Pallas Athena has been serving as Chohan of the 12th Ray and Goddess of Truth, ensouling the Cosmic Consciousness of Truth. The 12th Ray is the Ray that heralds the New Age, enabling humanity and the Earth to recognise the truth of our rightful nature and to become fully in touch with our own Christ Consciousness and anchor it within to allow a direct and conscious interaction with our Divine Self and so with God. It also symbolises new beginnings, helping each of us to totally clarify our path of service and our connections with Source, ultimately leading to total realisation, nirvana and Bliss. She has now moved to work with her twin flame and in helping ground the energies he is working with, and also is anchoring the Feminine Ray into the planet with Lady Nada and Quan Yin.
Pallas Athena was the original Keeper of the Flame of Truth and High Priestess in the Temple of Truth in Atlantis. She Ascended before the Fall of Atlantis, at which time the Flame was transferred to Ancient Greece by Hilarion (Chohan of the 5th Ray) in one of his early incarnations. It was here in its new location and overseen by Lady Vesta that she directed the Oracles of Delphi, whose original role was to channel Divine and Sacred Truths. She still serves in the Temple of Truth, located in the ethers over the island of Crete, which teaches Cosmic Law, maths, music, sacred geometry, the science of healing and the Laws of Alchemy (transformation). This temple is Hilarion's retreat and he shares with her its emerald green Flame of Illumined Truth, which contains the intense blue and golden Rays of Divine Will and Power and Divine Illumination.
Pallas Athena has a seat on the karmic board, where she represents the 5th Ray, which is the Ray of Science, order, logic and reason. This penetrating Ray has the drive to reach the core of any issue and encourages us to look for new approaches and strategies, prompting us to take control of our lives by actively shaping the events that happen to and around us, rather than merely reacting emotionally to those events. The attributes of this Ray uphold the philosophy of karmic balance, which is experienced as we exercise Free Will and learn about life from different perspectives.
The city of Athens in Greece was named after Pallas Athena and she was an important figure to the ancient Greeks in their spiritual beliefs. She has been depicted in art wearing a golden helmet and carrying a spear in her right hand, with which she fights the Serpent of Ignorance. She is the ideal personification of the triumph of reason over passion, showing what we can aspire to be when we allow True Power and Wisdom to unite in rational behaviour and judgement. When she appeared to me, she stood to my left wearing a silver helmet and carrying the scales of justice in one hand. Strapped to her back were two swords in crossed scabbards, and she told me that this was so that "Justice can be even-handed"! She was an extremely strong presence, and it was clear that the concepts of fairness, justice, Truth and Right are of paramount importance to her. If you need a champion at your side as you stand up for the rights of your Self or others, she is the one to call!
Pallas Athena works closely with Hilarion, with all the Lords of Karma, with the Chohans and Masters who work with the Higher Rays, and with the Sun Goddess Vesta. Her twin flame heads the Office of the Maha Chohan and is an incredibly capable and Powerful Being, likened to the planet's Inner Flame or Spirit. He has a hugely responsible position and works closely with Sanat Kumara, who ensouls the planet. His real name is not available at this time, and so he is simply known as The Mahachohan. He has had a number of Earthly lifetimes, including one as the Greek poet Homer, and with a final very humble embodiment as a poor and simple shepherd in India. In his work with us he enables us to access as many of the Rays as it is safe to do so, and as twin flames he and Pallas Athena strongly support, encourage and protect our innate Right to BE Divine.
Pallas Athena has this message for you:
You recognise me as a strong Being, but what is strength? Is it found in the firm true hand of a warrior in battle? Is it found in unerring fortitude throughout the struggles with the demons of everyday life and existence? Is it found in having the courage to stand up and be heard when you say things from your heart that others do not understand? I tell you that it is all of these things - and none of them! True strength comes from within. It is found in the heart, mind and soul: It comes from an inner knowing and conviction that bears you up even when times are difficult; It is being able to see and understand both sides of a story, using solely the rational mind and without being swayed by the rhetoric of others or by their (or your) emotional reactions; It is placing your Self in another's shoes without preconceptions and without prejudice; It is acting in all situations as God's representative - a wise, balanced, dispassionate - yet compassionate - counsellor.
And in order to be so, there is a need to have cleansed and transformed all negativity from the Lower Bodies - from the physical, the emotional, the mental and the spiritual aspects of your baser Being. And then to bring all into balance - the logical and the intuitive; masculine and feminine; worldly and non-worldly - indeed all aspects of yourself that have two opposite poles. For only when you are clear and balanced in all aspects can you see clearly and know the Truth and only then can you perform your next task, which is that of co-creating and manifesting clearly and precisely within the Divine Light of Spirit. Truth is the conduit to your Higher Self and your doorway into the next Dimensions, when you will take on your existence as eternal Beings of Light
Ana Antaka
Dec 29, 2010
Myriel RAouine
Channelled Through
Natalie Glasson
Anchoring the Christ Consciousness into the Earth and your Soul
Lady Pallas Athena is a Goddess with an Ascended Master Consciousness of
high vibrations working as the
Chohan or governor of the twelfth ray of light, which is an extension of
the golden Christ Consciousness energy.
Her aim is to anchor the energy of the Goddess and the Christ
Consciousness into the Earth to aid the
development of all. This is a special communication and expression from
Pallas Athena to allow us to combine our
soul energy and her support, sharing it with the divine source of the
Creator as an expression of gratitude and a
growth, helping us to respect our planet, its inhabitants, our divine
souls as manifestations of the Creator's light.
Through this invocation we are able to connect with Pallas Athena and
experience her loving healing energy. As
soon as you begin the invocation Pallas Athena will be by your side.
When you have completed the invocation sit
and meditate for a few minutes experiencing her energy around your
Say slowly with intention
`Pallas Athena, I invoke your loving presence to stand by my side,
lend me your support, love and divine light so
that I may be a warrior of light, as you are.
Pallas Athena, I accept with an open heart, open soul and open mind the
droplets of golden light that come forth
from your soul. Allow me to experience your golden energy as it merges
with my soul with great intensity, let me
too embody your courage as a warrior of light and your love as a
nourishing and caring goddess of the Creator's
light. Anchor your divine feminine qualities into my being so that I may
gain a balance of my masculine and
feminine energies, ensuring that both are focused within the light.
Pallas Athena, I bring forth your divine goddess energies and ask you to
anchor them into the Earth to assist
Mother Earth at this time of healing, cleansing and awakening, support
her soul with the same love that you now
share with me. Honour Mother Earth and teach me to respect and devote
much of my time and efforts to working
with Mother Earth and building a deep everlasting connection. As you
share your golden droplets of light with me,
pour your golden energy into Mother Earth, let her exist in harmony,
peace and safety and let us as her inhabitants
understand the magnificence that is present within her being and
everything she manifests onto our land. With your
wise enlightened mind and soul help us to understand how we can heal and
appreciate Mother Earth, working with
her as our companion rather than reducing her to a victim. Pallas
Athena, permit me to gain the same loving and
compassionate connection that you hold with Mother Earth.
Pallas Athena, I ask you to surround the Earth in a blanket of your
golden light, anchor love of the purest kind from
the ashram of the Christ into every heart and soul on the Earth whether
they are human or animal, plant or mineral.
Share your love with all that we as a society judge and cause suffering
to and assist all light workers on the Earth
to embody your empathetic and loving body of light, so that we may act
as warriors of light following your example.
Assist in allowing the golden energy of the Christ consciousness in
anchoring and integrating with every soul
inhabiting the Earth, let us live as the Creator wishes us to, in peace,
harmony and love. Remove the influences of
the ego and free our souls so that we may live as our truth in a
physical body. Most importantly teach and guide
us to love each other as manifestations of the Creator's light. We
honour you for your services to us and
Pallas Athena as I open my energy and soul to you now, pour the golden
energy of your soul and the Christ
consciousness into my being, let this flow be continuous and eternal,
anchor the very core and source of the
Creator into my being and onto the Earth. Let me see and experience the
divine and loving world that exists
beyond the limitations of this physical world.
Pallas Athena assist me in loving myself unconditionally, as you love me
and my guides love me, help me to freely
allow the presence of my soul to anchor into my being and life so that I
may become a master of my being and
evolve beyond this planetary level. Pallas Athena, I ask you to guide me
forward with your bright blazing light, lead
me and humanity to become united as one with the source of the Creator.
Pallas Athena I honour, love and respect you for your presence and
guidance in my life.
I honour the divine within you.
I am Pallas Athena.'
Being of Service, Part 2, by the Ascended Masters
om na ~ I Am Bliss
Mar 15, 2011
Dr. SohiniBen Shukla
Dear Sonja,
Thanks for this Article....
Love & Blessings .....
Jun 19, 2013