The Beacons of Light ~ Re-minders from Home
November 15 2009
~ The Little Gods ~
The Eleven Sided Coin
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Sat November 28, 2009
11:am US Pacific Time
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~ Re-minders from Home ~
Steve Rother
From Steve:
This message is one of the most profound and loving I have ever had the privilege to translate from the group. It covered many important points, especially in the story they told about the little gods. There were so many levels in this message it would detract to focus only on one. It is an easy to undersand Over View of where Humanity is right now and what will be most useful as we move forward.
One of interesting points was that they gave us a new way of looking at multidimensionality as an eleven-sided coin laying flat on the table of life. One coin or soul, having eleven simultaneous experiences with each unaware of the other, was a new approach to they way they have described multidimensionality.
This overview of life from the group was the big picture that they wanted to share in order to show us a pattern that is changing in humanity. They said that the new vibrations are making us more aware. As we feel the old paradigm of polarity being pulled away, we overreact and experience extremes. The shifting pattern they wished to illustrate was that in a field of polarity we only learn from the extreme outer edges. Everything needs to be classified as black and white; black tries to reach new levels of black, and white new levels of white. Now is the time when we can start seeing the ways we are alike instead of the ways we are different. The group said that with the move into triality we would stop looking to the extreme outer edges for our reality. We would learn more from the overview than from any single point on a time line. This will lead us to empower those around us rather than to compete with them.
Big hugs and have a great month!
Greetings from Home
Dear ones, this day is special in many ways of which you are unaware. You are now at a point where you can pretend to be something other than what you are. That allows you to see contrast in ways you have not before. We wish to tell you a story that may help you put into perspective some of the things you are experiencing as this evolution of humanity continues. We understand that you are at the leading edge of the vibrational change. Many of you feel much of the heat that results from this shift, for you are the ones who are the precursors to the light. Yes, you are the ones who dare to go ahead and hold the door open for the others. So, let us speak of the overview of spirit in this perspective.
The Actualization of Energy
There came a point in creation of All That Is where energy was actualized. It was actualized for the first time in a timeline. The moment that matter became energized, you had something in your realm happen that is called the Big Bang. Although you know very little about what really happened, it was basically a series of chain reactions that started very small. With the Big Bang began the illusion of a timeline that you were able to work with. Let us share with you the illustration of an explosion, because that is how you all perceived it.
Although you have witnessed the result of the explosion, you have no evidence of the actual explosion. In the explosion, everything scattered from that center point forward, moving outward. However, as the energy moved it forcefully collided with matter so that energy was forced into every crevice and part of the matter. In effect, the matter became energized.
Because of the extreme force with which this occurred, both became somewhat contorted. The energized matter twisted and started to transform, as if it had been stretched to a new dimension. Because the energy was stretched in this way, much that exists at Home and on Earth are different; things that work here do not necessarily work there. Home has a pure expression. Planet Earth is the perfect imperfection of god, so it was necessary to have your reflection be imperfect in every way.
Well, that put a twist on everything when the little gods began to feel separate, or different. It was almost as if god had exploded. When the energy was forced into matter, both changed forms and consequently the illusion of time was created. The resulting explosion reached so far out into the universe that little pieces of god began to form, creating an illusion of being finite. The pieces of god began to play on a timeline. That has stretched and changed things to such an extent that now it looks like the little gods are wearing eyeglasses in order to play their game. Everything they see has to be translated through these glasses. Even if they see the perfection of Home they cannot relate to it, nor can they fully understand it because they are in another dimension. Part of becoming used to this became one of the biggest challenges to the little gods. The gods also had to wear the glasses to make them forget who they were. They also had to forget the connection they felt with others around them; they forgot that the others were little gods as well. So, their biggest challenge was that every thought they had manifested. Every single time they would hold a thought in their mind, it would happen. That became quite problematic, because it allowed no leeway of thought since every thought had a responsibility connected to it. That is why they placed a time lag on their creations, so the little gods could play the game of pretending to be human.
The Eleven-Sided Coin
Now we would like to explain something that will become clear to most of you in the very near future. You are multidimensional. Each little god would be like an eleven-sided coin (hendecagon). You call them Loonies in Canada and have different names for them elsewhere. There are four or five coins on Earth that have eleven sides. Although there are different sides on each coin, it is still the same coin. If you move in one direction, this facet comes up. If you move in another direction, another aspect shows up. We use this to show you another way to view the eleven dimensions of self; each one of you has eleven different facets. The eyeglasses that the gods are wearing are keeping them from seeing the other facets of themselves, or even the evidence of their own facets. So, that keeps you separated into different dimensions where you cannot always see your reaction or connection to others. This provided the little gods an opportunity to have eleven experiences on planet Earth at the same time with the same soul, with the same coin.
Because the little gods were in the illusion of a timeline, they were able to see their footprints as they traveled through time. That had never happened before, because the little gods had always lived in circular time. Suddenly they were in linear time, which allowed them to see themselves in a new way. The little gods began their journeys and they began watching their creations. They started to doubt themselves, because they could not see that they were creating every thought. They began thinking that it was not possible to see without the glasses, believing that they were not even creators. Instead, they thought that circumstances actually ruled their lives. Because they held that thought, they created the reality that made that true. We did not even think of that. Ah, you humans are so creative.
Let us explain a few other things that might help you understand. Although we are speaking about the beginning of humanity, you are now on the opposite end of that spectrum. You are pushing the boundaries of what would have been the end of humanity and in the process changing everything. At the very last moments of the game, the little gods began to take off their glasses and re-member their power. It has been difficult for the little gods to understand their own magic, after spending so much energy hiding it from themselves.
You learned how to walk in the timeline. However, the original force that exploded and in doing so pushed all of that energy into areas of the universe where it had never existed before, is no longer pushing.
The Out Breath of God Has Begun.
That force which created everything you see in front of you is no longer pushing in the same way it was. Even though it is moving in the same direction, it is now retreating. The universe is no longer expanding; it has crossed the boundary point at which it is actually beginning to shrink. The “out breath” of god has begun.* So, what does that mean for the little gods who no longer feel that push to be separate? Well, that is rather interesting. In the illusion of living in the timeline, you learn to see everything as either up/down, right/wrong, good/bad, or black/white. You see contrasts rather than similarities. Every time that you learned something, it would be because you had pushed one of those boundaries. You learned to push in this direction and in that direction, which is really how humanity expanded and became what it is today. Now that energy is no longer forcing and pushing from the Big Bang, things are starting to change. You are having difficulty with much of the change.
Outer Edges of Truth
You see many examples of extreme polarity on your planet right now. When we say extreme, we mean that one person is going to push the boundaries all the way in one direction and call that outside edge their truth. Another person is going to push all the way to the other side, and call the outer edge their truth. We do not care which outer edges you think are right or wrong, for none of that makes any difference. These are only the outer edges; that is all you have called your truth up to this point in your history. You are now about to spend more time in this area than you ever have before, because that energetic force pushing you out into the universe is no longer there. As a result, you are now free-floating with that eleven-sided coin. You are capable of moving around and doing things in ways that you have never done them before. This is the magical time on planet Earth, when the little gods have begun to awaken from the dream. They started to understand that they could create anything, even with the glasses on. They began to understand that everything they see in front of them was a result of their own thoughts. It was what they held in the creative aspects of their minds and their hearts, which was then pushed out into the universe to create a reality that would exactly match their expectations. Now what you are experiencing is that you are still pushing the edges of those boundaries. So, that means that when one person calls something right, someone else is going to call the same thing wrong. Now is the time to start looking for ways you are alike, instead of ways in which you are different or separate. This is the time for humanity to come back together, recognizing that you are all little gods. It does not matter where they are, were born and raised, or even what kind of belief systems or experiences they have had. Your critical mass is reaching the point of no return and you will not go back to doing things the way you have always done them. We can guarantee you that.
Learning the Overview of Triality
Now it will be critical to stop pushing the outer edges. The more you push these outer edges to find the extremes on the outside, you will no longer find truth in those extremes. Now we ask you to first look in the middle for your definitions, and then look to the outside. Watch the way that each one works, rather than judging. Consider the possibility that you are faced with the same challenges, and that perhaps you simply approached them from different angles. Something can be learned from each angle. Now is the time for unity on this planet, and in a very big way. For all of humanity, 2009 was the beginning of the end of separation on planet Earth. The veil is beginning to be lifted so that you can see each other clearly. You will see each other’s hearts first, and so the magic continues. The eleven-sided coin will gain new dimensions; it will not be a flat coin any longer, but it still has eleven aspects. You will have 11 aspects of yourself, too. Because of this movement and the next evolutionary process, there is much more that we wish to explain to you about what is currently happening.
Multidimensional Bleed-Through
Even though we have spoken many times about the opportunities for all of humanity to become multidimensional, the progress has been so very slow. So far, we have only been able to plant esoterical thoughts in your mind. You have not been able to prove any of this to yourselves, nor have you seen its practical uses. We wish to share with you that one thing happening now that has been labeled bleed-through. You are starting to feel things through other dimensions of yourself. The other sides of the coin may be experiencing a big adventure, or a growth period, where they are having great difficulties. Suddenly you may find yourself quite sad, in pain, or having difficulty for no apparent reason. The bleed-through is becoming stronger because your veil is disappearing. That which has kept you separate from yourself in many ways, is now starting to diminish. As a result, a lot of ways that you have typically dealt with energy before will be reducing and going away. Being the teachers and the healers that you are, you will find new techniques. You will work with them so you can share them with others in the room and around the world, who can then take these energies and help grow to the next level. This is a time to watch what happens on television and put yourself in that person’s shoes. Consider how you would react if you were in that situation yourself. This is a time to start thinking on a personal level what that would look like if it was happening to you, because it is happening to you. You are not disconnected from each other, and between 2010 and 2012 humanity will learn that. We are so overjoyed to be even a small part of helping you re-member your true nature and what you really came to do.
The Perfect Imperfection
You will begin seeing things the way they really are, for you understand that in order to play this game, planet Earth had to be imperfect. For instance, music is not a human invention; it came directly from Home. When you brought it to planet Earth, you had to shift it slightly to make it fit into an imperfect world. That is the why your chromatic scale is not in equal increments. In order to sound perfect to you, it has to be imperfect. If you are counting using numbers, you use a base ten system which does not actually exist throughout the universe. The rest of the universe and Home is on a base twelve system. However, it had to be altered slightly for you to use it and be practical with it. You think of base ten as very simple and not at all complex, whereas base twelve is quite complex. But we tell you that it is exactly the opposite of that. Through the eyes of humans, you must see things a little differently. Even your expression of mathematics is filled with these same inconsistencies. We will not call them universal laws. We do not believe in any type of law, because everything can be altered and that is exactly what you have done. You have taken universal constants and you have twisted them, you have altered them slightly to play this game. Now you are starting to see things the way they really are. Now you are going to start to see things on a new level. You have not been able before to see such clarity; it will be seen through all eyes on planet Earth.
The challenges you will have are the habits you have built around seeing things in a certain way. So, the first thing we ask you to do is to keep your eyes open. Look around, seeking the possibilities. When you do not understand something, know that it is a potential for you to uncover another part of yourself so you can see more than one of these eleven sides. The aspects of yourself are coming back together so that you will be able to see the whole being. It will take time. It is not happening overnight. For you it will seem like it is taking forever. “When is something finally going to happen?” A hundred years from now when you look back at this time, it will seem as if it happened in a heartbeat. Just enjoy this magical moment, and know that you have a new vision if you become aware and search for it. Look for the opportunities to see yourself everywhere. Simply look and you will find Home very quickly. You will create all eleven aspects of Home right where you are today.
Dear ones, you sit in these rooms and watch us. You come together to be filled with spirit, and to re-member part of the true nature of who you are. What you do not understand is that the respect and honor for each of you who play the game of pretending to be a human is so great on this side of the veil. You are the revered ones. You are the ones who have dared to take off your wings and play a game of pretending to be a human. We honor you more than you could possibly ever know. When you arrive Home, there will be one hell of a party!.
Treat each other with the greatest of respect every chance you get. Nurture one another every time you can and play well together.
The group
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Gaining Time
Barbara Rother
I am sure I must have caught your attention of my title “Gaining Time.” This is what Steve and I and many of you are experiencing lately.
I know if one of us has an unusual experience, whether it is with space, time, emotions or physical symptoms, we all go through similar feelings. We are connected through a universal consciousness that allows us to feel each other on a deep soul level.
First of all for a while now I have not worn a watch except when I needed one during seminars. I can wear bracelets but a watch, even a loose one, seems to uncomfortably grip my wrist as if to say “pay attention to time”. My idea of truly being in the now space is to let go of time and days. The most wonderful vacation is when I get up when I want to instead of with an annoying alarm clock. Being on my on own inner time schedule makes me feel time is on my side.
I give myself some of these enjoyable days when we are home from traveling but the first two weeks of the month we are on a time schedule with our Lightworker events. This is when I feel the need to wear a watch and keep focused on schedule and the time organization around it. I always print out a day-to-day schedule and write many reminder notes for myself on this.
This is how it has been until recently when I began to experience now time. Steve and I have just returned from a wonderful trip to the Netherlands. We enjoyed some playtime in Amsterdam and as always felt very welcomed to Mennerode in Elspeet. This is where we presented our 6 day course Spiritual Psychology.
Not only did I not make a copy or print out but Steve and I just couldn’t keep track of our schedule. We knew everyday we would be presenting our material but the evenings were filled with different activities. We were constantly asking each other what day it was. My alarm clock stopped working for me and then my watch starting giving me trouble. I was always asking our host Sanne what was on the schedule. She had me write it down. Good thing because Steve and I were always checking it.
Now, this sounds like we are loosing touch with vital information and makes us sound a little unorganized. But it doesn’t feel that way to me. Our schedule was met and everything went smoothly for our event. What I felt is that I was in the flow of the seminar and I enjoyed it in the way of being in the now time.
It continued after that. We left Elspeet at the end of the seminar to drive up to Amsterdam. We had it in our mind that we were leaving early the next morning for home. We went on line to our airlines because we couldn’t find our printout of our travel schedule. This is something we always keep inside our travel folder. Much to our surprise our information showed that we were traveling the next day, the 14th instead of the 13th. This gave us a whole fantastic day to enjoy each other and Amsterdam. We gained time. We had been talking before our discovery that we wished we had another day before flying home to relax and experience the city. I was very happy we created that reality with our thoughts.
I remember one year Steve was getting ready to celebrate his birthday. When he was about to blow out the candles on his cake he looked over at me and said “How old am I 54 now?’ I said he was just turning 53. He said” Wow I just gained a whole year!” Time is just a concept. How we view it is up to our perspective. On the other side of the veil it does not exist. I choose to be more in the flow of life. That way I loose my attachment to time. This allows me the beauty of now.
Love and Light
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