lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
4th November 2015
Great Spirit I fill up my senses with your Love and thank you for this day! I bring down the golden energy through my crown chakra and see it swooping through my entire body flushing out all toxins and all negativity. This is followed by soft purple clouds that enfold me, falling around my feet like a cloak and penetrating the Earth, spreading Light Love and Healing. I bring this energy whooshing back up through my being, out of my crown chakra and back into the beauty of the cosmos, calling out to my beloved Star friends.
Cocooned and wrapped in this loving haze I wait in my heart centre for them to join me. I wait in Love and reverence for my friends, who come in all shapes and guises, thinking of my Lion guide Raja. I remembered a programme from years ago called ‘Beauty and the Beast’ about someone who was half man, half Lion, who lived underground. I loved that character, it must have been because you were with me then Raja!
Sweet Cherubim of Love and Light, you have always been and I have been there by your side, choosing to walk with you on this pathway of Light. Blessings dear Sister, blessings upon you!
Ah I can see the gold now, oh dear friend thank you, help me to see more clearly, help me to open my heart that little bit wider so that I may relax and go into that energy.
It’s almost as if I’m morphing into a Lion now, I have the feeling of shaking my mane and letting out a big roar . . . not in anger but in being glad to be alive and in this beautiful place. The clouds of purple are getting more vibrant and pulsating.
Light the candle flame, light the flame in your heart and let us sit for a while in peaceful bliss.
Yes thank you my friend. (We sat blending for quite a few minutes).
We came upon you in an age of destruction and we come to change that which was written long ago. We come to change an end result that was neither of our choosing; we come to restore peace and harmony in the hearts of mankind. We are reduced to tears by what has taken place and we know there are many more incidents planned that would put many to shame! We ask you not to be disturbed for these things will come into the open in due course, and we are checking and rechecking our data to bring you more up to speed with what needs to happen on a grander scale across your world.
We aid and abet those who have man’s best interests at heart and we bring to your door food for thought. This has enabled us to express ourselves more clearly at a time when disasters can be averted, and in the grand scheme of things we gather around to help you, to ascertain how best we may help the human race. We make our judgements and we see the necessity to pause and update our systems. We have been overrun with mediocrity and we see this as a necessary inclusion to still your hearts and minds from racing in all different directions! We instill a sense of purpose, resurrecting . . .
Sorry friends, we have a blip . . . trying to reconnect, please bear with me!
It is necessary to listen most carefully for we cannot make mistakes that could be misinterpreted!
Do not be misled into thinking that we have come from a landscape of doom and gloom, we come from an extraordinary background that has given us the impetus to travel far into the furthest reaches of an empire built with Love. It may seem a crazy solution to many of you but we know this is regarded as absolutely necessary in your world, to become true to yourselves, to light the pathway more brightly so others may follow.
We beckon you to walk with us and to lean upon us at times when the spirit is weak; we are there to catch you, to give you the strength to begin again in a new framework of astounding beauty. This framework is geared to higher perception of ourselves, bringing through the rays of the Sun to assist you, filtering through the abundance of our Love for the human race. We do not believe you would want us to leave you to your own devices, not if you could see the end result of your journey into the abyss!
I can see a car hovering on the edge of a ravine with the front of the chassis over the edge, teetering on the brink!
We bring you about strong and fast, holding you back from making the gravest mistake of your lives!
Stand down in all humility, stand down and meet your maker! We do not tread on the toes of the esteemed when we say this, we only want to reassure you that all will be well if you make the adjustments we are asking you to allow. These adjustments will stand you in good stead and give you a new lease of life in a time frame of considerable worth for the upliftment of your families and your friends who come to accept that we are not aliens hell bent on war, we are your brothers and sisters in flesh and blood before you, turning the tables on disaster!
We shout and rage at the injustice of society!
I’m being shown people shouting, jumping up and down and shaking their fists in anger!
We can turn things around easily and with the minimum of fuss, but we all need to be on board to do this!
I’m getting a picture of chaos . . . people fighting with guns and bombs going off . . . there really is no need for it and we are approaching that time when we celebrate the end of the Second World War on 11th of November at eleven a.m. Oh Great Spirit Love is all we need but not everybody is listening, how can we make them listen more closely?
We are doing our bit from our side but we rely on people like you to spread our message that Love will conquer all! We are bringing about a massive learning curve and the ripple effect is stronger than you realise, stronger and more powerful than a mighty force of men at arms! We lift the barriers and let you through a floodgate of shining lights, beaming out into the world, spreading forth this Love. And we are growing stronger, dear children of Light, we are growing stronger and more powerful each day, and there will come a time when this ‘Light’ shall shine over your galaxy and all will raise their eyes to the heavens and know, (click in the room) and know the meaning of Love. And we will bring about a mammoth change to how you live amongst one another in truth and in Love, in harmony with all around you and what could be more wonderful than this? And so it is!
Be strong and be brave for the times ahead and stay to the path for we are almost there!
(There was a click again).
I can hear the song by Andy Williams now. ‘We’re are almost there, it’s almost time’)!
Oh dear friends I do Love you so, I thank you, I thank you . . . are there any more words before I sign off? Thank you for those you have given me today, I know you are right but sometimes it feels as if it is a losing battle: I know it’s not, sometimes it just feels like it when we see such destruction! Are there any last words Raja that you would like to finish with?
Oh Raja is giving me a pansy . . . it’s not a red poppy that is worn for Remembrance Day, it’s a multicolored pansy! Oh thank you friend so much!
Let this be a symbol of Love and Hope!
Thank you so much for sharing, Eileen!
Wow, yesterday was really challenging here on my side - but during the night every atom, every molecule, every cell of my being was ACCELERATED - or that's the word which best describes my feelings ... and I AM thankful now, so thankful, for BEING here!
YES, we are breaking through :-)
LOVE eternal,
Sonja MYriel
Thank you friends for your lovely comments! I have had to be away from my computer for another week travelling to visit sick elderly parents in-law and sorting out stuff! It too has been a very challenging time and I am feeling in need of plugging into that golden light ready for the next onslaught! Love and Light to you all dear friends! Eileen
P.S. thank you for the wonderful pictures of beautiful pansy's and Lion and the little boy reminds me of my grandson, thank you!
Thanks Eileen, here's hoping the challenge lessens for you reminded me that I haven't been flooding myself with Light as often as I should. I used to do it daily, but, challenges not withstanding, I should be doing it daily, it's more necessary now, as I have my own challenges, (as have we all....) I have had to shop using Public Transport, no car now...thought I was bullet proof, bought too much stuff (food/water) fell backwards down an escalator, heavily on my already injured right shoulder, right hip (arthritis) right elbow.....was very sore & bruised, lovely people looked after me, managed to get to the Doc's & got pain relief. Am a lot better now, but still cannot use my right arm fully, Doc said I'm too old for surgery, so I now have this for the rest of my life here...Will this strengthen my resolve to Ascension? I'm very weary of the challenges, maybe, not sure....I am aware of what to do, I strong enough to commit? Hmmmm....just surviving at present.....
But, hey, does not stop me from sending you all Healing energy, Peace, Joy and Love....
Much Blessings, Namaste
Dearest Sylvia, HEALING LOVE AND JOY are coming right back to you NOW!
Your body is integrating self healing mechanisms through DNA upgrades transmitted by the Sun's rays,, so if you have the chance to bathe a bit in the SUNLIGHT - and if it's just sitting by an open window enjoying the sun on your face - go for it!
So often we are learning the hard way - rest and shower yourSELF with the healing light of ALL colours and frequencies - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!
I see your golden heart send golden LOVE rays into all your body - connected to Heaven's Heart and Sun and Earth's Heart and Sun YOU ARE,
Sonja Myriel RAouine
Dearest Myriel, I echo your message of Love for Sylvia with all my heart! Shopping is exhausting at any time but to fall down an escalator too . . . my heart goes out to you Sylvia! We have high winds here from hurricane Barnaby, so will fight my way down to the end of the garden and send healing from my sanctuary. Love and blessings to you all. Eileen
Thank you, thank you, thank you sooo much, Dear Myriel and Eileen, both....Myriel, good advice, I will, as soon as the heatwave subsides, maybe Saturday!! We had 35 C today, and are expecting 41 C tomorrow. The coolest place I've found at midnight in Sydney is sitting at the computer with 2 fans on have been rather distracted from bringing in Light & Healing, I must confess....silly me....I especially want to send Light, Love and Healing to the areas around Esperance in Western Australia, where 4 people died in the awful fires there....Poor Australia, it seems because of the La Nina effect, we are to get more of these events in the coming year...that District lost all of their recently harvested crops, all income for them this year...I do realise it is Dear Gai'a trying to send us all a message that she will not tolerate the mining etc that our Government insists on, but.....Dearest Eileen, please do not put yourself in potential danger for Heart would be very hurt if anything happened to you!!
I gracefully accept & allow the Healing & Love to fill me.....sweet ladies, much Blessings and Love in return, hope the hurricane moves away out to sea soon...
I am so grateful for all the Love & Healing.....I know I have not been making myself BE more aware....I have my Sweet Kevin looking after me, even though he is hurting, too....he wants us to go to a Club, tomorrow, any club as long at it has aircon!! But getting there using public transport is a problem, especially in the heat! He did buy me a portable aircon unit, but after about 6 years it is falling apart, not game to get it out & try to fix it (with more tape
In Peace, Love and Oneness dears...
Sylvia Melaynia xx
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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