Decrees For Activating Personal Power and Awakening of Light Potentials By Adry Santos“I (state your full name or just I Am), in alignment with Divine Source, activate now…
Exploring The Twelve Rays of Light of The Creator ByNatalie GlassonEach of the Twelve Rays of Light are aspects of the Creator’s Consciousness, they represent qualities of the sacred source to support us in resonating…
Living On Light By Steve Nobel"Dear Starseeds, Perhaps it's time to speak about absorbing prana as part of your daily energy intake. In other words starting to live on…
The Seven Rays and OUR Power of CreationWithin the Source, all is One and there is no separation. Just as light divides into seven colors when it travels through a prism, the Source divides into Seven Rays when it travels through the prism of separation and down into the fourth, and then the third,…
INTRODUCTION TO THE RAYSThe color rays are frequencies of light which have been in existence and part of sacred geometry from the beginning. Each color ray vibrates and resonates their own…
QUAN YIN:Quan Yin is a Bodhisattva (a Being of Enlightenment), the Goddess of Compassion and Mercy, and one of the Lords of Karma. She is Chohan of the Pearlescent White Ray, and a member of the karmic board. As well as Directing the Pearl Ray, Quan Yin also works…
Eighth Ray of TranscendenceRay Master: Chohan Lady Nada Overlighted by Lord Chietal(* see who Lord Chietal is at the bottom of this post!), and the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light.Keyword:…
Cosmic Oneness - December 5th, 2010 ~ Unification[Note: I am adding the text of this call as I feel it is very important with the energies we are presenting embracing for December. Namaste~] …
Four Extension RaysFOURTH RAYGreen is the color of the fourth ray is Harmony through Conflict and it is associated with the earth and is the foundation for what lies ahead. This ray is called harmony through conflict because we must learn to bring in the lower three rays harmoniously to use the…
PALLAS ATHENA:Pallas Athena has been serving as Chohan of the 12th Ray and Goddess of Truth, ensouling the Cosmic Consciousness of Truth. The 12th Ray is the Ray that heralds the New Age, enabling humanity and the Earth to recognise the truth of our…