth. Not that there wasn't a 13th sign in the Heavens, but as far as Astrologers were concerned, the Sun traveled from the constellation 'Scorpius' and then proceeded directly into the sign of Sagittarius. In reality, this was not the case. The Sun, for 19 days of the year, travels through the star constellation 'Ophiuchus' before entering Sagittarius from Scorpius - see chart below. thus  The sign of Ophiuchus is patterned after the original 'Serpent Holder', Enki, a Sumerian god.

he signs of the Zodiac are for the most part, the highway, or path on which the Sun takes it's yearly journey across the heavens -  as it would appear to Earthlings. These signs are actually star constellations occupying space in which the Sun appears to travels in an earth year. The original twelve signs/constellations: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces are quite familiar to everyone, however, the thirteenth sign and constellation, [Ophiuchus], is in fact, not well known.  To acknowledge a 13th sign now would seem awkward for astrologers, who like the tidiness of 12 signs that rule over the 12 houses of the Zodiac. The heavens are alive and they do change after a few thousand years and the astrologer who wants to maintain accuracy must change along with the signs in the heavens.

The constellation of Ophiuchus is the only sign of the Zodiac which is linked to a real man. This man lived in ancient Egypt around the 27th century BCE, and his name was Imhotep [again patterned after Enki]. Many of the same attributes of Imhotep can also be found in the Biblical Hebrew man Joseph, son of Jacob - [see comparison chart for these two men in separate article].  Imhotep is credited with many accomplishments including the knowledge and use of medicine.  It is said of Imhotep that he brought the art of healing to mankind. The symbol of a serpent [or snake], which is still widely used today to represent the medical profession, was used to represent Imhotep.  Imhotep was also known as 'Aesclepius' to the ancient Greeks, but by any name the attributes are still all the same. The attributes listed below describe the Serpent Holder, Imhotep, i.e. the Hebrew Joseph, and Aesclepius. The keyword descriptions seen below, originated with Betty Rhodes, and are the attributes for the 13th sign of the Zodiac - Ophiuchus:


There exist a number of theories as to whom the figure represents.

The most recent interpretation is that the figure represents the healer Asclepius, who learned the secrets of keeping death at bay after observing one serpent bringing another healing herbs. To prevent the entire human race from becoming immortal under Asclepius' care, Zeus killed him with a bolt of lightning, but later placed his image in the heavens to honor his good works. It has also been noted that the constellation Ophiuchus is in close proximity in the sky to that of Sagittarius, which has at times been believed to represent Chiron (the mentor of Asclepius and many other Greek demigods), though Chiron was originally associated with the constellation Centaurus.


  • interpreter of dreams, vivid premonitions,
  • attracts good luck and fruitful blessings,
  • serpent holder, lofty ideals,
  • a seeker of peace and harmony,
  • doctor of medicine or science, natural-pathic,
  • adds, increases, joins, or gathers together
  • poetical, inventive nature, expanding qualities,
  • seeks higher education and wisdom,
  • overseer, supervisor of work,
  • fame - either grand, or completely misunderstood,
  • longevity, aspirations of healing the ills of man,
  • architect, builder, reaches for the stars, figuratively and literally,
  • tax assessor, or levys taxes,
  • astrological talents, intuitive,
  • large family indicated, but apt to be separated from them when young,
  • the number twelve holds great significance, 
  • foresight and good fortune to benefit from hard times,
  • has secret enemies in family or close associations,
  • many jealous of this subject,
  • notable father, apple of father's eye when young,
  • high position in life expected [depending on aspects] highest fame and legend comes after death
  • feelings of granular, wise, genius mentality,
  • likes to wear clothing of vibrant colors, and plaids in particular,
  • receives the favor of those in authority.


A third possibility is Apollo wrestling with the Python to take control of the oracle at Delphi. This is not as far fetched as it might seem, as the star constellation of DELPHINUS is located behind Ophiuchus ...




  1. ARIES = APRIL 19 - MAY 13
  2. TAURUS = MAY 14 - JUNE 19
  3. GEMINI = JUNE 20 - JULY 20
  4. CANCER = JULY 21 - AUG 9
  13. PISCES = MARCH 12 - APRIL 18

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The numer 13 in Hebrew signifies UNITY!!! And the corresponding tarot card is the HIGHT PRIESTESS!




Ophiuchus, the constellation of Ra, the sun God? ...! Representing the Hipotamus - the Goddess? ...


Ophiuchus - The Thirteenth Constellation
by Raymond Mardyks

Do you ever get the feeling that there is a missing piece to the puzzle? The Earth orbits around the Sun in a year's time. This is usually measured by twelve months in a year and the twelve signs of the zodiac. Neither of these are based on theactual stars that we see in the night sky. When we do consider the stars and the constellations, we recognize that the Sun appears to move through thirteen, not twelve constellations of stars every year. Who is the mysterious thirteenth constellation and why doesn't he have a "sign"?

This intriguing constellation is called Ophiuchus. The name simply means "Serpent Holder" in Latin. The image in the sky that represents him is of a naked man with a large serpent coiled around his lower body. This human form holds the upper and lower portions of the Serpent in his two hands. His eyes look toward the head of Serpens, the Serpent. One of Ophiuchus' feet is on the back of Scorpius, the Scorpion. It rests just above Antares, the red star in the Scorpion's heart. His other foot is precariously and dangerously close to the stinger in the Scorpion's tail. Near this foot and the stinger is the center of our Galaxy.

Ophiuchus is identified by his relationship to an archetypal being called the Serpent. This is the same Serpent that appears in the Bible's Garden of Eden story. He is also the Aztec "Quetzalcoatl" and Maya "Kukulcan". Many people influenced by Christianity tend toward negating the archetypal energies of the Serpent and associate it with evil. In contrast, the Maya, Hindu and other indigenous cultures have traditions that honor the Serpent and its energy. Especially since the 1960s, teachings about "serpent energy" have come mostly from India and Native cultures. Where would the New Age be without healing, yoga, crystals, meditation and respecting the Earth Mother?

Those of us who have journeyed on a spiritual path toward healing, wholeness or enlightenment have encountered the Serpent, possibly as healing energy or the awakening Kundalini. The stars of Ophiuchus invite us to awaken to our individual relationship to this archetypal being. Are we struggling with the Serpent? Are we in denial or fear or trying to manipulate its energy? Or are we dancing with it in a state of unconditional love and trust?

From our perspective here on the Earth, the Sun passes through the constellation of Ophiuchus every year between November 22nd and December 25th. Many of us recognize this as the "Holiday Season". The Christmas holiday celebrates the birth of Christ. "Christ" consciousness as well as "galactic" consciousness, when achieved within a human body, are astrologically represented by the constellation of Ophiuchus. Remember that there are twelve disciples with the Christ as there are twelve signs of the zodiac with Ophiuchus. What is unique about Ophiuchus is that it is the onlyconstellation in human form that resides in the direction of the center of our Milky Way Galaxy! In galactic astrology, the center of the Galaxy is analogous to the higher self or the Jungian Self, with the Sun symbolic of the center of the conscious ego.

Since the late 1930s, all the major planets have astrologically passed through Ophiuchus' area of the sky; all but one. Pluto began its journey through Ophiuchus and the Serpent around 1990. This is when the World Wide Web came into manifestation. Notice how Ophiuchus is encountering the Serpent with his two hands. Consider how a web surfer on a keyboard, a texting teenager, an electrified musician, a DJ and an energy healer all work with the connecting energy through their two hands! Pluto will complete its journey through Ophiuchus around 2012, the date many of us recognize as the end of a major Maya calendar cycle. The Maya calendar is based in galactic astrology. These are cycles involving the stars and are not limited to the planets and signs of our solar system.

Due to a 26,000-year cycle called the precession of the equinox, the March equinox appears to move from one constellation to another. Currently it is shifting from Pisces, the Fish toward the Water Bearer, Aquarius. Remember these are constellations and not the same as the signs! This astrological technique also applies to the movement of the two solstices which occur in June and December. These also indicate archetypal shifts. When an equinox or solstice "enters" a new constellation, it signals a "New Age". What may be most significant about Ophiuchus is the fact that the December solstices, since 1937, have been in his area of the sky. Ophiuchus is the archetype of the current New Age.

The equinoxes and the solstices form a cross in the sky that rotates in 26,000 years. Every 6500 years, either the equinoxes or the solstices are aligned with the equator of our Galaxy. The equator of our Galaxy is what we are looking at when we see the stars of the Milky Way on a dark, clear night. What may be one of the most influential astrological events in the history of humanity occurred 1998-2001. This galactic alignment from September 1998 through September 2001 marked the time of a new influx of galactic energy into the Earth and the beginning of a galactic initiation that will be complete in the thirteen years from then until 2012.

To get a picture of what "galactic" may mean for us as human beings, let's think about the characters in Star Trek andStar Wars. They have the capacity to travel the stars of our Galaxy. They are interacting with other galactic citizens and are a part of a galactic "federation" that includes civilizations from other star systems. The time period of Star Trek, 200-300 years in the future, is astrologically marked by the December solstice reaching an astrological alignment (conjunction) with the center of our Galaxy. This time period includes the completion of the 6000-year long Jewish calendar and Biblical chronology cycle in 2240 CE.

What is to occur within our lifetime is that humanity will begin to become a galactic race of beings, realizing and embodying the full potential of Ophiuchus. This can be understood as being a whole human being relating consciously with others. According to the sidereal zodiac, the Age of Aquarius will begin in a future time about 200-300 years from now. How can we have "harmony and understanding" when we have yet to make peace with our own "inner alien" and awaken to our extraterrestrials origins?

Working consciously with the energy of the Serpent enables us to heal and become whole. This involves integrating any shadow projections that we unconsciously externalize toward others. After healing our own tendency toward fragmentation and separation, we are invited to truly wake-up and be with the other beings who share our multidimensional world with us. What we are about to co-create with the Earth is beyond anything that we can possibly imagine at this time. You are invited to be present in each and every moment and share in the dance through the end of time.

Raymond Mardyks is an artist, musician and galactic astrologer specializing in archetypal, galactic, stellar and Maya/Venus/Pleiadian astrology. He is the author of the channeled book, Sedona Starseed: A Galactic Initiationand co-author of Maya Calendar: Voice of the Galaxy. He is presently working on translating the Book of Light aka theDresden Codex. This is the oldest known book written in the Americas and is the authentic Maya source document for the Maya calendar and 2012 "prophecies".


Fun Find:

Queen Ophiuca, known as Ophiuchus Queen in Japan, is a character from the MegaMan Star Force series

Queen Ophiuca has the following abilities and attacks:

•Super Armour: Queen Ophiuca cannot flinch.
•Snake Legion: Queen Ophiuca sends snakes down all 3 columns at different intervals. The snakes can be blocked or destroyed.
•Quick Serpent: Queen Ophiuca will dash down two adjacent columns. This attack cannot be blocked.
•Gorgon Eye: Queen Ophiuca fires a laser down her column, paralyzing the player if it connects.

The Lost Sign of the Zodiac

Posted by: "seventhapostle"   seventhapostle

Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:46 am (PST)

The Lost Sign of the Zodiac

In 2004, I took an Astronomy class as a Science requirement for my Associate in Arts degree. It was fascinating and awe-inspiring to learn about the planets and the space we live in. But the most fascinating bit of information was hearing our Professor say one day, "There is a 13th sign of the Zodiac....One that was "deleted" thousands of years ago. Now, I hold no regard for the psuedo-science of Astrology, but if you think I'm crazy--do some research."

Well-I did. And he was right! There is a constellation between Sagittarius and Scorpio called Ophiuchus, or if you prefer Greek names, it is Aesculapius. Either way, it is known as The Healer.

"This intriguing constellation is called Ophiuchus. Ophiuchus is named by his relationship to the archetypal being called the Serpent. This is the same Serpent that appears in the Garden of Eden story in the bible and also the same Serpent as Quetzalcoatle and Rukulcan, as he is called in Middle America by the Aztecs and the Mayans."
Ophiuchus - 13th Astrological sign by Betmatrho

To many people, the Serpent represents Kundalini...the Sacred energy of the Universe. This energy lives within us, and can be activated by aligning with the 7 Chakra centers in our bodies. A holder of this energy is certainly a powerful figure and worthy role-model to emulate.

Personally, I prefer to go way back to ancient, ancient times, and know Ophiuchus by its original title as The Snake Goddess. Have you studied Art History? If so, you know that the first Supernatural Being to be worshipped was The Goddess. Maybe you also recognize the picture below the map? This is an image of the Snake Goddess, found in ancient Crete. Before the Greeks took Crete by force and Apollo assumed the mantle of Supreme God in the lexicon, there was Gaiai- Ancient Mother/Provider/Protector.

Anyway, I write this because as a person born under the Ophiuchus sign, finding out about its existence has given me a place and a meaning that was always missing before. And there are many of you out there like me! Have you ever said to yourself, "I don't belong anywhere." Have you ever felt lost and out-of-sorts with the world? It's because your guide and protector has been hidden from you. I would always read my horoscope as Sagittarius; count planet Jupiter as my guide. Now I know that my planet is Uranus-- the planet of transformation and change.

Believe me, this has changed my outlook on life, and I feel much more "at home" in my personality. I do not feel lost or alone anymore. I have my place in the sky. And as Plato said, "As above, so below."

And here is the really cool part...synchronicity in action! One day last year, I was gassing up my car, and the total came to $20.12. Well---that was too auspicious to miss! 2012...oh goodness, this means something. So I went home and did some searching...And came across The Lost Book of Nostradamus, which has everything to do with Ophiuchus and the meaning of 2012!
The Lost Book of Nostradamus — Video - History Channel

* Ophiuchus, the thirteenth constellation in the night sky, is supposed to be associated with the end of time in the book. The Great Alignment will be when the sun rises with perfect center of the Galaxy as indicated by this constellation.

* Supposedly the constellation Sagittarius is pointing an arrow at the center of the Galaxy. An expert stated that at that great moment, the knowledge of the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden will be revealed.

Perhaps that's why it had to be removed and/or hidden from the night sky mythology. We humans are not supposed to know of our Supernatural Origins, which has been lost to us since our "fall". And the key to that destiny appears to lie in this Lost Sign.

"Another important connection to Ophiuchus lies in the fact that the Winter Solstices, since 1937, have been in his area of the sky. Due to a 26,000 year cycle called the precession of the equinox, the spring equinox appears to move from one constellation to another. At this time, it is shifting from Pisces, the Fish to Aquarius, the Water Bearer. It is being suggested here that Ophiuchus, the Serpent Carrier, is the archetype of what we commonly call the New Age and that the time of Aquarius is still yet to come. The last Age of Ophiuchus was from about 4500 BC to 2500 BC. Now that the Serpent Holder has returned, we have the opportunity to "remember" and once again access ancient wisdom from that time and specifically wisdom related to "serpent energy."

I have many times felt that this time, we would have the 60's vibe without the negative side-effects. Do you feel it too?

The Age of Aquarius people!

All of you from the Psychedelic Generation know this and remember. This is what we learned as kids! The dawning of the Age of Aquarius... And it is happening OUR life-times. it is a great and wondrous time to be alive, despite all the horror. We must hold on to our star legacy and be a part of the Healing and Kundalini Rising.

"Every year between November 22, and December 25, the Sun passes through the constellation of Ophiuchus, from our perspective here on the Earth. Many of us recognize this as the "holiday Season". The Christmas holiday is, on one level, the celebration of the birth of Christ or Christ consciousness. This state of consciousness, also sometimes called galactic consciousness, is represented by the constellation of Ophiuchus, the Serpent Dancer, when achieved within a human body."

"In galactic astrology, the center of the Galaxy is analogous to the Higher Self or the Jungian Self. It is only by transcending the "wheel of twelve" and allowing energy to spiral, resonant with the number thirteen, that we as humans, access and maintain a conscious connection to our Higher Self."

It's no wonder that the 13th sign has been hidden from us. It is our connection to the Sacred in the sky. Our melding with The One, if you will. It is now Time to truly recognize our star connection and connection with all in the universe. Time also to recognize our connection with the greatest power of all...LOVE.

Please join me in claiming your heritage fellow Serpent Holders!!

The Constellations of Ophiucus and Serpens

Ophiuchus & the Dragon-serpent

Constellation Ophiuchus lies in the Dragon-Serpent sector of the Zodiac Belt. Galaxy Center is at the junction of Constellations Sagittarius, Scorpius & Ophiuchus
Our first Ophiuchus challenge for 2012 is to discover the continuing and sustainable relevance of Ophiuchus to the fact that 2012 is the Year of the Chinese Water Dragon.

Here is what your sky atlas will likely have to say about Constellation Ophiuchus:

The constellation takes its name from the Greek Asclepius, the master physician who never lost a patient to death. Asclepius could revive the dying and recently dead using soma or amrita, "the deathless drink," said to reside in the blood or venom of a monstrous snake with dragonish features. Hades, god of the dead, angered at Asclepius's filching of souls rightfully belonging in the Underworld, convinced his brother Zeus who did strike the mortal Asclepius down with a Thunderbolt for using powers reserved for the gods. However, Zeus placed Asclepius in the sky to honor him and to appease his father Apollo, calling the constellation "Ophiuchus," which is Greek for "serpent holder."

Constellation Ophiuchus was co-created by the Celestial Sphere and the International Astronomical Union who gave birth to it by cesarean section in 1930 from the fixed water sign of Scorpio.

•Ophiuchus Trivia factoid #1. In Ancient Greece a child delivered by cesarean section fell automatically under the protection and patronage of Apollo, Greek God of Light, Music & Medicine.
Between 1928 and 1930 the International Astronomical Union (IAU) decided for good and fair reason to dispense with the plethora of conflicting ancient star maps and create constellations to better serve the technical needs of modern day astronomy scientists by setting fixed boundaries around the star groupings, a job that was not ever going to be simple1. Because it was the serpent holder star grouping and not the scorpion that occupied the lion's share of the degrees of longitude along the ecliptic plane, IAU assigned 19 degrees of the zodiac belt to Ophiuchus and only as many degrees as constellation Scorpius actually occupied at the belt: less than 7 degrees.

Today Astrologers who understand the importance of research into the works of scholars are excavating this new celestial site to see what they can find in the way of buried treasure. One of the most significant discoveries indeed represents that which at the most fundamental level constitutes the salvation of this world and its planet — the balancing and harmonizing return of Goddess.

Buried alive more than three and a half millenniums ago, the Minoan Serpent Goddess of Crete and other religious and cultural icons mark the grave of a long standing if not predominant goddess culture predating the Greek Dark Age in and around Crete and indeed elsewhere along the Phoenician trade routes that spanned the Mediterranean.

In terms of how the face of Goddess relates to Constellation Ophiuchus in particular, we observe first the simple body language of the Constellation (see sky map above), how its posture mirrors that of the serpent goddesses while it bears no resemblance to the images of the Greek Asclepius which show him carrying the famous Staff of Asclepius.

Compare these postures with the sky map of the constellation above. And then make mental note of this so whenever you see images of Hygiea, the Serpent Goddesses or Asclepius you can observe the body language. You will find the body language of the Divine Feminine is open while that of the Divine Masculine is closed.

The image in the sky is open.

Asclepius with Telesforos and Hygeia
Roman Diptych, c. 400/430 AD Museum on Merseyside, Liverpool
We also note the zodiac sign of the scorpion (death-rebirth) which has been veiling constellation Ophiuchus these past thousands of years is elementally a water sign.

As such, this sign is energetically negative and therefore by extension predisposed by nature to a gender feminine presence. After thousands of years of male dominance, reclaiming the balance demands a thorough exploration of this question as long as we are in the process of discovering and uncovering information and perspectives on this new-to-us star grouping. We need full disclosure of the facts underlying this critical constellation-sign's form and history. And then we need to do the right thing and escort Goddess to her rightful place in the sky, the one that was Co-created by the Cosmos and Humanity's Astro-physical community.

In case there are any Astrologers out there who are not comfortable having their work done for them by the Astronomy community I would like to remind us all that like Chiron, Astronomy and Astrology are the two halves of a single Immortal Being. The metaphor should be crystal clear.

Quan Yin riding on the Dragon Goddess, & the dragon-serpent

When the Sun, Moon and planets pass through Ophiuchus, they are always traveling in the Zodiac Dragon sector of the Celestial Sphere. See sky map above.

Since 2011 transiting planets have been crossing the North Lunar Node — which is called Rahu or the Dragon's Head. This condition will continue until early 2013.

•See North Lunar Node News from Ophiuchus

During the January 2012 lunar transit of the North Lunar Node preceding the official beginning of the Chinese New Year the Moon will be collecting a last bit of 2011 Zodiac Dragon energy with which to set the tone for the Chinese Year of the Water Dragon 2012, filtered through Constellation Ophiuchus.

The Chinese Year of the Water Dragon will highlight the Divine Feminine.

In that connection the feminine `side' of Constellation Ophiuchus – that underlying principle and element which has so long lain hidden beneath the layers of history, myth and legend written by the patriarchy to program humanity for the patriarchal age – will come fully alive, awake, and cosmically self-aware.

What might that look like in terms of change being brought to bear on us in 2012?

Constellation Ophiuchus took the upper hand in our Solar System in 2006 in a number of ways. One of those ways left planet Pluto, the Astrological non-sacred planet associated with, among other things, the criminal element in society, reclassified by the International Astronomical Union. It is now a Dwarf Planet.

For details on the Ophiuchus effect in our Solar System in 2006 see the following offerings:

•Ophiuchus Tips for Astrologers ~ Pluto
•Ophiuchus Tips for Astrologers ~ Quaoar
•Solar Physicists Stymied

Astrologers are still in shock and denial over Pluto's status change as is a good portion of mass consciousness. But if they could see it as a sign that the dark element is losing its grip on this planet, or if they understood how thought forms condition and control our thinking and acceptance of tyranny, would they be so sad to see Pluto demoted?

By the end of the Chinese Year of the Water Dragon 2012, a sense of inevitability will shine clearly through to tell us whether the Scorpion-Serpent-Eagle Alchemy will complete itself successfully. We make no prediction as to what humanity can expect. The outcome is far from certain at this early juncture since everything depends on you – on us – and how humanity responds day by day.

The Zodiac Dragon's Lair

Since we will all be living in the first-ever Chinese Year of the Water Dragon consciously contributed to by the Celestial Dragon in the Ophiuchus Fixed Water sector of the Zodiac Belt (described above), it seems important to talk a little bit about the dragon.

The Western equivalent of the Dragon may be Aries in the eyes of the source of the information I have copy-pasted here (see below), but based on the sky map I have shown you (see above), the Zodiac Sign of our local planetary Celestial Water Dragon in the eyes of the Universe is Ophiuchus.

Since Constellation Draco is indisputably the Zodiac Dragon and since Draco resides in the Ophiuchus sector of the Zodiac Belt, ergo now that Astrology has gone from a 2-dimensional pie chart to a celestial sphere, the Zodiac Dragon is revealed to be Ophiuchan.

Have you seen enough to convince you that Ophiuchus & the Water Dragon are a winning combination in 2012?



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


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