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Cosmic Connection Meditation By Solar An-Ra ... And ... Message From Mother Mary By Linda Li ... And ... Weekly LightBlast: Being and Doing By Jamye Price

Cosmic Connection Meditation 

Close your eyes, and sit with a relaxed but aligned spine, in a chair or on the floor. Smile as you sit there, your hands relaxed and open, shifting into the crystalline frequency of gratitude. Perceive the unconditional love of the Creator all around you, entering into your energy field, and now into your physical body. You accept this love now. It is a soft but bright pink light, entering your field now, and you accept it joy-fully, grace-fully, unconditionally. Say out loud:
I am loved
I am be-loved
I am worthy
Feel yourself opening to receive; opening to accept the love of Source; knowing that you are a blessed child of the universe. And the love of the Creator is your fundamental point of reference, your reason for existence. Your crown chakra opens now, in unison with the Cosmic Star Portal chakra at the top of your aura, as you receive the loving, activating, enlightening power of Source into your being.
Now, bring your awareness to our beautiful planet, below your body. You are sitting on her body, and also IN her energy field. Feel overwhelming love and gratitude for your true Mother opening within you and pouring through a grounding cord that starts in your belly and connects down, into the central heart of the Great Mother. Say out loud:
I am one with Gaia
I am a part of her
She is a part of me
You re-member your connection with your planet now, in your every cell; in every atom of your be-ing. Your blood is singing the song of Earth; your cells are vibrating with fer frequency; remembering their home. As you pour your love into her body, she pours her love into you, and you light up with the radiance of her loving, healing, creative power.
Your prana tube is now active, a crystalline energy tube running through all 12 chakras, plugged into the Great Central Sun at the heart of your Milkyway galaxy; plugged into the core crystal of Gaia. You have opened this energy channel through your love for the Creator and your love for planet Terra. You have opened this all-important channel through your acceptance of love from Source and Mother Earth. When your hearts are open in love and gratitude - and you allow the love of the Creator and of Gaia to be received into your bodies - you activate your energetic pathway of union with them, and thereby, your multi-dimensionality.
This is easy, is it not? We are gifting you with a method to maintain your connection, your power, and the flow of abundance and grace in your life – simply by opening to receive love; and by opening to give love and honour to the two-way source of your existence with every breath. Watch your breath now – the key way into your consciousness – and feel how you are able to draw love and sustenance from above and below. From the Cosmic Star Portal at the top of your aura, the energy streams through into your heart. From the Earth Star Portal at the bottom of your aura the energy of the core Crystal streams up into your heart. And you are the centre of the universe, floating in a sea of energy that unites all things.
You are able to connect with All-That-Is through your heart-felt desire to experience Unity Consciousness. Love opens codes within your greater light body now. As your 12 chakras spin simultaneously to the right, 12 vortices spinning in perfect union, igniting the one-heart now – your fifth dimensional heart chakra. When you open yourself in love and gratitude for All-That-Is, you take your rightful place as co-creators in the Divine Plan for Gaia, acting as channels for the energies of both Source and Gaia. Your prana tube spontaneously activates, and you gradually become aware of your true nature, remembering your true purpose. Say out loud:
I let go of all resistance to change.
I am a co-creator in the Divine Plan for Ascension of Gaia.
I am a channel for the energies of Heaven onto Earth
And So It Is, dear ones. And So It Is.
From our One-Heart to yours, Namaste.

Video: "Cosmic Connection Meditation ~ the Pleiadians through Solara An-Ra"


Message from Mother Mary 
Noveber 10th, 2016 
By Linda LI 

Mother Mary says, dear heart, I am Mother Mary. I come today to console you and comfort you. I understand that majority of you seem unable to grasp what just happened in America, and are wondering what to do next. I understand that feeling of disbelief and feeling of lost.

Dear heart, what just happened in America actually is a good thing. What is good about the election is that the result is a mirror reflection of where America is in terms of sexism, racism, patriarchy dominance and other issues, like inequality, media manipulation, corruption in the government and the list goes on. So, all that has played out in front of the public. Americans get to see how ugly things have gotten and are awakening to it, and that serves the purpose of Ascension.
Secondly, Donald Trump just played a role he signed up to play. It is not his ego but his destiny to serve humanity, which got him there, won the election. He is doing his Divine duty. I understand that from the surface, it is hardly the case. But beneath the judgement, you will see what he had done for humanity. He had dug out most of the 3D ugliness for humanity to see and release, and that is the Ascension process. You relive the past and release so that the healings can happen. So, he just did that, dug out all that no longer resonates with the new energy, release for the public to experience, and together, we heal the past.
So, he actually did a great favor for humanity. For that reason alone, we should say thank you to his soul, a great soul by the way, and move on.

You may ask what we do next. I would say dear heart, Divine has a plan. All will play out according to Divine plan. So, don't dwell on the election result. Just move on from it. Stay in peace quietly, let collective play out their frustrations and emotions so that together, we move onto next phase which is the restoration process. We are almost there, moment by moment, we move closer and closer to the next step. So, stay positive and have faith. Divine plan never fails.

I love you dear heart. Divine just decreed that all of our dear light workers have done a remarkable job in the process of releasing, and now it is time to move to the next step which is to restore Gaia and humanity. Divine knows that our dear light workers need rest, but meanwhile Divine wants all of our dear light workers to know rest is necessary, but dwelling on the past is not.

I love you dear heart. I pray that all of you have a nice break, a well deserved break. I pray that you continue to send love and light to your brothers and sisters, encourage them to actively heal, heal humanity and heal Gaia. I pray that humanity knows this is temporary, it is just the process. Things will change. So, stay positive and move forward. I pray that you heed Divine's call for peace and love, heed my call for love and action. Stay positive and loving. Know all is well indeed. I am Mother Mary, I love you. So it is.

Weekly LightBlast: Being and Doing By Jamye Price

Blessed Being, your interaction with Life is determined by your balance of Being and Doing. As we define the two, Being is your inner action, Doing is your outer action.

Doing is natural to you. Movement and change are constant in Life—even from the subatomic and the largest of scales, where movement isn’t visible from your perspective. You are physical to interact with the physical realm. This is Doing, and it is a constant part of life on Earth.

You are aware that Doing can become a trap of physical focus, an endless cycle of action without fulfillment. This can create an energy of greed, harming others, or numerous experiences of lack that causes a human to seek distraction or fulfillment with a focus on the external, material world


Yet this “trap” of Doing is the perfect catalyst to direct a being inward. As fulfillment is lost again and again, the being begins to seek a deeper connection, an inner experience. Doing does not go away, it becomes intertwined with Being. The infinite movement connected. The two becoming one, duality transformed from the separation of two into the diverse connection of one.

Being is a peace within. Being is Knowing All is Well, even in a moment of unknown change. Being is a strength within that connects deeply with Life. Being is your inner action of connection with your self, with the flow of Life, Time, potential, and the catalyst of the present moment. Being is an inner awareness, your full self anchored in the present moment, even while you are “Doing.”

External action becomes deeply connected to your inner Knowing.

Being and Doing flowing infinitely as you shift your polarity instantaneously between inner and outer, giving and receiving; creating from the reflection of your inner Love and peace.

To connect Being and Doing, breathe easily in the moment. Find an inner focus of All is Well and changing, for you are capable and supported by Life in ways that may not be obvious yet.

As an exercise, breathe in with the intent, “All is Well,” and exhale with the intent, “I am capable.” Repeat and reverse this. Practice a longer version of this in your quiet moments. Throughout your day, practice a single breath in and out, for quick access to your inner peace. Your effort to nurture yourself is vital in these times of change. Your inner strength and empowerment will create a profound inner connection with your life, amplifying your Being into a powerful catalyst of Love.

As we sit to Blast Being and Doing, we are nurturing our inner world into a peaceful flow of Knowing All is Well. We are embracing change, for all that is occurring is the perfect culmination in the moment to stir desire for new creation. We are unwavering in our Love of Life, for the tide of humanity awakening is rising in a powerful wave. We are swimming deep to find the still waters that propel change with a graceful swell, honing our inner peace within chaos. We are the chorus, reminding others what is available within each Being, as we are Doing our best to Love the ride of life on Earth. Blast on!

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Dear Steve,




Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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