lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

A Different Kind of Shift


So many people are wondering what's going on in our world, what with the acceleration that we're all feeling to one degree or another. Indeed, there is a great shift upon us and it's revealing itself in a variety of different ways. Depending upon your personal preferences, you can look at it from all sorts of perspectives, some monumental, some frightening, some glorious and heaven-sent.

The Internet is currently ablaze with stories of the Tampa Bay Airport runway being shut down so that the lines can be repainted and realigned to true magnetic North. It appears that our magnetic poles are moving due to the increased wobble of Mother Earth on her axis. Indigenious tribes in many locales are agreeing, saying that the poles are shifting, although there seems to be a blackout of any information about it in the mainstream media.

The possible pole shift, however, is not the shift we are as interested in. Nor are we as interested in the measured increase in solar flares, or fluctuations in our weather patterns. The shift we are most interested in is the one where we stop harming each other and start helping one another; where we love instead of hate; where we open our hearts, never to close them again.

This is the shift that will result from all the other movements, whether they are global, cosmic, or magnetic - and the good thing about it is that the movement from fear to love is the one we can each do something about, right here and now. We can, in our own ways, let go of all our judgments and prejudices and begin to embrace, if not physically, in our hearts and minds, the next person we meet. And the next. And the next.

In this way, we make a difference. And not only that, we take all of us one step closer to the experience of Oneness that has been foretold by the ancients and ancestors, and that will give us the blessing of peace we have sought for so long.

In 2012 Solar Flares expected to be strongest in centuries


In the last 100 years the Sun's magnetic field has changed significantly

According to Dr. Mike Lockwood from Rutherford Appleton National Laboratories in California, who has studied the Sun's activity for the last hundred years, since 1901 the overall magnetic field of the Sun has increased with 230%. The relevance to Earth and all life is not often well understood by scientists.

Graph from Lockwood's report:

Lochwood Report

The sunspot activity showed peaks in this last cycle, never recorded before in history. Richard Fisher, director of the Heliophysics division at NASA said "Obviously, the sun is Earth's life blood," said. "To mitigate possible public safety issues, it is vital that we better understand extreme space weather events caused by the sun's activity." In addition, nobody wants to spread panic in an already unstable global socio-economic climate.

The Sun is beginning another 11-year cycle of activity, NASA said

About every 11 years the Sun flip's its magnetic poles, which doesn't go by completely unnoticed by us here on Earth. However, with the magnetic field being so high currently, the upcoming polar shift in 2012 will certainly have its impact on the Earth and will lead to intense unfavorable climate changes and events.
Jimmy Raeder, researcher at NASA explains: "We're entering Solar Cycle 24. For reasons not fully understood, CMEs in even-numbered solar cycles (like 24) tend to hit Earth with a leading edge that is magnetized north. Such a CME (coronal mass ejection) should open a breach and load the magnetosphere with plasma just before the storm gets underway. It's the perfect sequence for a really big event."

Cyclic representation of the Sun's activity:

<cyclic representation of the Sun's activity



With the rhythm of a clock, every 10 to 11 years the number of sunspots found rise from 0 (as it was in 2008) to a high of over 400. Sunspots itself are no threat to Earth, but the solar flares associated with them result in an increased number of particles (electrons and protons) and harmful light radiation (ultraviolet and x-rays), known as solar wind.

Up until recently Earth's magnetic shield has been able to hold off the bombardment of particles that would burn us to a crisp without it. With the Earth's magnetic shield dropping to an all time low, more and more scientists seriously start to worrying about the further development by 2012.

In 2012 Sunspot Cycle 24 is expected to peak and could be one of the strongest in centuries

In 1989 Earth was impacted by strong solar flares accounting for the damaging of the electric grid in Canada.

The upcoming sunspot cycle peaking in 2012 will be at least 50% stronger than the last one, according to a breakthrough forecast using a computer model of solar dynamics developed by scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). By forecasting more accurately the Sun's cycles years in advance, societies can prepare for the devastating effects on satellites, communications means and power systems. The model has proven am accuracy of 98%, a height which no model has ever reached before. The scientists are publishing their forecasts in issues of Geophysical Research Letters.

History of solar flare activity measuring

Approximately 440 years ago, the first measuring instruments made their appearance. At least that is what we can find today as we know that the Maya had already methods and means to measure solar flares. Unfortunately up until today, no remainders have been found to prove this knowledge.
Sun flares:

Solar flares

Sunspots, solar flares, faculae and other phenomena affect everything on the Earth: from atmospheric events to human behavior, collectively known as solar activity. This activity can vary in intensity from very low to very strong and is expressed through bursts of solar radiation, magnetic storms or fiery flares. Solar storms pose the greatest danger to life on this planet.

History of grid affecting solar activity Solar activity caused commotion on August 28, 1859 when polar lights glowed and shimmered all over the American continent as darkness fell, causing abnormal high magnetic fluctuations around the globe disabling instruments. A massive surge in voltage caused telegraph systems to malfunction. With the advent of modern power grids and satellites, much more is at risk this time around. The 1989 malfunction in Canada was just a warning signal for much bigger impact to follow. Unlike today, in 1859 civilization had not yet entered a hi-tech phase of development, thus not having a huge impact on humankind. Something similar or even bigger could very well happen in our nuclear space age, with destruction of catastrophic levels. How this could impact our grid today Virtually everything we do today is dependent on radio electronic devices so that increased solar activity could disable life-support systems all over the world. This would apply not only on the surface as poor space weather makes all orbital systems malfunction. A heavy solar storm can cause disruption to space-based navigation systems. NASA is now sounding an alarm because our continent is so close to the northern magnetic pole and is the most vulnerable to solar activity. A study by the MetaTech Corporation revealed that an impact similar to that of 1859 would incapacitate the entire electricity grid in North America. Even a relatively weak magnetic storm of 1989, provoked by solar activity, caused the accident at a Canadian hydro-electric power plant that left 6 million people in the U.S. and Canada without electric power for nine hours. A new study from the National Academy of Sciences also outlines grim possibilities on Earth for a worst-case scenario solar storm. Modern power grids are so interconnected that a big space storm - the type expected to occur in 2012 - could cause a cascade of failures that would sweep across the United States, cutting power to 130 million people or more in this country alone, the new report concludes. Such widespread power outages, though expected to be a rare possibility, would obviously affect other vital systems. Potable water supplies would be impacted within hours after the power grid is paralyzed. Perishable foods and medications lost in 12-24 hours; immediate or eventual loss of heating/air conditioning, sewage disposal, phone service, transportation, fuel resupply and so on, the NASA report states. The economy would completely come to a dramatic halt where banks will probably close, international trade stops... Governing bodies and law enforcement would also be impacted causing global chaos never seen before, say the researchers, led by Daniel Baker, director of the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics at the University of Colorado in Boulder. All of this cannot be prevented nor stopped; it is something we will have to deal with, no matter how bad the outcome is. Decent and timely preparation may alleviate many of the issues, yet there is a remarkable pacifism amongst all of the world leaders and heads of States. And be sure that they do know this is coming, yet in the interest of not creating panic, this is kept quiet. Don't you wonder where and how 'they' will spend the holiday season in 2012?

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Replies to This Discussion

I have a question and then a suggestion.  In the last two or three months has anyone been experiencing Hot Flashes? People that have never had them before.  And I am not talking about the  hot flashes that women experience. If you want to know what is really happening to this planet you need to read and research on PLANET X.  Global Warming the why it is explain to us is not true.  It is more serious. 
Yes, dear SohiniBen has posted a discussion on Planet X / Nibiru in our group on Gaia. If you have more information on this, please add there. I have not yet found time to find out more about it and research the topic, but will. Here's the link: Planet X And Earth Changes To Come
In 2012 Solar Flares expected to be strongest in centuries

In the last 100 years the Sun's magnetic field has changed significantly

According to Dr. Mike Lockwood from Rutherford Appleton National Laboratories in California, who has studied the Sun's activity for the last hundred years, since 1901 the overall magnetic field of the Sun has increased with 230%. The relevance to Earth and all life is not often well understood by scientists.

The sunspot activity showed peaks in this last cycle, never recorded before in history. Richard Fisher, director of the Heliophysics division at NASA said "Obviously, the sun is Earth's life blood," said. "To mitigate possible public safety issues, it is vital that we better understand extreme space weather events caused by the sun's activity." In addition, nobody wants to spread panic in an already unstable global socio-economic climate.

The Sun is beginning another 11-year cycle of activity, NASA said

About every 11 years the Sun flip's its magnetic poles, which doesn't go by completely unnoticed by us here on Earth. However, with the magnetic field being so high currently, the upcoming polar shift in 2012 will certainly have its impact on the Earth and will lead to intense unfavorable climate changes and events.
Jimmy Raeder, researcher at NASA explains: "We're entering Solar Cycle 24. For reasons not fully understood, CMEs in even-numbered solar cycles (like 24) tend to hit Earth with a leading edge that is magnetized north. Such a CME (coronal mass ejection) should open a breach and load the magnetosphere with plasma just before the storm gets underway. It's the perfect sequence for a really big event."

With the rhythm of a clock, every 10 to 11 years the number of sunspots found rise from 0 (as it was in 2008) to a high of over 400. Sunspots itself are no threat to Earth, but the solar flares associated with them result in an increased number of particles (electrons and protons) and harmful light radiation (ultraviolet and x-rays), known as solar wind.

Up until recently Earth's magnetic shield has been able to hold off the bombardment of particles that would burn us to a crisp without it. With the Earth's magnetic shield dropping to an all time low, more and more scientists seriously start to worrying about the further development by 2012.

In 2012 Sunspot Cycle 24 is expected to peak and could be one of the strongest in centuries

In 1989 Earth was impacted by strong solar flares accounting for the damaging of the electric grid in Canada.

The upcoming sunspot cycle peaking in 2012 will be at least 50% stronger than the last one, according to a breakthrough forecast using a computer model of solar dynamics developed by scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). By forecasting more accurately the Sun's cycles years in advance, societies can prepare for the devastating effects on satellites, communications means and power systems. The model has proven am accuracy of 98%, a height which no model has ever reached before. The scientists are publishing their forecasts in issues of Geophysical Research Letters.

History of solar flare activity measuring

Approximately 440 years ago, the first measuring instruments made their appearance. At least that is what we can find today as we know that the Maya had already methods and means to measure solar flares. Unfortunately up until today, no remainders have been found to prove this knowledge.

Sunspots, solar flares, faculae and other phenomena affect everything on the Earth: from atmospheric events to human behavior, collectively known as solar activity. This activity can vary in intensity from very low to very strong and is expressed through bursts of solar radiation, magnetic storms or fiery flares. Solar storms pose the greatest danger to life on this planet.

History of grid affecting solar activity

Solar activity caused commotion on August 28, 1859 when polar lights glowed and shimmered all over the American continent as darkness fell, causing abnormal high magnetic fluctuations around the globe disabling instruments. A massive surge in voltage caused telegraph systems to malfunction. With the advent of modern power grids and satellites, much more is at risk this time around. The 1989 malfunction in Canada was just a warning signal for much bigger impact to follow. Unlike today, in 1859 civilization had not yet entered a hi-tech phase of development, thus not having a huge impact on humankind. Something similar or even bigger could very well happen in our nuclear space age, with destruction of catastrophic levels.

How this could impact our grid today

Virtually everything we do today is dependent on radio electronic devices so that increased solar activity could disable life-support systems all over the world. This would apply not only on the surface as poor space weather makes all orbital systems malfunction. A heavy solar storm can cause disruption to space-based navigation systems.

NASA is now sounding an alarm because our continent is so close to the northern magnetic pole and is the most vulnerable to solar activity. A study by the MetaTech Corporation revealed that an impact similar to that of 1859 would incapacitate the entire electricity grid in North America. Even a relatively weak magnetic storm of 1989, provoked by solar activity, caused the accident at a Canadian hydro-electric power plant that left 6 million people in the U.S. and Canada without electric power for nine hours.

A new study from the National Academy of Sciences also outlines grim possibilities on Earth for a worst-case scenario solar storm. Modern power grids are so interconnected that a big space storm - the type expected to occur in 2012 - could cause a cascade of failures that would sweep across the United States, cutting power to 130 million people or more in this country alone, the new report concludes. Such widespread power outages, though expected to be a rare possibility, would obviously affect other vital systems. Potable water supplies would be impacted within hours after the power grid is paralyzed. Perishable foods and medications lost in 12-24 hours; immediate or eventual loss of heating/air conditioning, sewage disposal, phone service, transportation, fuel resupply and so on, the NASA report states.

The economy would completely come to a dramatic halt where banks will probably close, international trade stops... Governing bodies and law enforcement would also be impacted causing global chaos never seen before, say the researchers, led by Daniel Baker, director of the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics at the University of Colorado in Boulder.

All of this cannot be prevented nor stopped; it is something we will have to deal with, no matter how bad the outcome is. Decent and timely preparation may alleviate many of the issues, yet there is a remarkable pacifism amongst all of the world leaders and heads of States. And be sure that they do know this is coming, yet in the interest of not creating panic, this is kept quiet. Don't you wonder where and how 'they' will spend the holiday season in 2012?

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Isn't it interesting to note that the sund and the earth will align witht he Central Sun in 2012? To me this seems to be the most logical explanation fo why the sun's activities did not decrease again after 2000 - but are steadily increasing now! We are receiving bundles of ligt information on an ever increasing scale - which help us to increase our consciousness enough as to step on board of Earth 5D ... DNA is changing and so is our perception - and according our creations!


 I am not afraid of the scnriodescrbed above - in fact I think I would welcome it to a certain point, as life would not be the same as before after such a breakdown. And I know now this would be the end of dark hatted control ;-)


I know how to live ont he minimum, to survive in nature and I know I am being guided and provided with everythin me and my family need - as everyone who is connected to Mother Earth and the heavenly energies, too! No need to panic - I think it's time to embrace change instead of fear it :-)


Love and Light and infinite THANKS, dear Christine for your highly interesting postings!


Sonja Myriel




This is such a wonderful video, dear Christine! Yes, it is true: We have to forget what we have been told about history - it is HIS story ... we have to find out for ourlseves what the past was really about, what it was like. His story was written by the winners of the game - and we can be sure, that they didn't allow anything to enter his story which would have been favourable of those who were conquered - who were the victims ...


Thank you for this wonderful video - and the many others you have recently posted here!


BLESSINGS of LOVE and LIGHT, dear sister,


Sonja Myriel





Welcome Always , I am enjoying the site, its a very uplifting site , well done everyone


Love and Light





Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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