lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

This is an excerpt from the e-book "Ancient Maya Holy Time And the Evolution of Creation" which you also find in our Library :-) (sub tab at Media)




Universal Medicine Power



For understanding the theory of medicine in the Amerindian way, we must redefine (medicine.) The medicine referred to in this text is anything, which brings you strength, understanding and personal power. This medicine is anything that improves one’s connection with all Our Relations and the Great Mystery. It involves the healing of mind, body and spirit. Amerindian medicine encompasses a (way of life,) because it involves “walking the path” in perfect harmony with the Universe.

The Medicine Wheel represents life, afterlife, rebirth and the honoring of each step along the way. The Good Red Road is where we learn the lessons of physical life, or of being human. This road runs South to North in the circle of the Medicine Wheel.

Great Spirit is within all. If an individual obeys Crow’s perfect laws as given by the Creator and Maker, then at death he or she dies a Good Medicine death – going on to the next incarnation with a clear memory of his or her past.

After the graduation experience of death, one enters the Blue Road or Black Road that is the world of the grandfathers and grandmothers. In spirit, one will continue to learn by counseling those remaining on the Good Red Road. The Blue Road of Spirit runs East to West in the circle of the Medicine Wheel.

The Great Mystery is a realm where all things exist, not yet in form, including the Great Spirit. Eagle medicine is the power of the Great Spirit, the connection to the Divine. Eagle has the ability to live in the realm of spirit, and yet remain connected and balanced within the realm of Earth. From the heights of the clouds, Eagle is close to the heavens where the Great Spirit dwells. 9

In learning to call on the medicine of any person, creature or natural force, one must maintain an attitude of reverence and be willing to accept assistance. (As all things in the universe have the same building block the – “Atom” – it is relatively safe to say that we all communicate through the common denominator of each atom, which is the creative force of Great Spirit.) This is a kind of power that comes from the idea of unity, and of each being having within itself a part of all other beings. (It is the Law of Oneness)


These teachings have been handed down from the elders of the Aztec, Cherokee, Cheyenne, Choctaw, Iroquois, Lakota, Maya, Seneca and Yaqui traditions. Due to the diverse teachings of these traditions, we have only scratched the surface of a deep understanding that is possible with this system of divination. We hope to open a new doorway of understanding for those who seek the Oneness of all Life.


Secrets of the Ancients


The key to overcoming our fears is to forget about them. If we forget, our fears will cease to exist in our physical world. (Matter follows vision and spirit. It is the Law.) “If you don’t mind it, it won’t matter.”

Dreaming is going into the future; our dreams live in the shadows. In the shadows can be your fears, your hopes, or the very things you are resisting, and they always follow you around like an obedient dog. Shadow creatures, have you seen them?

Children are taught to behave according to the rules of a particular culture. Most orthodox religious systems create a mandate concerning acceptable behavior within the context of worldly affairs. Do this and so, and you will go to heaven. Do thus and so, and you will go to hell. Different formulas for salvation are demanded by each “true faith?”

Human Law is not the same as Sacred Law! More so than any other medicine Crow sees that the physical world and even the spiritual world, as humanity interpret them are an illusion! There are billions of worlds. There is infinitude of creatures. If you look into Crow’s eye you will have found the gateway to the supernatural. Crow is the protector of the “ogallah” or ancient records, and is keeper of all Sacred Law. Crow can bend the laws of the physical universe and “shape-shift.” (We must transform the human collective consciousness, and allow the bending of physical laws, to aid in creating the shape-shifted world of peace.)

Spider is the female energy of the creative force that weaves the beautiful designs of life. Spider wove the first primordial alphabet, as she had woven the dream of the world that would come to manifest millions of years before.

Spider is the symbol for the infinite possibilities of creation. Spider’s body is made like the number eight, consisting of two lobe-like parts connected at the waist, and eight legs. Her eight legs represent the four winds of change and the four directions on the medicine wheel. 10

Before the advent of speech and primordial language, hand signs where used, and many tribes were silent most of the time. The language that was understood was the sounds of animals. Dolphin came to discover underwater cities, in the Dreamtime, and was given the gift of the primordial tongue. This new language was brought by Spider from the Great Star Nation. Communication is pattern and rhythm, the new aspect of communication was sound. Dolphin carries the original pattern to this day.

Dolphin is the carrier of messages of our progress. The Dreamtime Dwellers (Maya?) were curious about the children of Mother Earth, and wanted us to grow to be at one with the Great Spirit. Dolphin was to be the link.

Manna is life force. (Manna is present in every – atom – and is Great Spirits essence.) Dolphin teaches us how to use life-manna through our breath. Our breath revitalizes each cell and organ, and breaks the limits and dimensions of physical reality, so that we may enter the Dreamtime. Within the breath we encounter the rhythm of energy that all life emits.

Wind is the channel for communication between Heaven and Mother Earth; wind is the breath of the Universe. Wind transports the Sacred Smoke up to the Great Spirit and reveals the way to Cosmic Consciousness. Wind itself is soundless, odorless, colorless and invisible. These wonders only manifest through the connection with others.

Life starts with the first breath and ends with the last breath. Wind reveals the truth if you listen.

Whale carries the history of Mother Earth and is said to have been put here by the Ancients from the Dog Star Sirius. Whale medicine lets us understand that specific sound frequencies can bring up records in the memories of ancient knowledge. Whale medicine teaches us to use sounds and frequencies that balance our emotional bodies and heal our physical form. To recall why the shaman’s drum brings healing and peace is to align with Whale’s message. The drum is the universal heartbeat and aligns all beings, heart to heart.

Biologists say that the Whale is a mammal, and very possibly lived on land millions of years ago. In tribal legends, the Whales move into the ocean happened when the Earth shifted and the Motherland (Atlantis) went below the waves.

Whale saw the events that led to the settling of Turtle Island (North America) and has also kept the records and knowledge of the Motherland alive. It is said Mu will rise again when the fire comes from the sky and lands in another ocean on Mother Earth. Is this the great flaming star called (Bitterness or Wormwood?) Earth’s children will have to unite and honor all ways and all races in order to survive. Righteousness will be delivered in its allotted time. (The Completion of Creation) 11

In the Sky the Deer is symbolized by the constellation of Galagina the stag; otherwise known as Taurus. Deer is in harmony with the lunar cycles, awake and active all night when the Moon is full. A symbol of beauty, a graceful dancer tuned to the rhythm of the Earth, activated by the energy of the Sun.

Deer are part of Mother Nature’s overall plan to feed The People. The first wave in the food chain is plant life: grass, fruit, leaves, bark and seeds. Deer eat this plant life, creating a second wave in the food chain that swells to a tsunami of superabundance. The Cherokee philosophy is that Animals are Our Relations; it is the purpose of their existence to feed mankind. To refuse to eat meat is to deny our brothers their destiny, their very reason for being. Deer teaches us to use the power of gentleness to touch the hearts and minds of wounded beings who are trying to keep us from Sacred Mountain. Like the dappling of Fawns coat, both the light and the dark may be loved to create gentleness and safety for those who are seeking peace.

The word Dragon means, “Eye, to look at, to see clearly.” Dragon symbolizes the Great Mother figure. She seems to see everything everywhere; past, present and future much like the crystal eye of the mythical Cherokee monster.

In the Sky the constellation of Draco symbolizes Dragon, wondering between the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper. Since around 3000 BC Polaris has had possession of the Magic Crystal (North Star.) Eventually Dragon the guardian and keeper of the Magic Crystal will recapture it and the North Star will again be Thuban, a bright yellow star in Draco.

In the beginning, cornmeal was moistened with saliva and shaped into human form, both female and male; this is the basis for our Creation and Re-Creation. Corn has forever been the sacred manna of The People. Dragon is the Corn Spirit, personification of the dual personality of Corn Mother and Corn Maiden. This is a sign of fertility and procreation from generation to generation.

The Dragon breathes fire, is sensitive and jealous of their authority and is easily roused to violence. The Dragon Spirit has forever been known as The Lawgiver a Dispenser of Justice – one who “lays down the law.”

According to geomancy, there are ley lines of energy or magnetic lines of force all over Mother Earth. The Chinese call them Dragon lines, and they are divided into yin and yang. The yin, or female, Dragon lines are in the valleys; the yang, or male, Dragon lines are in the mountains.

This energy, sometimes called animal magnetism, orgone energy or pyramid power, can be tapped into and collected. The Great Pyramid of Egypt, as well as the mystical Maya pyramids, are also collection points for Dragon power, as are the vortexes of Sedona, Arizona. These places are believed to be very healthy and able to recharge the batteries of humans in the same manner as electrical batteries are recharged. 12

The yang Dragon lines in the mountains include the great volcanoes that erupt when there is power overload. Storms and earthquakes are also triggered by this Dragon power. Where the yin and yang lines intersect are the most powerful spots.

Through scientific investigations they have discovered how Dragons could breathe out fire. It is believed that Dragons would eat platinum, when the platinum mixed with the hydrogen gases within Dragon’s flight-bladder it would produce fire, set off by specific emotions.

Redbird is the Earth’s – reflection of Alcyone, the youngest and brightest of the Pleiades Star Cluster in the constellation of Taurus. Sometime in the 1800s an astronomer discovered that Alcyone is the central sun of the galaxy, the rightful Heart of Heaven.

Lightening is the visible evidence of the presence of the Redbird Spirit in the Sky. Lightening marks the path of the Redbirds flight. It is the visible hotline between Earth and Sky, blending solar and planetary atmospheric energy with the energy of Mother Earth. Flashes of Lightening compound vital elements with the essence of plants and animals to promote growth, thus ensuring the seasonal return of fertility. It triggers the union of Moon and Sun, of Heaven and Earth for the perpetuation of Life, without which the land would be barren and empty.

Lightening ads spiritual force to the human body by way of “lightening in the blood.” Direct body to body vibration can be even stronger than words or mind to mind communication. The key to ESP and access to the wisdom of the Ancestors lies in the ability to bestir the blood to speak. Sheet lightening rebounded to the seven directions, is the source of illumination to the path through the Underworld to the Otherworld, and the Opening of The Way.

The sacred stones used in rituals and divination such as: lightening when it strikes the ground makes flint, obsidian, crystals and others that have living power in them. The Redbird throws the switch that turns on the lights all over the world, and engages the gears that grind out the sands of time.

The power of Snake medicine is the power to create, for it embodies sexuality, psychic energy, alchemy, reproduction, and ascension or (mortality.) The transmutation of the life-death-rebirth cycle is exemplified by the shedding of Snake’s skin. It is the energy of wholeness, cosmic consciousness, and the ability to experience anything willingly and without resistance. It is the knowledge that all things are created equal in creation, and that those things which might be experienced as poison can be eaten, ingested, integrated, and transmuted if one has the proper state of mind.

Thoth, the Atlantian who later returned as Hermes and was father of alchemy, used the symbology of two snakes intertwined around a sword to represent healing. Complete understanding and acceptance of the female and male within each organism creates a melding of the two into one, thereby producing divine energy. 13

This medicine teaches you on a personal level that you are a universal being. Through accepting all aspects of your life, you can bring about the transmutation of the (fire medicine.) This fire energy, when functioning on the material plane, creates desire, passion, procreation and physical vitality. On the mental plane it becomes charisma, intellect, power and leadership. On the emotional plane, it becomes resolution, ambition, creation and dreams. When this fire energy reaches the spiritual plane, it becomes understanding, wholeness, wisdom and connection to the Great Spirit.

Consider the idea that you may fear changing your present state of affairs because this may entail a short passage into discomfort. Does this discomfort keep you from assuming the viewpoint of the magician within? Is the old pattern safe, reliable and a rut? This is heavy magic, but remember magic is no more than a change of consciousness. Become the magician or the enchantress: transmute the energy and accept the power of the fire. Fire is a rite of purification and spiritual transformation. The flame is symbolized as Ancient Red and the ashes as Ancient White.

In order to glide beyond that place, which has become safe but nonproductive, become Snake? Release the outer skin of your present identity. Move through the dreamlike illusion that has insisted on static continuity, and find a new rhythm as your body glides across the sands of consciousness, like a river winding its way toward the great waters of the sea. Immerse yourself in the water, and know that the single droplet, which you represent, is being accepted by the whole.

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Replies to This Discussion

sonja i just noticed this discussion and am so excited to read it in its entirity...thank you!

sweety can i post this in Unity ? please... i would like to send it out to the memebrs there as well...
Sure, just make sure to include the reference to this site :


Sonja Myriel
did do - thanks :)

Sonja Myriel said:
Sure, just make sure to include the reference to this site :


Sonja Myriel

Would it be possible to put further info in "bold" as it is hard to read with this background...???
Blessings & Love
Hopt it's better now ;-)
if you highlight the text and zoom on the page it is much easier to read...i have some problems myself against different backgrounds and the different colors of the type...
This one goes out to you :-)

This is a comment from joni, which I thought would fit in here perfectly well - Thank you joni!


Adapted from The Cherokee Herbal, by J.T. Garrett (Inner Traditions, 2003).
The definition of Indian “Medicine” reveals important things for our growth and healing as individuals and as a society.
Find out what the wisdom behind the concept of Indian Medicine offers us today.
The meaning of the term Medicine is much broader than “treatment,” “health,” “self-care,” or “prevention.” The traditional idea of Medicine is based on the earlier meanings of the four cardinal directions and the Universal Circle. When the sacred pipe was shared in the Four Directions in earlier years, each of the directions had its own prayer of thanks. I frame the meanings of the Four Directions as spiritual in the East, natural in the South, physical in the West, and mental in the North. These broad aspects help to describe the importance and the sacred influence of each of the directions in our lives. Everything exists within the Universal Circle of life, energy, influence, and relationship that makes up our Medicine. The phrases “Medicine bundle” or “Medicine bag” are ways of describing all that exists that influences or assists us in the circle of life.
In earlier Cherokee times the Medicine was based on formulas, and ceremony and rituals included the family, clan, and tribe. These Medicine formulas were traditional values that guided and helped the individual and family to find healing. A key in understanding Cherokee Indian Medicine is to accept that within our circle of life are influences and interferences that upset our balance and harmony as an individual and part of the family, clan, and tribe. Unlike the prevailing thought of today, the individual is not the center of the circle; he or she is an integral part of the circle. When a person fails, abuses drugs, or becomes diseased, it affects the entire circle of life. As an elder said, “Disease or illness affects all of us, not just the individual person.” The Medicine is to prevent such occurrences, or to bring that harmony and balance back to the circle. The formulas and remedies respect this harmony and balance for the benefit of all the circle.



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


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