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February 2019

Beacons of Light

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NOTICE: The following channels were given live on the VirtualLight Broadcast and can be heard as they were originally recorded. Below is an edited version of the same channel designed for print. These were edited with the group’s oversight and approval. I hope you enjoy them. Steve Rother

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~The New Male Paradigm~


Greetings, Dear Ones

We bring you Greetings from Home. We join you this day to take you to the next level, because there is so much information being shared on planet Earth. It gets a little confusing from time to time. So first let us bring you greetings from Home. You all have a strong connection in your heart, energy and the spirit that resides within that physical body. All of you are moving in a different direction now. The last time we were together we came to talk about a natural balance of the vacuum that can be caused. We also talked a lot about love and fear, which are simply opposite sides of the same coin. However, the entire process of fear is only on planet Earth where it is a natural human experience. As you move to this next level, let us explain a little of what is going on and what the next step can be for all humans.

The Equalization

You have a job right in front of you and it’s absolutely magical. You must understand, dear ones, how difficult the times ahead may be for all humans. You’ve advanced at incredible rates, just look at the world around you. Life is easier now than it was even 10 years ago. You are rapidly advancing, so enjoy and celebrate that, work with it. Now, the last time we were together, we talked about balancing of energy. What happens when something gets out of balance? There is an equalization that takes place naturally. Well, we’re going to show you that today from a different perspective. We have been talking for quite some time now about the rise of the feminine on planet Earth. The rise of the feminine is taking on a whole new role. You will see it as it unfolds over the next three to four years.

There will be a pronounced feminine strength. Not just energy, but strength. That generally means there need to be some redefinitions, rethinking and rewording. Many of your words are either outdated or originally were used specifically for masculine energy. For instance, your species is even identified as mankind. Recognizing and changing these imbalances are part of making space for the feminine to rise. So let’s talk about this for just a minute, because it is a huge piece of what will be happening over the next several years. This imbalance is much larger than you think. Balancing it will affect every single area of life on planet Earth, right down to your physics. The good news is that it is underway already.

Masculine Paradigm

The masculine side of the Earth game can accomplish this imbalance more effectively than the feminine side. Over time, the masculine energy will begin to make a safe space for the feminine to rise. To do this a new masculine paradigm is needed. Humans are at an evolutionary step and balancing this imbalance will benefit everyone. It will give the masculine a more creative and different role in the world. Yes, of course, there will be resistance but the sheer power of the feminine rising is unstoppable. Have you ever tried to stop the tide from coming in? In a short time many who have been resisting will find they have much more to gain by being supportive and a new masculine paradigm will begin. We ask that everyone begin to imagine this new paradigm. It’s very simple. There will be a natural balance, but it will be much slower. It will take effort, because there will be resistance with considerable back and forth movement.

What if you’re a female working in this energy? We are aware that 70 percent of our audience is female, yet you also carry masculine energy so keep that in mind. This is the same way that we have been working with men to carry feminine energy. However, it’s now helpful for females to make it safe to change the male paradigm. That separation needs to lessen, which is why you have so much in your news about different types of sexuality. From bi-sexuality to transgender, people are blending together and having new types of relationships. All sorts of interesting things are happening, none of which are right or wrong. It simply shows that the collective is moving toward a new energy to balance, and it is the current masculine paradigm that can slow this down.

Is it possible that the new masculine will form to undermine or overcome the feminine energy? No, the feminine energy is much too powerful, especially at this time. Why not accomplish it through harmony? We realize that it’s been quite some time on your planet since you’ve resolved things in that way. Most of the time humans go to war, but you’re also moving past that. You’re growing up as a planet of beings and that is taking place very quickly. So, to create this feminine energy, what are steps at any of you can take to make it safe? Take a look at gender equality, which is quite out of balance in almost every area that you have grown up in. So, looking at areas that affect you, you can have a huge impact on that. Many of you can make more of a difference than you even realize, to help create the space for this energy to evolve.

Releasing Old Paradigms of Competition

Humans are difficult because you have grown up in a field of polarity and duality. You view everything as right or wrong and good or bad. If you can step out of the competition it will help, because almost everything has been placed into a framework of competition. That is how you have motivated yourselves. Although it isn’t wrong, now that you’re in the fifth-dimension things can start working differently.

You already understand how to create magic. You can create things simply by thinking about them. When you put yourself in alignment, all the energy in every single cell of your body aligns in such a way as to let through the largest amount of light possible. The magic appears and that is at hand right now.

When you balance the energy of the masculine and feminine, you create an entirely new collective which can rise together. In doing so, you can resolve many of the problems that humans are currently having on planet Earth. It’s difficult even to count the many wars on Earth, at so many levels. Immigrants are being forced out of their homes, which is causing mass migration. People living in the places they are migrating to are reacting as if others are taking something away from them. Oh, my goodness, you humans play such fun games! It’s absolutely amazing to see. The feminine already has the solution to this problem. When mothers speak to mothers at all levels, things will start to change because this balance is waiting to happen. Re-member, you’re on the planet of free choice.

And this new male paradigm can be based in creativity instead of competition. Eons ago the cave man carried a club, but what if that hadn’t been the male paradigm? We hope you realize that the paradigm is that ancient. So, what if the new male norm was to gain power through harmony rather than force? It is the male on your planet that will benefit from stepping into a new paradigm. Dream, imagine and place your thoughts into the collective record. It all begins with a thought.

There are now places where you can start working with this and the collective is finding a new energy. It is almost as if suddenly all the doors and windows have been opened and fresh air is coming. Make space for the feminine to rise. How can you empower someone with feminine energy? And it doesn’t have to be a female, which is the interesting part. You don’t have to be a male to come up with a new male paradigm. The reality is that once you get the paradigms down and know how it works, you can pass it on fairly easily.  These next few months, you have an opportunity to find ways to make a new male paradigm.

That is magical, dear ones. Yes, it is going to take some effort and it will be a collective decision, not a singular one. There are no books written on the subject, not one course or channel. However, when the energy anchors that opens the next door which you’ve all been waiting for. We’ve told you before that you’re in a time of mastery and during these next several months there are still alignments. You’re trying to find your exact alignment where you can be the highest potential of a spirit pretending to be a human. As a result, you have a lot of changes occurring.

The New Game

We can’t wait to share with you some of the exciting things that you’ll be able to do when you step into this next level. It’s so incredible, because the magic is right at your hand. You don’t even have to think, and you certainly don’t have to take a course or learn how to align yourself to make something show up. It just does. In reality, you will be working with this in different ways. You’ll learn how to step into this other area, although the fear of getting there can create problems. The good news is that once you’re there, the fear is very easy to dissipate. You’re going to find life at this next level much more comfortable for a spirit. It is quite different and, yes, you will step out of the physical. Please do not fear that because it is not really a death process. In truth, most of you won’t actually know you accomplished it until you turn around and prove it to yourself. Just relax, dear ones.

Go through the process and know that you have many opportunities. Every time you see something out of order, anchor it by making a mental note. It’s that simple. When you watch someone on television or the internet that seems to be out of balance with masculine feminine, make a mental note. Then envision how it would work if the paradigm were set differently. You can anchor it in your heart, whatever the challenge or disharmony may be. Basically, you set the intention for it to be harmonized. That’s what happens when you wrestle with any problem. The entire world helps you with it, and that’s the deep truth of the inner level that you’re now starting to reach. How do you reach it? Make space for the feminine.

Dissipating Division

There have been times before when you grew, and again you had to make those advances. You had to go through the 1960s and the 1970s. Yes, you had to burn the bras. You had to do all those things to step out of the control and into the freedom of the feminine energy. Sometimes when humanity moves too quickly, there’s too much of a division between one thought and another. Humans end up with playing this game of back and forth, it’s so much easier if you work together. Although both sexes can resolve this, the feminine wave has the greatest opportunity at this time.

Anchoring Light

Dear ones, you are the greatest magical angels who have ever lived. You can help resolve the world’s problems by anchoring light. How does it work? How do you do that? It starts with awareness. It’s very simple actually, you become aware. Whether you become aware of the problem in the newspaper, on television, or perhaps someone talks with you or your children. Those are the pieces that we want you to anchor. You don’t always have to resolve them, but if you know that there’s a problem there and you see it, anchor that and bring it in. Identify it as a problem, but release the immediate need to correct it. Then take that harmony into your heart, and over a very short period of time it will start changing.

Of course, making space for the feminine is most easily accomplished by creating a new paradigm for masculine energy because the paradigm for masculine energy is completely outdated. The use of force will be ineffective in a fairly short time as humans evolve. So if you can’t use force you’ll have to use harmony, which is what we’ve been trying to work with you on from the beginning. We are getting closer to a new male paradigm. Creating a new male paradigm does not mean that every male will step into it. But as the pressure from the rise of the feminine is felt, having these thought forms expressed is like having a template already in place for how to fit in the new energy. These paradigms are temporary because they must grow,although they will be doing so at a starting place.

There is an opportunity to step into a new reality and to take your charge right now. We ask you in your own lives, whether you’re masculine or feminine, how can you help to create a new male paradigm even for the male aspects within you? It does not make any difference whether you are a man or a woman. We love to trigger you with those ideas. Be able to plant those seeds in very fertile ground because you are the lightworkers of planet Earth. You came in to be triggered at very critical times, to be here at exactly these moments. You’re awakening from the dream at an incredible pace. Reach out and hold each other’s hands. You can make space for the feminine by creating a new male paradigm of power. Well done, dear one. It is with the greatest amount of admiration that we greet you in these ways. We ask you to treat each other with respect, nurture one another and play well together.


The group


By Barbara Rother

Breaking Out of our Comfort Zone

Steve and I live in the city of Las Vegas. It is the place of opportunities. Do we take advantage of this? We find ourselves not doing that very often. It is nice to know there are always plenty of exciting ideas to explore ranging from the night life to the beauties of nature.Usually when we are not spending time with our passion of our work we choose to spend our relaxation moments in the comfort of our home. We tease each other about our life style of being in the coziness of the space we have created for ourselves enjoying a good meal, watching movies or whatever television program that interests us. We find this a treasured time for us to share special moments with one on one conversation and connect on a deep but fun way of communication and togetherness.

Once in a while I realize we have become stuck in our comfort zone. I then feel a sudden urge to create some magic in our lives. Last night I surprised Steve with tickets to a live show at one of the hotel casinos on the Strip. We had time to explore the casino with all its glam and glitter beforehand with a nice dinner and even played my favorite slot machine “Wheel of Fortune”. We each put in $20.00 that allowed us to play in this fantasy world for a long time. Both of us enjoyed winning every once in a while but it was Steve who walked away as the winner with enough money to pay for our dinner. The show was entertaining. We sat next to a young couple who we enjoyed talking to. The show ended late but we were feeling alive with the night. The couple asked us to join them for drinks and dancing. Steve and I looked at each other and decided that since it was so late we wanted to leave and return to the comforts of home. This morning we said to each other that we should have pushed ourselves to join in the late night fun with this couple.

Experiencing living daily life can become a routine that you can settle into easily. It is important to remind ourselves to break into new adventures.  This can bring back the light in life when we spark the excitement of newness. Our minds hold the key to our experiences. Don’t wait for the opportunities to come your way or have someone else come up with the ideas. Be the instigator of your own reality by choosing the life you want to live. Now is the time to create ideas that awaken your personal world.

We can all challenge ourselves to move out of our comfort zones and look to the future with great and pleasurable anticipation. There is a whole new world out there ready for us to explore once we leave the safety net of home.

With love and light,


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Replies to This Discussion

Dear Ishema.,

It is very much inspiring message as usual.

We can learn so much by their experience.



Thank you Sohini,

I always learn something new from these messages.

Love, Ishema

Dear Ishema,

There is so much to know but actually we have limited time !!

But I have experienced certain things that Silence is the best.




Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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