lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
Hello Dear Friends,
I found myself having amusing thoughts this afternoon.
Like many others, I, too, am waiting and wondering ... wishing for something concrete - something that would really matter to every single soul on the Planet - for the Best Benefit of All.
Just as a fun thought experiment:
If we had to choose between NESARA and Release of New Technologies, which one would we wish for? Which would YOU, individually, wish for?
The Assumption, of course, is that the introduction and implementation of Either would be done only for the Best Benefit of All - no dark manipulation of any kind, whatsoever.
New Technologies that would benefit every soul including Gaia and All of her Life Forms, or Financial Release from Tyranny for all Human Creatures to then pursue lives of devotion to their Passions?
Your thoughts and opinions are requested.
In Deepest Gratitude,
I do appreciate everyone's thoughtful words. You are right Sonja, inner readiness comes first.
I still think that spreading money around, even if it could be done fairly, could create chaos for a while.
I think that humanity is mature enough to handle an influx of new technology. There are many organizations that are presently working toward cleaning up the waters, saving our forests and endangered animals, and finding ways to help disadvantaged people. Many of these efforts are being run by selfless individuals who would use any new technology for the best benefit of all. These would be a good place to begin to introduce new technology, and when people see how it is working It will fire our aspiration to work together to create a better world. From beginnings like this, perhaps we can receive more and more help in a smooth natural way.
My aspiration is already fired up. I am excited about things to come.
Peace and progress, both inner and outer, Ishema
I left out the efforts to clean up pollution, and the creation of clean energy. There are many efforts already on the way that would benefit from help.
Totally on the spot, dearest Ishema :-) I only think that for a beginning these new technologies need to fulfill ONE requirement first, and that's it MUST NOT be possible to use it for war of any kind, lol!!!
Today I had some deeper thoughts on NESARA, as well ... freeing people from the necessity to work in whatever stupid job they can get to barely survive would also give them time to do what they really LIKE ... yet, I suppose that as the püendulum first swings back full force, the money would rather be spent on things which in turn feed the system and thus dependency again, lol!
So I think that BOTH things will turn out to be necessary steps on our way to freedom, dearest Amoran - the questions you brought forward are most interesting ones, lol! - only that we are probably not yet ready and prepared to receive any in its full extent ... but maybe step by step??? And I will definitely remember what the word NESARA means from now on hahahaha :-)
Love Light BLESSINGS and thanks for the discussion,
Sonja Myriel
Hello Dear Friend, Amoran,
And hello to all above friends of my friend, who've participated in this words and ideas play.
I'm a rebel, yes, and I'd like to answer a different question than the one being asked!
Instead of chosing from the two proposed options, with greatestest respect, dear Brother, Amoran, I would like to propose that if anything is to be done to promote Love on this planetary experience, then I prefer it to be in the guise of:
For all to have an experience of contact with the Divine, that is, in whatever design or framework, that each person can conceive of the Divine.
Then the significance of the consciousness of the lack of anything may actually matter less to each and all henceforth, and make the original question redundant.
I can't imagine an existence where only two choices persist. It's just not my cloud-dream! I'm sorry if I'm being a party-pooper, but you knew I wouldn't be shy in putting forward my ideas ;-)
Hello Dear Sister Louise!
As always, I am deeply grateful to you for your Wisdom!
Always a rebel - yes! A party-pooper, never!
I really like what you have to say: "For all to have an experience of contact with the Divine". That is most certainly what this is about!
Please allow me to explain a bit further how this "thought game" came to be:
I was having some intense discussions with my Brothers, the Trees, and the Trees and I were discussing the "masses" - that very large part of humanity who is still "asleep"; those who really have no conscious concept of Ascension nor a strong connection to the Divine.
The Trees are very sensitive to the human state and do not wish to "shock" or "surprise" anyone ... at the same time, they are also very excited about what possible "next steps" may be in the "best interest of all" - especially the masses.
So, we were discussing some more "tangible" or "physical" things that exist in the rumor mill - items that we hear about such as ET Disclosure, NESARA, New Technologies, Mass Arrests of the Cabal, the TRUTH of what is going on behind the scenes ... we then were discussing which of these may be a good "first step" for the masses (who are not awake) to experience .... as just a first and initial stepping stone into a more awakened state - as a beginning to experience the Divine.
Integral to this disucssion was also what would be of BENEFIT to humanity - especially the masses - who are struggling in so many ways. We quickly came down to the two choices that I offered out.
Again, I wish to state that we are not trying to be isolationist or exclusive here - of course these are not the only choices! Of course this is about connecting to our Divine Nature ... the quandry becomes how to effect this among not only spiritually awake folks but also the others who may not be as open to these concepts ... how to combine the "physical" and the "spiritual" in such a way as to gently jump start - or gently nudge the relationship of the entire human race into a new direction that interacts in a connected and conscious way with the Divine.
And now I will also tell you that the Trees very much support new technologies - especially ones that interact positively with and are powered by NATURE. They see this as a wonderful "bridge," if you will, to help mankind to better understand the magical, mystical and divine aspects of Nature - Nature as a conscious, living, intelligent force.
I think this would open a lot of eyes and also be a very concrete way for many to get their heads around the fact that there is a divine consicousness that we can "tap into" - call it the Source Field, or God, or whatever you are most comfortable with.
In the end, it's all about options and opportunity - what steps we choose to take that will be for the best benefit of all.
Maybe doing ceremonies all over the world - and not hiding away while doing them, is a good first step too :-)
I would LOVE to hear what YOU think is essential for such a world wide project which we have been called to realize!
Sonja Myriel
Nice one, Sonja Myriel,
Hit it right back to the Grand-Pappy!!!
In reply to our friend, Amoran, and great proposer of subject matter to ponder, I note:
The Trees are very generous and kind to us
Nature is the most profound and innocuous way (non-sectarian experience of Divinity) to connect humans to godhood that I've encountered. It can contain all beings, all time and and adventure that opens all doorways.
The new technologies are happening. Even if the game seems to be economics or politico-economics at present, it's still the game plan and real players are shifting their economic reality to merge it more with a planetary reality, because they can feel the shift and want to be part of it, just like they historically wanted to always be part of the next big thing, and even though they don't have the big picture yet, the humane picture, this is a route that will bring them here, to see it as we do, to be nourished by holisticism and oneness as we are, and become transformed...and forever transfixed in the design of Love.
It's the intelligence that is the next step; the understanding that oneness means all things are consciousness. That may take something really intimate, or something really challenging to open the heart-mind of consciousness in each one.
Still...Nature can do it. All hail Mother Earth and the Elements in divine corporation with the etheric glue!
Nicely done, Dear Friends!
I think we have ended up exactly where we are "supposed" to be with this. Yes, it is the awareness, recognition, acceptance and interaction with Divine Intelligence - with Nature - with God - with our Onenesss to ALL Creation - whether plant, animal, mineral, star, galaxy or other - that beckons to us now at this time.
What a wondrous, joyful, profound and significant next step it will be!
My Love to you all,
My dearest Brother, Amoran, and my dear friends here with me, also,
We are at the point now, where we need to enact our knowledge into the manifest realm of matter, this world, for this world.
I hereby claim dominion, of all the Souls Of Light, who came forth to co-create this Heaven upon Earth, and shroud them in Light for protection, as I call upon them to awaken, rise up! and remember who You are.
I claim dominion of this planet, Earth, Terra, Mater, Gaia, Shan, Phi, Sophia and other names, my home away from home, our dear supporter, for the Light. I shroud her in Light yet she be opened and accessible to Source via her energetic portals that are upgrading daily in preparation for her Ascension.
I claim dominion of all life upon the surface of the Earth, in the waters, under ground, and in the air, whomsoever and whatsoever desire to draw nearer to themselves the Creator energies, and shroud them in Light, with Love, for their protection, as they come together as One.
I claim dominon of all Human Life upon this planet and all bearers of Human DNA, that they be shrouded in Light and come to recognise their Family, and Brother/Sisterhoood of One, of Unity Consciousness, in Unconditional Love.
For those whom this claiming of dominion is not pleasing nor fulfilling, I respectfully beg forgiveness, but I AM That I AM, and as an activated custodian of Earth, I respectfully continue as guided amoung you to be all inclusing in my offer made freely as a free gift, no strings attached and without compuction that it be accepted. I stand mainly for those Souls who have not made a choice because they are asleep.
Thank you.
Hello Dear Brother Ceranth!
I was absolutely elated to find you that you have joined us! We are so very Blessed by your Presence here, Dear Friend.
Yes, the Awakening continues to unfold ... in all of its Glory - as it Desires to Be.
Much Love to you, Dear Brother,
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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July 3rd-4th 2014 and March 20th-21st 2015:
SUN and Central Sun Connection
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