lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Step by step - Auric activation and balancing

This excersise will take you through a step by step balance of the auric and chakral energy, it actually is the best way to lay down your energy paterns to flow very strong and to stay stable.  This is very much based on the Fabrociou or Spiral workings that apply strongly in the universal creation.  This is advanced energy work, and some of you might find it difficult, this is why I have made the diagrams to assist.

But before we can start I can not stress the importance of safety boldly enough.  Before you can start with this, you need to make sure the following safety rules are in place.  You can not just throw this together and think it will help you.  It needs to be done RIGHT, and with proper care, or you can do more damage than good.  I have see people slip during one of these and it took me 4 hours of etheric surgery to untangle them and repair the damage.  So please if you think energy work is a fun game, find your kick some place else.

1- Make sure you will not be desturbed for about a hour.

2- Make sure you take a full glass of water I hour before you wish to do this, and take another with you.

3- Make sure your phone is switched off or those that might visit you know not to.

4- A proper cleansing must be understaken before you start.  If you dont have a proper cleansing ritual, I can provide you with one, on request.

5- Cast a protection circle, or use salt, stones or water to make a proper circle around you.  Also ask your guides or your protective angels to take up position outside the circle to make sure no one bother you or sneak past your circle. (trust me it can happen)

Now you can proceed

We have many diferent bodies, but I will only focus on 2 at this point, the Physical body (the flesh you touch every day) and the Spiritual body (the one you use to astral travel or walk the spiritual realms with).  When you are done with the physical body you can do the same to the higher body. 

Lets start...  Look at your body, take note of its shape.  Let your hand pass over your body familiarise yourself with it, and as you do focus on love for it.  This is important, as so many of us dislike our bodies.  How is our vessel supose to give us service if we dont love it, in what ever shape it take.

Our auric field is a energy field we radiate that is around us in a rough egg shape.  There how ever are those that have no control of their auric field.  Theirs have no edge and looks more like a cloud than a neat field or they radiate their aura far out, affecting those around them, and then there is some that plainly dumping their energy all over people they come in contact with.  To start of, take note of the edge of your auric field and bring it under control to look like this picture.  It should have a nice smooth clear edge.  Always control your breathing... deep slow breathes, in through nose, out through your mouth. Slowly.

Focus on the energy inside, the outside edge of your auric field, you will notice there are many colours in it, like a rainbow.  Each colour represent a diferent layer in your auric field.  Mostly linked to each of your chakras.  Breathe

Here is the field as you will see it.  What you need to do is clear up the lines untill it looks more distinct, and each colour is very well visible.  Let this energy settle.  Allow it to solidify inside your auric field and take up their proper place.  Breathe here for a few minutes.

Here you will see the standard Chakras.  You will see that each chakra has a representing line inside your auric field.

Now lets discard that for the moment.  We will focus on the 7 major Chakras.

1- Root (Red)

2- Sacral (Orange)

3- Solar Plexis (yellow)

4- Heart (Green)

5- Throat (Light Blue)

6- Third Eye (Dark Blue)

7- Crown Chakra (Purple)

Take note of each on your body, and look at them more closely.  We will come back to them later, for now just take note of each, notice the vibrational frequincy of each, the feel of each, when you place your hand over them one at a time.  Please use your left hand not your right.  In energy work left is always above, divine or positive.  Pace your breathing.

I dont use just the normal 7 chakras, mostly I use all 24 chakras.  Yet for now I will only use these 19 Chakras.  They are the ones that give me the best and most stable balance.

1- Root (Red)

2- Sacral (Orange)

3- Solar Plexis (yellow)

4- Heart (Green)

5- Throat (Light Blue)

6- Well of dreams (Grey between light and dark blue)

7- Third Eye (Dark Blue)

8- Pinal Gland (Grey between Dark blue and purple)

9- Crown Chakra (Purple)

10- Female/Left Brain (White half of the Yin-Yang sign)

11- Male/Right Brain (Black half of the Yin-Yang sign)

12- Left Burden (Termn) (Shoulder)

13- Right Burden (Termn) (Shoulder)

14- Left Giving (Tashal) (Hand)

15- Right Giving (Tashal) (Hand)

16- Left Movement (Anumn) (Knee)

17- Right Movement (Anumn) (Knee)

18- Left Basis/ Foundation (Raumn) (Foot)

19- Right Basis/ Foundation (Raumn) (Foot)


To align all chakras, we will have to merge some of them.  by pulling them together, into the centre line position between the other major chakras.

Chakra 10 + 11 - Male/female (Yin-Yang)

Chakra 12 + 13 - Shoulders

Chakra 14 + 15 - Hands

Chakra 16 + 17 - Knees

Chakra 17 + 18 - Feet

When all chakras form a straight unified line, you will feel a surge of energy.  Relax for a few moments letting this settle, breathing deeply for atleast 10 breathes.

As the energy of the chakras settle, contemplate their frequincy, while you breathe, do that till you feel at ease.  Now we will focus on the chakra itself.  This diagram is the basic form of a chakra.  It should be an open hole.

Many see the chakras with lotus petals.  Each chakra has a different amount of petals asigned to it.  Some people will see the petals fold open to reveal the chakra, and you may do so as well.  We are however going deeper into the chakra.

When you look much closer at the chakra, even once the petals are open, you will see a dull film over your chakra.  When you reach onto your chakra your will feel this film, it has a tight frequincy and give you resistance.  This is what some call the veil, this film help you as unawakened to act as a barrier and protection.  Now that you are able to use your own energy and manipulate it at will, consiously, this film is more of an irritation than of any help.

It is at this point that you will remove this film.  When you use energy on your hands, and stroke the edge of the chakra you will feel the edge of the film.  Gently take hold of it, and lift it away from left to right.  As you lift it, you will feel a type of easing, and the light of your chakras will start shining brighter.  Sometimes as you lift it away, stuff start oozing out of them, like objects or black oily energy (that is usually resedue of old stuck negative energy).  You will note there is a line inside your chakra, ignore it for now.  When the film is completely away, breathe deeply a few times get used to the feel of the change, then proceed to do that to all chakras.

When your done with opening all the chakras, let the energy settle and solidify.  Practice deep breathing for atleast 10 breathes.  Now you can pay attention to the line.  The line will lie in a diferent position on some or all chakras, but it has to be in a upright position.   This line is called an Alignment line.

You will start at your feet, and slowly turn the line inside each chakra, till it settle in an upright position.  The moment its alignment is correct you will clealry feel the click, and it will start pulsing outwards in a spiral formation, all the way to the edge of your aura.  Now move on to the next chakra, till you have aligned all of them.  The minute the last one is aligned it will activate what is called your Axis mundi.

Note how the axis have activated and neatly form a straight line through every single chakra.  Lightly press this deeper into your chakras till you again feel the click.  Some will feel a rush of energy at this point and some may even start feeling extreamly emotional.  Just let it settle and breathe untill you feel more calm.   Note how neatly each chakra lay centred to the Axis.

This is just a example of the naming of each chakra, pay attention to their location, as well as the name while you breathe and let the Axis settle.

The moment the axis is settles a pool of very intense light will activate over your crown and below your feet.  This is the above and below energy of the Spiritual (above) and the pnysical (below).  Let it increase till it is really bright and very strong.  Breathing at this point is incredably important.

When the above and below energy has solifidied and stoped growing focus on your breathing.  Take a deep breathe and pull energy form above into you, all the way through yout upper chakras, down into your heart chakra and keep it there.  Breathe out, letting go of any energy that does not serve you.  Next focus on the pool of light from below, and while breathing in draw it in throught your lower chakras all the way to your heart chakra, and hold it there.  Breathe out and release all that do not serve you.  Some might experience flashes of images here, just let them go, do not hold on to them.   Alternate the breathes till your heart chakra glow very bright and is of equal strength of that of the above and below light pools.  Let this settle and continue breathing.  Docusing on the energy in heart.  Let it mix and settle, as soon as it is settled, focus on a memories that hold an incredable amount of love and joy.  A moment, a person, a event, it does not matter, just somethign that makes your heart sing.  Now mix that energy into the other energy in your heart and breathe out, letting it settle.

Next step is to draw energy from heart, in a spiral and pass it through every single chakra, till it merge back into the above energy.  Hold it there and breathe letting the spiral solidify and stabilise.  When its stable let go, and measure the strength of it.  If it is strong and stable, bring your focus back to heart, and draw out another spiral, let it spiral down ward through all chakras, until it merge back into the below energy.  Hold it there and breathe, letting the spiral solidify and stabilise.  When it is stable let it go, and measure the strength of it, opposed to the above spiral.  They should be of equal sprength.  Breathe deeply and let it settle for 10 deep breathes.

The next step is to keep those spiral stable, while you again draw another spiral from the below position, but this time only let it pass through the 7 main chakras.  It has to move widely away form you, this spiral is there to balance your Aura to your chakras.  This keep your aura in complete control, and my expanding and contracting the outer spiral, you can increase and decrease your aura size.  This will also affect the use of your aura shield.  The stronget your outer spiral are the stronget your aura shield will be.  and its driving force is the strength of your heart, and the love you hold in it.

This is now the end result of this excersize.  A neat energy field that is well balances and strong.  Maintaining it for the first few times, is a challange, but your body get used to this pretty fast.  the core of your power lay in the energy you keep in your heart.  The more love, joy and other positive things you keep in yout heart, the stronger your energy output will be.


*Getting angry, or letting someone get you very upset, will unbalance all this, then you will have tor strip down and relay this.  The first few times you will crash badly, but remeber, your body is learning this new type of control, and it is a learning curve.  So have patience with yourself.

*Your guides, are there to help you, they will let you know when your energy field is starting to wobble.  You will experience some simptons like, nausea, Pain, excessive tiredness and other things.

*WATER, it is the lifeforce of your body.  Water is a conductor, and the better you keep your body hydrated with water, the better it will let energy flow through you.  One secret many energy workers forget is the importance of water for energy loaded cells.  Energy create heat, the cells vibrate faster and heat up, if you do not take in enough water, the cells overheat, and are damaged.  It leave scar tissue on your cells, and if you have that, well then energy work get a whole lot harder and difficult to do.  Damaged cells can however be repaired, but it take time, rest and gentle energy work. 

*REST: I see so many healers burn themself out, (me included) because we stubournly do not take the time to rest properly.  Etheric surgery and energy work take an enormous amount of your own life force.  The first signs of over use is insomnia.  The more energy we use the more hyper our bodies get, and the harder it is to sleep and rest.  We push ourself past what is needed damaging our cells.  A damaged healer is of no use to the world.  So if your a healer, make sure you get another healer to help you out regularly.  Because in the end a little rest go a long way.  A rested healer, can reach even higher energy use.

*Safelty: The first line of difence is safelty.  This is no little game you play when the mood take you to it. Yes its fun, but always remeber the hidden dangers in all things.

Any questions just ask, I will gladly asist.

Copyright Anush

Views: 471

Comment by Patrizia on July 13, 2013 at 7:03pm


Love, Patrizia

Comment by Myriel RAouine on July 15, 2013 at 3:58pm

Comment by Arleem on July 15, 2013 at 5:03pm

thank you

Comment by Van Thai on July 16, 2013 at 3:46am

Thank you An-Hu-Nu.

 I'm grateful for this post.

May you provide for me a proper cleansing ritual as mentioned aboce on part 4 in order I can practice this meditation.

Van Thai

Comment by An-Hu-Nu on July 16, 2013 at 9:15am

@ Van Thai

The following are those I use.  It depend on how I am feeling, so look at them and just pick one that speak to you

Self Purification Ritual

You will need:
A bowl of fresh water

Cast a circle, then invoke the elements and the Lord and Lady.
Sit quietly and think about what you want to clear out of your aura.

When you are ready, add three good-sized pinches of salt to the water and stir widdershins (counter clockwise).

Breathe deep into the bowl and as you do, let your fears and doubts pour into the water. Breathe them into the salt water where they will dissolve away.

Do this until you feel that the negative energy has passed out of your body. Next, hold the bowl into the air and visualize a gold or white light flowing into the water, transforming the negative vibrations and cleansing them.

Carry the bowl to the sink and flush the water down the sink with cold, running water. Smudge yourself with either jasmine or lavender incense (or another scent that promotes peace) and close the circle.

Protection Ritual

You Will Need:

1: black candle

2: sea salt

3: sage or other purifying herb, such as rosemary

4: a small sturdy stone

5: nine needles from a cactus

6: a cauldron (or other container that can hold candle wax and herbs)

The Spell:

Ground and centre. Hold the candle in both hands while focusing on your fear.

Take at least three deep breaths and allow the feeling of your fear to flow into the candle.

If there is nothing specific to protect from then simply focus on a feeling of being protected.

When you have achieved this feeling and you have allowed it to flow completely into the candle, place the candle in the cauldron.

Now take some salt and make a ring around the candle three times clockwise while chanting the following:

"Three times around,

three times about,

evil is bound,

evil stays out."

Burn some of the sage or rosemary as an incense.

Allow the smoke to waft over you. Grasp your stone.

You will be holding it throughout the rest of this spell.

Feel how solid it is, how sturdy. Allow that feeling to permeate you. Feel strong. Revel in this sensation.

When you are feeling particularly strong, light the candle and say:

"Pillar of light,

dispersing the shadow,

consuming adversity,

protecting my destiny."

Feel how the black candle (that which threatens you) is being consumed by the light of the flame (your power).

Place the nine cactus needles in the cauldron, along with a pinch of your purifying herb.

Place the stone in the cauldron and allow the candle to burn down completely.

When this is done the stone can then be removed and carried as a protective amulet.

If any of the cactus needles have survived intact then you should bury them somewhere around your home (even if it is in a potted plant indoors!).

This will provide a protective aura to be erected around your living space.

Protection Ritual 2

You Will Need:

1: An earthy, "grounding" incense (sandalwood, copal, myrrh, etc.)

2: A small pocket sized stone

(Black tourmaline or another similarly dark stone will suffice)

3: Some salt

4: A black candle

The Spell:

Ground and centre. Light incense and fumigate the working area.

Cast a circle by sprinkling salt in a ring around your working area. Imagine a protective wall springing up from the salt and forming around you.

Hold the stone in your power hand and focus your awareness on it. Feel the hardness of the stone and notice how its energy flows differently from your own. It is slower, denser.

Focus on these qualities of the stone and chant the following 3 times:

"I summon forth the strength of stone,

and conjure up these walls of rock,

Protect my soul, my flesh and bone,

My will the key, this stone the lock. "

Allow the feeling to flow from the stone and into your body.

Feel the strength and steadfastness of the stone and imagine that this same power is present in the walls around you.

When you have sufficiently generated the necessary energy then focus your attention on the candle. Black is the colour of banishing, and also of grounding, of ultimate manifestation. Feel the power of the protective stone flowing from you and into the candle as you light it and say:

"Tower of light,

Fountain of force,

Circle of purity,

Ward of infinity. "

Imagine that you can feel an affinity with the candle flame and that it's light is also being generated from within you, shining outward in all directions.

Allow this light to reach up to the heavens like a tower, flowing up and then cascading around you like a fountain, falling down to and charging the ring of salt as the power flows beneath the ground, encasing you in a protective ward of your own making.

You may wish to repeat this process several times, chanting the above in repetition until a sense of power is achieved.

Walk away and allow the candle to burn completely out.

By performing this or similar rites in times of stress will provide a feeling of security and heighten your power.

In addition, the stone will become charged with a protective quality that you may draw from if feeling insecure or threatened.


*Start by determining how big your space needs to be. A ceremonial circle is a place in which positive energy and power are kept in, and negative energy kept out.

*Figure out where your Circle should be cast. In some traditions, a Circle is physically marked on the ground, while in others it is merely visualized.  You can place candles in a circle, or stones, or just a rope.

*Mark the circle upon the floor or the ground. Place a candle in each of the four quarters – green to the North to represent Earth, yellow in the East to represent Air, red or orange symbolizing Fire in the South, and blue to the West in association with Water.

*You enters the circle from the east and announces, “Let it be known that the circle is about to be cast. All who enter the Circle may do so in perfect love and perfect trust.”

*You move clockwise around the circle, carrying a lit candle, a crystal, stick of burning incense or a sage smudger. At each of the four cardinal points, she calls upon the Deities of your tradition.

*As you light the candle in the East say:

Guardians of the East, I call upon you
to watch over the rites of Three Circles Coven.
Powers of knowledge and wisdom, guided by Air,
we ask that you keep watch over us
tonight within this circle.
Let all who enter the circle under your guidance
do so in perfect love and perfect trust.

*You move to the South, and lights the red or orange candle, saying:

Guardians of the South, I call upon you
to watch over the rites of Three Circles Coven.
Powers of energy and will, guided by Fire,
we ask that you keep watch over us
tonight within this circle.
Let all who enter the circle under your guidance
do so in perfect love and perfect trust.

*You circle around to the West, where you light the blue candle and say:

Guardians of the West, I call upon you
to watch over the rites of Three Circles Coven.
Powers of passion and emotion, guided by Water,
we ask that you keep watch over us
tonight within this circle.
Let all who enter the circle under your guidance
do so in perfect love and perfect trust.

*You go to the last candle in the North. When lighting it, say:

Guardians of the North, I call upon you
to watch over the rites of Three Circles Coven.
Powers of endurance and strength, guided by Earth,
we ask that you keep watch over us
tonight within this circle.
Let all who enter the circle under your guidance
do so in perfect love and perfect trust.

*When the ceremony or rite has ended, the circle is usually cleared in the same manner in which it was cast, you will dismiss the deities or Guardians and thank them for watching over you, then blow out the candles, open the rope or move a stone.

Its simple (this is the method I use.

Comment by Dr. SohiniBen Shukla on August 1, 2013 at 3:43pm


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Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


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This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!



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