lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

PLEIADES CONNECTION - Eileen Zizecli Coleman


I’m sitting with a friend this evening for communication with our guides and inspirers. It is her turn to sit first and she seemed to be surrounded in a mist, causing her to fade from sight to a degree. Before she spoke her face seemed illuminated almost ethereal and she looked very beautiful.

Welcome, we thank you for your endeavours. Let your heart beat as one with us, you’re a part of us, you are our soul tribe. A golden thread passes through your soul and connects to us, your light shines brightly for all to see. You have much work to do, take the time, there is no rush but there are words to be spoken! We acknowledge what you are doing and your heart beats as one with us.

We Love you, we love you so much and thank you for helping us!

Memories of your life with us are coming to the fore, you are seeing what you were.

My friend said she was being shown North American Indians around the fire and a young girl timid and shy. As this girl grew and learnt, and practiced her craft she gained respect from the rest of the tribe.

We would like so much for you to remember! Do not weep, for the past is the past, many atrocities have taken place that have now gone. Your body is filled with energy from the Great Spirit, you are one with the Divine.

We transcend all time, man, does not learn any lessons, they repeat and repeat!

We will help them to learn together!

Keep your words sacred in the tradition of your beliefs! We will.

Are you a Star being from the Pleiades, you remind me of a Star sister?

My friend nodded here and said she was being shown so much more than she had ever seen. In the latter part they were talking to her about a sister and she was shown an arrow through the heart. They were showing her a group of Native American Indians around the fire. There was a small, timid girl but it all changed as she came to puberty and was revered because of what she could do. She was shown the life of this child and her development. She had been with one of the chiefs who got out an old parchment and was talking to her about the sacred word and how important it was. They were talking to her about being a sister and it was just that moment when Eileen asked if she was a Pleiadian sister.

Eileen then sat for communication and there was the feeling of a male energy trying to come forward with the words ‘somewhere over the rainbow’!

Our hearts reach out to you, to both of you, and we take you by the hand and sing your praises for we have come and been recognised as your true guardians. We love you and watch over you, keeping you safe along this pathway and it has been much rugged of late. So many ups and downs! True.

It is all in a day’s work and we see you deal with the pros and cons of what is needed to rectify disturbances of mind, not only within yourselves but in those around you. And we bring you cheer, we bring you the goodwill of our nation to set you on your feet and point you in a new direction, where you shall gather momentum. We increase the tempo and adjust your spirits so that you may no longer sacrifice yourselves as you have done in the past. We kneel at your side and offer our condolences for loved ones lost, and you know very well they are here with us now, watching over you with bated breath, waiting to see that transformation that is coming, and believe us it is coming! And you shall be wonderfully surprised for it has not yet settled in your mind that this indeed can be true!

We allow this to sink in and settle back and watch and wait, and this transformation shall be stupendous, of such brightness and luminosity of spirit that all shall see the wonderment and joy that fills your heart and enables progression to even higher realms. This is coming and we give thanks for this, and it is the Love within your hearts and all those around you that are making this happen, that are allowing this crescendo of Love Light to envelop the whole globe! And this is what we have prayed for, this is what we have worked towards and are achieving even as we speak. For while your side of the world slumbers, the light is dawning on the other side of your world. And people like Blossom and all your friends on the other side of the world are getting up and starting their day in the land of sunshine.

Keep that sunshine within your hearts, let there always be a Light within and it shall grow and grow and grow so that all around you may see that Light, that Divine Light. They cannot help but see, it glows within you, it glows in your skin, it glows from your eyes, the lustre around you will be transformational. And as you touch the life of somebody else, they will take some of that sparkle with them, and they pass it on to another and so it goes on and on and on, like the ripples on a pond!

You do not realise how important the work you do is, and even to help one person you are helping that person’s family, that person’s friends, their children, their parents, their grandparents! They may not realise it but some of that ‘stardust’, some of that sparkle finds its way into the right places then grows and expands, and we tell you now that it warms our heart to see this change coming.

We know there is much darkness in your world but we shall not dwell upon that for there is a change coming. Focus on the good and the lightness and the darkness shall recede, for we come not with arms but with Love and this shall dissipate the darkness and bring that lightness back into your step. Feel the joy and the expansion of your souls, rejoice and it shall be so. We come armed with good intentions and this shall progress to greater deliberations that shall unfold before you, and we look upwards and onwards and we shall make our mark upon the Earth.

Eileen could hear the song ‘Light up, Light up’.

We make affirmations that shall stand us in good stead and we do believe these shall help us as we gather momentum. Be the Light you are!


here was a gap here and then a deeper voice spoke


Eileen went deeper and then another energy approached with a lighter, higher voice.

We are able to extend the life force frequency of every living soul and this shall perpetuate the human race. We are delighted that this task has fallen upon us and we ask you not to be afraid for this will happen when the timing is right for each and every one of you. We have taken samples of your bloodlines and we know we can do this safely, so as not to cause harm. We have developed a prism necessary to enable this to happen, a prism of Light that enable these exchanges to happen in a matter of moments. The human race shall not be extinguished, we will not allow this to happen to you, you are so precious to us!

We open up a network of Light beings who come to offer their services and we gather together, expressing ourselves in the formats that will help you to discover who you truly are, those golden beings of Light from long ago. And we soothe and calm your fears until we have established a rule of thumb that allows you to see with that inner knowing within your heart, and you shall bloom and grow at a much faster rate than before, and we will deliver all that is necessary for you to unfold like the flower towards the sun. We gaze in adoration at our creation for you are so beautiful to behold, restored to your former glory, golden beings of Light.

Are there any questions dear heart?

May I ask who you are?

We are filaments of Light, floating through the cosmos, we come to help supervise the influx of energy that comes to your planet in great waves, this energy is needed to help you expand your consciousness and to grow so that you can reach out and touch us. We are tendrils of energy, light filaments, expanding, growing and floating, a collective consciousness.

So, this will help with the awakening of our planet Earth?

This will help you to grow and expand the awareness that creeps into your soul as you feel yourself expanding and growing and able to access even greater levels of energy.

(There was a really loud crack in the room at this point).

We help you to do this, even now you are expanding your consciousness to reach out and listen with your heart, and when you go deep within you can connect with us, you can tap into this energy. We are the ‘Way Showers’; we are the Light of Love. This soul recognises our energy, she has been with us before and feels comfortable.

At the end Eileen was hearing the song ‘I was born to Love you, you’ll always be a part of me’.  There was a luminosity tonight around both of us that neither had seen before. Another good evening as the contact between our worlds grows closer.

Views: 144

Comment by Ishema, Carol Suchecki on February 14, 2018 at 1:49am

Thank you Eileen for another inspiring message,

With gratitude and love,


Comment by Myriel RAouine on February 14, 2018 at 9:09am

Thank you so much, dearest siSTAR!!!


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Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!



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