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October 2018

Beacons of Light

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NOTICE: The following channels were given live on the VirtualLight Broadcast and can be heard as they were originally recorded. Below is an edited version of the same channel designed for print. These were edited with the group’s oversight and approval. I hope you enjoy them. Steve Rother


NEW Audible Light in Steve’s voice
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Greetings, dear ones.

We join you this day as your game now reaches another level. We are so incredibly proud of all of you, for you decided to take off your wings, come to Earth and put on a veil of forgetfulness. You have experienced some of the harshness, even the pain of planet Earth, to evolve all that is and you're making outstanding steps in that direction. We just want to let you know you are on the intended path. Yes, it is messy and difficult sometimes, often it means uncovering old wounds. Yet where you find that vulnerability is also where you find your strength. By letting that go and opening these wounds, it brings in fresh air to heal them. That gives you a strength that you cannot gain any other way. Many of you have even set up these opportunities in the way of contracts, which gives you strength and growth. We can't wait to see what happens as the collective starts to balance this energy of masculine and feminine in an entirely new way. That is very exciting to us. Let us just say that part of us, which you know to be Merlia, is very proud. It's a wonderful time to be here right now and we are watching your game every step of the way as you evolve it to the next levels. Now, let us show you an overview. You see, dear ones, there are beings watching you. The entire universe is watching what's happening on planet Earth in certain ways. No, they do not have cameras. Nor they can see exactly what's going on here. The vibrational energy is changing everything: every game, everywhere. We tell you, there are billions being affected by what you are starting to unravel here on planet Earth.

You have accomplished something no one else ever has. You have stepped up into another dimensional reality. Yes, it is difficult, and you feel lost. However, you're also clearing the energy to reach what is most important. Let us tell you about another game going on. One of many in the universe that we have labeled Solara, but that’s not what they call themselves. We will let them introduce themselves, for they can reach you. They are a different game which they've played with different circumstances since you are the only planet with free choice. Because they had pre-direction, guidelines, and even some limitations, they have evolved in a different way. As such, they have very little war on Solara.

They have not had to wrestle with many of the differences and challenges that you have experienced repeatedly.It's an amazing piece that all of you are working on. We have seen a change in direction for every single one of you. Recall one of the books that we wrote through the Keeper called Spiritual Psychology, the 12 primary life lessons. Of the lessons there was one at the very end that very few people were working on.

The Life Lesson of Grace

Every single one of you is starting to work with a life lesson of grace, and that is a profound difference to what was before. By stepping into this new dimension, what we have termed the fifth dimension, you are taking your game and evolving it to a whole different level. Every single being on planet Earth is now dealing with grace. How can you take what you have, whether it's in your past, present, or future, and move it into a spiral time? It is there you can see everything, then walk through it with awareness and grace. Step through it as a proud being, knowing that you have earned the right to make these mistakes. They set you up for a special journey to learn, to challenge yourself, to even dare to take off those wings and put on this veil of forgetfulness. Forget your mastery. If you will step into a game where you had to learn how to be a magical human, Solara had a little bit of a head start in some of these areas.You see, they had many aspects that were guided into a different area, so when they discovered Earth they were fascinated. The entire planet has been working in harmony with the Earth discoveries. However, they cannot see every little detail when they watch you because their technology has not taken them that far. However, they're growing in that area because they've been working with it for several years now. Since they discovered you,all their energy is now focused on new technological devices and anything they can do to make connections with you. What an astounding gift to know that you're not alone. You're not the only game in town and they can all lend credence to you, they can help you. They can help share with you what they have learned through their aspects. There will be many who come to visit the archives to look through the Akashic records and read through all the events of what took place on this incredibly harsh planet.

One of the things that they've discovered as Solara has improved their technology is how to work with light. They have been trying to reach you through codes of light. You can watch for these, as it will take time to reach you; you will receive them more as feelings than words in the beginning They now have a new way of communicating with you that they want to start using, and it will hit everyone on planet Earth at some point. Whether the energy is interpreted in the ways that they intend it to be is going to be up to you.

They've had some wonderful opportunities to work with this. Yes, they are trying to find out more about planet Earth and have discovered a few new things recently. They now realize that your planet is going through a cycle. Although it is not dying, Earth is experiencing a cycle that may not support life in the same way as before. They're very concerned, of course, because they want to be there to help all the inhabitants of planet Earth. They want to try and help move the energy to make that transition. As their technology improves, they're able to move a little closer to you. They will even intercept some of your television programs. Oh, my goodness! What do you think about that?

How could Solarans learn about planet Earth? One way is by watching your television programs, which is actually one of the ways that they will start reaching you. You see, the challenge is that they're far enough away that it takes too many years for those broadcasts to reach them. They therefore get the programs through you as you watch them. They are learning your languages and customs, even what you like to eat for dinner. To them it will be fascinating, for they'll learn all the fun things that you're trying to sell on television. They are seeing some of the catastrophes taking place, but they've also become aware of the changes taking place on planet Earth, such as your thinning atmosphere. They're observing as the Earth vibrates in a new way and they want to help.

They're very limited and can't do a lot at this moment to help in other ways. It’s fascinating to us that they have found you. They send you this incredible grace of love and amazing energy to give you strength, so you will have the opportunity to know you won’t be dying. The interesting part is that you can step up, because you have done it before. Moving into a higher vibrational layer where you can step out of the quagmire and all the stuff going on around you. What if you could step out of all the mess Right now and find a centered place where you can create? Well, that's possible. Yes, it's going to take grace. Each one of you will have to start looking at the ways you are alike, instead of the ways you are different. You must bring back the unity and that starts with individuals. No one's responsible for the collective, although every single one of you can change it. How is that done? By being you your authentic self, which is where grace comes from. Are there things in your past that you are ashamed of? Yes, we'll guarantee that. However, those same things also made you who you are and allowed you to learn life lessons. You have had to move through things, to walk through your primary and secondary life lessons in order tobring grace on your planet. That's the piece that we wish to leave you with this day. You have opportunities not only to move into this yourself, but also to learn how to walk freely above the quagmire and noise.

Does it make much difference about who's elected? What laws will you put into effect? Well, if you're down on Earth it makes a huge difference. If you're up here on the other side of the veil, you just watch it.You'll make your voice heard because you are a part of the collective, but you own the higher ground and that his grace. That is the area that each one of you can start moving into now, stepping up into the higher vibrations of who you can truly be. That's what's taking place on planet Earth right now. Yes, there are many people who feel a pull in that area yet go in the opposite direction. Many even feel that their lives are being invaded, that they can't hide anything anymore, because there truly are no more secrets on Earth.

You've been playing a game and now even the veil itself is starting to lift. Spirit has no secrets, ever. Spirit gracefully owns everything in its own timeline. As you walk forward, that is where your strength comes from and it is the beauty of who you are as humans. Your spirit is perfect. It’s only when you divide yourself up and you bring in all these imperfections that it allows the spirit to evolve to the next level. That is occurring now more than ever before for each person playing this game. We are so incredibly proud of you. Yes, we know it's been very difficult for many of you. So many of you carry a sensitivity beyond the scale that most measure by. It is very difficult for you to hide. Although some of you have tried to pull the covers over your head so that you could feel safer, but we still see you. We know you and we love you unconditionally.

You are the ones that have ventured onto this beautiful, but sometimes very harsh, game. At times it is full of hate, experiencing a significant lack of love. When you can take the high road out of that situation, it is the creator within and allows you to walk with grace. However, walking in grace does not mean that you're perfect. It simply means you know how to walk with your imperfections.

That is who you are and what you bring to the table. As you move all of humanity to this next level, own it. Walk in it, smile about it, and don't forget the humor. Above all, that's one of the important things. When we find you becoming too serious,we will tickle your funny bone just to remind you that it's a game. Your spirit is never jeopardy ever, for it is infinite. That is the part of you that connects to your higher self, directly to Home and to the other dimensions of yourself that you have so gracefully divided.

On Solara did they do the same thing? Are they also divided into the 11 dimensions of time and space? It's a little bit different, but basically the same because they also have dimensional realities. Are they coming back together as one now? No, dear ones, only planet Earth is doing that. So that's why we tell you all spiritual eyes are on Earth now. All of us from Home are watching because that evolution has never been done before. You should be very proud that even during all this harshness andthese difficulties, you have much more understanding than you know.Allthe imperfections and misunderstandings can help you to step up into a higher vibrational state. You are reaching a body of bioluminescence where you don't have to divide yourself in the same way, to bring back some of your perfection into every part of you.

Oh, does that mean you won’t make any mistakes? Well, the only way you can step into that perfection is by owning those mistakes. Not just in this dimension, but in all dimensions. Why? Because that's where you come together and find out that you have an endless supply of everything that you need. Wait until you see what’s arriving, and it’s coming to each one of you. If we could just share with you what this is going to look like and how simple life can be. No, it doesn’t mean it will be easy because the transitions are always difficult and that's no secret. You've seen that, even stepping into the fifth dimension.Although you have been waiting and anticipating this for a while, it has been difficult for many because you've lost your base. Your third dimensional realities do not work the same any longer. It's not possible for you continually keep moving in that same direction, but you're doing really well, and we are incredibly proud of you.

Ground the New Light

There will be new attributes coming in and at times you will literally be receiving flashes of light. Does that mean you'll see flashes? Sometimes you may, but other times you’ll simply get an idea or feel a consciousness change grounded. The Keeper is channeling us from the other side of the veil and those are his words. We've never really liked the word channeling Because It sounds way too mysterious for what we do. Actually,each and every one of you do it, too though perhaps you call it different things. The Keeper has learned to tap into and focus this spirit channel, where we as a group of entities can communicate with him. He's learned to trust us in that area, as some of you have trusted in other areas. Many of you get these ideas and bring them through in different ways, although other never bring them through. Dear ones, this is a time to start grounding that light and learn how to bring that into your essence. Does it mean that everything is going to be perfect? Not at all. You are translators, so you're going to have to learn how to translate and you will make some mistakes. You're on the planet of imperfection after all, so own it. You are the perfect imperfection of God, and if you understand that then you'll start seeing things from a new aspect to walk in this grace.That's all we ask you to do, every single day, re-member who you are and why you came. Sometimes it will only be a feeling, but you will be starting to notice these pulses. These are from Solara, but that doesn't mean you have to lead your life in a different way. And it doesn't mean you have to follow every thought that you're given, but ground that energy which is in harmony with you.

Write it down, tell somebody, and bring it into your world in some way. These ideas will be given to you in an entirely new way and a strength that comes from that is going to be incredible. You have an opportunity to blend with people who love you unconditionally. Do you think Solara is interested in coming to planet Earth and taking it over? Not at all, it isn’t their intention. What they want to do is approach you gently, to show you that they are here to help. Only recently did they become aware that planet Earth is shifting. They can see that from the large overview of planet Earth and the vibratory rate that it is sending off now is becoming much more irregular. Yes, you have Earth changes coming as we have mentioned quite often.

We will soon start sharing some predictions about what is coming and taking place. How can you be in the best possible place during these times of change? The most important part of it is your spirit. Now you have an opportunity to step up and become an observer to many of these things that you would normally run from or try to hide from. You have come with the grace of spirit and that's what we wish to remind you of today. Above all, you are brightly shining your spirit on a very dense and confused planet. Tap into that knowingness and watch. As the world changes around you, it is time to step up and own your grace. Own your power even if it means being vulnerable, because that's how it's done.

We offer you these reminders. Hold the mirror in front of your face so that you can re-member who you are. You can gain the strength to take these next steps, because we are waiting for you to do exactly that and we are here to help. We've opened the doors, but only you can walk through them. You are on the planet of free choice, so choose to walk in grace and observe everything. We greet you in this way and ask you to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another; help everyone. Take that next step as you play this new game, and play well together, dear ones. You are loved more than you know.Walk in grace. And so it is.



By Barbara Rother

Barbara sends her wishes and will rejoin next month.

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Replies to This Discussion

Wow, so wonderful to know about Solara and very interesting to know that we have to enjoy harmony knowing that we all are imperfect beings. Very encouraging shift.  Thank you Ishema for sharing this wonderful stuff.

Divine Love and Light to All.


Thank you Hari for always letting me know that you read these messages. Yes, it is wonderful to get them as a reminder that this bright new future is ahead of us. 

With much gratitude and love,




Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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