lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
I write this in a meager attempt to describe what just happened to me this Sunday June 29th between 11 and Noon Pacific time. I think no words will be able to faithfully describe it, but I am driven to try. If this isn't an ascension experience, I don't know what is.
As with most of my hot tub meditations, I centered myself, breathed in the Iridescent Flame and felt it circulate through my body, then projected this flame into a pillar ascending above me to whatever you want to call source, and below me into the core/heart of Mother Earth/Gaia. I see this Iridescent Flame expanding from Gaia's core and bursting forth throughout her celestial body awash with brilliance. Within this pillar of Iridescent Flame, I opened an ascension portal for any and all to pass through. I invited all beings to enter the pillar and portal and they started showing up. I've learned not to focus on all of them for it can be overwhelming when I do.
I always have a host of guides and mentors that join me in my meditations and I like to greet them personally one at a time. In attendance (that I could individually acknowledge) were: Sananda/Jesus, St. Germain, Archangel Michael, Archangel Ariel, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Gabriel, Divine Mother, Gaia in a human-like form, Goddess Isis, Fairies Uri, Pan, and Ginger, and Dragons "Obsidian," "Dharma," and "Ruby" (placeholder fairy and dragon names for I will not share their true names)
Aspects of myself present as individuals were, my dragon aspect "Luna," an Elf named "Tali," a Pleiadian named "Arryn," and my Godself (higher-self), a nameless being (so far) that is an "Eagle Person" from a creator race of beings. Lastly, my twin flame was also with me, but I have to say I'm still unsure who my twin flame really is, other than an aspect of myself (that concept of oneness).
There are many other aspects of myself whom I have met, and I acknowledged them/me, but did not do so on an individual basis in this meditation, as it would have been a VERY long meditation if I had.
Lastly, there were many fairies and angels in the area around me, but I couldn't easily identify each and every one of them and I don't feel I've really met all of them.
It's fun and inspiring to be a multi-dimensional being of light!
As I acknowledged each of my "core" guides, their energetic signature/flame was introduced into the pillar and portal. Sananda's Golden Flame manifested as a spiral/vortex of golden light centered on the hot tub and within the ascension portal. St Germain's Violet Flame joined with the Gold, Gaia's Green merged, then Archangel Michaels Blue Flames, Divine Mother, Mother Mary, Goddess Isis, and Archangel Ariel contributed the Pink Flames and Pink Rose, Tali contributed a Silver Flame, and the Dragons blew Purple, Red, and Green flames into the vortex.
All of these colors are already in the Iridescent Flames, but by calling out each one, the focus and intensity was much stronger as each Enlightened Being present magnified the whole of it all.
As a group, this vortex of energy was directed into Gaia's Heart which then radiated through all aspects of her physicality in all dimensions and timelines, through all portals, through ALL beings on and in her, in all realms and all ships around us.
I try to be very comprehensive...
At this point I asked with whom I should speak with (for my and others greatest benefit). I enjoy conversing with my guides, and I try to do so with different ones each time, although some are more talkative than others. All hands raised and indicated they wanted to chat. So I had to choose and picked St. Germain and Sananda, then Obsidian if I wasn't cooked in the hot tub by then (I had turned down the heat, so there was little danger of this).
I had a nice discussion with St. Germain about how to use prosperity to help others, and I went through what I want to do with the means that I have. He challenged me as to why I haven't helped my cousin whom is often homeless, can't hold a job, and has little money. I told him that I can't take responsibility for all people's choices and that I have to respect why he has created that in his life. We agreed that when he is ready to create something different, help should be ready and shared in a responsible and educational manner. He thanked me for the times when we have helped others in need.
The conversation with Sananda was very brief. So brief I don't even remember what we talked about. This almost sounds disrespectful, but it honestly isn't. What we exchanged was mutual thanks, respect, and love, and that was the only important part about our brief exchange.
At this point I realized I had forgotten to include the Gaia elementals in my meditation. I went through each one in turn acknowledging, thanking, honoring, and loving them.
My meditation now took an unexpected turn!
I felt a sharp pain in my left ear. It hurt enough that I said "ouch" out loud. This is the side Michael usually stands on (he doesn't "sit" in the tub like some of them do). He poked me in the ear with his sword! I could feel it enter my head and he said something about the TRUTH.
At the same time Sananda was projecting golden light into my heart and I started glowing. The ascension portal was also heating up with many more beings flowing into it than had been previously.
While this was getting more intense, a pillar of water extended upward out of the tub (etherically) which I decided was a Water Elemental, and then it came crashing down onto and into me. Then the Fire Elemental started flowing at the root of my spine and the Kundalini started its climb up my spine.
As the fire rose in my spine, all of the colored flames that had been invoked earlier joined into this fire and the energy in my body was starting to explode with intensity. I had to breath and ground myself as it accelerated. When I breathed, I breathed in the Air Elementals so I could join with them. Then I wondered how I could integrate the Earth Elementals. At this point a small rock hit me in the head (again etherically...). Nice that the elementals have a sense of humor! The thought then occurred to me that my body structures of bone and such are part of the earth elementals.
As the Kundalini Flames continued ascending, my chakras opened and cleared and when my crown chakra opened, two earth elementals poured lava into my body. Thank goodness that was also on an etheric level or I wouldn't be typing at my computer right now. The energy was getting even more intense and I asked Gaia to help me ground all of it even more, and I know the Earth and Water Elementals were helping in this regard as well.
I know this all sounds incredibly intense, and it was/is (and for some difficult to believe), but I was crying and laughing with joy during all of this. Other than the initial poke in the ear, none of this was uncomfortable at all. With each increase in energy, I had to remind myself to ground all of it into my physicality and with Gaia. I think this helped a lot.
I felt the urge to sing and make noise, but I held back as I didn't want to disturb the neighbors or cause my daughter in our home any distress. Archangel Michael called me out on this and encouraged me to do it (the neighbors aren't very close and my daughter isn't likely to hear my anyway). It's difficult to pull the wool over the eyes of an Archangel.
So, I started singing a note and I let it get louder and then projected out this guttural half-sung, half-yelled energy thing. When I did, my hands in particular just lit up with energy. I was told to do it again, and the energy in my hands more than doubled. I decided against a third...
So now I am floating in energy, my hands are on fire with buzzing energy, the Kundalini Flames have reached the top and I started exploring myself. I could see all aspects of myself at once. I could sense my physical being sitting in meditation and feel myself in the golden spiral of time, in the void of creation in the Dragon Realms, on the Pleiadian Ship, with my brothers and sisters the Eagle People, and on it went.
I passed through all of these realms where "I AM" simultaneously existing, and it was awesome. I decided to focus on one area, so I manifested on the Pleiadian Ship for I feel very close to that aspect of myself. While on the Pleiadian Ship ("my / Arryn's" ship) I was surrounded by the same beings that were/are with me in the hot tub meditation. They were all so joyful and amazing. I was filled with joy, and love, and laughter. We all started singing "Amazing Grace" and I cried even more (I was physically singing during this as well, and I had to stop for it's difficult to cry and sing at the same time). There was a chorus of angels around us that were singing along and it was amazing. When the round of Amazing Grace stopped (not the entire song of many verses). The angelic chorus started singing the "Halleluiah Chorus." That was pretty awesome too.
I asked if we could go to the Inner Earth where I had been before in another meditation, and we were instantly transported there. I was standing by the pond where the waterfall off the crystal temple falls and beside me was my twin flame. I can see her face, but I still don't quite know who she is. She is engulfed in energetic flames (I am as well) to the point where most of her appearance is not clearly seen, she is just flaming like crazy. My I AM PRESENCE, aka God-self or Higher Self, flies into the scene and lands next to us with his amazing eagle wings and head. He/she is majestic and amazing. He moves to stand before myself and my twin flame, and like in a wedding ceremony of sorts, he pronounces us as joined together. At this point we merge as one flame, both in my Inner Earth experience and in the hot tub simultaneously.
There is much joy, love, and celebration throughout all of this, and it was all incredible. However, at some point I really needed to get out of the hot tub... So I started the process of "coming out" of the spiritual ecstasy of an experience like this to integrate it into my "daily" life. To come out of meditation and just "BE" with it all.
As I was coming back, my hands were still on fire and I held them in front of my physical eyes and really looked at them. They look different now, although I have a hard time putting my finger on what exactly is different. They are glowing. I have felt this way before, but I've never had this specific experience before. I held my hands on the sides of my head and felt the energy flowing through. I sent energy to people I know and love. I sent energy to people that have forgotten who they are. I figured with so much energy in my hands I needed to apply it! So I did that for awhile.
I have come off my energetic high a bit now that I've taken the time to write all of this. I'll be amazed if anyone reads all of it! I think I will need to take a nap this afternoon.
Hi dearest Glo, is this the discussion you are referring to?
Dearest Glo, thank you so much for posting all of this information. It is a lot for sure, but it is resonating very strongly for me. I do feel a heavy weight of responsibility, but not in a negative way. Just that I have an important role to play in all of this.
One of the things I am thinking about lately is how this Eagle "Creator Being" aspect of myself, as well as the Eagle totem, are working in unison with my Dragon, Elf, Galactic, Human, and now more recently - Archangel self.
There is so much at play I could easily be overwhelmed by even just one of these (and I've left out many others I've met). So far though, I haven't been overwhelmed other than my hospitalization, which was temporary and honestly only opened more doors.
I feel myself "favoring" the more refined energies of "higher" dimensional being-ness, but I know I can't ignore the physical self for that connection is what is actually important in the physical ascension of myself and of all others. I have to remind myself of this quite often.
Thank you again for sharing this with me/us.
With love and blessings, Everian
Glo, I think, or I should say "I feel," we are all on that same track and breakthroughs are coming fast and often suddenly. Hopefully as more of us have these experiences, it will be that much easier for others to do the same and understand what is going on for them. I'm sure each person's experiences will be unique and wonderful in their own way. :)
Red Hawk an EAGLE ... and a snake eater ... WOW!!! Now that makes sense to me :-)
Thank you so much for sharing the above message, Glo - I have not yet finished reading the entire message, but felt inspired to post this now before I will continue to read the rest now ...
WOW! Just have a look at this, too - tqo white bald eagles locking tailons ... AMAZING!!!
When eagles LOCK TALONS in the air that is a courtship ritual. To actually MATE they must be on a hard surface so the male can drop the sperm sac into the female. People need to READ. The locking talons thing is NOT the act of MATING.
I had the good fortune of watching two bald eagles lock talons a couple weeks ago. I was driving on a rural highway and over a field next to the roadway two did it. The female approached the male (I'm making the assumption that the female was the smaller of the two) and they locked and spun, almost all the way to the ground. Very cool to see.
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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