lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

May 2018

Beacons of Light

~ The Keeper of Time and The Day Time Stopped ~


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NOTICE: The following channels were given live on the VirtualLight Broadcast and can be heard as they were originally recorded. Below is an edited version of the same channel designed for print. These were edited with the groups oversight and approval. I hope you enjoy them.  Steve Rother

The Day Time Stopped

NEW Audible Light in Steve’s voice
Listen while you read click on the speaker.Return to this page when the player opens and starts playing.

Greetings, dear ones.

I am the Keeper of Time here on this day to intersect your timeline for just a few moments. Take a breath to realize where you are. Your timeframe of planet Earth has sped up and now you're in entirely a new dimension of time. You've stepped out of circular time into spiral time. Many of you are having a challenge adjusting as is evident in many of the structures of planet Earth, such as in businesses and governments. We are all in this major stretch right now adjusting to this new frame of time as part of your fifth dimensional reality. Oh, yes. We told you some years ago that you've stepped into the fifth dimension, but this is such a major change, dear ones. It takes years for you to adjust, for you to alter yourself in a way and now you are here at a very unique time of planet Earth itself. You are here to help assist in the changes that are taking place.

Play Well Together

There are many changes taking place with the physical body. As we've mentioned, you will be losing density over time, carrying more light, and moving into your bio-luminescence in a whole different way. But today I'd like to take you back to about 20 years ago when we started this work with the Keeper. We decided to have a sign off or tagline, whatever you wish to call it. We always say three really simple reminders: to treat each other with respect, to nurture one another, and to play well together. Well, we know the last one is sometimes difficult for humans. Humans do not like to think of this as a game. Many of you have told us before that it is much too serious to be a game. But in truth, when you see what we do from our perspective, there are so many of these games going on throughout All That Is. However, dear ones, there is no game anywhere that has accomplished what humanity has. You've moved from one dimensional reality into another before the game reached its natural end. This opens up many possibilities that you would not have otherwise. This has been done before, but only in small places of Earth like the Mayans, Anastasi, and Rapa Nui. Never before has any game transitioned from one dimension into another. So, when you look at your difficulties on planet Earth we hope that you realize just how special you are. No matter how many challenges or difficulties you seem to see, we wish to simply tell you that you are far beyond your understanding and all eyes of the universe upon you.

The Day That Time Stopped

There is one important piece that we mentioned to you some time ago, a grand meeting. After the sinking of Atlantis, time stopped. It was one of the first times that time itself completely stopped on planet Earth in your game. Most of humanity had left at that point. most had returned home. Some had stepped into a higher vibrational status and were there watching, yet it was very few compared to the amount of Lemurians had done prior.  You keep wondering when this was in their timeline but we've told you that this was even before the times of what you call Pangea. We also tell you, dear ones, the Earth is multidimensional. So, it's very difficult for you to do your geography or timelines and find out exactly where it is. The important part is to learn from the messages about what took place in Lemuria and Atlantis. A consensus was taken of all beings everywhere and all humans that have ever lived on Earth, especially the Family of E.  Dear ones, the Family of E had a great deal to do with the beginning of planet Earth. Now here you are in large numbers, incarnating to try and make a difference, to attempt to reach a critical mass of light to make these transitions. Oh, yes. You're seeing resistance. Although you're experiencing steps backward, you're also seeing forward movement. We are so incredibly proud of what you have already accomplished. Keep up that good work, dear ones.

When that grand meeting took place, time stopped and a consensus was taken. "What did we do wrong? How did we miss these opportunities? How could this have happened to us? We're such advanced beings so how is it that so many of these beings had to die and return home?"  It was determined that never again would you play the game of separation in quite that same way. Separation simply means that you pretend to be separate. That is the game you are playing on planet Earth, when in fact you are not actually separate. You are intrinsically integrated with every single being, every heart on Earth. It was decided during this game that if ever you got to this point again where you might be able to make this transition into a higher dimension and step up out of the dense physical bodies which you held during those times, that you would do things differently. One of the things that you would do is to pay attention and give equal opportunities to the highest and lowest of vibrations on your planet and you would take honoring the entire bandwidth and simply say, "The next time everyone goes."

You Can Only Move as Fast as the Lowest on Your Planet

Well, that's what we tell you, dear ones. You've got all these ideas of what it takes to go to heaven, you've written books about what it means to have a purposeful life, and you have even developed religions on this exact subject. Take this step, do this and do that. Yes, all of these wonderful ideas for advancement of humanity. Wait until you hear where some of these came from. Interesting how that works, because this time you're starting to understand. We will tell you more as time goes forward, but on this day it was decided that humanity would do things in a different way. The next time you got close to taking this step into a higher vibration you would check all of humanity, both the highest and the lowest vibration within that bandwidth. You would only move as fast as the lowliest on your planet. That sounds very difficult, but isn't that what you're wrestling with right now? This does not mean that everyone must move in the same direction, because you are on the planet of free choice.  What it means is that all must have equal opportunities to make the step up. You see, dear ones, you can have all your rules, your 10 commandments, all the different ideas that are set forth in many books that you all have written, and yet it really all comes down to how you treat each other. That is the most important part of all of the games anywhere, but especially on planet Earth as you're starting to make these transitions into higher vibrations. That is what was decided that day that time stopped. It is the one area that we'd like each of you to look at. Yes, it means you're going to have to work with your own prejudices and your own belief systems. Take a look at those things that have been handed down sometimes generation to generation, a truth sent forward, which sometimes is not actually true. How do you treat each other?

Treat Each Other with Respect

That is the most important part of the evolution that is right in front of you. Now you're struggling with this in many ways and especially struggling with this in certain areas of the world. Although you may think that you're not involved with that, in truth there is ethnic cleansing occurring in many different places and in two parts of the world in particular. You may think that that's not important to you. But consider that you can only move as fast as the lowest vibration on your planet. Now, does that mean that everyone is going to step into the transitions that are at hand? No, dear ones. There are many who will choose to stay behind or who are simply exhausted and do not wish to make these further steps. They're not right or wrong, that is their choice. You're on the planet of free choice, so we ask you not to judge them as good or bad for many will choose to stay behind for a higher purpose. You'll even find that Amor made such a choice so that he could go to Atlantis. There are many opportunities to see this in different ways and as we go forward. We'll tell you more about what is coming and how you are such a huge part of these changes taking place, but we ask you all to take responsibility in some ways. Look at what's happening to understand why these things are taking place. Do some research and if you have an opportunity to speak up and have your voice heard then do so. When it boils down to it, there's a very, very small number of people on this planet who are making this happen.

Nurture One Another

In times past and even in Atlantis, there were the royal and privileged beings. This is what was decided against on the day that time stopped: Everyone had to have equal opportunities or it would not work. Today you are playing out the same challenges. There are many who direct your governments and corporations, which affect every aspect of your lives. You are seeing that the money rules and is behind most things. Humanity now has an opportunity to change that paradigm. It runs much deeper than most think, but there are things on your side now that can make things more equal. One is the rising of the feminine power on Earth and another is your technologies.  You have entered a time of NO MORE SECRETS. We can tell you to follow the money, which is typically one of the trails left behind. A very small percentage of people run your governments and your world; they are after money and power, which often go hand in hand. It is not that these two things are inherently bad, but they can be used negatively and that is truly what is taking place. So, how you treat each other on a global basis? Not only your neighbors or enemies, if you have any, but how does humanity treat humanity? Have you advanced, learning anything from the wars that have gone past? Or have you simply turned your backs and decided that it is beyond your reach?  Have you convinced yourself that you are not responsible for a corrupt government or corporation? Many of the peace treaties that you have written have been learned from those past difficulties in wars, those trusts broken by many countries. When it is in a group’s interest to break the rules, they typically do. Can you make your voice heard on that? Can you watch how your country, or even other countries, treats its own people or those of other nations?  That is taking place on a broad basis and you can witness the inhumane treatment of other humans. More than anything else, that makes this next transition into higher states more difficult.

We are not worried, however, because the Family of E is in place. The Family of E has already made such a difference in many games throughout the universe at exactly the right time. Do they incarnate and fix everything or change it? No, dear ones, that's not what they do. The Family of E goes in with heart energy, holding a higher vibration on a low vibrational planet. They speak truth to power when needed. That's what you are doing right now.

Play Well Together

Many of you have traveled backwards in time to be here at exactly this moment. This is quite an interesting thing, because not long ago it was asked of us in channel how many of the Family of E are on the planet. We told you a number--right at a million and it may seem like a very small number in comparison to the 7.3 billion people that are here. You probably will reach 8 billion, which is a critical mark, a tilting point for planet Earth. She's already tilted; she's already passed several demarcation points. But she's making the space for you to make this transition which is ahead and possible if you can treat each other well. Now we tell you that 1,250,000 Family of E members on the planet. Most are babies who will carry the light as they grow up, and the remainder are beings like many of you who have traveled back in time to help open the doors. And so it is for the last 20 years, we have reminded you of one thing that's very important: treat each other with respect, nurture one another at every single opportunity no matter what you think of a person, and play this game well together.

I am the Keeper of Time. I'm very honored to have intersected your time in this fashion this day. 

Espavo, dear ones.



The Story of Amor

NEW Audible Light in Steve’s voice
Listen while you read click on the speaker.Return to this page when the player opens and starts playing.

Greetings, dear ones. I am the Keeper of Time.

I am going to turn this over to the group in collective, as the Keeper calls it, to tell this next story about Amor. A very interesting process is starting to take place as Amor is growing into adulthood to take his rightful place. Amor’s work is important and he finds such joy in it. We take you now to the times when Amor and Saroo had been traveling for quite some time. They've recently parted ways with their son, whom they found in a backup plan through different parents. He was able to make quite a change on planet Earth during those times in the beautiful days of Mu.

Now, we take you into the whole story as it tends to take a turn. Amor and Saroo had been working together and traveling. Empowering everybody that he meets, Amor’s intent is to travel around to different parts of Lemuria to plant those seeds of empowerment. In those days, of course, you had the open hearts and the connections to each other so it was a little bit easier to work with things. Empowerment found a lot less resistance then. People were more amenable to new ideas and new energies. They didn't quite resist the same way you see that happening today, but we also tell you there was evolution. In many ways evolution meant letting go of the old and that was difficult. That's where we catch up with Amor after one of the great communal fires that they have in Lemuria for each different gathering. You would almost call them cities today, but they always have these traditions of coming together. They would try to find a space indoors or in a protected space. Most of the time these were wonderful fires and the interesting part is that talking around a fire was very difficult. Amor would usually wait until the fire burned down to the glowing embers, as it allowed him to see and be seen by most of the people there.

We find him today talking to a group of elders, and they're asking questions back and forth. One person says, "Amor, you speak of all these empowerment techniques and you speak of building empowered societies. My question is what proof do you have? How do you know that if we take these steps in that way, this is actually going to work?" Amor says, "It's a whole new energy and so the new ideas can now take hold in a whole different way. That’s what we're trying to spread throughout all of Lemuria. Yes, these are new ideas but they have worked every place where we have introduced them thus far.” The elder gentleman, some 350 years old, is giving Amor somewhat of a hard time. He says, "You know, that's not what my parents taught me. Why shouldn't I believe what has been handed down through so many generations? Suddenly you're starting to teach us a new way. Truth never changes. Why should we listen and be open to some of these new ideas, when in fact the old ones have worked perfectly well?" Amor smiled. "Are they really working perfectly well or does humanity evolve? That's the question. Okay, so you want to go back to your father and your grandfather and what they taught you and their truth. Does that still stand true for you today in every aspect? Are you the same people as then? Are you the same type of people that you were back in those days or is it time to start bringing in a new truth?"

He thought for a bit, then said, "Well, you know, it was good enough for my grandfather and my father and probably his father and grandfather too. So why shouldn't it be good enough for me? Why shouldn't it work the same way?" Amor simply says, "Because we evolve. That's the game you're playing -- to evolve into a higher state. So as you evolve into a higher state, you can see new things. Your higher perspective gives you new visions and many of the things that you call the truth. Many of those truths may not be as truthful as you might have thought.  As one evolves into higher states, they start to see a whole new path and a whole new way of finding their own path of least resistance. That's truly what we're interested in helping you work with here today, to give you the ideas that there are new openings, new possibilities. Saroo then stood up and said, "You know, there was a time even in Lemuria where women were not thought of as teachers. In the early days, they had their roles. Even if you go back into early mankind, you can see that their roles were very separate and divided. Women could do certain things that men could not. It was a truth passed down many generations. Women could have babies. What a beautiful gift of creation, so women were typically thought of as the housekeepers. They were going to watch over the babies and raise the children, and along with that came some natural abilities to be able to prepare food. Men were the hunters and women took care of the home. That doesn't mean that it is wrong by any nature, but today, even by Lemuria standards, I am standing in front of you as a teacher offering new ideas. That probably would not have been even allowed in the times of your grandfather, dear one. Today, there are many women who can out hunt the men. We have evolved and moved into empowerment."

And he scratched his head and said, "Well, you're probably right about that.  It was important that my grandmother kept her place but that did not work for my wife." Everyone started laughing, realizing that as people evolve, so does truth. Amor continued, “It's not right or wrong for all humans, everywhere, are always looking for truth. They're looking for that one solid rock that they can put their, foundation on and build from that point forward. Looking for the rock that would never move. In reality, that rock of truth changes. The rock evolves and the rock moves; as humans start evolving to different levels, they start finding a higher truth. “You know,” said the old man, kind of grumbling again, “I was always taught that the real truth never changes and that is how you can tell a truth. What do you say to that?” Amor answered “I would not say that truth changes exactly.  It’s more like it evolves as you evolve. As you raise vibration you see things from a higher perspective. Do you remember the time that we sent those with contagious disease to a special place, so that they did not infect the others? Then we learned how to contain and even treat many of the infectious illnesses. We became more human as we evolved.” The elderly man walked away in silence as everybody started cheering Amor's words.

Amor and Saroo took a few more questions, then went through the night as the embers of the beautiful fire burned down even further. And in time, people started leaving because it was time to return to their homes, time to go into rejuvenation periods. Out of the darkness the elderly man appeared again. He said, "Amor and Saroo, I wanted to thank you for your words tonight. I really wanted to see what you would say. I love what you're bringing to these camps. I love what you're offering people, because you're not offering them just a new way of thinking. You're offering them a new way of being. You're offering them the possibilities of empowering themselves and then empowering the people around them, creating empowered societies in your wake. I've been trying to do that for most of my life and I found resistance at every turn. Today when I asked you those questions and tried to find your resistance to it, you handled it exceptionally well, dear Amor. I have a question for the both of you. I know that your father is very high up in the overall government of Mu and I know that he has probably offered to open doors for you whenever possible." And Amor said, "Well, he has certainly offered, but we've found it best to stand a little further apart and not to take those doors."  The elderly gentlemen said, "Well, I work with your father.  In fact, we've been watching you. Now your father is completely removed from my actions here tonight and from what I am about to ask you. It is simply that many of the elders of Mu, and many of the elders from the encampments you have visited, have seen the work that you've done. You walk into a small encampment of a few thousand people and as you walk, move to the next one. They grow, evolve, and become happier. They flourish in the wake of the beautiful energies that you have left behind. We've seen what you and Saroo have done together and now even your son is off in a different direction. He calls himself proudly the son of Saroo and Amor. Interesting. Now he's doing the same thing, and we realize that it may not be long before others begin to take their place doing what you are doing. This is a shift of empowerment and if it continues we can see that Lemuria will turn into a greater empowered society than it currently is. We're very interested in that happening, as it is good for all. We have a proposition for you. We would like you, Saroo and your son if he's available, to come and listen to what we have to say."  The two men hugged and he left that night. As he walked into darkness past the burning embers of the fire, Amor thought he may have recognized him from somewhere.

Amor immediately grabbed Saroo and pulled her aside. After the talk Saroo had been surrounded by several women who wanted more from her.  She was not able to hear the conversation between the two men. Amor and Saroo returned to where they were staying and talked. Amor was so excited, he found it very difficult to sleep that night. He was very hesitant because his father had opened the door to move in to the government many times, yet he was afraid too much would be expected of him or that he would be expected to be a duplicate of his father in some way. Amor prided himself on being his own person, stepping in and creating his own path. Still, he couldn't wait to hear what they had to say. Amor envisioned the possibilities and after a while came to the conclusion that he must stay on his current path and turn them down. He practiced saying no in a very kind and graceful way. He and his father got along very well; that was not the problem. The problem was that Amor wanted to stand on his own, create his own energy. When he started writing and doing his teachings, he felt completely empowered within himself. That night as they went to sleep, Amor mostly wrestled kind of a half sleep. The next morning, of course, they made their way toward the next encampment a couple days away. They were able to talk quite a bit on their journey and Saroo asked him over and again, "What do you think of that? Is that interesting to you? Would you even be interested in taking a job with the government?" 

“No,” Amor said, "I can't think of it anymore. My head is completely swimming with all the possibilities, but it's exciting and it's wonderful that we were even asked to come join them at that place." So they made it to the next encampment and they made their talk that evening. A huge crowd showed up, because now word was really starting to get around in Lemuria that these people would share words of empowerment to help change lives for the better. They would somehow give you the tools that you would need to see things from a higher perspective, to look at yourself in a different way, and to live an empowered lifestyle. Then they would challenge you to go off and empower those around you, and so it was as one heart touched another then another and another. This huge spiderweb went throughout all of Lemuria, even before they could make it to many of the encampments. They were well known by the work that they did and how they changed people's lives. Of course, they had their opponents. They had those who did not wish to change at all or wished to change more slowly. They had many who even tried to stop them from coming to their encampments. After all, wisdom came with age. Amor and Saroo had not even reached their first hundred years of life yet.  Who are they to bring all this new information in? But they handled it really well. They did what they could to empower those naysayers even a little bit more than the people that were asking for it.

It was an interesting time. Amor and Saroo had carved out a beautiful life for themselves, being treated well by all the villagers being fed when they came there and even paid them is ways. People would give freely of their wealth to support them. So they were quite abundant at that time simply by doing what they absolutely loved to do. The biggest challenge is that they never knew when their support would come. At times they had to plan their spending carefully to make it to the next encampment.

Then came the time when Amor and Saroo were to return home. They were looking forward to seeing their parents, brothers, sisters, friends, and people they knew from where they grew up. They wanted to share all the wonderful stories that they've gathered from their travels to all the different beautiful places of Mu. Upon returning home they were met by Amor's mother, who of course welcomed them in and had a beautiful place for them to stay, offering to feed them and take care of whatever needs they had right away. ”Once a mother, always a mother” Amor used to say. She loved doing that, so she played that role for them and they let her. They allowed it for the very simple reason that they were empowering each other.

That night Amor's father came home. He had just been out to a large meeting with many of the elders and he came and he said, "Amor, I know you've been asked to come to the meeting in a couple of days and I look forward to that. But I have to tell you I know nothing of what they've been talking about or why you've been called here. Only the fact that you had been called." Amor was very surprised at that because his father knew pretty much everything that was going on, especially amongst the elders and groups that helped to make many of the choices. But Amor found it interesting and he also found it quite a relief that this was not a big plan of his father's to entice him to move into the government. Amor also knew that his father absolutely loved his job and valued having the opportunity to be able to empower other people like this. It thrilled him to no end that he might be able to help his son in some small way.

So that night, Amor and Saroo slept very well. They were home. The next couple of days were spent with Saroo's family and seeing many of the friends that they had grown up with, people that they had not seen for many years now. Amor and Saroo were surprised because although some of them did not quite completely follow their work, many had heard about it. They had become somewhat famous in the early days and later days of Mu. A few days later the time came for the meeting, so Saroo and Amor prepared themselves. Amor practiced his graceful “no.” He wanted to say no with such gratitude and prepared himself because he loved the path he was on. They were met by many friends as the went to the meeting. Inside the hall they were seated at the front of the room. The Elders of Mu from many lands were all there and many of them Amor knew. Several had taken a meal at Amor's home as he was growing up. He was very interested to find that the family of Etu was there as well, along with a select few of Amor's friends, his mother and Saroo’s parents.

The meeting began and the traditions of Mu were read, as was the custom, which was considered an important part of the Elders work. Then the meeting turned to the business at hand. The elderly gentlemen who had approached him that night was there and he stood to talk. Even though Amor had not recognized him, he was one of the elders that worked with his father. Amor realized that he never asked his name. The man spoke “This day we have gathered to propose a change to our formation.” Amor looked over at his father who seemed quite startled at this statement. “Amor and Saroo, we know you're very confused as to why you're here. And Amor I know that you're here very hesitantly, because your father has asked you on many occasions if he could open a space for you so that you could move into doing the work that he does. That is a natural position of a father and we've also known your resistance to it. So we greatly appreciate you coming to hear what we have to say.  We've been watching Amor, as you and Saroo have gone from encampment to encampment from town to town. We've watched the incredible effect that happens after you leave. Yes, and in some encampments, it takes weeks, while in others it takes only days. Although in some encampments it doesn't seem to happen for months, it always happens. You have a real gift. We've read your book and we have talked to your friends. We have talked to those who seemed to know you the best and we have a very interesting proposition for you. We would like the two of you to be the first ambassadors of Mu, Ambassadors of Light. In many ways you'll be doing exactly what you've been doing before and you don't need to tell anyone that you work for the government if you do not wish to. But we would like to support your work and make it a little bit easier for you to do exactly what you are doing.” Amor was taken aback and he didn't know what to think, because he had prepared himself to say no in a graceful manner. He had expected to walk on to the next piece of the offer only as a beautiful badge or a thank you. Yes, it was wonderful opportunity that he would turn down and go back to what he was doing. He was so incredibly surprised that they had offered something that not only was doable, but would fit into his work very well. So, he gratefully said that he and Saroo would need to talk about this before deciding. He asked for more details and they said very simply that they would prepare the encampments that would be visited. They would set up the travel and arrange safe passage from one encampment to the other. P, prepare accommodations, and supply a small staff to take care of their needs. The idea was to take some of the burden off of Amor and Saroo. And furthermore, they would set special time aside each year that they could rejuvenate on their own, take time out or perhaps write another book, whatever they would like to do at this time.  The offer was for a three-year period. Amor smiled broadly, then he and Saroo left the meeting. All the practicing Amor had done to say no gracefully was not used and only a couple of days later they accepted the job.

So it was, unbeknownst to his father, that Amor and Saroo became the first Ambassadors to Mu. Not to people outside of Lemuria, but to people inside of Lemuria, at all the various encampments. They were both very honored. It was a very magical time and soon they began their work. Even though they did not hear from their son Amber as they started out, he showed up very quickly soon after and joined them for some of their journeys. He was now using the name Samor, in honor of his parents, and eventually he would become the third Ambassador of Light. They were welcomed at every city and place that they went. They also started spending more time talking one-on-one to people after the presentations. The presentations themselves became shorter, while the one-on-one discussions tended to grow longer because Amor gave everyone the opportunity to be a little more personal as to how to apply these empowerment techniques. So it was in the days of Mu.

That night as they lay their heads down to be together under the beautiful stars, everything was good in Mu.

Espavo, dear ones.


Equality of Spirit

NEW Audible Light in Steve’s voice
Listen while you read click on the speaker.Return to this page when the player opens and starts playing.

Greetings, dear ones.

I am Merlia and I join you this day in great celebration, for you have reached levels of balance that we did not think would be possible in this very short timeframe. You've stepped into the fifth dimension. Oh yes. It's exciting, it is wonderful. But sometimes it's almost like stepping into a mud puddle, not quite knowing what's there or how to work with everything. We tell you that what you have started to do is to balance the masculine/feminine in a whole new way. There's much work to be done with this and still a lot to unfold upon planet Earth and humanity. As you take these next steps, dear ones, it is this feminine rise of beautiful energy that holds the key to taking you comfortably into the next step. Not that one is better than the other, but we tell you, you have been out of balance for so long. To balance the masculine and feminine again is very powerful, and you're starting to see it happen over and again.

I'm so incredibly excited that many of the things showing up in your news media reveals how the collective humanity has reached a critical mass with certain things. Yes, it is difficult and yes, we've warned you about the backlash to that. That will continue as well, but we're also so incredibly proud of all of you. You are the Family of E, each and every one of you. The possibilities that you hold for this energy is absolutely incredible. We will tell you more about that, but what we want you to know is that you hold the answers to many of the questions that even you, yourselves are asking.

‘The Mud Puddle’ of the Fifth Dimension

You hold the answers, because many of you have come in as experts on exactly the transition that humanity now faces. You have done this before and that's what we're here to help you re-member.  It is not necessary that you re-member every aspect ahead of every single step that you're going to be taking. But what we want you to understand is that mindfulness of your heart. Trust that you are on the right path and you are here with a purpose. As time goes forward and you anchor yourself in this mud hole sometimes called the fifth dimension, you will be amazed by it. We told you it was very interesting to see, because we thought for a very long time that planet Earth would end the game before you would be able to step into that higher vibration.  That was not to be though because you made it, you stepped into it. Oh, does that mean you're safe and you never have to do anything again? No, there's much turmoil on Earth even as a result of stepping into it but you're up for it, dear ones. You're seeing hearts and minds change collectively very quickly. Now, the Family of E is a very important part of all this because it is all about equality. However, do not call it the Family of Equality or the Family of Empowerment or any of the many E words that fit this, because there are many. Interestingly enough, the Family of E has incarnated and even played games in a higher vibrational status. Not always in a dense physical body, but they have been there for many of the games throughout the universe. The Family of E has always been there at a time when a little push of critical mass could help things to move ahead smoothly, instead of taking huge steps backwards into fear.  

The Spirit Is Equal

Many of you are here right now, as you have been over eons of time, during the many games that you have influenced in one way or another. Sometimes just by playing a role, or by being a part of it in some way. There are things that you have learned, that as a family you have grown to work with equality. Probably the most important thing that you can do on this planet is to embrace equal rights. Yes, that's equal rights for your belief systems and religions and for your economic status, which has never been equal. Equal rights for who you are and which race of energy that you decide to carry as a spirit. We find this absolutely fascinating dear ones, because you've been struggling with race equality for so long. Planet Earth has been one of these great testing grounds where you could try new things. Here, you could try on new parts and add them to your game. You can work with things in a different way and you have done so incredibly well with it.  Now we find it a very interesting situation. It is fascinating that you're still dealing with race inequality. Racism has surfaced many times on Earth and now it is playing a bigger part than was expected. Now you have many leaders in your world who believe that one race is superior to others.  In no less than two places on Earth at this moment, you have ethnic cleansing taking place without resistance. If only humans could re-member their origins when all beings are connected. We ask all of you to send energy and attention to these situations.


Dear ones, a simple understanding of multidimensionality would stop this at its core. Each person on Earth has 11 different yous. You're not just one person. You have eleven reflections of the same energy and core personality in various parts and even dimensions of the world. Playing in slightly different bodies, making different choices, hiding a little bit of your perfection in each one of them. Race inequality, believing that one race is somehow better than another, is partly a lack of responsibility. Many times a race is judged as the reason that a person does not have what they want. To play the game in duality there must be a good guy and a bad one. It is time to step out of that duality thinking as it no longer works in the fifth dimension. We find that fascinating, because in reality if you are one race here in one of your dimensions, you are probably another one in a different dimension. If a human is blaming a race of beings for their problems in life, then chances are very high that they actually have several of that race in other dimensions. When a spirit enters the game, they are refracted in eleven different experiences of the spirit.  Over here you say, "I am going to take this type of body over here and I am going to be Asian. Over there I'm going to be black, and over here I'm going to be white. Fascinating! They are all spirits and the spirit is equal, which is the most important part about it. Are the physical bodies equal? No, of course not. Are the races even equal in many ways? No, they were never meant to be for they were intended to have different experiences of the spirit. Now you're dealing with one of the most difficult, because you have spent so much time after being imprinted in the second dimension. It is that dimension where humans learned duality; up and down, right and wrong, love and fear, male and female. Yet all of them are connected spirits in equality.

With the 11 different yous, until recently it had been quite common for a very long time for a spirit to come in and assume the same sex in all 11 dimensions. But now you're starting to see a wide variety of sexual expression of belief systems, of understanding of who you truly are because you're starting to balance this inequality. Keep in mind, dear ones, no matter who you are or what your judgment of another person might be, the spirit is equal in every single one of you. There was a time we even gave the Keeper the idea of having a Spirit’s Rights Declaration, for you have had Declarations of Equal Rights on your planet over and again. Many different countries have different Declarations of Rights. We find it very beautiful, and so we gave you a Declaration of Spirit Rights so that you could declare that the spirit has a right to make choices and grow, and the right to have equal opportunities in their advancement of spirit. You did well. It imprinted everything and now you are walking into this reality.

(NOTE: The Declaration of Spirit Rights can be found on at where you can add your name if you like.)

It continued for 30, 40, even 50 years in this way, but this is how it was dealt with then all of a sudden it changed. The critical mass is due to the Family of E, and there are some fascinating things happening with that. We will tell you more of the story of the Family of E coming up, more about who you really are in your own history, as somewhat of the troubleshooters of the universe.

The Family of E: Troubleshooters of the Universe

Now the challenge is that most of the Family of E question if they're on the right path, they wonder who they are and if they are finished. Many are still awakening and often see someone doing something over here that they would love to do. They wonder if they're on that right path or whether they need to rebuild their whole life. Dear ones, the Family of E has already been trained for this and the work ahead is deeply engrained. Now that the Earth is transitioning, they will find themselves in the right place at the right time to do their real work. The interesting part is that they had to jump in and put on the veil of forgetfulness so that they could not re-member their connection to everyone else, and so that they could pretend to be separate from each other. Most of the E Family are very empathic, to such a degree that it's hard for them to even live a normal life. Their empathic ability is what helps to change all of the hearts they touch. Let's say you've got a person living next to you that's holding an old belief system, standing in the way of evolution in some way. He has a right to do that, of course, for there is no right or wrong about it. You've come in to make a difference and yet you feel that harshness coming from your neighbor since you are so empathic. You even find it difficult to be around him sometimes because he is so rigid and so absolutely opposed to anything that you are saying or doing. You would be happy if you could just move away, but what you don’t understand is that many times you are balancing the energy in a positive way for all the others around you because of your empathic abilities. Although you may never see it, you are creating a better world for all. Most of the time this requires no specific action on your part.

Spirits in the Front of the Line

Dear ones, as you left home you were placed in the front of the line. You had the highest potential of making a difference on this planet, so those who did not have the same potential that you did stepped aside to make space for you to be here right now. You see, at Home you are not burdened with the ego you must carry on Earth. Everyone wants the best to go forward every time. Many of you are in backup plans, even choosing different parents at the very last minute so that you could be here at this exact moment. Although perhaps you have not always had the support or understanding that you wanted or needed, but here you are right on time. The important part that we want you to know is that those who stepped aside for you to be here are waiting to help. You're on the planet of free choice, so they're not going to jump into your game or tap you on the shoulder and suddenly start channeling through you. Dear ones, they must be asked but only if you wish, because this is your game. You will now find that the veil has thinned substantially not just between your other dimensions of time and space, but also between Home and Earth and that's very exciting. This stronger connection to Home has a lot to do with the balance of the masculine and feminine. In the months ahead, you will see evidence of the feminine power returning to take its place on Earth.  

Know that you're a chosen one. You have chosen to be here right now and we are so incredibly excited about that. You are the Family of E. So, what if you don't know the next step? The next step is to simply take a step in any direction, for that will lead you home if you follow your heart. So don't worry about taking the wrong path or stepping in the wrong direction. Even though you know the path perfectly, many of you will step in an opposite direction just so you can have that experience. You can see something new. It’s going to be a joyous time as you take these next steps as higher vibration bodies, as the Earth transitions into its next stage. Soon you will start losing the density that has burdened you for so long.

Keep up the good work, dear ones, and know that you're equal as spirits. Balance the masculine – feminine in your own world. Open the doors to Home and give yourself permission to receive information, then ground it as it comes in. Tell another person, write it down and figure out a way to bring it into your world more than just into your head and life. You keep looking to balance those opportunities of masculine/feminine whenever possible. You are the greatest angels that have ever lived and we are incredibly proud of you. Keep up the good work, dear ones. We leave you with three simple reminders: to treat each other with respect, nurture one another at every opportunity and play well together.

I am Merlia.  Come up and see me sometime.



Heart for the Homeless


By Barbara Rother


The other day I was running around town doing errands. My first stop was the bank to drop off a deposit.  As I was pulling into my parking spot I saw a young women, maybe age 25 at the most, pushing an overloaded shopping cart full of her entire belongings. It broke my heart that such a young person was obviously homeless. She stopped only to drink some water and rest under a shade tree. I felt sad for her to be going through such a tough life experience while I also felt blessed that I am experiencing abundance in all areas of my life. I somehow wanted to help this person but by time I came out of the bank she was nowhere to be found. I took a moment and sent her heartfelt thoughts that her life would somehow turn around in a more positive way.

Unfortunately the homeless population is growing. At many major street corners there are people asking for help. How do we react when we see them? I use to try to ignore them and look away. I thought if they really wanted help they would turn to a church for guidance or find some sort of employment. That attitude did not give me a feeling of peace rather it left me feeling heartless toward my fellow man. I wanted to somehow change my reaction to this problem.  When do you help by giving money and when are you adding to the problem by doing so? I knew in some small way somehow I could make a difference.

There are many reasons a person becomes homeless. I felt the first adjustment to my thinking was to stay out of judgment. Each person has a personal story that left them in this state of being. I realized all of us could run into a streak of bad luck turning our own lives into one of despair. The loss of a job, no family to turn to, illness, the feeling of hopelessness  are all situations that can rob our existence as we know it to be now. I thought, is this a reason why so many of us look the other way not letting these unfortunate beings into our realities? Fear of what could be? It is frustrating when we ask ourselves “what can I do to change this problem?’ Only you can decide that.  I have started carrying around a small cooler in my car with cold water bottles. I have seen the deep feeling of gratitude when I give a person in need a small gift of water, smile and wish them a good day. It just takes a few minutes to connect to another human. The rewards of the heart can last into everything you do.

Years ago our business decided to raise money to help a local homeless teen center. The money was presented to them at their Christmas party. It was so rewarding to see the happy faces celebrating others caring for them as they received this gift. For most of them this was the only gift they received during this holiday. It was a joyful experience for me but also it saddened me to realize that so many of these youths did not have a caring family and home. 

Steve and I lived in the San Diego, California area for years. This is where we raised our sons.  At the end of the street where our house was, was a beautiful park with grassy hills, a large swimming pool, tennis courts and a community center. It was a perfect place for families to gather. There was a local homeless person who took up residency there. It was rumored that he stayed with friends now and then but mainly he spent his days and nights at the park. At first this bothered me and some of my neighbors. He would be passed out from drinking on the grassy lawn. I called the police one time and they said “Oh, that’s just Steve. He’s harmless.” They explained he was mentally handicapped and that his parents had kicked him out of their home when he turned eighteen. Everyone in the neighborhood and the park learned to accept “Steve the bum” as he was lovingly named by all. As we got to know him we found he was a sweet soul. He watched out for all the neighborhood children making sure they were safe. He even found and returned our dog when she ran away. As far as I know Steve is still at the park hopefully happy.

There are some people who are not in integrity and pretend to be homeless. When we lived in San Diego we bought an apartment building as an income property. It was not in the best area of town but Steve totally refurbished it making it a beautiful place for people to live. He told me there was one young man whose profession was begging. Every morning he would dress in worn, ragged clothes and go the local university to ask for money. He told Steve he made a fortune, at least enough to cover his rent, food and drugs. This left me feeling negative toward anyone asking for money. He was not homeless at all but taking advantage of college students who felt sorry for him and gave with heartfelt generosity.  But that was just his story. Now I remind myself there are as many different situations as there are people begging.

This is a worldwide problem. Steve and I feel blessed that we have had the opportunity to travel with our work. I will always remember as Steve and I were walking around the charming side streets of Israel when we came across a crippled woman sitting on the ground holding a malnourished child. She said nothing but only held out a cup. We knew it felt right to give money to help her in some small way. Her smile in return made our day.

When you see someone in need go deep into your heart and ask how you can help. Sometimes an acknowledgement of their presence, a smile and maybe a few kind words can make them feel appreciated and give them hope. We all need that in our lives.



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Replies to This Discussion

Thank you Ishema for this amazing sharing.

I will remind as often as possible the three important reminders:

  • to treat each other with respect,
  • to nurture one another, and
  • to play well together.

Thank you again.

Divine Love and Light to All


Thank you Hari for letting me know that you are as big a fan of these messages as I am. These simple phrases sum up the essence of Love. 

With gratitude and love,


Yes, it is true. Your and so many more members' love and enthusiasm to share these messages makes them more lovelier.

We are so lucky to receive the messages from so many Holy Light Beings. I am deeply grateful to them and everyone sharing the messages. I am confident, this time we won't let mother Earth and humanity down. 

I pray to Creator and his creation to open more and more hearts to receive Divine Love and Light.

Divine Love and Light to all.




Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!



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