lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
Steve Rother
From Steve:
This month the group had a message about the Earth and the magnetic fields that we
all live within. They explained how it would affect humans in general and how we could
prepare. They said the magnetic field has lost more than 10% in the last 100 years. The group talked about the cycle of the Earth shifting magnetic poles about every 500,000 years and how we are now overdue. They did say the Earth will not shift poles as we
have already changed that, yet there is still a lot of work to do and the Earth will go through magnetic fluctuations which may cause strange phenomenon and be felt emotionally by sensitive humans. Oh, how fun!
They said that this decrease in magnetism is a contributing factor to the overall human enlightenment now taking place, and that there was something special about the three years before and the three years after the final dip which will be in the year 2012.
Big hugs. Have a great month!
Greetings from Home
This day there is magic here in this room. You have created an anticipation that is absolutely magical. In fact, it could be called ‘magnetic,’ for you are creating magic with every breath you take by breathing into a body that lets your spirit shine through. This day we wish to give you some ideas of the larger picture that will be helpful for you in the years and even the days ahead. We have already shared with you many of the items that are happening and changing for all humans everywhere. We have also given you some ideas of those things you can let go of and what you can start reaching for. The idea is for you to stand in your full power in the true magnificence of who you are, while you are still in a physical body. Today we are going to tell you how you fit in with this little tiny place called Earth. We are going to share a little about how it works, because some of those things are also starting to change.
Four Very Important Items for a Soul’s Journey
Many of you will feel these changes in your physical being, but first you will feel it in your emotional being and that has already begun. Many people are starting to feel strange, odd emotions and do not know where they are coming from. It is not about male or female imbalances; it is not about love or fear perceptions. These are simply different emotions that you are unfamiliar with and have no label for. Let us show you what is taking place, so you can help to hold the door open for those who are following behind you.
Let us speak first of the birth process. We have mentioned this before, but there are four important items that a soul considers when they are ready to enter the game for an incarnation:
1. One of these is their name. It is a vibration they live under everyday and has a vibrational effect on their entire journey. They spend a lot of energy prior to birth trying very hard to place this chosen name in their parents’ thoughts. Sometimes the parents listen, and other times they name them after a movie star. The reality is that you are in full control and you can change your name, which happens often in these rooms as you reach higher vibration. You begin to choose your own reality.
2. The second one is the instant the soul crosses the veil, because the moment you are born you cross from infinity to finite-ness. Yes, the Keeper is asking us if that is actually a word. We are not sure and we do not really care—he has these internal dialogues going on all the time and most of the time we ignore him. It is okay, he understands. So, what happens when a soul crosses the veil is that it picks up magnetic imprints which it carries during the entire time it is in a physical body. You do not think of yourselves as magnetic, for you are not metallic nor ferrous metal. But you are magnetic in much bigger ways than you ever learned to measure. It is not measurable in Gauss; the entire magnetic spectrum is much greater than currently known. Very subtle magnetic fields lay beneath the surface magnetism of everything on planet Earth. These grids are a different wavelength than you have yet to measure, and they are the way in which you interact with the world around you. We have labeled this the Universal Energy but it has many names on Earth. It is the base energy that exists when all ambient electromagnetic frequencies are removed from a vacuum. Many of these will surface in the next seven to ten years.
As you cross the veil and become finite, you receive a magnetic imprint that stays with you for your entire life. It gives you certain attributes, or strengths and weaknesses as you often refer to them. You choose that imprint very carefully because it can play perfectly into your life lesson and purpose. When anyone does an astrological or numerological reading or anything that is based on the moment you were born, they are actually reading those imprints.
3. So now you have your name, the time you were born, and the third item is the birth order within a family. This is a very important piece, as it plays into the family constellations and dynamics as the soul grows in the most formative years. The only child, eldest, youngest, middle, surprise, twins, and more are all possibilities.
4. The fourth important item is the moment the soul dies. Since it is carrying magnetic imprints during life it is helpful to leave them behind when the soul crosses over to return Home. This can be easily done at specific windows of time that you set up prior to birth. When those windows come along the soul has an opportunity to re-turn Home. Yet since the soul is on the planet of free choice it may choose, in unison with all eleven dimensions, to stay. If the choice is made to stay, the human experiences what we call a Phantom Death. In that instant the soul goes through a dark night and emerges re-born with a focused direction. (From Steve: This is a short version of an important subject. There is much that the group has written over the years about the Phantom Death; the book Spiritual Psychology includes the most complete discussion.)
Magnetic Universe ~ Harmonic Magnetism
The purpose of our speaking of these four items this day is to show you the importance of magnetism in your life. Of the four important items, two are about magnetism. You are living as magnetic beings; although you are not metallic in nature, you are electrical. Any time an electrical current flows there co-exists a matching magnetic field. In fact, they are one and the same. You are all magnetic, chemical beings. When you have a thought, a chemical is produced that helps the electrical charge to travel through parts of your brain. Because that is how you function, every time you have a thought you change your chemistry and therefore your magnetic field ever so slightly. That subtle and as of yet immeasurable magnetic field that each of you have is directly connected to the Universal Energy upon which the Universe sits. Every time you have a thought, you send a magnetic imprint to the Universe. Activation of the pineal gland greatly amplifies this connection and all thoughts flowing through it.
The time lag which was used as a safeguard from random and potentially harmful thoughts is rapidly diminishing. The magnetic Universe changes and shifts slightly when you have a thought, and it always returns your request with the same answer: “And so it is.” In this way the Universe is a mirror which reflects back harmonic magnetic patterns of thought. That is how you have manifested everything, including the Universe. It can be said that this is done through harmonic magnetism. Harmonics reflect energy back in different patterns, and this is why most of the time creations sent out come back giving you what you wanted but usually in a slightly different way.
Many humans are asking for things, saying they want more of this or that. Do you understand that asking for anything at all is actually a statement of lack to the Universe? Be aware when you ask for anything that you literally are expressing that you are limited. You are expressing lack. So, what is the opposite of that? It is to find things to be grateful for. More importantly, for all of those things you want give thanks and hold in your heart that you already have them. Move things forward on the timeline and they will work. Now, here is where we are going to tell you where this fits in even more than ever before. Because you are magnetic beings, you are creating and interacting with each other magnetically as well. This is what is happening when you see sparks fly between two people. It is magnetism that actually creates these connections; it is what you consider sparks and human magnetism that pulls people together. But it is much more than that. Not only does it magically pull lovers together, it also magically creates the space for contracts to be fulfilled and pulls Spiritual Families together. In fact, that is exactly how this message reached you. You have a magnetic connection to the Earth and all things connected to her. We are speaking to you on a much deeper level than simply what you can see or hear, and it is accomplished through that connection. The magnetic connection gives you the ability to play on an even playing field. Thus far its use has been mostly unconscious or at least semi-conscious, but it is one of your greatest assets and the base of your abilities of creation.
Magnetics in Motion
Many of you are aware that the magnetic fields of Planet Earth are in constant motion. It is very fortunate that years ago you discovered much of the technology you use today for navigation, which no longer relies on Earth’s magnetic fields. You have learned to bounce radio waves off satellites and triangulate your position; you call it GPS. The reality is that you have learned how to do things in a different way. Once again humanity adapted at the perfect time and the magnetics of planet Earth are about to go through a shift.
Pregnant Earth ~ Loosing the Pull
We have mentioned before that the Earth is not sick; she is pregnant. She is about to give birth and just prior to that birth, there will be a lot of changes within the mother. Major energetic, emotional and physical changes must drastically alter a body in order to house this beautiful miracle called birth. Only 100 years ago, there was 10% more magnetism on this planet than there is now. The Earth’s gravitational and magnetic field has been slowly reducing over a period of time and drastically over the last 100 years; 10% of the magnetism that was pulling you is no longer there. This change in the Earth has greatly aided in the human enlightenment process more than you know. Earth is a part of you and reacts to the Universal Energy field of the collective of humanity. This is the reason that so many people all over the planet are starting to wake up and say, “This was a wonderful game, but now what is the next step?” Humanity is starting to ask bigger, more important questions and this began the next evolutionary step of humanity. People are just starting to accept truths and beginning to see more new possibilities than they ever have before, partly because they are not limited by the magnetism that held them firmly grounded up to this point. Even though humans resist letting go of polarization those magnetic fields are also reducing.
This is also the reason we have said from the beginning of these communications that the Universal Energy supports blending and resists separation, and that this would become stronger and more important as humanity evolved. Separatists and those ideals may leave barking loudly with a banner of fear, but leave they will. These resulted from the heavy field of duality that was caused by the strong gravitational magnetic pull of earth. It is time to empower all humans everywhere. The Earth has been freeing you to evolve, for it is the only way the new energy will support you.
At this point it may be helpful to know that the strength does not lie in numbers of mankind, but rather in the number of unions of mankind. This will be on all levels, personal and collective. For instance, the governments of Earth have only grown strong when they blended with others. This has occurred in the lower vibrations of humanity by overtaking them with force, and later as the collective vibration rose through agreements and unions. Restrict or stop that blending action and even the strongest economy will falter. Even those of you who take it upon yourselves to form unions and connections with like-minded people for personal growth or fun will still make great advances in the evolution, communication and education of all humanity. We have previously suggested the formation of Empowerment Groups. This is similar to planting the best seeds in the most fertile ground at exactly the perfect time of year.
Polar Shift ~ End Times?
The magnetic fields of planet Earth have been shifting over a very long period of time, and during the last ten years they have moved even more quickly. Approximately once every 500,000 years the magnetics completely change from north to south. We have mentioned this before and have told you that it has happened five other times throughout the history of planet Earth. The signs of a pole shift are very simple yet specific. There is a weakening of the magnetic field of planet Earth that precedes each pole shift. Readings from the layers of Earth show a substantial weakening of the Earth’s magnetic field just prior to a polar shift. This has been in preparation, for this was to be the end of planet Earth. Earth is far overdue for a pole shift and all the signs are now appearing.
Let us explain. The game on planet Earth was originally scheduled to conclude between the years 2000 and 2012. It was going to take about 12 years to kill this beautiful planet of yours, but at the very last moments of the game you shifted the outcome. You wiped the sleep from your eyes and began to ask why and how. You began to take responsibility for yourselves and thus drastically increased your power. Humanity began to move past the markers of the end times that were predicted by so many, with the final marker being 2012. Very slowly at first but then more quickly, humans all over the world began to rub the sleep from their eyes and awaken from the dream. Then one magical morning all humans will wake up and begin to see things from a higher perspective. It is magical to see that process unfolding on Earth right now.
So, how is this taking place? The Earth is rapidly decreasing magnetically and gravitationally. However, you will NOT experience a pole shift because at this stage humanity no longer needs the strong pull back into density and heavy gravitational magnetic fields to evolve. In place of a rapid shift there will be a slower and much more gradual leveling off, along with a slight return of some of Earth’s magnetism. Earth’s full magnetic fields will return over time, but humanity will have evolved and the physical bodies will easily be able to transform these fields to create enlightened and empowered societies. This has been heralded as the greatest of advancements throughout the Universe. Many adjustments are needed and that is beginning now. During the time when the least amount of magnetism is on the planet, you have the greatest opportunities for individual growth in all areas. Consider it a launching ramp of the new humanity. The bottom of the magnetic field is roughly the three years before and after the year 2012.
The events that are now beginning were originally going to be the last piece that ended Earth. Earth was schedueled to go into a sixth and final pole reversal. All weather patterns would change, 95% of all life on planet Earth would disappear, either to be re-born at lower levels or to have turned into a planet very similar to Mars. None of these are going to take place because you have said, “I am awakening from the dream and I am taking my power.” We are so very proud of you. It was our greatest hope that even a glimmer of re-membrance would happen on planet Earth. We had to wait for eons of time before the sparks started to show up, but here you are igniting all over the planet.
Light Grounding
Let us tell you something that is going to take place, because it might help when you hit this bottom point. The Earth herself will experience anomalies with the overall energetics and magnetism of planet Earth. What will happen is that where you have always had steady magnetic fields you will now have fluctuating magnetic fields. This is part of what you are feeling. It is only a temporary situation and will probably last only a few years, but will mess up a lot of your electronics on planet Earth until you learn how to ground your equipment in a different way. You will learn very quickly for all humans adapt. That is what you do really well. For even though the magnetism will increase on Earth, the density will not re-turn because once you know something you cannot consciously forget it. Once you are elevated from having this weak density and pull, you will never go back to density again. It is part of the human re-wire now underway as your physical bodies are changing to hold more Light.
Watch the Sun
Also watch the sun as it plays out a new role. Originally the sun was scheduled to shift its poles simultaneously with Earth’s. This would have given Earth the magnetic harmonic push needed to spin her poles and quickly shift completely to a new starting point. Without this cosmic assistance from the sun, the Earth’s shift could have taken too long and permanently disturbed its rotational patterns. This magnetic harmonizing action is how these shifts have been accomplished in earlier times. Now, even though the timeline has been pulled forward the poles will not shift on Earth. The sun, which was scheduled to shift its own magnetic poles in late 2012, is still close to being on its original schedule. Here is the sun’s new role: When the solar sun of Earth shifts magnetic poles this next time it will coincide with the lowest point of magnetism on Earth. This is a magical time to be a human. Dear ones, you have earned what is about to happen. A miracle is at hand.
Dear ones, enjoy this ride. Yes, of course there is going to be change. Yes, of course you are going to feel strange, odd emotions. You may find yourself acting like a three-year old for no particular reason and it is wonderful. All we ask is that you not judge yourselves. Know that it is happening to every person on the planet and that when you find yourself feeling emotional and afraid for no reason or having negative thoughts, it is simply these twisted magnetic fields that are not providing you with the comfortable base you had during the transition of this birth process. Stray negative thoughts create very little, but judging yourself for having them is very destructive.
Is It a Boy or Girl?
What is the mother birthing? That is a question for many. Does that mean there will be another Earth? No, she is birthing a new human…and here you are. She has been birthing a new human by reducing her magnetic field in a different manner than ever before. She is re-creating herself now to house the new humans, her children.
Here you sit asking what you can do. You have been here over and over and over these lifetimes trying to make your mark, trying to help humans. Sometimes you have been incredibly frustrated living a life where you had information that you could not share with other people. Here you are now and they are starting to listen, and it is working. It is all coming together the way you dreamed from the very beginning and now the magic is unfolding. You will see the energy of Home anchoring itself on Earth in a different form, because you are evolving during this process and your physical body is beginning the shift. This will open the door to using the new human templates that are now on Earth.
We hope you have nothing more than a beautiful, human experience. When you arrive Home, we hope you have marks and scars on your body and your soul where you have had beautiful human experiences. They will be worn as proud badges when you re-turn Home. Dear ones, we will greet you with open arms. You are our heroes. You are doing something that we have only dreamed could have been possible. Here you are, acting it out every single day and we are so very proud of you. Even though we stop this message, we will never leave you. We are always here and we are so very honored you give us this chance to connect so directly.
We ask you to treat each other with the greatest of respect. Nurture one another every chance you get. Re-member it is a beautiful game and play well together.
The group
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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July 3rd-4th 2014 and March 20th-21st 2015:
SUN and Central Sun Connection
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