Detail of leaves Stevia rebaudiana .

Inflorescence of Stevia.

Chemical formula of stevioside by the Laboratory of Plant Physiology , Catholic University of Leuven.

Some of the products that are available on the Spanish market, Anagalide hand .
A plant to know
The Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni ) is a shrub native to Paraguay and Brazil, known by the indigenous Guarani and Mato Grosso since ancient times, the they called ka'a he'e ( honey leaf ). This shrub reaches 90 cm tall and is characterized by the bright green leaves and some avellutadas , lanceolate or elliptic , toothed position AC , which are 3 to 5 cm long by 1.5 to 2 cm wide. The stems are hairy and straight, while the roots filiform are essentially superficial and have enough strength vital to facilitate the regrowth of the plant . It is a dioecious plant whose flowers are small, tubular, white, unscented perceptible. They are grouped into panicles formed by small corimboides axillary chapters grow slowly. Their flowers the pollinating bees. In our latitudes it is unusual to bear fruit fertile. The fruits are achenes equipped with a pappus that the wind easily transported . Anyway, the best method Reproduction for cultivation are the cuttings. The natural habitat This plant is semi-arid regions such as the region Range Amambay in Paraguay. In the wild, grows in sandy, less fertile but well drained. Requires long days and sun. The Spanish adopted it as a sweetener for beverages and other goodies , so it was known as " sweet herb . " Without But not until the late nineteenth century Paraguayan botanist Moises Bertoni the classification in 1899.
A healthy plant clearly
Of all the medicinal properties of stevia can be listed include the effects on the quality of life of diabetics. Much of those affected by this disease (estimated at more than 135 million worldwide ) could benefit from the regulatory properties of the levels of blood sugar intake contributes tender leaves of the stevia . Medical studies find that the active ingredient in the plant induces pancreatic beta cells to produce for themselves significant amounts of insulin, which helps reduce blood glucose, which is the cause of diabetes mellitus 2 .
Drug companies want slaves
Unfortunately , pressure from large pharmaceutical corporations in diabetics who have a "clients addicted " does not provide that an advance in new research to gain insight into the medicinal effects this plant. In any case, Stevia is an ideal plant for autocultivada for oneself and for that, easily , one can benefit from take each day leaves that have so proven effects that beneficial to health. Unfortunately , multinational sweeteners such as Coca Cola and Cargill have been patented in 2007 and in the United , a product derived from Stevia called rebiana " , which have associated to 24 patents, primarily in relation to processes to extract the extracts of the leaves so do not leave bitter taste is stevioside . For their part , drug opt for the artificial production technology type Transgenic insulin as a solution to lower costs treatment of diabetes. It is clear that large corporations do not are willing to that one can have on your own balcony pantry health . However, Stevia revolution is underway.
A powerful natural sweetener
That is a healthy plant Stevia lies, as mentioned, in that its leaves have a substance called stevioside, what makes them 10 to 30 times sweeter than sugar . The sweet taste is due to glycosides steviol , mainly stevioside and rebaudioside A. Is consisting of a mixture of at least eight glycosides diterpenic (The glycoside is a molecule produced by condensation between two monosaccharides, while a terpene is a lipid -derived hydrocarbon isoprene , which is purified from 100 up to 300 times sweet as sucrose and their physico -chemical and Toxicological for its inclusion in the human diet to be used as a natural diet sweetener , without side effects ). A plant produces 1 m tall, around 70 grams of material dry usable, in which 25 g correspond to leaves. The Stevioside is a " white crystalline powder, odorless, non- hygroscopic, non- fermentable, sweeter flavor in very dilute solutions , very soluble in water. " However, its main obstacle to marketing what is called an aftertaste , which to be removed requires expensive laboratory processes . However, intake of young leaves is much cheaper and just as healthy and medicinal properties with more purified extracts .
The medicinal use of Stevia
Referring to numerous studies and the experience of hundreds of diabetics that are consumed in Catalonia and the rest of the state, we see that is a plant that regulates blood sugar , lowering blood pressure and regulating the digestive system in general. It also acts favorably in many people with anxiety , reduce fat in obese people and is diuretic . The dose most commonly used of people who have Beneficial effects is 4 young leaves , food directly before or during lunch and 4 leaves before or while dinner. If there are no tender leaves can be prepared a dried leaf infusion (an infusion in the morning and another at dusk). The infusion dose is one teaspoon of dried leaf dessert cup chopped by infusion. We can also prepare a dose for two days . In this case we take a liter of water and we boil. Then close the fire and add 4 tablespoons of dessert crushed dried leaf and allowed to rest at least 30 minutes before take it. Thus the blade will deliver all its properties. Then we put in the fridge. Another application of Stevia mouthwashes are infused with it. There was an effect similar to other chemical antiseptics such as chlorhexidine , so the use of Stevia can be considered as a preventive of caries mouth . There is a toothpaste, Biodent, Based on stevia, clay and other healthy herbs .
The stevioside
Leaves Stevia rebaudiana contain, as mentioned, a mixture of eight glycosides diterpenic (which are mainly stevioside and the rebaudioside ). Stevioside is a natural sweetener no nitrogen extremely sweet . In its pure state is 300 times sweeter than sucrose. We might describe as a glycoside stevioside a molecule composed of steviol , which is adhered to the pagoda tree through a hydroxyl group of carbon number 13. Its empirical formula is C38H60O18 , and its molecular weight is 804.2 g. Its physical and chemical properties desirable for food processing can include: • The heat resistance. Its structure is not altered by exposure at high temperatures and therefore does not lose its sweetness . It suitable for hot foods or baked . It is stable at temperatures normally used in food processing : pasteurisation sterilization, cooking. • High solubility in water and hydroalcoholic solutions . • Resistance to pH. It is stable in a wide range of pH 3-9 , even 100 ° C. Above pH 9 is a rapid loss of sweetness, not But few foods are pH values > 9. In drinks carbonated including in its composition citric acid and phosphoric acid, is detect loss of sweetness of 36% and 17%, respectively, when stored at 37 ° C. • Do not add calories. Stevioside at high concentrations exhibits a slightly bitter aftertaste and undesirable , which attempt to remove or at least mask , keeping the assumption that the factor responsible for the aftertaste would be a possible oxidation one or more components present in the Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni. |
Process of extraction and purification of stevioside
There are a large number and variety of patents on processes of extraction and purification of stevioside , which could be summarized in the following steps: extraction leaves Stevia rebaudiana with water or organic solvents , filtration , precipitation of impurities and coagulation pH change ; clean -up on ion exchange resins , crystallization , drying. Importantly , if the process is not a product obtained acceptable flavor , apply other treatments, such as enzymatic or chemical modifications , but the resulting product will not might be called natural. Stevioside we can find it in several ways: • extract obtained by diffusion : dark dense liquid , result of boiling the leaves in water ( see appendix) , so can enhance the flavors of the foods to which they añadide this liquid. • extract obtained by macerating : liquid prepared by maceration of the leaves in distilled water or a mixture of liquor alcoholic (fit for human consumption ) and water. Liquid form obtained by dissolving the purified stevioside in water ( solution). All methods are natural and serve a purpose given : simple tea, liquid or crystal form solubility; each will have different properties and applications. |
The regulation of stevia in the European Union |
The regulation of novel foods in the EU in force since 1997 requires that any food considered "exotic" meets strict safety conditions before to be introduced into the European market. EU to introduce a food for the first time are required to apply the conditions establishes the novel food regulation in the EU. The standard identifies five categories of products based on technology applied or the origin of foods and their ingredients , while attributed to food safety authorities of each country a key role in this procedure. To achieve a new food into the EU , the simplest procedure is a country subject to a product evaluation by sending its proposal to other Member States to issue their approval. Fruits considered exotic such as mango , papaya , pomegranate , tea white, etc. . , rose by a significant 26% between 2001 and 2004, according to a recent study. Today Stevia can not marketed as food. In 2007 the European Stevia Association EUSTAS filed for approval as new food (novel food) for leaves of Stevia and also asked for extracts purified ( minimum 95 %) food additive status sweetener. products can be sold for Stevia cosmetic applications , agricultural and animal feed. In Spain, laboratory AnagalideFounding member of the European Stevia Association markets several products for various applications derived from Stevia. The company Online Diet sold hand -cut bulk plant useful for tea . Outside Spain , the laboratory MEDHERBS offers a wealth of stevia products , including dried leaves for teas or seeds for cultivation .
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