12 Rays of Light

Let's embark on a journey to the 12 Rays of Light. Are you ready?

Decrees For Activating Personal Power and Awakening of Light Potentials By Adry Santos

✨️Decrees For Activating Personal Power and Awakening of Light Potentials By Adry Santos
“I (state your full name or just I Am), in alignment with Divine Source, activate now my personal power and awaken all my dormant Light potentialities.
I call upon the forces of Creation, the support of my spirit guides, mentors of Light, and the higher energies of the Universe to assist me through this process.
⚜️May every cell in my body, every atom of my being and every dimension of my consciousness harmonize and align with my divine essence, radiating strength, clarity and purpose.
I release myself from every limiting energy, fear or belief that blocks my expansion. From this moment, I assume my spiritual sovereignty, recognizing my Light and my power as part of the Whole.
Thus, I awaken to the infinite potential that I am, manifest my true essence and advance with courage, love, and wisdom into my soul purpose.
✨️It is done. It is sealed. It is done. "
Breathe deeply and visualize your inner Light expanding, filling your whole being and connecting with the Universe. Remain in this state of receptivity for a few minutes to integrate the activated energy.
With Love, Gratitude and Light
Video Link: Powerful Celestial Opportunities In 2025 By Patricia Cota-Robles - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wU6c4zcwB_s&t=5s