lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

'I call forth Nesara Now thru My Mighty I AM Presence.


Thanksgiving Is Supreme Outpouring

The Voice of the I AM / St. Germain Press 1936

Oh, Beloved of the Light, you who have come under the Radiation of Saint
Germain and those other Ascended Masters, Who are pouring out Their
Great Love, Light and Freedom to humanity through this Activity, you
shall have the fullest supply of every good thing! We decree it now,
and have always done so in this work. Saint Germain said from the
beginning that, no one under this Radiation who made a sincere,
determined call to the "Mighty I AM Presence" and worked to
correct his own human discord in thought, feelings and spoken word,
should lack for any good thing. He wants you and all mankind to have
the fullest possible supply of every good thing required, to make your
life and activity harmonious, joyous, easy and Perfect.

That is the Law of Life, of the Ascended Masters and of every
Enlightened Being, who ever lived on this planet or any other throughout
Infinity. That is why every day should be a Thanksgiving Day, for every
human being on earth forever. Gratitude to Life for all It is and
gives, keeps the door wide open for its Supreme Outpouring to come into
the individuals' use. Gratitude is harmonious feeling and brings
back Limitless Supply to the sender.

God is no pauper. Poverty is not spirituality. Lack does not produce
harmony. Lack of any good thing is a constant reminder to the human
personality, that it has depended on its own human effort or on some
outer channel of activity, as the sustainer of the body and that it must
harmonize feelings.

God, the "Mighty I AM Presence," created the body from inside of
Itself and is constantly supplying its Energy and Intelligence from
Within. The Presence is also quite capable of supplying it with
everything else, if the student will call to his "I AM Presence"
first for everything, before he looks to the outer channels for his

Saint Germain has given us the Ascended Master's Golden Key for the
limitless supply –on demand –of every good thing everyone
desires, if each one will make the call to the "Mighty I AM
Presence," as Saint Germain and these other Blessed Ascended Masters
have instructed.

No matter what the individual requires for his own use, the first
condition on which he receives it from the Supreme Source of all, is
that he calls it forth into use NOT ONLY FOR HIMSELF, but for EVERY
INDIVIDUAL on this earth as well.

When one calls the "Mighty I AM Presence" into action, to
release a specific blessing to every individual on earth, and there are
approximately three and one-half billion in embodiment (more today) all
the time, the quantity of energy released in such a call would equal the
which the individual releases by calling three and one-half billion
times for that blessing to himself. This is what the Ascended Masters
mean by "The tremendous power of co-operative action."

The student, if he understands the Ascended Master application of the
"I AM Presence" does not need to repeat
affirmations—parrot-like –to convince his feelings, the
manifestation he desires will come forth.

Instead, by one call, with intense feeling, to his "Mighty I AM
Presence," to release what he desires into his own use and then
expand it to the use of all, he accomplishes infinitely more in that
call to his Presence than could possibly be done in any other way.

This is the GREAT SECRET. It is the OPEN DOOR to the limitless use of
every good thing on demand. The way is so simple, so easy, so
all-powerful, that anyone can prove this Mighty Law to himself, at any
moment he makes the call to his "I AM Presence."

For instance, suppose, one needs to pay some particular bill very much.
He can say to his "Mighty I AM Presence" with INTENSE
FEELING—which everyone can generate consciously and at will:* "
Mighty I AM Presence! Through the Cosmic Activity of Thy Great
Quenchless Flame of Divine Love! Pay this bill for me today through
Divine Love! See that every bill on this earth is paid likewise for the
Freedom of all mankind!"

Send this decree forth with deep sincere feeling and the desire for
every other person on this planet to have his bills paid, as well as
your own! Thus, you can use every need of your own, as a reminder to do
a service for all human beings, which will bring joy, ease, blessing and
Perfection to every other person on this earth, bringing you also your
complete freedom in every way.

This is the way the individual frees himself and in calling forth an
action of the Great Law of the "Mighty I AM Presence" to bless
and free others, it is impossible for the individual not to gain his own

The understanding of this, as a Law, has not been given before to the
outer activity of mankind, until this Ascended Master instruction of the
"Mighty I AM Presence" was given forth by Saint Germain and the
proof of the Mighty Truth, which it is, stands before everyone, in his
own individual personal experience, who has made that call with the
intense desire to set all mankind free.


If you do not believe this, offer someone money to consciously arouse a
definite feeling of some special quality, and you will see how quickly
that one can do it. If one can arouse it for a little piece of paper (a
ten dollar bill for instance) he can arouse it for the blessing of
himself and all mankind, when he understands this Law. Actors and
actresses do it. They have no trouble feeling the quality they wish to
portray. So can all who sincerely desire to do it.

It is impossible for any human being to fail when he calls the
"Mighty I AM Presence" into action for the freedom of all. It
is impossible for any human being on earth to have his own bills remain
unpaid, if he will call with all the intense feeling of his heart every
time he pays his bills for all the rest of mankind as well.

No one could possible lack for so much as a meal of food, if he would
call forth the Cosmic Activity of Divine Love from his "Mighty I AM
Presence," to give him every meal he desires and at the same time,
ask that all individuals on earth be given meals equally as good as he
is asking for himself, or better, if they desire them: and that they
always give God, the "Mighty I AM Presence" the credit for
giving those meals to them.

Remember, the action of the Great Law of Life is that seventy-five per
cent of everything the individuals creates, including the energy
required to bring forth into manifestation, remains within the brain.
Body and aura of its creator, be it good, bad, or indifferent.
Therefore, one is always the greatest beneficiary of all blessings sent
out to the rest of mankind, and also the greatest sufferer from discord
sent out to others as well.

No matter what we create, three-quarters of our creation always remains
within our own auras and worlds. That is because everyone's
thoughts, feelings, and acts revolve principally around himself. When
he comes into this Ascended Master Understanding of the "Mighty I AM
Presence," and releases Its Limitless Power and Blessings for the
Freedom of all mankind, it automatically follows that he himself must
become free; for the greater part of his "Mighty I AM Presence"
acts through the individualization of himself.

The same thing is true of the physical sun or the Great Central Sun.
Three-quarters of its Presence, Intelligence, power and Activity is
located within Its own form and Substance and only one-quarter of Its
Life Energy goes out as Radiation into the rest of the Universe. The
same is true of a candle flame.

Therefore, the Students of the "I AM" under this Radiation,
knowing this, can easily realize how they can use every requirement and
problem of their own, as a reminder to call the "Mighty I AM
Presence" into action, to fulfill those requirements for all
mankind: to solve those problems for all. Hence, the Student
automatically becomes free himself, in giving this tremendous service to
the many.

Understanding this, you can realize that you are no longer human beings,
but you are Divine Beings. The Divine gives, the human receives. If
the human is to manifest the Perfection of the Divine, it must become a
Being of cause ONLY and that cause, the conscious expanding of all and
Blessing and Perfection from the Individual's own "Mighty I AM
Presence," for the Freedom of all.

Thus, in using the affirmations which call forth the Power of the
"Mighty I Am Presence," to help all mankind make the Ascension,
the individual, who makes that call MUST AUTOMATICALLY make his own

Oh! Beloved Ones, do you realize what it means to work with intense
sincerity and deep feeling for the Freedom of all? It is the greatest
joy and privilege of all lives, to have had released to us the Ascended
Masters' Understanding of the "Mighty I AM Presence" which
gives us the Power to render this assistance.

Never before in the experience of mankind has such Power and Assistance
come forth for the Freedom of all the earth. Never before in the
history of the planet, have great numbers of individuals, with the
Ascended Master's Conscious Understanding of the Great Creative
Word, "I AM," ever sent forth such powerful decrees with such
great determination for the Freedom, Illumination and Ascension of all.

In this combined dynamic call, for mankind's Freedom and Ascension
coming from the hearts of un-ascended beings, the Great Cosmic Law of
the "Mighty I AM Presence" and Ascended Masters, is compelled to
give everyone making that call, his own individual Freedom and Ascension

That is the privilege and obligation of every student who has come under
this Radiation. May everyone work with all his might, that the Ascended
Masters' Perfection may fill the earth and all mankind know Their
Great Freedom and Joy through the Power of the Great Quenchless Flame of
Their Pure Divine Love and Eternal Unfed Light.

Let all remember to charge every day, with the Supreme Outpouring of
every good thing forever, from the "Mighty I AM Presence" and
Great Host of Ascended Masters, and send it forth for the freedom and
blessing of all. Then every day will be a Thanksgiving Day for the
whole of mankind and the earth and all shall have the Supreme Outpouring
intended for them from the beginning.


May the Love of the "Mighty I AM Presence" Within ignite this
message within each person that all mankind may be set free from their
own bondage of lack! That all might find the Gift of the "Mighty I
AM Presence" Within and ALL MANKIND WILL BE SET FREE! " The
Light of God Never Fails!"

Views: 819

Comment by Ana Antaka on September 23, 2010 at 9:47pm
This just took my breath away. I seem to have no trouble manifesting various things that just appear in my mind. But I've never had permission to ask for something specific to me. I am empowered now. To help all mankind. What a gift. I give thanks to Saint Germaine for creating this opportunity.
Comment by maac on September 23, 2010 at 11:09pm
Peace, Love. Light and Abundance to All... It is amazing synchronicity... Just yesterday I was reflecting on how I want everyone to have their needs met so that they can feel better and would then be able to direct their thoughts toward positive things... When someone suffers hunger, abuse and lacks the basic subsistance they can not irradiate their best since they constantly are in pain whether physical or emocional. Thank you very much Sonja for sending me this great tool since I was trying just to do this but I didn't realized there is a way to get the best results... When I read this beautiful message I thank Saint Germain... I love you all deeply...
Comment by dirk hertveldt on September 28, 2010 at 3:57pm

gracias obrigado thank you
saint germain
Comment by dirk hertveldt on September 28, 2010 at 4:02pm

lady freedom goddes freedom
on top of capitol of washington dc

I AM Presence" does not need to repeat
affirmations—parrot-like –to convince his feelings, the
manifestation he desires will come forth.

Instead, by one call, with intense feeling, to his "Mighty I AM
Presence," to release what he desires into his own use and then
expand it to the use of all, he accomplishes infinitely more in that
call to his Presence than could possibly be done in any other way.

This is the GREAT SECRET. It is the OPEN DOOR to the limitless use of
every good thing on demand. The way is so simple, so easy, so
all-powerful, that anyone can prove this Mighty Law to himself, at any
moment he makes the call to his "I AM Presence."
Comment by dirk hertveldt on September 28, 2010 at 4:05pm

Thus, in using the affirmations which call forth the Power of the
"Mighty I Am Presence," to help all mankind make the Ascension,
the individual, who makes that call MUST AUTOMATICALLY make his own

Oh! Beloved Ones, do you realize what it means to work with intense
sincerity and deep feeling for the Freedom of all? It is the greatest
joy and privilege of all lives, to have had released to us the Ascended
Masters' Understanding of the "Mighty I AM Presence" which
gives us the Power to render this assistance.

Never before in the experience of mankind has such Power and Assistance
come forth for the Freedom of all the earth. Never before in the
history of the planet, have great numbers of individuals, with the
Ascended Master's Conscious Understanding of the Great Creative
Word, "I AM," ever sent forth such powerful decrees with such
great determination for the Freedom, Illumination and Ascension of all.

In this combined dynamic call, for mankind's Freedom and Ascension
coming from the hearts of un-ascended beings, the Great Cosmic Law of
the "Mighty I AM Presence" and Ascended Masters, is compelled to
give everyone making that call, his own individual Freedom and Ascension

That is the privilege and obligation of every student who has come under
this Radiation. May everyone work with all his might, that the Ascended
Masters' Perfection may fill the earth and all mankind know Their
Great Freedom and Joy through the Power of the Great Quenchless Flame of
Their Pure Divine Love and Eternal Unfed Light.

Let all remember to charge every day, with the Supreme Outpouring of
every good thing forever, from the "Mighty I AM Presence" and
Great Host of Ascended Masters, and send it forth for the freedom and
blessing of all. Then every day will be a Thanksgiving Day for the
whole of mankind and the earth and all shall have the Supreme Outpouring
intended for them from the beginning.
Comment by Darryl Schoenstadt on September 28, 2010 at 7:59pm
Great wisdom, light and truth. Thank you for sharing. Namaste.
Comment by Ana Antaka on September 28, 2010 at 10:03pm
I've used it twice on almost trivial things, an aching muscle in my calf that made excercise walking painful, and another small one (my mind is failing sometimes) and both worked instantaneously. I'm certainly a believer and actor.
Comment by Myriel RAouine on September 28, 2010 at 10:11pm

Comment by Myriel RAouine on September 29, 2010 at 2:11pm


You need to be a member of LIGHTGRID - Lichtnetz - REDDELUZ to add comments!



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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