• Higher Rays of Consciousness

    51 members

    If you are interested in learning more about the Rays of Higher Consciousness, you are most welcome to join us in our quest! Please do not expect answers - but let us discuss your quetions ;-)

  • Om Na - Channellings through Natalie Glasson

    121 members

    Channelled Meditations and invocations from the Ascended Masters, Angels, Fairies, Unicorns and Extraterrestrials.

  • Admin Corner

    5 members

    This Space here is reserved for Administrators only ;-)

  • Unity: LOVE is the Goal ...

    71 members

    Let us link our sites which are all dedicated to one goal: to spread LOVE, LIGHT and HEALING, PEACE, JOY and WARMTH on this precious Planet Mother Earth :-)

  • Jeshua Channelings by Pamela Kribbe

    56 members

    Wonderful Channelings for HEALING and useful help for LIGHTWORKERS.

  • 1. Blue Ray of Power, Will or Purpose and Protection

    73 members

    The Energy of God's Will and Power Elohim Hercules and Amazonia Ascended Masters: El Morya, Miriam AA Michael and Archaii Faith

  • North American Natives

    88 members

    Native americans have been given prophecy since the beginning...straight from the masters themselves. Let's look into our connections with them.

  • Awakened Way

    8 members

    Suzanne Giesemann is a Messenger of Hope and the founder and teacher of The Awakened Way™ – a path to knowing Who you are and why you’re here. Today she shares “21st Century Spirituality”, merging the latest scientific understanding about Consciousness with ancient spiritual wisdom. Her work provi…

  • HELP for Mother Earth and Humanity

    17 members

    In this group you are WELCOME to post pleas for HELP so we can ACT as ONE GROUP BODY OF LOVE to bring HEALING where it is needed! Please do not hesitate to ASK for help on behalf of yourself, your family, locality, country or continent. TOGETHER we can envision a NEW WORLD and bring it to LIFE thr…

  • Let's HELP each other - Prayers and Energy HEALING - Requests

    121 members

    Post your request for HEALING - or any other matter in which you orf a beloved one need assistance - here in this group and we will send you LOVE, LIGHT and energy for healing and transmutation.

  • The Power of the Divine Feminine

    76 members

    POWER is an attribute of the Feminine - let us claim back the Power of LOVE, the Power of Free Speech, the Power of Self-Esteem, the Power of the GODDESS!

  • Spiritual Warriors and Co-Creators.

    106 members

    Actually we are co-Creators along with the Divine,selected specially in His Divine Plan to Bring heaven On the Planet Earth.

  • AA Raphael & The Healing Green Ray

    41 members

    You would like to know more about the Green Ray of Healing, Discernment and Truth? Come in and join us in our quest :-)

  • AA Zadkiel & The Violet Ray

    55 members

    Want to learn more about the Violet Ray of Transmutation ad Freedom and how to invoke and work with? Come in and join us in our quest :-)

  • Expect Wonderful Messages of Love, Hope and Inspiration through Meredith Murphy

    51 members

    Expect Wonderful...a place for exploration, validation, connection, questioning... and most of all, inspiration toward happiness.

  • Everything ~ Just Write

    28 members

    A place to honor word sharing; a Lightgrid home for all things, in your words. Recordings also welcome. Share yourself with words ~ Be it:          Journaling           Poetry          Thoughts, Musings, Questions          Automatic Writing          Letters~Correspondances          Channelling    …

  • Kwan Yin

    66 members

    Kuan Yin, Kwan Yin, Quan Yin ... Boddhisatva of Compassion - We are caaled to work with you and come to know you this moon which started on July 19th and lasts until August 17th. COMPASSION will show us where to send the Violet Light and Ray. As Chohan of the 11th Ray she helps us to integrate al…

  • Healing Techniques for our Sacred Mother

    42 members

    This group is for planetary healing for our Sacred Mother, with bio-relativity/thought projection, and the Grace Light, to heal and assist her now is so important. We are blessed to receive these techniques and hope many will participate when they can do so.  We have the assistance from many Ascend…

  • 13 Indigenous Grandmothers

    16 members

    In the fall of 2004, we gathered from all over the world, thirteen indigenous Grandmothers from Alaska, North, South, and Central America; Africa; and Asia. We came together at the Tibet House Menla Mountain Retreat center in upstate New York. Within three days we formed a Global Alliance for the g…

  • Lightgrid Tech Support

    39 members

    Hi Lightgrid Members Welcome to Lightgrid Technical Support ~ This group is for sharing/posting helpful hints, questions and suggestions to all 'Lightgrid-ers', with regard to technical issues. ALL are welcomed and encouraged to post questions, answers, comments and suggestions to all that is he…