lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light


12 Rays of Light

Let's embark on a journey to the 12 Rays of Light. Are you ready?

Members: 52
Latest Activity: Jan 15


What are the 12 Rays?

The 12 Rays of God are a gift to us from our Creator. They are made up of frequency bands of electrical energy that are radiated from Source Energy. Up until 1991, only seven of the Rays could reach our planet. However, on Jan. 26, 1991, five higher Rays became anchored into the Earth. We now have 12 Rays available to help us ascend into higher consciousness and these Rays are becoming more and more intense as we move toward the Golden Age. Because of this, deeper attunements and new information are becoming available to us (by Ray-Overseer Ascended Masters such as Djwhal Khul and the Cosmic Christ).

~The Twelve Rays of Light ~
Posted by Monica on May 25, 2010 at 8:49pm in Channellings & More

Channelled from Mahachohan Saint Germain 29-10-08

I am Saint Germain the Mahachohan; this means that I assist the Planetary Logos Lord Buddha in overseeing the mission and purpose of the Rays of light.

I predominantly oversee the third ray of light which is focused on manifestation.

The third ray of light assists all twelve rays of light in materialising and anchoring into the Earth.

It is for this reason that I supervise the rays three to seven as these are most needed on the Earth currently and are extensions of the third ray of light.

Each ray of light extends from the Creator's mighty soul through the universe and anchors into the
planetary level of the Creator's universe. A ray of light holds its own special vibrations and colours expressing certain valued sacred qualities of the Creator's soul.

I wish to share the main principles of the twelve rays of light to begin to clear all false beliefs and false information that is circulated.
People have connected to and understood the rays of light for many years, channels have brought through the meanings of the rays and the masters connected to them to help others evolve and experience the rays. Many are forgetting that as the Earth and humanity grow and evolve so do the rays of light and their chohans. Especially in this current time many masters are occupying the positions of chohan or governor of the rays for a limited amount of time as they are evolving to new positions to allow others to learn and grow with the assistance of the rays of light. Many people continue to use information that was given years ago as their guide to connecting with the rays, this is fine but much has occurred since. As time doesn't exist on the inner planes people on the Earth can still connect with the past chohans and draw on the energies of the rays of light but it is important for you to focus on connecting with the new energies and higher vibrations of the rays that are available in our modern day.

It is important for all to remember that the rays of light have become stronger than ever before, they are integrating deeply as one as are their chohans which is making it increasingly difficult to distinguish which master is overseeing which ray of light. Many are working with several rays of light. I hope that you will accept with an open heart and mind the enlightenment that I now wish to share with you all on the Earth.

I wish to now reveal to you my perception of the rays as they are from this date, 29-10-08.

Main Rays of Light

1st Ray- Red

Governed by Master El Morya and overseen by the Manu Allah Gobi

At lower levels it anchors from the Creator's soul courage, confidence, inner power, bravery, passion, driving force and enthusiasm. On a higher level it integrates the will and divine plan of the Creator.

2nd Ray- Blue

Governed by Master Joshua and overseen by the Christ Lord Maitreya.

Anchors the wisdom of the Creator through the embodiment of love, prepares souls for the acceptance of the Christ consciousness. The second ray of light is acknowledged as a special spiritual school that instigates spiritual development.

3rd Ray- Yellow

Governed by Master Serapis Bey and overseen by the Mahachohan Saint
Germain Anchors the ability to manifest through the power of the mind, aids
mastery and clarity of the mind while assisting in the expression of love through thought forms to manifest the energy of the Creator on the Earth. Extension Rays
of Light

4th Ray- Green

Governed by Master Paul the Venetian and overseen by the Mahachohan
Saint Germain Anchors the energy of peace, tranquillity, balance and harmony. Assists in accessing creative artistic abilities and expressing the soul in a creative way to reveal inner beauty. It can act as a cleansing ray restoring harmony within beings and in realities.

5th Ray- Orange

Governed by Master Hilarion and overseen by the Mahachohan Saint Germain

It is a key energy in the ascension and spiritual growth process of soul
activation and soul discovery. At a lower level it aids projects of discovery or scientific developments. At a higher level it focuses predominantly on the soul's integration with the person's reality and with their personality on the Earth.

6th Ray- Indigo

Governed by Master Lanto and overseen by the Mahachohan Saint Germain

This ray of light is one of the purest forms of devotion and acceptance
of the Creator's soul within your reality. It is an inspirational energy boost that aids deeper connections and understanding of the Creator's soul and universe. It explores the definition of devotion and how to exist as a devoted light being to the mighty soul of the Creator while accepting one's own inner powers.

7th Ray- Violet

Governed by Lady Portia and overseen by the Mahachohan Saint Germain

This is the home of the violet flame of transmutation. It is also an essential energy on the Earth as it raises consciousnesses and anchors a new age of awareness into minds with higher vibrations. It is known as the awakening ray of light that assists in connecting with the higher rays of light.

The Higher Rays of Light

8th Ray- Sea Foam Green - Aquamarine: CLEANSING

Governed by Lady Nada and overseen by the Divine Director of the Rays.

This is the deep spiritual cleansing ray that assists with preparations for soul activation and discovery. Healing and cleansing is always needed to access new vibrations and consciousnesses and can be gained from the eighth ray ashram.
It helps to clean out those characteristics and qualities within the self that one no longer needs and wants to get rid of. It is composed of rays 4, 7, and 5 with a touch of white light mixed together - GREEN - VIOLET LUMINOSITY.

Eighth Aspect of Deity - Aquamarine
Qualities: Clarity, Divine Perception, Discernment, Lucidity, Vivification.

9th Ray- Blue Green: JOY (magenta)

Governed by Lady Mary and overseen by the Divine Director of the Rays.

This ray holds a wealth of knowledge that can be grasped to aid soul discovery and expansion.

It focuses on anchoring joy which is an expression of love while promoting integration on new levels with the energy of the Creator's soul and universe.
Helps one to attract their full potentials first with the Body of Light and also continues the cleansing process that the 8th Ray starts. it is composed of Rays 1, 2, and white light - BLUISH-GREEN LUMINOSITY.

Ninth Aspect of Deity - Magenta
Qualities: Harmony, Balance, Assurance, Solidity, Confidence.

10th Ray- Pearlescent (gold)

Governed by Lady and Master Andromeda and overseen by the Divine
Director of the Rays.

This ray promotes and instigates soul integration, monad integration and unity with the Creator's mighty soul.

It allows all the changes a person has been seeking to bring it fully within themselves. Helps to code the patterns of Light formations within the body and access their true Divinity. It is a combination of Rays 1, 2, and 3 mixed with white light - PEARLESCENT COLORED LUMINOSITY

Tenth Aspect of Deity - Gold
Qualities: Eternal Peace, Prosperity, Abundance, Financial Freedom, Opulence.

11th Ray- Pink Orange (peach)

Governed by Lady Quan Yin and overseen by the Divine Director of the Rays.

Again associates with soul discovery and integration, as are all the higher rays, this ray completes the soul merge process. It promotes an understanding that everything in the universe is a manifestation of love. It is a place where the teachings of all previous rays are integrated to aid an understanding and acceptance of mastery that is complete, allowing the soul to fully embody the higher ray of the Creator's universe including the twelfth ray of light.

Bridging of the New Age and helps one to be in touch with Divine, Love/Wisdom. It is a combination of Rays 1, 2, 5, and white light - ORANGE-PINK LUMINOSITY.

Eleventh Aspect of Deity - Peach
Qualities: Divine Purpose, Enthusiasm, Joy, Happiness, Fulfillment, Selfless Service.

12th Ray- Golden (opal)

Governed by Pallas Athena and overseen by the Divine Director of the Rays and Lord Maitreya.

Golden Ray and anchoring of the Christ Consciousness - THE GREAT CENTRAL SUN. It is a combination of all the rays with white light - GOLDEN LUMINOSITY.

The twelfth ray of light holds a direct link to the Office of the Christ and acts as a teaching ground for those wishing to embody the Christ consciousness. The twelfth ray of light is an extension of the Office of the Christ and anchors the loving energy of the Creator into all rays of light and throughout the Creator's universe especially the Earth.

Twelfth Aspect of Deity - Opal
Qualities: Transformation, Transfiguration, Rebirth.

I am the Mahachohan Saint Germain

Thank you :-)

Discussion Forum

Decrees For Activating Personal Power and Awakening of Light Potentials By Adry Santos

Started by Steve Hutchinson Jan 15. 0 Replies

Decrees For Activating Personal Power and Awakening of Light Potentials…Continue

Exploring The Twelve Rays of Light of The Creator By Natalie Glasson

Started by Steve Hutchinson. Last reply by Steve Hutchinson Aug 16, 2019. 2 Replies

Exploring The Twelve Rays of Light of The Creator ByNatalie GlassonEach of the Twelve Rays of Light are aspects of the…Continue

Living On Light By Steve Nobel

Started by Steve Hutchinson Apr 23, 2019. 0 Replies

Living On Light By Steve Nobel"Dear Starseeds, Perhaps it's time to speak…Continue

The Seven Rays and OUR Power of Creation By Suzanne Lie

Started by Steve Hutchinson Oct 21, 2016. 0 Replies

The Seven Rays and OUR Power of CreationWithin the Source, all is One and there is no separation. Just as light divides into seven colors when it travels through a prism, the Source divides into…Continue

Introduction To the Creator's Immaculate Rays of Perfection

Started by Steve Hutchinson. Last reply by Myriel RAouine Dec 14, 2014. 1 Reply

INTRODUCTION TO THE RAYSThe color rays are frequencies of light which have been in…Continue

Lady Quan Yin, Chohan of the Pearlescent Ray

Started by Myriel RAouine. Last reply by Myriel RAouine Jun 24, 2014. 9 Replies

QUAN YIN:Quan Yin is a Bodhisattva (a Being of Enlightenment), the Goddess of Compassion and Mercy, and one of the Lords of Karma. She is Chohan of the Pearlescent…Continue

Eighth Ray of Transcendence

Started by Myriel RAouine. Last reply by jan marie price Jul 5, 2013. 3 Replies

Eighth Ray of TranscendenceRay Master: Chohan Lady Nada Overlighted by Lord Chietal(* see…Continue

Tags: EmeraldTabletsofThoth, Anrita-Melchizedek, Chietal, Lord, Seafoamgreen-Ray

Cosmic Oneness - Balance through the 8th Seafoam Green Ray

Started by Myriel RAouine. Last reply by Param Gian ~ Kathryn Jun 19, 2013. 5 Replies

Cosmic Oneness - December 5th, 2010 ~ Unification[Note:  I am adding the text of this call as I feel it is very important with the energies we are presenting embracing for December.  Namaste~] …Continue

Four Extension Rays

Started by Myriel RAouine. Last reply by Myriel RAouine Jun 19, 2013. 2 Replies

Four Extension RaysFOURTH RAYGreen is the color of the fourth ray is Harmony through Conflict and it is associated with the earth and is the foundation for what lies ahead. This ray is called harmony…Continue

Pallas Athena, Chohan of the 12th Ray and Goddess of TRUTH (5th Ray - Hilarion)

Started by Myriel RAouine. Last reply by Dr. SohiniBen Shukla Jun 19, 2013. 4 Replies

PALLAS ATHENA:Pallas Athena has been serving as Chohan of the 12th Ray and Goddess of Truth, ensouling the Cosmic Consciousness of Truth. The 12th Ray is…Continue

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of 12 Rays of Light to add comments!

Comment by Dr. SohiniBen Shukla on May 17, 2023 at 1:25pm

Dear Friends,

Today I saw a message from Anrita Melchizedek.

about Rays ans came to know more about but could not find a link.


Comment by Steve Hutchinson on October 6, 2018 at 11:02am

Comment by Myriel RAouine on May 22, 2014 at 6:46pm

Thank you for sharing, Terence!

Comment by Terence Arthur Deighton on May 20, 2014 at 9:00pm

Found these on Youtube a while ago. Just sharing-from "The Bridge of Truth". 12 meditation videos for the rainbow colours

Comment by MARCI KOSICH on June 12, 2011 at 11:54pm

I asked my guides if I should post some of my automatic writing from Joshua from 1989 I heard yes they need to know,

12th dimension is a wonderous place and you Marcy come from there. You do not realize the limitations of this planet. You come now to help the healing of the emerald planet. The 12 dimension is all light of yellow and white glow. Energy man cannot concieve as existing. The same power that you heal with. You are a great healer from the temple of mor ou a energy planet 12 light years away.

Comment by Myriel RAouine on March 13, 2011 at 10:05am

Gold and Violet are like transmutation in Unity Consciousness :-)


Interesting that you mention the magenta ray here - as it was so clearly with me yesterday in my work with Japan!


If you have more information on the Opalescent Ray I would very much welcome your teachings! Maybe you would like to post a discussion in our group on the Higher Rays of Consciousness?


I have also started to work with the golden white Ray a lot in the past few weeks ... it started out some two or three months ago that I was taught more about its HEALING qualities and since then I started to experiment ... it feels absolutely gorgeous to bathe in this light - so much JOY and LOVE!


Your explanation about the platinum ray and the seafoam green energies in connection to channeling are most interesting! I will use this information to help a friend of mine some more ... he had to stop channeling now as the energies were not clear but brought much damage to him ... I know he can need some cooling - and I will use the glden white Christ energies ... thank you for this vivid exchange of experiences, dear soul sister!



Sonja Myriel



Comment by D. Takara Shelor on March 12, 2011 at 7:27pm

Hello Again Dear One:


Love the embrace. My son works with gold and violet together. Interesting!


I spend much of my time working with the higher rays.  I often work with the Divine feminine embrace of Magenta. The Opalescent ray is everywhere for me. I wear a beautiful opal ring / bracelet combination of Navajo design. Practically everywhere I go someone asks to see it.


As already discussed, I LOVE the seafoam energy. It is so soothing and calming for me. I love the color itself and water of that same hue. Its almost as if water any other color just isn't quite right.


The golden white Christic ray is one I work with often. Practically every private long distance energy session I do involves that ray in one way or another.


Through the dolphin connection, I work with the platinum ray all the time. All of my essences are infused with it. I often bathe people in it energetically ~ especially people who channel information or energies. They tend to fry from the inside out because of the friction between their own frequency and the frequencies they are bringing in. The seafoam ray cools that down. The platinum ray heals it and almost acts like a lubricant for the nerves ~ allowing the energy to flow through their body and mind without resistance.  


Mmmm wonderful energies,

Deb (Takara)

Comment by Myriel RAouine on March 12, 2011 at 7:14pm

Yes :-) We are here to work with all of them.


I was asking myself the same question you did some years ago until I gave up - then I encountered another approach to study the Rays. It is not about finding out on which Ray we came in, but which Ray we are to use for what purpose!


At first I only concentrated on the 7 Rays. There is sooo much to learn, it was impüosible for me to handle it all at once. Now that I have gained a pretty good overview of the 7 Rays through practical work I am adding others - especially the Seafoam Green Ray which is connected to the Thymus chakra, the Platinum Ray which brings in the Power of the FEMININE and the Diamond Ray.

The GOLDEN Ray is very, very special for me - but it feels as if it were part of ALL the Rays, somehow ... like the Platinum Ray as well - I can use them in combination with all the other rays and they enhance their quality ... the golden light helps me to unite and find access to Unity Consciousness in whatever I do. The Platinum Ray is PURIFYING and according to what has to be transmuted it helps enormously in the process - but it is a very powerful ray and has to be handled with great care and responsibility.


I'm sending you a Violet Golden embrace, dear Debbie, feeling the connection between you and me like a golden thread which connects us - and connects us to everything around us as well,


Sonja Myriel

Comment by D. Takara Shelor on March 12, 2011 at 6:31pm

It's so deLightful to participate in this group.


I remember years ago I was driving back to Santa Fe, New Mexico after teaching a workshop in Denver, Colorado.  I was alone and had hours to reflect and receive information as I went along the winding back roads.


I found myself contemplating the various rays and how several of my friends  said they came in on this ray or that ray. No single ray felt correct to me. I finally just said, "Did I come in on any particular ray, or am I working more with the Master Mahachohan and all the  color rays?"


When I looked in my rear view mirror, I saw a complete rainbow ~ and I had my answer.


Have a deLightful day,

Deb (Takara) 

Comment by Myriel RAouine on October 17, 2010 at 10:46pm
Message From Sananda, October 10,
Through Rev. Michelle
“A Message For The
Beloved Ones,
As you move into the coming times, we
ask you to be aware of and work more closely with your chakras and the twelve
Rays, as you release all that no longer serves you. All that you have lived is
within your energetic signature. It is the light which you radiate out to all
others. It is the love of your Sacred Heart; it is the very essence of who you
are as you express your Divinity. Your energetic signature may be light and
bright or it may be filled with darkness and blemishes. As you release each
day, you will lighten your density and you will become the light of your Divine
I Am Presence. Assist yourselves in this transition, and use the twelve Rays as
you bring in the personality of God, your I Am Presence. The twelve Rays will
help you cleanse and clear and bring forth the balance and the harmony which
you desire. The twelve Rays will assist you in bringing balance and harmony
within your charka system and they will assist you in bringing forth and
anchoring your light body into the physical.
The five higher Rays have been brought
forth to give you even greater assistance, as you integrate the love of your
Sacred Heart. Beloved ones, call on the Eight Ray, this sea foam green with
violet Ray, to clear and cleanse your four bodies. Clear and cleanse your
physical, emotional, and mental, and spiritual bodies, through the calling in
of this Ray. As you release in layers, each day, call upon this
Call upon the Ninth Ray for the love and
the joy to assist you to stay within your passion for life, your great desire
to become and be your light body, your Divine I Am Presence. The Ninth Ray of
luminescent light green and blue, and the light of God, will help you to
further cleanse and release layers which no longer serve you. This Ray will
assist you in attracting your light body.
It is the Tenth Ray of pearlescent
luminosity and God light, which will code your light body into the physical.
Cleanse and clear, beloved ones, cleanse and clear, so you may make way for
your light body to fill the very essence of you, to fill your physical body and
every aspect of you with the unconditional love, will, power, and wisdom of the
Cosmos. Intentionally draw in your Divine I Am Presence, and freely call on the
Tenth Ray to assist you. This Ray is of most great importance to you at this
The Eleventh Ray, of peach luminosity
and God light, is the bridge to the New Age. It will further help you clear
remaining patterns which no longer serve you; it will help you bring into
balance the remainder of the masculine and feminine polarities, as you
integrate your Divine I Am Presence.
The Twelfth Ray is the glorious,
luminous, white gold, God light. It is the light of the Cosmos, the Cosmic Fire
of all Creation. It is the Heartbeat of God. It is the Wisdom of God. Draw it
in, beloved ones, draw it in, incorporate it, ask for ease and grace in all
that you do, and ask for ease and grace as you work with these Rays. Call upon
the amount of each Ray that is perfect for you in the Now Moment so that you
will move forward in the love of your Sacred Heart, with full ease and
Your beloved Michael and I, and all
those of the higher realms, are most willing to assist you in every endeavor,
but you, dear ones, must do the work. Call on us, you are loved and supported
by all of the higher realms. I am here with you, in the love of your Sacred
I am Sananda.
You may copy and share, with Love and
Blessings. Please copy the message in its entirety, giving credit to Sananda
through Rev. Michelle Coutant, and provide a link to:
Visit Michelle’s website at:
Michelle’s Cosmic Blog:
All my Love and Many
Hello Dear Ones,
Archangel Michael and Sananda have
guided me to share with you, a practical application for drawing in and
integrating your Divine I Am Presence, and the Mahatma.
Each morning, go into meditation. A
morning meditation sets the tone for your day. You want to recenter yourself in
the physical body, from your night time activities. Between soul travel,
classes on the inner plane, and our dreams, we are very busy while we sleep!
Breathe deeply, and bring yourself into your Sacred Heart.
Now, just as you get dressed physically
each day, you want to get dressed spiritually.
Place your golden sphere of protection
(a gift from Archangel Michael) around you. Once you have done this, you only
need to reinforce it each morning, and before you go to sleep at night. You may
also place a pillar of divine light around you, the white light of God, tinged
with gold.
Put on your spiritual, white robe of
love, wisdom, and power.
Put on your blue flame spiritual armor,
a gift from Archangel Michael.
Take up your Sword of Michael, and claim
your personal power, today and every day, in service to the
Call on the Mahatma. It is as simple as
saying “I Am The Mahatma”. You may say the affirmation often, during the day,
as you draw in, and feel this expansive light.
Call in your Divine I Am Presence.
Breathe deeply, and ask your divine spiritual light body, your I Am Presence,
to take dominion in every aspect and facet of you. Ask your I Am Presence to
think through you, feel through you, speak through you, and act through you,
today and every day, in every Now Moment. Feel this presence within
Visualize, and see your light body. How
does it feel, what does it look like? What do you want to look like? You are
drawing in eternal youth. Visualize yourself as you desire to be, and visualize
yourself in perfect, vibrant, health.
Call upon the Twelve Rays. Use your
inner wisdom to determine which Ray or Rays to call in. In regards to the five
higher Rays, spoken of in Sananda’s message, you could call in the Eighth Ray
for a cleansing of your four bodies. You might call in the Ninth Ray for an
infusion of joy, to begin your day. Freely call on the Tenth Ray to assist you
in coding in, and anchoring your light body into your physical body, or the
Eleventh Ray to further assist you in integration and cleansing. Call on the
Twelfth Ray, for an infusion of the glorious God light. Always ask for ease and
grace, and ask for an infusion of a Ray, that is just perfect for you in the
Now Moment. Remember, more is not necessarily better, so use your discernment
and inner wisdom as you call upon the Rays, so that you may experience ease and
You may recenter yourself within your
Sacred Heart and reinforce your light body, and the Mahatma energy, as guided,
during the day.
Finally, express gratitude and
appreciation for all the blessings in your life. Do this throughout your day.
See, and focus on what is good in your world, and on the earth, and see the God
Self in all others.
Once again, ask for ease and grace in
every aspect and facet of you, and all that you do, each day.
With great love and

Members (52)



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
