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VirtualLight Broadcast | Beacons of Light   

September 2019

Beacons of Light

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NOTICE: The following channels were given live on the VirtualLight Broadcast and can be heard as they were originally recorded. Below is an edited version of the same channel designed for print. These were edited with the group’s oversight and approval. I hope you enjoy them. Steve Rother



Beacons of Light September 2019

~ Focus ~

Greetings dear ones, I am eM.

I join you this day with the warmest of hearts to tell you a little bit about yourselves. You see, you have been wandering around bumping into things on planet Earth, bumping into each other quite often, trying to find your way Home. And it’s so beautiful for us to watch because we know you, we know your heart. We were with you before you came to Earth more than once. So, you’ve asked us to give you some overviews from time to time, not necessarily to teach you anything but to remind you of the things that you clearly already know.

That’s what we’re here this day to speak about your vision. Well, we’re not going to talk specifically about your eyes or the optic nerve. However, let us tell you that as you evolve and are moving so incredibly rapid through these different stages of evolution, your physical body changes as well.

What happens with that is that you start carrying more of your own spirit in your physical body. That’s the adjustment that is taking place. One thing that we’ve always spoken about is that you are creator beings from long ago, which is so magical. The funny part about it for many is that you’re the last ones to find out. Most of the time, until you look back often years later and say, “Oh, that was a real mess I got into! I wonder how I did that.” And then you trace it back and can recall an emotional memory planted in your mind that turned into that vision. So, if it is that easy to control your environment by simply looking at something, how do you make it work for you? There are some very basic elements that can help start tuning that for you.

Spirit Vision

Most of you are incredibly sensitive, far beyond the normal human, or you would not be reading this right now. With that sensitivity, it means you receive feedback more quickly than most humans and that can be used in your vision. So, when you look at something, ask yourself if you move more into love side or the fear side? That may take a little practice and please don’t think that one is better than the other, because that’s not our exercise. Instead, the exercise is to connect a vision with your heart, and that’s what we’re asking you to do.

Just to give you an example, the Keeper (Steve) often walks around his house looking at this and that. Sometimes he looks at something that makes him go into fear, like that dishwasher, because he’s not even sure how it really works. So, when he looks at it, he tends to look away quickly for it simply doesn’t bring him joy. That is something he needs to work on at some point, but that’s not what we’re talking about today. Now if he turns around and looks in the other direction, he sees a piano. The piano is a little bit exciting to him, but he’s also not that good at playing it. His sight wanders a little further and he sees his guitar hanging on the wall and in that instant his heart turns to mush. That’s what you’re looking for! So, when you see the guitar on the wall and it triggers something positive in you, it’s then that you have completed that process. You have created a vision, which is now anchored with an emotion. This is an emotional memory, so it is a vision with feeling. In the 5th dimension this is a short cut to creation. Remember, your spirit can create anything because there are no limitations in spirit.

In our illustration, we have used the guitar to set the up the state of spirit. If you continue to focus on that vision once that state of emotional memory is reached, it takes the place of goal setting in today’s world. Yes, dear ones, this may take some practice. Does that mean that you can create anything with this method? No, in Spirit you can only create that which you truly believe in. If you are not convinced in your heart, then you cannot create that vision.

In the lower vibrations of the Earth experience, one used to have to set goals and strive for something that was slightly out of reach. Humans have made all the rules about how to do that, and defined the best ways to create through that process. Today setting goals that specific becomes a problem, because by doing so you limit your spirit.

Spirit Creation with Emotional Memory

You see you’re a spirit hiding within a bubble of biology. The spirit’s natural state is abundance. We hope you treat yourself really well as it nurtures your spirit and allows for more of it to shine through. By acknowledging the spirit within you unleash the magic — you absolutely deserve it!  So, in creating that money, does it mean you have to create a specific amount in your bank account? Or does it mean you are supposed to envision the end result, such as your happiness in taking a vacation or having the freedom do something you want to. That’s the vision, because it is the end state you are looking for. Linking it in this way to your emotional memory works well.

All this changes quite a bit from before, when you had to focus on specific amounts and work very hard to create that vision. Now things are quite a bit different and you are creating much faster than you ever thought. As a result, often things go on autopilot and you end up creating things you were not even aware of.

Focus (Be careful where you point that thing!)

So, what we’re going to ask you to consider is very simple. Focus on those things that light up your heart. Take a break into love. Focus on the things that bring you joy and also find those outlets for love. It is very easy to get stuck in the negative energy, so take conscious breaks into the spirit. Some of you have partners, spouses and children, where you have no problem regularly giving love. Others have pets or animals, which help you to ground your love. And for those of you who don’t have those beloveds in your everyday life, find something to focus on that can bring the love out of you. You can put it into that little rock on your desk, or plants in your garden. It can be anything. It isn’t about changing that item, because you’re truly the one who wins when you fall in love. Yes, every single time. So, if you find even small ways or places to share unconditional love, you will find balance. One does not gain when they receive love, only when they give it. Humanity’s changing at an incredible pace right now and the tension is great upon Earth. Just re-member that finding places to give love will change your world. Speaking of your world, we watch as the division grows on Earth. But not to worry, for it is temporary. The division is not your natural state, which is the most important part. If there are two three- year old children walking side by side and one of them falls, the reaction from the other child is to stop and help, not to keep going and try to get ahead. Lacking instructions otherwise they would stop and help. Your natural state is unity. Your natural state is to care about each other and everything around you. You had to learn to be a human. You even had to learn to hate and pretend to be separate. It is really very beautiful for us to watch from our side of the veil.

On Earth, right now we’re seeing a lot of moving up toward a very old bias that has been on the planet for a very long time. It has to do with the physical bodies and where one is born. It isn’t an overall problem, so keep that in mind, dear ones. It’s simply a temporary excursion away from your natural state. You’re truly a Spirit, and your natural state is unity. Your heart is wired to care about each other, and that’s the piece that we wish to share. If you look for the unity, you will find it even in all the separation that’s on planet Earth right now. If you look for the good in a person, you will find it. If you look anywhere on planet Earth for beauty, you will find it. So that’s what we’re asking all of you to do right now; it will ease the tension.

Planet Earth is about to shift slightly, and humans don’t particularly like that feeling at all. Although they may be somewhat resistant to it, but it is also an opening for everyone to anchor the light. If you really focus on sending love and opening up the heart, you’ll begin to see not only that unity in other people, but you will see other people’s spirits very clearly. Then you’ll have a new vision of your own and that’s what we’re after. You are the creator beings. Soon you will see who you really are, and the responsibility that goes with that.

Where are you looking today? What are your choices and your visions? Where are you sending your love to? Keep in mind that what you focus on grows during these times. Many people are having challenges with money, so you focus on the money or on the lack of the money. That’s a big difference. Most people with a problem will naturally focus on the lack. How can I make more money? Well, you start very simply by using a simple tool that the keeper’s keeper taught him a long time ago. When you send off the bills that you can pay, you celebrate that feeling. Rejoice in the fact that you’re completing a commitment and a contract in some way. Celebrate and give thanks for the abundance of paying that bill, even though you have three others that you cannot pay now. Be careful not to judge yourself by that, because that sets the energy of creation into motion.

The next time you open your eyes, you will create something that you weren’t expecting. In an instant something can happen, things can change and it’s not a big worry anymore. That’s how it works and it’s all about where you look. You create the world in front of you every time you open your eyes. We laugh hysterically about that. Yes, dear ones, we do! Because we see you about to open your eyes, expecting to see something that you’re looking for. Then we see all the atoms jumping around just before you open your eyes, trying to create what it is you are expecting to see. It’s a beautiful game. Enjoy this journey, dear ones. You’re advancing so incredibly quickly, and we are very proud of you. Keep up the good work and know that you’re never alone. We’re right there just out of sight.

We see you. That is where our love goes…to you!

It’s with the greatest of honor that we ask you to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another at every opportunity because you’re nurturing yourself. Keep in mind, it’s a beautiful game. Play well together. Re-member, we love you dearly.


I am eM.

The group


By Barbara Rother


Steve and my life have been full of memorable adventures. We love reminiscing about our past experiences. Who knows what is ahead of us on this game of life. The future is bright no matter what comes our way.  We will create new memories to come.

It is important to celebrate life as we have lived it so far. Our paths have crossed so many special people who have all shared a part of our lives and us with theirs.

Reunions are an important pause in our busy schedules to appreciate the special ones who have affected us with their hearts and shared interest. How often have you said to yourself “I wonder what happen to so and so? That is the moment when you are being silently urged to connect with that person. Even if you don’t have the chance to be together in person just a brief call can cement your memory of them into your heart.

 Being homebodies, working from our studio and not traveling, we have been enjoying the comforts of our oasis in the dessert.  That is now changing.

We recently returned to San Diego, California. This was home for us for many years.  Steve and I were asked to perform a wedding for a dearfriend’s son whom we have known since he was born. A small group gathered overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Love filled the air as Steve pronounced them man and wife.  The happy couple’s reception was held the next day. This is when all the rest of friends and family joined together for a beachside party to honor the bride and groom.  We reconnected with loved relatives and close friends as well as meeting many new people. It was fun to see the groom in his wet suite, ready for the surf and the beautiful bride in her wedding white bikini, cutting the wedding cake.

Next we are off to St. Louis, Missouri. This is where both Steve and I grew up. Steve and I met in high school. Now we are flying back to attend a fifty year high school reunion. I find that unbelievable how time has flown by. It will be interesting to catch up with people who shared that part of my life.

 The reunion continues with a family gathering at Steve’ssister’s house where we will see many of Steve’s relatives. Then, a day later, we will join my part of the family at my brother’s home for a get-together. We have often laughed that I have a brother named Steve and Steve has a sister named Barbara. They both live nearby each other in Missouri. I think spirit helped us planour contract together here!

Soon after this trip we are traveling to Belgium for a grand spiritual reunion. We are both looking forward to receiving lots of hugs. We have not presented a live seminar since last year in Holland. We treasure these in-person events. We will be in a part of Belgium that is new to me. It is such fun to see different surroundings and have new experiences.

Then we return to Las Vegas for another in-person event. We love sharing the beauty of our town with others. We will spend the days growing on our spiritual paths and then at night we will play in the city of lights. There is a balance of two different experiences in this fun city. We will see a whole other group of spiritual family here. Some we have known for years and then others who are new to our work. We are all family.

Before long themagic of the holiday season will join family and friends together. Take time throughout the year to take the time to be with those you care about. The reunions of life will continue to connect our hearts.

With love and light,


Views: 98

Replies to This Discussion

Namaste ~ Lots of Love n Hugs ~ Your sharing is full of Love ~ Focus has potential ~ Focus on Light, Love and rest is taken care:  

'Don't sit and meditate. It will be enough if you don't forget that you are the Self. Keep this in your mind all the time while you are working. This sadhana will be enough for you.
The real sadhana is not to forget the Self. It is not sitting quietly with one's eyes closed. You are always the Self. Just don't forget it.' 

Image may contain: tree, sky, outdoor and nature

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Image may contain: 1 person, text

Thank you Mukesh for the beautiful image of the light upon the road. Journeys through the trees always bring me joy. 

With gratitude and joy,


Thank you for this beautiful reminder ♡

I'm glad you enjoyed the messages Sonja. Thank you for your comment.

With love,




Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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