lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Do you have your Crystal Grid laid out? TODAY we shall connect three times - at our usual lightgrid connection times at 11 am and midnight CET - and inbetween at 7 pm for the BIG HUG event - to connect EAST and WEST - NORTH and SOUTH!

for details see:

I hope you have had a wonder-filled Beltane Night - or will have ;-)

Sonja Myriel Aouine

30th April / 1st May

The beginning of Summer - Summer is a comin in !

Beltane was an important festival in the Celtic calendar. The name originates from the Celtic god, Bel - the 'bright one', and the Gaelic word 'teine' meaning fire, giving the name 'bealttainn', meaning 'bright fire'.

This is the beginning of the 'lighted half' of the year when the Sun begins to set later in the evening and the hawthorn blossoms. To our ancestors Beltane was the coming of summer and fertility. Nature is in bloom and the earth is full of fecundity and life.


The Maiden

The Triple Goddess - worshipped by the Ancient Britons - at Beltane is now in her aspect of the Maiden : The May Queen, May Bride, Goddess of Spring, Flower Bride, Queen of the Fairies - a symbol of purity, growth and renewal.

The Crone turns to stone on Beltane Eve.

Beltane maiden


May blossom symbolises female fertility, with its creamy/ white, fragrant flowers. Hawthorn blossom was worn during Beltane celebrations, especially by the May Queen. It is believed to be a potent magical plant and it is considered unlucky to bring the blossom inside the house, apart from on May eve.

Flower Language  
Hawthorn - May blossom




Fire festivals

Samhain is one of the four Celtic fire festivals marking the quarter points in the year - feasts were held and bonfires were lit throughout the countryside. Fire was believed to have purifying qualities - it cleansed and rejuvenated both the land and the people.

The ritual welcoming of the sun and the lighting of the fires was also believed to ensure fertility of the land and the people.
Animals were transfered from winter pens to summer pastures, and were driven between the Beltane fires to cleanse them of evil spirits and to bring fertility and a good milk yield. The Celts leapt over Beltane fires - for fertility and purification.

Young men would circle the Beltaine fires holding Rowan branches to bring protection against evil - its bright berries suggested fire - malign powers were considered particularly active at the year's turning-point.

It was considered unlucky to allow anyone to take fire from one's house on May Eve or May Day, as they would gain power over the inhabitants.

A Beltane fire festival is held annually in Edinburgh, at Calton Hill on 30th April - a May Queen and Green Man, representing Beltane fertility and renewal lead the celebrations on the hillside.



May Day - Beltane Traditions

Beltane is a time of partnerships and fertility. New couples proclaim their love for each other on this day. It is also the perfect time to begin new projects.

The maypole - a phallic pole planted deep in the earth representing the potency and fecundity of the God, its unwinding ribbons symbolized the unwinding of the spiral of life and the union of male and female - the Goddess and God. It is usually topped by a ring of flowers to represent the fertile Goddess.
Paganhill, near Shroud has one of the tallest maypoles. The Puritans banned maypoles during the 17th Century.
maypole ribbons
Birch trees It was a Celtic tradition to fell a birch tree on May day and to bring it into the community. Crosses of birch and rowan twigs were hung over doors on the May morning, and left until next May day.  

Beltane cakes or bannocks - oatcakes coated with a baked on custard made of cream, eggs and butter - were cooked over open fires and anyone who chose a misshapen piece or a piece with a black spot was likely to suffer bad luck in the coming months. They were also offered to the spirits who protect the livestock, by facing the Beltane fire and casting them over their shoulders.

Beltane Celebrations and Rituals

At Sheen do Boaldyne, in the Isle of Man, twigs of Rowan are hung above doorways as protection - the opening of Summer was regarded as a time when fairies and spirits were especially active, as at Samhain and the opening of Winter.

The 'Obby 'Oss, at Padstow, Cornwall - wearing of animal skins was believed to be a relic of a Pagan sacred marriage between earth and sky, and the dance enacts the fertility god sacrificed for the good of his people.

The May Queen - Maid Marion/the Maiden consorts with Robin/ the Green Man in Celtic celebrations of May day.

Going 'A-Maying' meant staying out all night to gather flowering hawthorn, watching the sunrise and making love in the woods
- a 'greenwood marriage'.

The dew on the May day morning is believed to have a magical potency - wash your face and body in it and remain fair all year, and guarantee your youth and beauty continues - men who wash their hands in it will be good at tying knots and nets - useful if you're a fisherman!



This ancient Pagan and Celtic
ceremony marked the taking of a partner - this involves a commitment to perform an annual review of relationship. The couple's hands are ritually bound together to symbolize their union. Some people choose to use a ribbon that they have both signed. Between Beltane and the Summer Solstice is the most popular time for handfastings.


Beltain is that point in the year when you normally feel the springtime
has arrived at long last and you just want to be a part of the Earth and the
things that are growing in it.

Each Beltain we try and connect with that spirit of lightness and
growth that signifies the season and this includes your garden, your
mind and your spirit.

If you are lucky enough to be a part of a large group, you could
make a traditional May Pole and do a dance around it. This is an old
pagan rite that personifies the mating of nature with all things.
You need a pole that is at least 16 feet long, and it should taper from the
bottom to the tip in a gradual way. Each person that is taking part in
the rite brings a ribbon that is 16 feet long. (Urge them to bring
different colors.) The ribbons are attached to the top
of the pole with a length left swinging free.
The pole needs to be put into the ground
very firmly, some people use a 5 gallon bucket
filled withsand and then sunk into the ground.
In this way it can take the tug and pull that
happens as the people turn around it.
To line the people up it is customary to make it as
much male female as possible. You can use
any music or even people chanting.

Every other person faces in the opposite direction as the music
starts and everyone that is designated as part of the outer circle
takes their ribbon in a clock wise fashion, (deosil) while the
others go in the opposite direction, (windershins). You simply go
under the ribbon of the person coming at you, in this way at the
end of the dance you will have wrapped the ribbons around
the pole in a colorful pattern.

The May Pole is the representation of the God and the
ribbon represent the Goddess. This is a symbol of the mating
of all things in nature.

Many traditions have competitions in different sports, as well
as having contests for handicrafts. Many foods are shared and the day
is spent in fellowship. This is also the time when Hand Fastings are
traditionally announced and performed. Beltain is the most
joyous time of the year and one that brings people closer
together within families and circles of friends.

If you are spending this holiday with just your family you can
make it just as special by making special arrangements for
feasting and maybe you could plant some things for summer growth.
Even if you live in a very urban area you could honor the
season by making a small herbarium on your patio, by planting
one or two common herbs that you could then use in the kitchen.

Music should be a part of the day as well as head dresses for the
ladies if you like. Many people make chaplets with silk flowers
and lace edging that you can purchase at any yardage store, or
your local department store.

As far as food goes you could really use any menu
that is pleasing to everyone attending. Dishes that use
fresh flowers are very popular as well as things that are
made with wild grains and anything that is made with
your hands. This way you bring a very personal
note into the offering.

On an interesting note, the word Beltain can be spelled
many ways. I have seen it as spelled on this page and
also as; Beltane, Beltayne, Beltaine. I don't think there
is any right or wrong way, the meaning is the same.


Beltane Blessing (Beannachadh Bealtain)


Beltane or Beltaine is the Gaelic name for the festival that rightly begins on April the 30th or Beltanes eve and continues on first day of May, May Day.
Marking the beginning of the summer season the lighting of two great bonfires on Beltaine's eve.
Significantly, as the Goddess (Brigid) moves through her various phases, Beltane sees the womanly aspect of the Summer Goddess banish the Old Crone aspect of the Winter Goddess in readiness for the maternal time and the fruits of nature to follow.

As this is one of the magic turning points of the Sacred Seasons, the veil between worlds is thought to be especially thin, and as a result many of the Fairy Host, the Sidhe and the Tuatha De Danann may be seen crossing between the worlds.
The Faerie Queen travels about on this night, if you gaze too long on her enchanted beauty she may whisk you away to live in her Other realms for an eternity.
The Faerie Queen also represents the May Queen, although in practice the honor is usually carried out by young women who are soon to be married.

The May Queen's role in the Beltane proceedings, along with her May King, mythically a Jack in The Green, the Green Man or Horned God, is to take part in the Great Rite and so open the way for the Summer.
This is the Sacred Marriage of the God and Goddess, often reenacted by a symbolic union during which the Athame (magical knife symbolizing male energy) is placed into the Chalice (Sacred Cup symbolizing female energy).

Most Druids' only magic 'tool' was their voice and their words...
The Rosc that such Druid's wrote is a rhetorical, magical, chant, these are poems that can invoke or topple the Gods and conjure whole nations from thin air.

Taliesin is probably the most famous of the Cynfeirdd, the early Bards.
His name has been interpreted as 'radiant brow' possibly referring to his blonde hair, but equally possibly representing the radiance of his gift of poetry, his awen

Ganna Bandruich, the Female Druid;
the existence of female Druids is confirmed by the written sources from the Greek and Roman who were fascinated by the role of women in Celtic society.

Original Druidic Blessing inspired by ancient Druidic verse and written by Celestial Elf
( )

Very Grateful thanks to The Dolmen for allowing me permission to use Music composed by The Dolmen, from the album "Elf King'' ( )


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love the videos sonja :)
I really enjoyed reading this! Will you at least have a minimum amount of information over at the new Humanity Healing site --> One Earth One Humanity?

Thank You Sonja!)0(
Thank you, joni, for this video :-)

Beltane - or Walpurgisnacht in German - is when we are summoned to call in our Spirit Guides and Helpers to start into the New Summer ... Can you feel the magic which is connecting us to the Spirit World tonight? Let us participate actively in the weaving of the fabirc of the New Earth, let us each begin with him/herself ... FIRST we have to heal ourself - then we can help others.


Today I received a wondeful reminder saying that first we have to fill our own cups - or let us say the pot - and only with the pot filled can we start to distribute the Water of Life!


So let us use this summer to FILL our cleansed cups / pots!


Spring Time serves for cleansing - Summer Time to fill the shining cups.


Use your time wisely: if you still need to do some cleansing: DO IT! And when you are ready to fill your cup and eventually your pot, do not hesitate to jubilate and give thanks. Autumn will come and you will be asked to distribute what you have gained so that you can rest easily in winter whence your empty cup / pot will be refilled again by the Spirits of your Ancestors, your Spiritual and Ascended Master Guides ...


THANK YOU all from the bottom of my heart for connecting to Lighgrid and thus helping with the task to anchor the TRANSMUTING Power of the Violet Flame and Ray here on Earth,


Sonja Myriel


The Chymical Wedding: May God and the Goddess bless you tonight!




Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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