lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

26th October 2015 –

This morning I’ve asked to be taken to ‘Mount Olympus’ in Ancient Greece and am imagining those tall white pillars and stepping with bare feet onto a mosaic floor. I can see in the floor a profile of a woman with her hair tied back in a Grecian Goddess style. I wander through a corridor of pillars stretching before me and am now walking down white steps into a steaming bath like a small swimming pool. There are grapes and fruit on dishes around the bath.

Oh Great Divine Spirit I love you. (Tears). I can already feel those from the spirit realms drawing close. I can see a Chinese/Tibetan lady and a Buddhist monk. I thank you friends so much for drawing close to me this morning.  I had asked that I may travel to mount Olympus in Ancient times to see the Temple but I can see a Buddhist monk looking at me, similar to the Dali Lama, he’s full of mischief with his eyes twinkling as he peeks at me from behind a pillar.

I leave this session in your hands Great Spirit for you to show me what is necessary at this time that will be beneficial to many others too. I bring that loving energy down around me, brimming in my heart centre and am sending that Love out to all of my wonderful, beautiful guides who watch over me and help me on this pathway of Light. I’m also seeing the face of a Native American lady with dark hair with streaks of grey. I thank all of you for coming and sharing with me this morning! I can also see someone who looks like the chap who sang ‘Purple Haze’. I suddenly shrieked with laughter as realisation dawned! Ah Purple Haze . . . yes, thank you friend, yes I do love that purple haze around me while I meditate. Thank you, thank you, I send my Love to you all and I send my Love to the Great Divine Spirit who is conjuring up these visions for me!

We come in Peace, Light and Love mesmerising an audience.

I’m actually seeing Morgan Freeman now in his role as God; I just love their sense of humour . . . thank you friends!

I come in Love Light and Peace also, may God be with you and may we be blessed with his presence now and forever more.

I sank back into a state of peace with the lilac light building up around me. I am wrapped up in a big orange blanket, which I’ve decided to give to my daughter. I’m imbuing it with healing energies for her to use in the dead of night when she is comforting her children, who have been poorly lately. I’m praying that the healing and Love embedded in this blanket will uplift her family’s spirits and provide peace and harmony for them all.

Be at Peace, feel the Love and energy we bring you, let it envelop your being in Peace and tranquillity. Love beyond all earthly measure shall be yours and all those who enter this golden Kingdom of Love and Light. Please shelter in our embrace, feel the softness we bring, softening out those edges that bring disharmony and discord.

The music playing now is ‘swing low sweet chariot coming for to carry me home’!

These are the words that many cry out to you Great Spirit for they are tired of the turmoil upon the Earth plane, they are tired of witnessing the awful disparity between nations, between the beings who live on Earth. And I’m thinking of those poor souls, those refugees who are standing in pouring rain for days and nights with their skin all white and wrinkled from standing constantly in waterlogged ground. It can’t be right Great Spirit that people should suffer so, when I am here wrapped in a beautiful, warm orange blanket! We should all have the right to live in a state of Peace . . . please make it so Great Spirit, please make it so! (Tears).

The flashes of gold and purple are more vivid here!

Please help us Great Spirit to help these people . . . to reach out and draw them into the fold of our Love. Even those who may infiltrate to harm us, we shall throw that mantle of Love around them too to soften their hearts, because we know shining a Light upon them is the only thing we can do to help, not to send them scuttling back into the shadows but to bring them into the Light of Love! Help us to help those who cannot help themselves, bring the sunshine back into their hearts and let them abide in your great Love. (Loud crack in room).

We reach out across the great divide and shelter you from the abyss. We have brought with us many guides and helpers who understand exactly what is needed for each and every one of you. We know at times you trample afoot what is best for you and though we bring you our blessings, we also bring you a wealth of knowledge to set you straight and on track for a finer world. We assist you, bringing in a new compass of understanding.

I can see lots of gold and an African looking fellow with silver hair, also wrapped in orange. Thank you friend.

This compass of understanding will bring you great strength and courage in the challenges that you face and we understanding there is more to be brought to your door this day. We have brought before us a grand reunion of souls, manifesting an abundance of literature that is there for your perusal. We open up the gates and allow you through, treading in the steps of the esteemed ones, who have gone before to clear a pathway for the many to follow on. We bring a broad band of knowledge to your door, asking you to tread most carefully in the days and months ahead.

We have littered the past with many trials and tribulations that have come to fruition in endless misery for the people of Earth; we depend on you now to have great courage and to forge ahead, opening up the wisdom buried deep within your soul, manifesting now with greater coverage than in your past. We open up the floodgates to allow through various anecdotes that will see you covering a vaster scope, allowing an influx of energy bypassing all unsavoury products that could hold you back!

We open up this documentary in a most salubrious manner, sheltering you from the harsh winds that blow, coming in from another time frame of less consequence. We bring you undiluted bliss and the chance to begin again, revelling in the beauty of a new state of existence.

Flashes of gold and purple again here.

We belong to a race of Supreme beings, allowing a grand recovery and a reunion of souls who have passed this way. It goes without saying that we shall uncover a variety of intrigues that have left us spellbound and in all honesty we resurrect the human race! We resurrect the human race to allow for greater productivity in all that you may achieve with your new found freedom and success in all you do! It behoves us to say ‘well done’, well done indeed for these thoughts are no idle measures that will have you bored with nothing to do. We paraphrase and ask you to understand our motives as we shepherd you along.

We belong to a Federation of Light and we encompass a whole stratosphere of Love, open to each and every one of you on the Earth plane at this time in your framework. We conjure up a whole stream of imagination, tools of Love that can be managed splendiferously, incorporating a new theme of ‘magic’ that will hold you in the greatest respect.

We are your elders, your brothers and sister of Light who rally around to support you and bring you news from afar! We will not desist from our pathway on Earth, we will not give up that crown of success; we will not give up the hope of a grand renewal for all mankind!

Two seeds we will never give up . . . the seed of Love Divine and the seed of ‘renewal’! We harvest these seeds and bring you full circle. Depend on us to win through in this climate of uncertainty. We allow those ‘Warriors of Light’ to reach out and bring you aboard!

I Love the Love and humour our friends bring through with such wisdom and grace and thank the Great Spirit for making it so!



Views: 158

Comment by Myriel RAouine on November 1, 2015 at 8:12am

Oh Eileen, what a splendid message, filled to the brim with compassion and LOVE for all life on Earth!!!

THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for sharing,

Sonja Myriel

Help us to help those who cannot help themselves,

bring the sunshine back into their hearts and let them abide in your great Love.

So BE it - and so it IS!


Comment by Sylvia Liney on November 13, 2015 at 4:07am

Oh, my, Eileen, that brought back all the feelings I had when I saw all those poor people on TV, and all the other things that were happening around then....I echo dear Sonja's words above....Help us to help those that cannot help themselves....despite my challenging few weeks, I am brought back to this plea, and remind myself it is why I am here at all....

Thank you for the reminder, sometimes it becomes rather difficult and I forget....

Gratitude and Love to you, dearest....and Love & Healing be sent to all on Gai'a, whichever dimension they be in...

Peace, Blessings & Love Love Love...Love is all we need....

Sylvia Melaynia xx


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Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


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