lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Triple Spiral Mountain Portal Dream Message (part one)

July 12, 2011 by karahapinohopono

On June 26th, 2011, I was taken on a dream journey into the heart of Mt Belukha by the Illuminated Beings of Altai.  I was shown the triple spiral heart portal and the one-dimensional gateway.  There were many questions and answers in this vision, but the experience was completely wordless.  Below, I have attempted to convey the information that was shared with me to the best of my ability.

Mama Mountain.  
Mount Belukha rising from the Earth.  
Rising like a life-giving breast, source of all beings.  
Glacial milk feeding the essence of humanity.  
Milked, for love of life,
by conscious intention.

Deep in the heart of the sacred Mt. Beluka in the Altai range lies a triple spiral portal.  The triple spiral is a 2-Dimensional interpretation of what is an inter-dimensional gateway.  Through this gateway, life is manifested, grown from seeds of consciousness.  Seeds planted within the gateway by intention are in co-operation with Gaia, our loving mother Earth.  These seeds, germinate in her great belly and manifest through the pathways of mineral and water to the surface of the Earth and flow through mighty rivers across the land and into the great oceans.

The Pathways of Mineral and Water

Seeds of conscious intention manifest through the pathways of mineral and water.  The pathways of mineral begin in the portal at the heart of the mountain.  Approaching the heart, there is immense pressure from the rocks above. As they meet at specific angles, the quartz is compressed  into a liquid form.  In the deepest, most intense point, this liquid is compressed again into a plasmatic form.  When organized in a specific way, this plasma crosses the threshold of dimensionality and becomes inter-dimensional.  This is the triple spiral portal.

The pathway of mineral flows through the liquid quartz as it radiates out from the heart portal into the veins of the mountain.  Along these tendrils of molten mineral manifest the ores of metal.  Flowers of the imprinted quartz bloom into the solid rock as various types of crystals.  Lakes form from the mixture of mineral salts and hardens into various types of rock beds.  These manifestations sprout onto the surface of the Mountain, pushed up by the energy of the mountain’s pulsating heart portal.  They are a gift to humanity from our Mother.

The pathway of Water beings at the end of the tendrils of liquid quartz as it reaches the surface and cools into a solid.  Pools of water form in the pockets of these crystal blooms .  Once imprinted with the message from the heart of the mountain, the water travels along the veins of ore to the surface. As it springs up at the surface of the mountain, this imprinted water shares the message from the mountain with the flowing surface streams.  When gathered into the deep mountain lakes, the water compresses at the bottom of the lake into a near crystalline form and releases the resonance to the surface where it is broadcasted into the sky and then carried along the clouds.

These pathways are expressions of Gaia’s love for us as living beings.  When we recognize her gifts and show our appreciation, our love for her is returned as rain and snow.  Our love returned is what has packed into ice resting on the mountain.  Each layer of ice representing a generations of blessings and gratitude encoded in each crystal snowflake.

History of the Altai Portal

The Altai portal was activated long ago by visiting star nations who worked their intentions together, for the benefit of all races on Earth.  There are other portals in the sacred mountains of the Earth.  The keepers of these portals have been trained to lovingly milk the mountain for the benefit of their peoples.

In the past centuries, many of the portals have been compromised by negative intention seeds, planted in arrogance.  This arrogance will weaken and can eventually destroy a portal.  Some portals were destroyed by mining efforts and nuclear testing.  Some of this damage was intentional, some of it was in ignorance.

The Altai Portal is unique due to its remoteness and to the great depth and volume of Lake Baikal.   Being so difficult to get to, the challenges of a sustained assault on the mountain have preserved the mountain and her heart portal manifestations.  The preservation of the ancient frequencies is why it is the Altai portal opening  the summer of 2011 is particularly momentous.

The Shift of Ages – Altai Frequency

….the rest of the message is directly for the Altai Fellowship Grounding Group participants.

Bio: Karahapinohopono is a mother, an artist, a teacher of meditation and a metaphorical translator.  She has a masters degree in east Asian medicine and her spiritual gift is in translating the concepts and manifestations from the nature-based, holistic thinking system into the modern reductive, closed thinking system.  She is working with the Altai Fellowship as coordinator of the global groups that are working to ground the energy released from the portal opening on August 13th, 2011.

A Communication with the Illuminated Beings in Altai

May 31, 2011 by karahapinohopono

May 14, 2011  UPDATE: Communication with the Illuminated Beings in Altai Part two has been published

This is an excerpt of a communication on behalf of the Altai Fellowship that came through with the help of Maia Rose, who is a member of the Altai Fellowship.  A spokeswoman for the Brotherhood of Light started communicating with Maia last fall.  When asked, the Almas (Siberian Bigfoot people) also began communicating with her this spring.  The rest of the communication will be shared with the Grounding Group before the July 30th Preparatory Call.

I am communicating with the White Brotherhood, also known as the Illuminated Beings.

I see members of the white brotherhood standing on white cliffs holding a white book.  They, the mountain and the book all appear to be made of white light.  A spokesperson steps forward to say:  “We are glad to be here and glad to be asked to support your journey.”

What is the nature of the energy portal to be opened in Altai this summer?

This portal is a place where there is a buildup of extra energy that vibrates at a higher frequency which makes it more concentrated, but less dense than the general energy field.  I am seeing it as egg-shaped with the point at the top.

Where does this energy come from?

This Altai portal is a gift from the illuminated beings who brought it to these mountains many millennia ago so it could be preserved. There are also portals preserved in other places around the globe.   This was done in cooperation with Gaia.  The elevation and the minerals in the mountains preserve them.  Gaia has been instrumental in deciding where the portal are.  She is a spiritually evolved being who has chosen to incarnate as a planet.  This is her body and she likes it when there is cooperation and harmony between the peoples and all beings who live on her.

In the same way that humans have tried to separate mind and body medically, people see themselves as separate from the planet.  There is no separation between Gaia and the people and other beings who live on her.  You are learning through medicine that the mind and body is an integrated process; they are not separate entities.  It is also so, between you and Gaia.  When things started to degrade and human society began to evolve separate from the Earth and the animal and plant spirits, the Illuminated Beings asked Gaia what to do with the light energy.  She told them to store the energy in places with high mineral content, so it would be best preserved.

Where did the energy come from in the first place?

From Stars.

The portal is a cache of the energy of creation, originating from the God source.

How do we open this Cache?


I gave a very seemingly simple answer because it the word love encompasses everything.

How should the energy be transmitted?

Do your best and use your intuition.  Your intuition will be heightened when you get there and you will just know what to do.  It doesn’t have to be a dog and pony show; it doesn’t’ have to be song and dance.  The most profound things are quiet and simple.  That is why I said love, because love will take care of it all.

In a way it doesn’t matter how the energy is transmitted. Some people may see an image, but it is not limited to a visual form.  It might come through any sense.  Somebody might hear it as the OM, somebody might feel a tickle on their side or they might feel peaceful or their heart may feel expanded.  The limited consciousness of human’s tries to make everything so small.  Think of a fractal, based on a mathematical infinity— it just goes and goes and goes.  God makes infinite numbers of flowers, all different kinds. The transmission of energy can be done in an infinite number of ways.  Each person can choose one.  If you are looking for one way to know God, you will be disappointed.  God expresses  herself/himself in infinite ways.

Also intention. (Meaning sensing the energy in some form and then setting an intention as to what to do with it.)

Now the wilderness beings (Almas / Bigfoot) in the mountains are saying:  “If we know you intend to do this and you really want to do this, if you choose it, we will be glad to help.  If you want it (and you do) and we want it (and we do), then it’s a done deal.”  The most profound things can be simple, like a Rumi poem.

Is the Altai portal opening a part of a global transition?

Machu Picchu and other mountainous regions like the Himalayas also have energy caches, partly because the mountains are up high and partly because of the mineral content that stores the energy.  (Metal is a conductor of energy including emotions and that‘s why, from time to time, metal jewelry needs to be energetically cleaned.)  In rocky areas, the metal ores conduct energy.

To conduct the energy of light and love, the Illuminated Ones went to the mountains where the energy could be conducted and stored.   Some of the other caches around the world are being opened.  The openings will happen sequentially.  The Illuminated Ones know when the time is right and will call people to come and open them because this needs to be a joint endeavor.  Earth is a “free-will” planet so humans need to actively choose to do this.

Gaia has her own ideas about her life.  She interacts with the beings on her as a very literally a part of her.  First there’s soil.  The seeds grow in the soil and then the animals eat the plants.  The fish also eat the various substances of Gaia’s body.  So, our human bodies came from her.  We are part of her.  We are not separate from her.  We are an integral part of her and she is an integral part of us.  That is how synchronicity works, it is a mutual agreement between parts of the same whole.

What effect is the opening of the portal going to have on ourselves and our communities?

The effect on each person will be individual and it will be exactly what they want it to be because they will create it with their intention.  It will look the way they want it and be how they want it.

The effect on the community will be the degree to which they act on their intuition.  The more people act, the more the energy will flow through them.

How is this related to the ascension of the Earth?

The ascension of the Earth means that the vibrational frequency rises and along with it people’s consciousness rise.   When these portals open up around the globe, the energy brought in supports the ascension.  The more light and unconditional love there is on Earth, the easier it will be.

Not only will Gaia and the atmosphere and the whole 3rd dimension be moving towards the 4th dimension, but people’s consciousness will be expanding.  The mind does not exist inside the brain, the brain exists inside the mind.  The mind field will be vibrating faster and people will be sensing their interconnectedness more and have more kindness and unconditional love for each other.  It is kindness, unconditional love, and wise mind knowing that will create the ascension; but these qualities will also be created by the ascension.  Gaia is ascending whether we all go with her or not, that’s where she’s going, that is her intention.

Is there anything we can do to ease the suffering of Mother Earth and the life that she supports?

Well, stop thinking of her as suffering.  Think of it as experiencing.  Different individuals come into incarnation for different experiences.  Everybody is having the experience that they more or less volunteered for.  We don’t have to see people as suffering or victims to be willing to help them.  When you assist someone it benefits you also.  People are experiencing that in Japan after the tsunami.

Like two cells in the body: they don’t perceive each other as suffering or being a victim, they just work to come back into balance.  You also don’t have to be mean hearted and think “Well that person volunteered to have this experience, so I don’t need to help.”  An aspect of opening the portal is to inspire action steps for sharing unconditional love.  This will in turn increase the planetary vibration and thus the rate of ascension.  If you think of it as suffering, the energy gets stuck in that concept and consequentially has a lower vibrational level.

If you really think of Gaia as a woman in a planet body, she volunteered, too.  Her lifetime is longer than a human lifetime, but she is a very spiritual woman having this planetary experience.  So you can imagine that to her having an earthquake is like a human having the flu or getting physically out of balance in some other way.  She suffers much more for lack of unconditional love than from any specific earth event.  Remember that HAARP is doing some of the damage. And unconditional love is a way of addressing that too.

Is there anything else that we should let people know?

Everybody needs to play, play, play!  Laugh, sing, dance, be goofy, hug.  Some of the “right action” needs to be play!  Do creative things, paint, draw, sing, if you are loving life you are living in “right action“!

It’s all going to come right eventually.  The balance will come eventually.  Be optimistic.  Like Uncle Harry Jim, the Kahuna says, “The gig is rigged.“  Gaia wants this, so we are going to get to balance somehow.  Humanity’s part of the ascension is to move into intuition and to reach out to amplify the connectedness that already exists.

The people in Japan are experiencing this beautifully because they don’t have anything left, they are learning to use their intuition more and supporting each other.

Trust that everything is going to work out for the highest good.  Use your intuition!

The Altai Fellowship is a self-selected international group that has come together for the purpose of opening an energy gate and transmitting this energy out into the world in the Altai Republic in Siberia July-August, 2011.  This group is organized by Altai Mir University and led by Carol Hiltner, a Seattle-based author/artist/activist facilitating global flourishing of traditional wisdom. 

The mission of Altai Mir University is to build peace by bridging ancient wisdom with today’s world, primarily through leadership exchanges, events, and projects to strengthen indigenous cultures and their value to current global affairs. AMU is a US-based 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation. For the past decade, Carol has focused her efforts on sustaining the sacred land and people of Altai in Siberia and in conveying the ancient wisdom that resides there.

On August 13, 2011, she and a group of fellow pilgrims including Maia Rose will access the reserve cache of life force that has been stored in Altai by Mother Earth and the Brotherhood of Light, and transmit it globally to facilitate global spiritual opening. People around the world are needed to receive and ground this energy. To join the grounding group, you are invited to join us HERE.  To learn more about AMU please visit

Communication with the Illuminated Beings of Altai part 2

July 23, 2011 by karahapinohopono

This communication on behalf of the Altai Fellowship came through with the help of Maia Rose, who is a member of the Altai Fellowship.  A spokeswoman for the Brotherhood of Light started communicating with Maia last fall.  When asked, the Almas also began communicating with her this spring.  Read Communication with the Illuminated Beings of Altai Part One here.

Speaking with the white Brotherhood, Illuminated beings from Altai.

I see the white brotherhood standing on white cliffs holding a book with white light all around.  A spokesperson steps forward to say:  “We are glad to be here and glad to be asked to support your journey.”

What is the nature of the extra energy portal to be opened in Altai this summer?

This means that in the energy field there is an accumulation of energy of a certain frequency (shows an egg shaped energy field consolidating at a specific frequency).  The energy field is specific to Altai.  It is a different kind of energy than other places and the portal is a place where the energy field is most dense.

Where does this energy come from?

The Altai portal is a gift from the illuminated beings who brought it there and have accumulated and preserved it there and other places around the globe for many millennia.

Where did the energy come from in the first place?

From Stars.  The portal is a cache of the energy of creation originating from the God source.

How do we open this Cache?


I gave a very seemingly simple answer because it encompasses everything.  (I see us sitting under a tree with the Katun river at our back.  The Altai Fellowship is sitting in a circle shape around [Carol].  We are all picturing this egg shape and sending love to it.  At first it looks concentrated and muddy.  Then it lights up with golden light.  It gets brighter dissolving the muddiness, getting more and more golden until rays come out from it.)

Is it these rays we are supposed to transmit?

Yes. (I see sparks over each persons head that look like Tulip shaped flames with rounded points that are vibrating).

How should the energy be transmitted?

In a way it doesn’t matter how the energy will be transmitted.  You are seeing it as flames. It doesn’t need a visual form, it might come through any sense.  Somebody might hear it as the OM, somebody might feel a tickle on their thigh or they might feel peaceful or their heart may feel expansive.

Do your best and use your intuition and your intuition will be heightened when you get there and you will just know what to do… the most profound things are quiet and simple.  That is why I said love, because love will take care of it all.  (Patricia Anne Davis will be leading the Gold Star Meditation in Altai to connect with the Grounding Groups)

How will the energy of the portal opening be received, how should the Grounding Groups help?


(I See people sitting in their own spaces or in shared community spaces.)  The more relaxed people are, the more energy they will be able to absorb.  However, if you lay down, it will be harder to ground the energy into the Earth.  Don’t make the ceremony too long.  Longer is not better.  Afterwards, it would be good for people to walk quietly or be in quiet communion with themselves. Give grace to do what you are inspired to do.  Walking around nature is good and then, after awhile, come back together and share food.

Initially ground the energy into where you are sitting.  The piece of earth you are sitting on.  If you are sitting inside, send it down into the earth.  If you are sitting in a flowerbed or garden, you can plant something there after.  When it grows, it will include that energy. (Gold Star Meditation will connect with and ground the energy)

The receipt of the energy will increase intuition.    Once the portal is open, it will remain open.

In the days and weeks following, you must continue to channel the energy in active ways.  Each person will listen to their intuition to know what right action to do with the energy.  Each person will have their own right action to do because we all have individual lives and birth plans.  What ever goodness whatever mission that you came to do, use the energy to do it more and more.

The more you use the energy, the more it will transform your lives.  More and more you will move beyond being solely emotional and solely reasonable into true Wisdom and Knowing.  In time you will become this wisdom, 24/7.  In future times, it will become impossible to reason things out fast enough to make a decision.  Sequential reasoning will become too slow of a process. Decisions will instead need to be made through the wisdom of intuition.

Intuition is not the same as impulsiveness, intuition is based in the wisdom of global consciousness.  Each person is a creative being and will have a different idea or inspiration:  For example, my intuition is to plant bulbs, my intuition is to feed the homeless, my intuition is to work on getting the waterways cleared.

The people who download the energy  will also connect in their own unique ways with the energy using different senses.  Some may see a flash of light, hear a high-pitched humming or feel warmth or expansiveness.

Use mindfulness, notice and use your intuition, connect with everything around you, each leaf on a tree, a single ant, let everything be important and valuable.  Be in gratitude for all things in your life.  Just spread love, laugh and have a good time with others.  This will  raise peoples energy.

High energy states or high vibrational states make manifestation easier.  The easier it is for the majority of people to manifest the good; the more combined abundance there will be in the world.

What is optimal to do with the energy?  

Take action with the energy to share it however it feels right to you.  Flow.  Be the river.  The energy needs to be in motion. Do do do do!  Don’t think that any kindness is too small.  If you can’t do a big project, just do the little things you can do.  Always be on the lookout for ways to connect and share love with others, birds, fish animals, fairies, almas, apes…  Whatever you can do to honor the connection from a place of unconditional love.

The biggest source of “not doing” is shame.  When people fear that they will feel shame or be embarrassed, they don’t even try.  In terms of practicing unconditional love, start with unconditional love of self in order to release and remove shame.

What effect is the opening of the portal going to have on ourselves and our communities?

The effect on each person will be individual and it will be exactly what they want it to be because they will create it with their intention.  It will look the way they want it and be how they want it.

The effect on the community will be the degree to which they act on their intuition.  The more people act, the more the energy will flow through them.

Is there anything else that we should let people know?

Everybody needs to play, play, play!  Laugh, sing, dance, be goofy, hug.  Some of the right action needs to be play!  Do creative things, paint, draw, sing, if you are loving life you are living in right action!

It’s all going to come right eventually.  The balance will come eventually.  Be optimistic.  Gaia wants this, so we are going to get to balance somehow.  Humanity’s part of the ascension is to move into intuition and reaching out to amplify the connectedness that already exists.

Trust that everything is going to work out for the highest good.  Use your intuition!

The Altai Fellowship is a self-selected international group that has come together for the purpose of opening an energy gate and transmitting this energy out into the world in the Altai Republic in Siberia July-August, 2011.  This group is organized by Altai Mir University and led by Carol Hiltner, a Seattle-based author/artist/activist facilitating global flourishing of traditional wisdom.

The mission of Altai Mir University is to build peace by bridging ancient wisdom with today’s world, primarily through leadership exchanges, events, and projects to strengthen indigenous cultures and their value to current global affairs. AMU is a US-based 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation. For the past decade, Carol has focused her efforts on sustaining the sacred land and people of Altai in Siberia and in conveying the ancient wisdom that resides there.

On August 13, 2011, she and a group of fellow pilgrims including Maia Rose will access the reserve cache of life force that has been stored in Altai by Mother Earth and the Brotherhood of Light, and transmit it globally to facilitate global spiritual opening. People around the world are needed to receive and ground this energy.  To learn more about AMU please visit

August 13th Event

August 13th Portal Opening  

Energy Released from Altai, Siberia
Sending New Earth energy worldwide

Grounding Group meditations and celebrations
of transformation through art music dance

Please join us however you are inspired.

Uniting with a Collective Intention:

“Connect with the intention that the Fellowship will take with them, between Mother Earth and Father Sky, where the Fellowship has walked the distance on the physical plane to intend, to visualize, to affirm, and to manifest the Afirmative thinking system that eternally exists in the natural order.  To affirm is to know the truth of this work, to trust the truth of this work.  Realize that we are all equally a precious child of creator.  We can cooperate and collaborate for our collective survival on earth to renew, to restore the Earth, Water, Fire, and Air. We renew and restore our spiritual holistic self and also the planet earth simultaneously the same way that the microcosm reflects the macrocosm.  We “re-ignite the fire” of this intention for the future generations.  If we take care of the Earth, Water, Fire, and Air, then we will be taking care of ourselves collectively in the future.  We interconnect with the divine to affirm that we have heard and understand the intent for humanity to become humane.

Altai Fellowship Tele-Events this Summer of 2011

Call in information: (712) 775-7000  Participant Access Code:  439053#

  • Preparatory conference call on July 30th @ 6pm PDT
  • Meditation and Grounding of Altai Energy on August 13th 12 noon PDT
  • Follow up  message from returning Altai Trekkers August 21st @ 6pm PDT

Grounding Group Guidance

The general guidance is to do ceremony to connect with and ground the High Mountain Energy coming from the Altai Portal into your local Sacred Mountain sites.  We do this by our open-hearted receiving of the energy, allowing the gifts of personal healing and replenishment to inspire us into creative and loving action.

The specific guidance on the Altai Portal opening is threefold:

Intuition.  Use your intuition to find the best way to connect with, ground and participate in the energy being activated through the High Mountain Grid.  Once flowing, the energy will sharpen intuition as we will have connected to an ascended level of collective conscience, so ceremony might spontaneously adapt to this change.

“You will know what to do.”

Intention.  Set the intention to connect with the collective will of Humanity rejoining Mother Earth to  restore the Natural Balance.

“We can cooperate and collaborate for our collective survival on Earth to renew, to restore the Earth, Water, Fire, and Air. And then in the planet Earth, we “re-ignite the fire” of this intention for the future generations.  “>We interconnect with the divine to affirm that we have heard and understand the intent for humanity to become humane.”

Play!  The energy is meant to be received, to soften the blockages of fear, but most importantly, to be activated upon in manifesting one’s life purpose in loving and creative ways. 

“Everybody needs to play, play, play!  Laugh, sing, dance, be goofy, hug.  Some of the “right action” needs to be play!  Do creative things, paint, draw, sing, if you are loving life you are living in “right action“!”

The tools from the Altai Fellowship to accentuate your ceremony are:

Please let me know what you feel is right for you and if there is something else I can do to support your participation with the Altai Fellowship.

Mountain Love,



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Gold Star Meditation: Grounding of the Altai Energy into the Earth
Designed by Patricia Anne Davis, Navajo Wisdom Keeper
Gold Star Meditation part One of Three: Preparation:
1. Sit in the chair with both feet flat on the floor and your spine straight.
2. Place your hands over your solar plexus with the right
hand over the left hand over the solar plexus in the curve of the
ribcage.  Place your left thumb over your right thumb in low point of the sternum.
3. Close your eyes and allow your breathing to become rhythmic by counting the in-breath and the out-breath.  Remember that the whole universe has the same in-breath and out-breath vibration and impulse.
You can focus your in -breath by counting “one” in and out “two.”  “One” is in your nose and “two” is out your mouth, so that you are maximizing the intake of O2 and expelling CO2 out your mouth.  You don’t want to do this too fast or too slowly.
The whole key to any healing —to any spiritual work—is through breathing.  It’s to quiet your physical, emotive, mental, and spiritual bodies—your sheath, your well being—to a rhythmic in-breath and out-breath.
These are the mechanics of a safe way to close your electrical circuits within your body, so only you have access to the energy within your spiritual self, within your Ring-pass-not, which is your own soul.
The Ring-pass-not  I describe to you as a geometrical symbol of your physical body, which is a five-pointed gold star.
Begin Gold Star Meditation:
Gold is the color of replenishment.
Doing this practice on a daily basis (20-30 min/day) strengthens and aligns a person’s thinking processes with revelation which, of course, is the purpose of meditation: to still the mind and be still to listen to what is called “the voice of silence.”   What does your own soul have to say to you?  That is the place at which human beings can work with the divine beings.  That is the point of light that is the mediator.
A gold soul star is a mediator between the diamond crystal soul, which is the true self (or the light body), and the personality.
Over time the monkey mind or chatter mind, left-brain thinking will eventually quiet and will engage the right brain.  It is very helpful, health-wise and spiritually, to restore whole-brain thinking.  And with this method you will sense the point in time at which you engage the left and right brain, and whole-brain thinking begins to flow spontaneously and synergetically.
When whole-brain thinking is flowing spontaneously and synergetically, you can take the focus of your thinking 8-10 inches above your head to the gold soul star.  You can sense it, you can feel it, and you can see this luminous, iridescent gold.
This gold is an esoteric color that has all the colors in it.  It is a replenishing color, in the five pointed gold star.  It is a place to not only replenish oneself, but to do healing by invoking one’s soul star to another person.  Doing healing at that level is outside of time
and space.
By just the fact that one is breathing rhythmically and focused on the soul star, one  is in a place to work with the divine beings and the universe in what is called the etheric network.  (The etheric network has nothing to do with the astral plane, the astral plane is not a spiritual place, it is just the thoughts and feelings and patterns of humanity over historical times that need to be redeemed and cleaned up.)
Practice this preparation until you are comfortable in your body, breathing smoothly and have a clear connection to the gold star radiating above your head. It is recommended that you do this several times a day for a few days before adding in the next phases of the meditation.  Being familiar with this posture, breathing and visualization will allow it to be a
touchstone for you to return to  throughout the day.  During the gold star meditation, this sense of yourself will be the starting point for connecting with the High Mountain Grid and the High Frequency Energies transmitting from Altai.
Part Two:  Affirm, Intend, Visualize and Manifest using the United Intention for the Altai Fellowship.   To affirm is to know the truth of this work, to trust the truth of this work.
Part Three:  Self Replenishment and healing.  Grounding and Anchoring the High Frequency energies into the Earth.
As of July 30, the Altai Fellowship is now steeped in the High Frequency energies of the Altai Range and transmitting to those who are grounding the meditation.  This energy will continue to increase in intensity throughout the lunar waxing and peak with a global event on August 13th with participating grounding groups worldwide.  To learn more and participate, please visit: *
©Patricia Anne Davis, MA and the Navajo Nation Justice Department  All my work is translated from the Navajo/Dineh language and those italicized  words notate that.  The meaning and vibration is my way of keeping track of information in English while I exist, speak and write in the Dineh Affirmative thinking system.  For an explanation of the terms above, please visit the Glossary at  *
Bio:  My English name is Patricia Anne Davis, MA and my ceremonial name is used only for personal ceremony. It translates to “peacemaker” or “one who greets others with peace”.  I have spent a life time learning and practicing healing knowledge and processes, beginning with my own father, who was a medicine person who made his lifetime priority healing three generations of people in ceremonies.  He was my teacher from birth in the home and in ceremonies until his transition in 1983.
Currently, I am in private practice as a Practitioner and Diagnostician and also an International Teacher and Consultant of Navajo/Dineh blessingway ceremonial healing principles that are cross-cultural, inter-generational, inclusive and universal in practical application.
Gold Star Meditation for the Grounding
of the Altai Energy into the Earth, Part 2 of 3
Begin with Part one: Preparation:

1. Sit in the chair with both feet flat on the floor and your spine straight.

2. Place your hands over your solar plexus with the right hand over the left hand over the solar plexus in the curve of the ribcage.  Place your left thumb over your right thumb in low point of the sternum.

3. Close your eyes and allow your breathing to become rhythmic by counting the in-breath and the out-breath.  Remember that the whole universe has the same in-breath and out-breath vibration and impulse.
Part Two:  Connect, Intend, Visualize, Affirm and Manifest
When whole-brain thinking is flowing spontaneously and synergetically, you can take the focus of your thinking 8-10 inches above your head to the gold soul star.  You can sense it, you can feel it, and you can see this luminous, iridescent gold.
Focusing on your soul star then, say an affirmation of your choosing, such as:
I am the divine soul,
I am a divine light,
I am divine love,
I am divine joy.

When practicing on your own:
1:)  Connect your gold soul star with the sacred portals in your area. 
2:)  Form a group soul star with the illuminated beings that are the guardians of those portals. 
3:)  With the assistance of the illuminated beings, gently raise this group soul star with the intention of connecting with the high mountain grid. 
4:)  Once you feel the tug of connection with the nearest high mountain (even if it is hundreds of miles away), send a rainbow from the mountain you are connected to across the globe to Mt Belukha. 
When in a Group:
1:)  Proceeding clockwise, connecting soul star to soul star of each person, until a circle of light is moving clockwise around the circle. 
2:)  The group affirms a Gold Star above the group. 
3:)  Raise the group’s five pointed gold star above the house or place that you are at. 
4:)  Raise the star and connect with the mountains around your area where the illuminated beings live.
5:)  From the five pointed gold star above you, connected with the mountain energies, see a rainbow extending across the globe, connecting to the Altai Mountains and the people there.
Practice feeling as if you were fishing and had caught a fish—feel the tug.  You will eventually feel the tug when connecting to the next person’s soul star.

From the five-pointed gold star above your region, see the rainbow extending across, connecting to the Altai Mountains and the people there.

Connect with the intention that the Fellowship will take with them, between Mother Earth and Father Sky, where the Fellowship has walked the distance on the physical plane to intend, to visualize, and to affirm.  To affirm is to know the truth of this work, to trust the truth of this work.

And then the manifestation is the action plan of all that has been planned, of all the resources that have been offered for this purpose.

Give gratitude for all the resources that have been offered for this purpose.

Rejoice in the liberation of all the souls that are being held in bondage and slavery, who are ready to remember and awaken and reclaim their inherent goodness and divinity and to know themselves.
Realize that we are all equally a precious child of creator.

We can cooperate and collaborate for our collective survival on Earth to renew, to restore the Earth, Water, Fire, and Air.  We renew and restore, not only in our physical body, but also in our emotive body as well as the mental and spiritual within us.

Collectively “re-ignite the fire” of the United Intention of the Altai Fellowship for the future generations:
“I connect with the intention that the Fellowship has brought with them, between Mother Earth and Father Sky, where the Fellowship has walked the distance on the physical plane to intend, to visualize, to affirm, and to manifest the Afirmative thinking system that eternally exists in the natural order.  To affirm is to know the truth of this work.  I trust the truth of this work.  We are all equally a precious child of creator.  We, the humans on Earth, are cooperating and collaborating for our collective survival on Earth to renew, to restore the sacred elements of Earth, Water, Fire, and Air. We renew and restore our spiritual holistic self and also the planet Earth simultaneously the same way that the microcosm reflects the macrocosm.  We “re-ignite the fire” of this intention for the future generations.  As we take care of the Earth, Water, Fire, and Air, we take care of ourselves collectively in the future.

By speaking it into the etheric network and having witnessed,  we have undone all the obstacles that have been hidden and have caused delay and suffering.

We manifest in the daily activities as we invite and engage
those who are interested,
and are committed,
and who will join us in
putting our thinking into its appropriate and proper use: for the healing of humanity.
Part Three:  Self Replenishment and healing.  Grounding and Anchoring the High Frequency energies into the Earth.

As of July 30, the Altai Fellowship is now steeped in the High Frequency energies and transmitting to those who are grounding the meditation.  This energy will continue to increase in intensity throughout the lunar waxing and peak with a global event on August 13th with participating grounding groups worldwide.  To learn more and participate, please visit: *
©Patricia Anne Davis, MA and the Navajo Nation Justice Department  All my work is translated from the Navajo/Dineh language and those italicized  words notate that.  The meaning and vibration is my way of keeping track of information in English while I exist, speak and write in the Dineh Affirmative thinking system.  For an explanation of the terms above, please visit the Glossary at *
Bio:  My English name is Patricia Anne Davis, MA and my ceremonial name is used only for personal ceremony. It translates to “peacemaker” or “one who greets others with peace”.  I have spent a life time learning and practicing healing knowledge and processes, beginning with my own father, who was a medicine person who made his lifetime priority healing three generations of people in ceremonies.  He was my teacher from birth in the home and in ceremonies until his transition in 1983.
Currently, I am in private practice as a Practitioner and Diagnostician and also an International Teacher and Consultant of Navajo/Dineh blessingway ceremonial healing principles that are cross-cultural, inter-generational, inclusive and universal in practical application. *  
Gold Star Meditation: Part 3 of 3 Self Replenishment and Anchoring
by Patricia Anne Davis
Begin with Part One: Preparation:
1. Sit in the chair with both feet flat on the floor and your spine straight.
2. Place your hands over your solar plexus with the right hand over the left hand over the solar plexus in the curve of the ribcage.  Place your left thumb over your right thumb in low point of the sternum.
3. Close your eyes and allow your breathing to become rhythmic by counting the in-breath and the out-breath.  Remember that the whole universe has the same in-breath and out-breath vibration and impulse.
Part Two:  Connect, Intend, Visualize, Affirm and Manifest
When whole-brain thinking is flowing spontaneously and synergetically, you can take the focus of your thinking 8-10 inches above your head to the gold soul star.  You can sense it, you can feel it, and you can see this luminous, iridescent gold.  Focusing on your soul star then, say an affirmation of your choosing, such as:
I am the divine soul,
I am a divine light,
I am divine love,
I am divine joy.
Connect your soul star to the soul star of the person who is sitting directly clockwise to you. Raise the group’s five pointed gold  star to connect with the mountains around your area where the illuminated beings live.
From the five-pointed gold star above your region, see the rainbow extending across, connecting to the Altai Mountains and the people there.
Give gratitude for all the resources that have been offered for this purpose.  Rejoice in the liberation of all the souls that are being held in bondage and slavery.  “Re-ignite the fire” of the Altai Fellowship Collective Intention: to intend, to visualize, to affirm, and to manifest the Afirmative thinking system that eternally exists in the natural order.  We renew and restore our spiritual holistic self and also the planet earth simultaneously the same way that the microcosm reflects the macrocosm, As above, so below.
Interconnect with the divine to affirm that we have heard and understand the intent for humanity to become humane.
Part Three:  Self Replenishment and Healing
The people who are participating are replenished in order to do this great work on the Earth.
So we send out first the ultraviolet, the universal healing of ultraviolet into the etheric network.  You can see it around the earth as points of light, and it’s held in a grid.
As we intentionally put it out from our soul star, we become way-showers to those on the Earth who are in need of healing and we can invoke this energy for healing.
We also heal ourselves by receiving it back to our soul star, for our own personal healing.
We are healed to do this work, in preparation for the stamina and the resource that it takes to accomplish and to successfully carry out what we know is a beautiful thought for humanity.
And we take the gold from our soul star and also send that out into the etheric network and see it around the globe in a grid: luminescent and iridescent, lighting up the whole Earth plane.
Lighting up and redeeming the energy that has been locked in misqualified energy, misperception, misunderstanding and miscreation.  This gold light then replenishes all those in need, and invokes replenishment in their personal life, in their family, in their
community, in their nation, and in the world governments.
We choose love and peace with our intention to invoke this esoteric color in the etheric network for wise use—wise use to rebuild all that is going to be changed for future generations, for the benefit of the next generations.
We also receive this esoteric gold light from the etheric network into our own soul star.
And we bring this gold light into our thinking and into our body,
into every cell of our body,
into our bone marrow,
into our bones,
into our muscles,
into our cartilage,
into our skin,
into our major organs in the body.
Be filled with this light to illuminate our thinking and our path for what is to be done.
to be receptive,
to be inspired,
to be guided, and
to know.
To bring us from the unreal to the real.
Grounding and Anchoring the High Frequency energies into the Earth.
By taking the gold light from our soul star in a diagonal from the soul star above us, diagonally in front of us, down about 50 feet into the Earth, we anchor and ground the energies from Altai.
Then we bend it and bring it straight back, under our feet.  Anchor it however you want into the Earth. (You can send it to the center of the Earth or let it soak into the earth under your feet to blend with the energy of Mother Earth.)  See that that light is anchored in the Earth under your feet, then bring the Mother Earth energy up through your feet to the back of your body.
Now this is the combining of the Earth energy, the divine feminine with the divine masculine; and as you bring it up through the layers of the Earth, the Earth energy is coming up through your feet. It won’t come through your body, but it will come through the back of your body where all your chakras are lined up:

under your feet,
the back of your knees,
through your spine,
the back of each chakra,
the sacral center,
the solar plexus,
the heart center,
the throat center,
the third eye and
then through the crown chakra and back up to the soul star.
This is an anchoring and grounding of the spiritual energy that we as humane beings on Earth can contribute for our own well being and the well being of humanity at this time.

Again, feel all the love and gratitude and peace in your heart.
Know that it is true.
End meditation and activate this energy in your life, now, however you are guided by your intuition.
As of July 30, the Altai Fellowship is now steeped in the High Frequency energies and transmitting to those who are grounding the meditation.   The Fellowship will continue to transmit until August 21st.  A recording of the meditation will be available to access throughout the week.  Please visit for the number.
©Patricia Anne Davis, MA and the Navajo Nation Justice Department All my work is translated from the Navajo/Dineh language and those italicized words notate that. The meaning and vibration is my way of keeping track of information in English while I exist, speak and write in the Dineh Affirmative thinking system. For an explanation of the terms above, please visit the Glossary at *
Bio: My English name is Patricia Anne Davis, MA and my ceremonial name is used only for personal ceremony. It translates to “peacemaker” or “one who greets others with peace”. I have spent a life time learning and practicing healing knowledge and processes, beginning with my own father, who was a medicine person who made his lifetime priority healing three generations of people in ceremonies. He was my teacher from birth in the home and in ceremonies until his transition in 1983.
Currently, I am in private practice as a Practitioner and Diagnostician and also an International Teacher and Consultant of Navajo/Dineh blessingway ceremonial healing principles that are cross-cultural, inter-generational, inclusive and universal in practical application. *          



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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