lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
Hello Dear Friends and Family,
A number of Synchronistic and Serendipitous events today (March 6, or 3-6) have reminded me to relay this Dragon Message. It was A most surprising event at the time, a picture auto-numbered IMG_1111 on my camera; taken on 09/13/13 at 7:34:35 pm.
In other words:
Seen now, however, through recent other Dragon Messages, it is not surprising and, well, rather Welcome!
So, now Proper Protocols are (Always) Followed:
We, here on this Plane now, confirm:
"Numeric Marker Received and Mirrored back to You within Inversion.
All are Indeed Welcome Here. We are Honored and Blessed By your Presence."
I wanted to take a moment and look at some meanings behind the numbers in this message. A friend of mine recently sent me some information about numerology. It had nothing to do with this specific message, but, alas, it was right on cue! Exactly the info I needed to help clarify things. Here is what her information had to say:
"1111" - vision, illumination, channel to the subconscious, the gateway, especially in connection to angels and the angelic kingdom. Very interesting as this was the numeric counter "randomly assigned" by the camera to this picture - how appropriate!
"9" - is composed of the all powerful 3x3; It is the triple Triad - Completion, Fulfillment, Attainment. it is the beginning and the end; it is a celestial and angelic number - the Earthly Paradise.
"1" - represents a single entity; the "One"; It is considered to be a primoridal unity. The Creator - First Cause.
"3" - multiplicty, creative power, growth; a moving forward of energy, overcoming duality; expression, manifestation, and synthesis
"9-13-13" was the date the above dragon vision appeared backlit by the moon ... a day of completion, fulfillment, attainment here on the Earth Paradise - a combination of the celestial and angelic. The Presence of the primordial unity - the Creator - the First Cause ... bringing forth creative power, growth - moving forward of energy and overcominig duality. Creating expression ... manifestation and synthesis.
"7" - Seven is the number of the Universe; it is the first number containing both the spiritual and the temporal. Seven represents the virginity of the Divine Mother - the feminine archetype - She who creates.
"4" - Wholeness, totality, completion; symbol of measurement; also a foundation; there are 4 seasons, four winds, four directions, four elements
"5" - Five is the symbol of the human microcosm; it is the sign of the pentagon - the pentagon is endless ... sharing the symbolism of perfection and power of the circle. Five also represents the Godhead; it is the marriage of the feminine and masculine. Five symoblizes meditation; also descriptive of the 5 petaled flower or 5 pointed leaves - especially the Lily and the Rose!
"7:34:35" was the exact time stamp when the picture was taken ... the Universe, the Great Mother - she who creates ... creative power, growth, manifestation .... wholeness, totality, completion .... creative power, growth, manifestation, synthesis .... the perfection and power of the circle, the Godhead, the marriage of the masculine and the feminine.
"6" - represents equilibrium, harmony, balance; the most productive of all numbers; symbolizes union of polarity; it is the number of luck, love, health, beauty and chance.
"3-6" - the date (March 6th) of this blog post (or, 6-3, depending upon your location and date format) - regardless of whether it is 3-6 or 6-3 I think we all see how 3 and 6 are numerically related - 6 being the "double" of "3". This sequence is indicative of creative power, growth, manifestation .... equilibrium, harmony, balance ... or in reverse order if you prefer: equilibrium, harmony, balance .... creative power, growth, manifestation.
So, there we have it, my Dear Dragon Friends! When I stop to ponder every little detail that went into the taking of this picture and then the ulitmate sharing of this picture with the astonishing numeric details "embedded" within the whole process, I am, well just astounded! It is all so very sacred and profound. It truly is.
There is most certainly a very strong "theme" to this numeric message which is undeniable in its content ... and which is being confirmed by all of you and your experiences. I now also better understand what the Trees and the Dragons have been trying to tell me these last few days ... it all makes perfect sense! I hope to share more again with you all very soon.
Dragon Blessings to You - Brothers and Sisters,
YEAH My Dragon Brother-Glad you posted this! That looks almost like what I saw! The numbers are right on!!!!Amazing!
Love, Light, and Dragon Blessings!
Hello Amoran, its quite amazing that you are posting this today, as in meditation last night I saw a Golden Dragon and Quan Yin. Thank you.
There is so much Dragon energy here. I too love dragons-always have. Amoran has helped me with understanding and contact with one-my dragon higher self. Always have loved them-my daughters do as well. LORI-how cool was that! Love to hear these experiences!
Love and Light,
Dearest Amoran and Lori,
Thanks for sharing this, a lot of what i have been sensing and feeling makes sense to me now :)
I see Dragons in the sky , in cloud formations a lot lately and I see a lot more dragon flies around me , its like a sign, The Dragon of light are here.
i can exactly express, but have some inner feeling that something is coming to a close and the Dragons are helping us all , i feel happy when i see the signs and i welcome the Dragons of light with love.
lots of love, light and Dragon lights blessings to all.
Celtic Dragons: Mythical Power Source
There is arguably no more powerful symbol than Celtic dragons! Although dragons are usually associated with Asia, these mythical creatures can be found in fairy tales and folklore all over the world, including Celtic Ireland.
In the secular world of Celtic chiefs and warriors, dragons are merely symbols of the power of the chief. Indeed the Celtic word for “chief” is Pendragon. But in the esoteric world of spirituality, Celtic dragons represent much more…
What magical powers do these mysterious creatures possess that was so important that we can find tales including rituals of sacrifice to the mighty dragons?
To invoke such reverence from the Celts, who were one of the most fierce and rugged ethnic groups in ancient times, they must have been much more than just fire-breathing beasts.
According to Trevor Mendham of Dragonorama, “Dragons were an important part of Celtic lore. The Celts were highly attuned to the land and dragons were believed to influence the land…. Areas frequented by dragons were believed to possess special power.”
Dragons have always been associated with the Power of the Land. Even today, in many esoteric rituals, people believe that invoking the “Eye of the Dragon OR the Dragon Power” will increase their personal power.
The ancient Druids believed the Earth itself was like the body of a dragon, and they built their sacred stone circles upon the “Power Nodes” of this body. They believed dragons connected us with the Earth’s magnetism and healing waters.
Many of us have heard the mysteries of the “ley lines”, especially in relation to the location of mystical sites such as Stonehenge and the site of many mysterious crop circles. What you may not know is that another way of saying “ley lines” is “Dragon lines”.
In ancient Celtic Ireland, the “ley of the land” was not about the geographical, physical nature of one’s surroundings. It had a much more powerful meaning than that. To the ancient Celts, the “ley of the land” was a term describing how the Cosmic forces flowed through and influenced the area, as well as how the area itself affected those Cosmic forces. Celtic dragons were thought to have a tremendous influence on the “ley of the land”, hence the term “Dragon lines”.
But far from the terrifying creatures we see in films, Celtic dragons were more than fire-breathing beasts with the power to destroy.
The Anglo-Saxon word “dragon” is derived from the Greek word meaning “to see clearly”. They believed dragons had the gift of vision, wisdom, and prophecy. Dragons were considered the guardians of all knowledge and wisdom.
Celtic art often depicts Celtic dragons swallowing their tails in a never ending circle, symbolizing, eternal life much like the symbolism of knot work and triskeles.
The Celtic dragons were revered like gods, believed to bring Earthly and Heavenly forces together. Celts believed dragons guarded the gate to both the Heavens and the Underworld.
As guardian spirits who protect the Earth and all living things, Celtic dragons are arguably the most powerful of all the Celtic symbols.
Enjoyed this transmission, see what other transmission Kyrona has available for sale/download – to enhance your healing song catalogue NOW. CLICK HERE
I honour the love that exists within you, within me, and within all of creation – we are all one!
Kyrona xx
Wow! What a wondrous circle of Dragon Friends we have who have now gathered here ... my Deepest Gratitude to you all - to Each and Every One - for your tremendous and powerful sharing! :)
Oh, yes, everything is truly Perfect in Divine Timing. There is much "afoot" - that is very clear to see. You have all provided such resounding confirmation. I believe that I will have more to share soon - more Dragon visions and experiences are becoming clear.
I wanted to take a moment and look at some meanings behind the numbers in this message. A friend of mine recently sent me some information about numerology. It had nothing to do with this specific message, but, alas, it was right on cue! Exactly the info I needed to help clarify things. Here is what her information had to say:
"1111" - vision, illumination, channel to the subconscious, the gateway, especially in connection to angels and the angelic kingdom. Very interesting as this was the numeric counter "randomly assigned" by the camera to this picture - how appropriate!
"9" - is composed of the all powerful 3x3; It is the triple Triad - Completion, Fulfillment, Attainment. it is the beginning and the end; it is a celestial and angelic number - the Earthly Paradise.
"1" - represents a single entity; the "One"; It is considered to be a primoridal unity. The Creator - First Cause.
"3" - multiplicty, creative power, growth; a moving forward of energy, overcoming duality; expression, manifestation, and synthesis
"9-13-13" was the date the above dragon vision appeared backlit by the moon ... a day of completion, fulfillment, attainment here on the Earth Paradise - a combination of the celestial and angelic. The Presence of the primordial unity - the Creator - the First Cause ... bringing forth creative power, growth - moving forward of energy and overcominig duality. Creating expression ... manifestation and synthesis.
"7" - Seven is the number of the Universe; it is the first number containing both the spiritual and the temporal. Seven represents the virginity of the Divine Mother - the feminine archetype - She who creates.
"4" - Wholeness, totality, completion; symbol of measurement; also a foundation; there are 4 seasons, four winds, four directions, four elements
"5" - Five is the symbol of the human microcosm; it is the sign of the pentagon - the pentagon is endless ... sharing the symbolism of perfection and power of the circle. Five also represents the Godhead; it is the marriage of the feminine and masculine. Five symoblizes meditation; also descriptive of the 5 petaled flower or 5 pointed leaves - especially the Lily and the Rose!
"7:34:35" was the exact time stamp when the picture was taken ... the Universe, the Great Mother - she who creates ... creative power, growth, manifestation .... wholeness, totality, completion .... creative power, growth, manifestation, synthesis .... the perfection and power of the circle, the Godhead, the marriage of the masculine and the feminine.
"6" - represents equilibrium, harmony, balance; the most productive of all numbers; symbolizes union of polarity; it is the number of luck, love, health, beauty and chance.
"3-6" - the date (March 6th) of this blog post (or, 6-3, depending upon your location and date format) - regardless of whether it is 3-6 or 6-3 I think we all see how 3 and 6 are numerically related - 6 being the "double" of "3". This sequence is indicative of creative power, growth, manifestation .... equilibrium, harmony, balance ... or in reverse order if you prefer: equilibrium, harmony, balance .... creative power, growth, manifestation.
So, there we have it, my Dear Dragon Friends! When I stop to ponder every little detail that went into the taking of this picture and then the ulitmate sharing of this picture with the astonishing numeric details "embedded" within the whole process, I am, well just astounded! It is all so very sacred and profound. It truly is.
There is most certainly a very strong "theme" to this numeric message which is undeniable in its content ... and which is being confirmed by all of you and your experiences. I now also better understand what the Trees and the Dragons have been trying to tell me these last few days ... it all makes perfect sense! I hope to share more again with you all very soon.
In Deepest Gratitude, and with Dragon Blessings, I remain your brother,
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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July 3rd-4th 2014 and March 20th-21st 2015:
SUN and Central Sun Connection
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