lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light




On May 22 a crop Circle appeared near the windmill of Wilton in Wiltshire, South of England – a crop circle with an encoded message. This crop circle speaks of a profound paradigm shift, a reverse of polarity.

It alludes to two dates: The Grand Cross, activated on June 26, 2010, and December 21, 2012.

It contains a powerful warning, speaks of a global crisis and at the same time it shows the solution.

On June 26, 2010, there is an extraordinary planetary constellation, a Grand Cross. According to the message of the crop circle, the sun creates a new room, a healing room, a new field of consciousness on that day.

The sun unites two poles, merging them to a unity on June 26. This merging of polarities leads to a short-circuit, or in other words, a cosmic orgasm due to which a new room will enfold. This new room is a gift, because in this new room what seemed devoid of meaning all of sudden makes sense again. What enfolds is a new, corrected reality, shifted in phase!

According to the message of the crop circle this new room can be accessed by everyone through the power of consciousness.

If LOVE succeeds on earth, and be it for only a few hours in just one person or in just one loving couple, this experience of LOVE will leave a trace in this newly opening room, a trace which is eternal and will remain active forever. A shining trace, a trace of love, which will remain visible far beyond earth atmosphere. Each experience of love and every experience of peace will stimulate this room, fill and adorn it. The power of this room is going to grow exponentially. The songs of the Healed Matrix are the hymns which will fill this room!

Each person who dares to leave behind the matrix of power and violence, everyone who is not afraid of letting go old belief systems but live instead in harmony with Mother Earth and ALL that IS, will be able to access this room. Each person will receive healing impulses from this room through his consciousness and heart and will give in return his/her healing experience back to this room.

What we find in this room will exist within ourselves and outside of us. It is a Secret of the Universe, that what is being formed outside can be accessed from within; you find it in your own sacred inner space, your personal centre.

And once this Healing Matrix in this newly created Healing Room will be powerful enough, the matrix of fear will dissolve and the Healing Matrix will expand.

This is the Plan of the Star Master and the Planetary Beings.

This Healing Room is less than an atom in distance from us.

This Healing Room is in our own Sacred Space Centre when we are in unison with ourselves, in unison with Mother Earth and in unison with ALL that IS.

Werner Johannes Neuner describes the process of decodification of the message of the Crop Circle of Wilton in detail and all the information is available in German at this link:


He is looking forward to entering this Sacred Room together with all of us,

In the Light of Unity

Werner Johannes Neuner and Sonja Myriel, who translated this message




For more information on the crop circle, and the code, have a look at this site:


For more information on the crop circle, and the code, have a look at this site:


If you are interested and would like to know more about Werner Neuner's findings - please let me know. I will only translate the 18 pages of the process of decoding if absolutely necessary ;-)

Love and Light,


Sonja Myriel


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Replies to This Discussion

Thank you Sonja for posting this.

This date seems to be very significant for our meditation work leading up to December 21, 2010! I would love to know the astrological significance of the Grand Cross on June 26th. Are there any astrologers in the group?

I just read something in an Alice Bailey book of astrology about the Cardinal Cross which may apply to the interpretation to this crop circle. When one's life has total "Soul Consciousness," or "Conscious Unity" s/he is on the Cardinal Cross. In this crop circle we have a Grand Cross indicating an important date of June 26th. Perhaps this indicates an opportunity for Humanity to enter the state of "Unity Consciousness" of the Cardinal Cross. This is a high state of consciousness in which the personality is brought under control, to become an instrument of the Soul. I would love to know the astrological positions of the celestial bodies on that date!

Also, the significance of the cross is the horizontal line which is all of us (Humanity), and the vertical line which is the Spiritual link. Perhaps the crop circle is saying that the Spiritual opening is there and it needs the horizontal link with Humanity to shift us into Unity Consciousness. This may be precursor experience for July 17, which is called (by the Mayan Calendar) a day for "The Breeze of Unity Consciousness."

"We are here to awaken from the illusion of our separateness!"
Thich Nhat Hanh

Yes, Carol, that's exactly what's it all about! And there is a hint of deletion if we do not succeed in this, as well ...

ALL the plaents with only one exception of Neptune, are aligned in a Cosmic Cross on June 26. There is a variety of oppositions and as it is the day of the full moon, the sun and the moon are alos in opposition. DUALITY and the number 4 play an important role and if we master to UNITE the OPPOSITES, the outcome is symbolized in the number 5: the COMSIC BEING, endowed with the magic of CREATION :-)

I'm sorry I couldn't access the picture of the constellation, but I hope that Werner will send it to me soon - there you can see n the horizontal line Saturn, Mars and Venus (together!), the Sun (centre), Jupiter und Uranus. And on the vertical line Mercury, the Sun (Center), Earth, the Moon and Pluto. Out of this strong opposition and tension, the new room will enfold.

As expressed above, we will be able to access this room through an open mind and LOVE in our hearts. The veil will be thinning more and more and we start to perceive what was hidden until now ... and I personally can feel all this going on since the last full moon! We will b able to experience ourself at several places in time and space at the very same time, and we will start to realize what multidimensionality really means ... we will call back ALL the separated aspects of our true SELF, we will reclaim our PAST and FUTURE of all our incarnations, merge these experiences in WHO WE ARE! Messages will come to us DIRECTLY if we only care to look INSIDE, reversing our orientation, so to say, from the oputside to the inside ...

I will upload the picture of the planetary constellation as soon as I get it ;-)

Love, Light and BLESSINGS,

Sonja Myriel
Thank you Sonja for all of this astrological information.

When we see more of it we can tell just what the aspects of the planets make. If Neptune is trine to the grand cross, that is a very fortunate aspect as a trine facilitates contact and Neptune represents the energy of other dimensions. Oppositions can be a good thing as they bring two points together, and the number 4 could represent the fourth ray of "harmony through conflict" which at a higher level of consciousness, (one where there is love) will bring everyone into the room. The fourth ray harmonizes all of the opposite points of view.

This is from a post over at OV which I thought might be interesting :-) - Enjoy!

Background To The Crop Circle Makers By Carolyn Evers And Richard Presser

Recently Carolyn and I were asked by one of the crop circle makers to bring forth descriptions of some of the crop circles. We decided to ask for a little background on them and how and why they do this
work. The following is the result of this inquiry.

Carolyn - First off all I would like to tell you how much I appreciate you coming forth and giving us these explanations. For a very long time I would say there is a great deal of interest being generated
by these crop circles and even though the subconscious might understand, many
people want to understand in their conscious mind what this means. So I think
this is of great service to humanity in doing this and if this fits within your
acceptance, I think it would also be very beneficial for us to understand a
little bit about you, those who create these patterns, and if you're willing, I
would like to know a little bit about who you are, your connection to earth, why
you are enlightening us with regards to our nature and higher levels of
consciousness and if you would, give us some thoughts as to how you actually
create these beautiful crop circles in the crops of grain, and also why you have
selected primarily these locations in England.

We are from Arcturus and we agreed a long time ago that part of our contribution to humanity would be to bring forth these patterns, that would assist the uplifting of the vibration of humanity and these
are done in several ways. Firstly there is the pattern itself which I am
describing to you. Secondly there is the energy that the pattern contains. Many
have experienced the extraordinary changes which happen when you meditate in
these patterns. So the patterns themselves contain an energy. Some have
described these as like temples, and in many ways they are. And the third
element is the impact upon the grain from these circles, because the grain as
you are aware is altered by the energies that come forth to create these
patterns, altered in a positive way. The plants grow more strongly and they
carry a much higher vibration and so, if the circle is made of the plants from
this and you meditate within it, it will be a meditative environment of higher
vibration. Also food which is created using the grains and the leaves from these
plants will bring higher vibration and in a sense better nutrition to the body.
So there are several elements to these patterns, and so that broadly is there
purpose. Their purpose is to assist with the awakening of humanity and to the
lifting up of the vibration of the human physical body. So that is the purpose.
And the reason we use this area is firstly, it is well populated and so almost
all the patterns are discovered quickly after they are laid down, and also you
will be aware that there is a great history of energies, telluric energies which
can be worked with for these patterns, and also of humanity with the Druids in
particular working in these areas of England over long periods of time and this
in a sense is a consciousness that we can connect with as we bring forth these
patterns. So it is a very suitable environment for us to do this
And so it is.
Carolyn - Thank you. I would like some further thoughts on something that you said. You mentioned that people who meditate within the crop circle find great benefits on many levels and there are
many people in the world who cannot physically go there and sit within those
energy patterns. Is there some way that humanity through their desire, through
their drive, can access these energies in meditation without physically being
It's a very good question. Firstly, the actions of those viewing the patterns and meditating upon the patterns, all of this not only impacts the individual but impacts the consciousness of all of
humanity. It contributes to that, you could say conscious field that surrounds
the planet and so everybody benefits. The second step that can be taken is that
when an individual meditates, they can visualise themselves within a particular
pattern. They can intend that they be, that their consciousness join with that
pattern and in doing so they will connect with the energy of that pattern. It is
not as powerful as being there, but it is much closer than you might imagine and
so this is a step that anyone can take. To summarise that, enter meditation and
envision yourself within the pattern, and intend that your consciousness be
present in that pattern and you will be in that pattern. You also asked about
how we actually lay down these patterns and it is difficult to express it in
simple terms here. However, what I would say is that we send energy forth and
there is a cooperation between us and the elementals you might call them, those
beings which husband so much of what is expressed on your planet, husband the
plants and the trees and so much of nature. And so these elemental beings
cooperate with us and work with the plants to have these patterns come forth. We
do not do this alone. It is with their assistance that these patterns are laid
down so quickly and so completely and so accurately. I know this is an
incomplete answer but it is difficult for me to explain it in terms that you
will readily understand.
Carolyn - Thank you. I actually find that answer much more beautiful than perhaps you might think. I'm very much aware that one of the, I don’t like to use the word duty, but responsibility, duty
responsibility, actually pleasure, is that it was intended that humankind have a
close connection with the elementals and work with them to help planet Earth in
a beneficial manner, and this is something that humanity has forgotten. So I'm
very glad that you have brought this information forth and so I would like to
ask some recommendations from you, some thoughts to help direct humanity towards
a more conscious cooperation with the elementals, and if you would just take a
moment and explain a little bit the purpose of the elementals, how humanity
could assist the elementals and how we as individuals who are so inclined might
connect with the elementals to help them with their work, I would appreciate it.
As you say, it was intended for humanity to work closely with these beings and these skills and abilities have been forgotten. However it is something that can be reawakened and indeed it is being
reawakened. There are some today who choose to work closely with the elementals.
Their role, as I said is to husband much of nature and how it is expressed and
unfolded. There is this dance which goes on within nature that most of humanity
is unaware of, just as humanity is unaware that there are conscious beings who
assist the planet in its unfolding, you could say. There is Gaia and there are
the Earth guardians, and there are beings on many levels who assist the
processes that unfold upon your planet. And in terms of the living natural plant
life in particular, this work is undertaken by the elementals. They communicate
with all forms of plant life and it is a connection that anybody can reawaken,
if you simply acknowledge this truth and in meditation choose to connect with
the elementals, and make them aware that you wish to assist them; and simply
taking that step will on an unconscious level bring forth the assistance that
humanity was intended to provide to these beings. And it will help to reopen
these connections and as the awareness grows for humanity with the changing
energies on the planet, as more and more of humanity begins to remember their
past lives and their skills and abilities, these connections will grow such that
when humanity ascends, this connection with the elementals will be completely
re-established, and the dance of life as it was intended will be returned once
Carolyn - I want to thank you for that beautiful answer, and you might say bring consciousness of humanity who read this and who listen to this to a certain point that they can understand that
first of all there is a grand mission so to speak, where the elementals work
with humanity on a planetary level, but I also want to bring focus to how
humanity can work with the elementals on a very basic singular mission. You
might say where people have simply a flower garden that they enjoy or simply a
little vegetable garden where they would like vegetables to grow in profusion,
and so I think, just me mentioning this would get people thinking about how they
can make a beautiful garden where they live, how they can grow more nutritious
food; and so, if you could just comment on that. How perhaps people might
meditate, work with the elementals and perform a beautiful picture of blessings
in their own backyard, so to speak.
Yes, this is very possible and what I suggest people do is to meditate and to call forth the elementals and ask them to assist you with your garden. Tell them what you want, if you want a profusion
of flowers, if you want very nutritious vegetables in profusion, explain this to
them and ask them that they protect your flowers and your crops from illness and
disease. And whilst this may not be 100% effective in all cases, it will make an
enormous difference, an enormous difference. And there are many who are seeking
to walk the path of what is known as biodynamic or natural protection of crops
of various sorts. If they connect with the elementals and ask them to assist, it
will make an enormous difference to these efforts, such that you really can
eliminate all of these man-made chemicals that are so readily used in various
crops. It is a role that the elementals are more than happy to assist
Carolyn - Thank you for bringing that forth, because maybe you realized that was the next direction that I was going was the concept of the fertilizers that humanity uses where I'm not sure is in the best
interest of plant life. And so I am assuming that what you're saying is that if
humanity connects with the elementals and tells them what they are looking for
in their garden, that the chemicals might not be necessary to use, that the soil
can be built up through the help of the elementals. Am I on the right track with
Yes, it's important to bring forth the alternative forms of nutrients and so on and there are a number of approaches that can be taken. However engaging the assistance of the elementals will make
an enormous difference to the effectiveness of these
Carolyn - Thank you so much.
Blessings, Joy, Love and Peace.
Richard Presser
Ok, in my event on St. Germaines Violet Fire of light and divine love, Im adding an update to it. Then linking to this group for those to read and understand.
I deeply and divinely love you all.
Thank You Sonja for this info-wow........Is all I can say~:)
sonja te saludo dandote un gran abrazó y nuevamente darte las gracias por permitirme estar en tu grupo.te queria pedir el favor si me podrias pasar sobre los hallazgos de werner neuner a mi pagina de correo ,esperare tu respuesta para darte mi correo.gracias por ser la luz que guia muchas almas.besos.sandry



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


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