Beloved ones we greet you,
There is much that you need to accomplish during the ‘pause energy’ in this month of March. This is a month of anchoring deeply into that, which you have already become, to open and receive you.
This is an important time to feel you and anchor your place within this earth plane and to claim your place within the Universal collective. As you claim your place consciously there can be a new frequency activated through you, a supportive aliveness of your light moving through you, supporting you in your next step.
This energetic anchor is likened to you growing roots, taking your place within this new energetic framework that has been set in place for you to thrive. There is the action of powerful nourishment being provided and activated within your anchor. This sustenance is designed to bring you into a new setting of awareness during this ‘pause’ moment.
This energy takes you beyond the limitation of thought. There is the potential for it to move you into a state of reunion with the moment with little interference from the illusion on your planet.
We hold a platform this month for you to Be. Resting yourself, being held within this new energy of your own potential. The plan is for you to let go and rest in that which you have become.
We witness you and ask that you make the decision to let go of striving. Hold out your hand in a state of receivership so that you can receive the abundance of who you are now. We recognize you. Now is the opening for you to recognize Self.
Let go …..let go…… strive not.
We hold a mantle over you at this time to enrich your experiences of your moments. Let go and breath… receive.
Beloved you are received right now into the Sacred Realm of you. Enter with your breath and be received.
The Pleiadians
I cannot believe that we are in March already. The concept of time is dropping away, and there is the sense of timelessness. With the passing of each day, there is an added intensity of energy building, there seems to be an increase in the speed in which the day completes itself.
I am witnessing some very unique energies beginning to open up on our land here in Grand Marais. There are some new energetic dynamics anchoring between the 1st and 2nd Pleiadian Communication Portals and the Lemurian Portal. There is a transformational link of energy opening up between all three Portals.
As I am beginning to glimpse this transformational interaction I can feel an energetic matrix energy begin to open up and flow between the three individual Portals forming a Pyramid of Light between them.
This energy is familiar and I am becoming aware of a knowing, a remembering beginning to arise within me. I sense rather than understand the energy within my own heart as it opens and is responding to this birthing Matrix flow within the Pyramid of Light.
I can liken this unfolding process within my heart to watching the sunrise - it feels like I am interacting with the sun through my heart just before it peeks over the horizon, just before it shoots its rays of light over the land.
I do know that I am being strongly affected by a powerful metamorphosis that is slowly and steadily growing between these Portals and at the same time within me.
With this transformational link birthing through our land, I can sense a definite collection of powerful forces coming to merge and support the ongoing creation of this Matrix energy within the Pyramid form.
The Pleiadians and Galactic community are here supporting this transition and the Galactic council are overseeing the energetic transfers that are setting up on our land.
There are a series of energetic brilliant sacred forms opening up through the Matrix and birthing the blueprint of a Stargate formation through the Matrix light within the very center of the Pyramid. This is a monumental experience as this sacred alignment is the beginning form of a Stargate blueprint.
As this is unfolding there is simultaneously the forging of a pathway from the Blueprint to the active Stargate Pyramid of Egypt. I can see and feel a strong overlay of the Stargate energy calibrating through the blueprint within the central place of the Pyramid energy held between the three Portals. A mountain of light is building on our land through these energetic interactions.
Through these many dramatic expanded dimensional settings opening up right now, we find ourselves needing to orientate within this newly birthed energetic framework that exists. This powerful process is dictating that we transform, so it is essential at this juncture that we let go on yet another level to be able to function within this new Framework.
I do know now that a Stargate is going to fully evolve on our land. I can now understand more about the process that we have been going through physically to prepare for this event. As the energy of the Stargate evolves we are going to have to continue to keep being committed to our changing role. No distractions, no expectations, just a committed focus of intent to Be.
With this activity of the Pyramid of Light opening up between the three Portals a frequency of huge dimensional proportions has begun opening up. We have had the Pleiadian ships coming in and interacting through the Pyramid. We are being guided to continually let go and allow ourselves to be taken into this new frequency of consciousness that is pouring out of this powerful Pyramid of Light.
As all this is unfolding, my third book, that will make up a trilogy of Pleiadian material, is underway. In moments I feel like I have been asked to ‘pause’ in my writing, and I have to trust this… knowing that the space will open up for me to continue when the time is right. With this current transformation taking place on the land I know that an aspect of my integration is imperative to some degree before I continue to write any more of the manuscript. I also understand the full energetic significance of the forming of this Stargate in relationship to my bringing in the sacred content for the book.
I continue to open to life, which is magical and the magic is to be found in each moment. I want to remind you to reach beyond the illusion that is presenting to you in any experience. Don’t try and understand what is taking place. Simply let go and be on the ride.
You can do that by simply putting a hand on your heart. Bring your awareness to your heart and breathe that Conscious Breath. Letting go with each breath into a deeper connection to your heart, to Truth.
Let’s give thanks for all that we are individually experiencing now, however it is being expressed in our lives. Being grateful for the magic surrounding us in the smallest and biggest ways.
We are in the middle of a sacred time of monumental change and we are being called to consciously shift how we manage the moment of our experience. We are being called to choose to witness the moment, to breathe and let go. Now is the time to let go of assessing ourselves and to move into a deeper state of self-acceptance.
I send out to each one of you love and support for your next step of your journey. I honor you and the experiences that are before you in this moment of time.
Love and blessings,