lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Venus Sphere of Knowingness By Natalie Glasson...And...Stop Your Whinging & Whining & Continually Shine Your Divine Light Into Everything...And...Take This Step.....And Be Happy !

Venus Sphere of Knowingness

by the Venus Beings Channelled through Natalie Glasson 

In eternal love and truth, we, the Venus Beings come forth to greet you. We are ever present with you, constantly supporting and assisting your personal ascension and the spiritual evolution of the Earth. Our energy of pure love continues to flow through the dimensions of the Earth and humanity; we are sharing essential love codes and templates to further awaken and remind you of the presence of love within your being. Our love in this second phase of Venus’ alignment with the Earth has three main purposes:


  • To support, awaken and encourage your acceptance of the wealth of love within your being, recognising that your love flows from the core of your being, soul, soul group and the Creator, and is present in your daily reality.
  • To aid and assist your acceptance of the power of love, essentially encouraging you to ground and use your inner power in your reality, while recognising your power is born from your inner divine love.
  • Creating actions born from your inner wealth of love, while recognising and fully acknowledging the transformations and shifts that love can create within and upon the Earth.

We, the Venus Beings, are guiding you to awaken, embody and experience these three main purposes of the second phase of Venus light anchoring into the Earth. We know that through your accelerated awakening at this time and your acceptance of our support in the Earth’s ascension process of becoming a planet of love, you may feel our presence more strongly around you.

Many of you may feel new Venus guides joining your community of spiritual guides or feel drawn to work more intensively with the Venus energy as healing for self and the Earth. We, the Venus Beings, are inviting many people who feel guided to connect with our energy so that we may work in harmony with you and your intentions to deliver great volumes of love to the Earth.

The Earth and her humanity are moving now through a transformational process of awakening love. It is as if the most exquisite love is unfolding from within, journeying to its creation and manifestation. The journey of unfolding love is occurring within your being; it is the most amazing process that reveals to you your ultimate truth. As you journey through the process of love unfolding, not only will you accept your power, trust, faith and embodiment of love you will learn the purpose of love in your reality and lifetime upon the Earth.

Aligning with the Purpose of Your Love

A powerful practice is to ask yourself and contemplate in meditation: ‘What is the purpose of my inner divine love in this reality and lifetime upon the Earth?’

Take time to breathe deeply as if you are breathing in harmony with the question until you feel a transformation within you. The shift will be that you are no longer breathing in harmony with the question. Instead, you are breathing in harmony with the answer within you; the purpose of your inner love for your current reality and lifetime.

The shift may be subtle, and yet if you are willing to recognise the shift, you will feel a great volume of love unfold from within your being merging with all aspects of your being. You may or may not be able to recognise the purpose of your inner love within your current reality. However, the knowingness will be awoken and embodied by you, ready to be revealed when you are prepared to receive. When you do align with the purpose of your inner divine love you will discover that the alignment remains with you always through each and every day of your reality. It synthesizes with all that you are, all you create, all you do and becomes an integral core within all aspects of your being and reality.

The Venus Sphere of Knowingness

With the acceptance of the purpose of your inner love, you will discover yourself awakening at an accelerated speed with love overflowing from your being in all directions. The more love you allow to be present within your being, energy field, thoughts, emotions and creations the more you will find yourself opening to receive the Venus energy with greater understanding and acceptance. Your love quotient will increase and so we will be able to share diverse and wonderful tools, skills and ascension practices with you to further aid your spiritual evolution and embodiment of love.

We, the Venus Beings, wish to make you aware of an opportunity which is awakening within our energy and which we wish to make available to you. The Venus Sphere of Knowingness is a dimension within the energy field of the Venus civilisation. The Venus Sphere of Knowingness is being made available to those who have embodied a significant volume of love and have accessed a greater sense of trust in love. The Venus Sphere of Knowingness is available for you to access, exist within, contemplate and receive wisdom, understanding and inspiration concerning your ascension, the ascension of the Earth, the purpose and influence of the Venus Beings and advanced information concerning the Creator’s love.

Although named a sphere it is a dimension of the purest vibrations of love synthesised with the will of the Creator. Numerous beings come to our planet to simply connect with this dimension to receive illumination and enlightenment. We, the Venus Beings, are constantly connected with and experience the Venus Sphere of Knowingness, it allows us to receive the necessary understanding and information to guide and assist our own civilisation and support the entire Universe of the Creator, including the Earth.

The Venus Sphere of Knowingness is being made available to you to support your experience of the three main purposes of the Venus second energy phase anchoring into the Earth. The Venus Sphere of Knowingness will support you in accepting and accessing the power of love, recognising the transformation that love can create through action born from love and the full acceptance of the presence of love within your being, reality and all.

The Venus Sphere of Knowingness is a dimension of accelerated enlightenment born from the presence of love. It allows illusions to be cast aside and truth to emerge from foundations of love, with the purpose of creating the love of the Creator.

Video: "Venus Sphere of Knowingness by the Venus Beings" -


Accessing the Venus Sphere of Knowingness

To access the Venus Sphere of Knowingness is simple:

  1. Focus on receiving the second phase of energy transmission from the Venus civilisation. Imagine the Venus light of a pink and turquoise colour flowing over and through your being. Breath the Venus light into your being noticing that you are being filled with love.
  2. Invite your soul to awaken purer vibrations of love, transmitting these into your higher heart chakra and heart chakra. Feel, sense and acknowledge the presence of your soul and love within your higher heart chakra and heart chakra, overflowing into your entire being.
  3. Recognise yourself as a shimmering beacon of powerful love vibrations which are emanating from your being.
  4. Say out loud, ‘Venus Beings, I am now ready to be aligned with the Venus Sphere of Knowingness, please harmonise my entire being with this dimension of pure love, enlightenment and knowingness.’ Recognise any new vibrations, energies, colours of light flowing over and through your being. The Venus Sphere of Knowingness may emerge from within your higher heart chakra, expanding to surround you completely, as if you are encapsulated in a sphere of Venus love and enlightenment.
  5. Take time to simply exist in the energies. Observe your entire being recognising any shifts, insights or knowingness that dawns. That which you receive may be able to be recognised with your conscious mind, if not, then simply trust that you have received all that is needed and the knowingness will become apparent with divine timing.
  6. When you are ready, send energy from your higher heart through your body into your Earth Star Chakra below your feet to ground all the information, wisdom, understanding and enlightenment you have received, whether you are consciously aware of it or not.

We encourage you to experience the Venus Sphere of Knowingness as we, the Venus Beings, feel it will bring greater depth, meaning and understanding to the shifts occurring within your being and ascension at this time.

Constantly in love with you,

The Venus Beings

Read More from the Venus Beings

Free audio download of Natalie's message:">

Video: "I Am The Embodiment Of My Divine Self" -

Stop Your Whinging & Whining & Continually Shine Your Divine Light Into Everything

The Federation Of Light Message on April 21, 2017 Through Blossom Goodchild

Hello there! I would like to continue on from last time, as I have had so many letters regarding this feeling of ‘observing’ one’s life etc. So many seem to be feeling the same. For me, it is getting stronger. Oddly enough, I was talking to my husband about the old movie ‘Cocoon’ … about a bunch of Oldies being taken off to another planet to start afresh. I have a strangely strong feeling of that! I know I won’t be whisked off … It’s more the symbolism I feeling, I guess. Any thoughts?

Greetings of a most bountiful and giving nature to One and All, Dearest Friends. Yes, we are aware of the Energy upon your Planet that is making so many feel ‘out of sorts’, as we have mentioned before. The plane fact is, that there are Energies transforming so much at this time, that it is impossible for you not to be wrapped up in it.

So much on your Planet is offering the news of gloom and doom and yet, we offer news of a different variety … of a different Energy.

For you see, Dearest Friends … now is the time when the Energies and the transformation … this change … is so strong, so prominent, that you are actually experiencing it in a physical/emotional perspective … more so than at other times of shifts and changes. The Higher the Vibrational pull that is flowing in to your Planet, the more deeply you are connecting with it … For you have ‘worked’ your way up to this point … and so much more is now possible.

The feeling of being ‘ready to go elsewhere’ as in ‘Cocoon’ … is indeed symbolic of ‘moving into’ a NEW place. A new perspective on life itself. These changes that are taking place and the imminent ones to come … on a bigger scale … and leading you into the promised land.


This I do know, my friends. Yet, in all Truth I just cannot get too excited due to the time scale being so different between us. You have none … we live by every second. Yet, I must say, I don’t think I have ever felt such a shift, personally! And therefore, very much looking forward to it settling down and looking out upon the new perspective. In the immediate future of this particular shift, how will things be apparently different to us?

That is a good question. The use of the word ‘apparent’ … for it is of the nature of ‘as far as one can tell’. As with all things , we cannot guarantee 100% what will be /take place as it is down to each individual and how they behave/react … as to what actually shall occur and how ‘soon’.

Yet, we tell you this … as your Vibration begins to settle in this Higher scheme of things … you will definitely notice a difference within yourself. For, although the ‘outer picture’ on display to all, does not look so bright … there will be Brightness within your Beings that KNOWS BETTER. That KNOWS DIFFERENTLY.

This feeling many of you are having, of being ready to move on … is simply a state of Being as you lift into a Higher frequency … and although it is still with its ups and downs … a HIgher frequency is a Higher frequency … therefore, things on all levels … have to be better … all round.

Thank you. I understand what you are saying. I guess I feel lacking in enthusiasm!  So many of us want to do ‘more to assist this change’ yet unsure of how. Therefore, we feel a little lacking in the contribution department. I know we have been told to just smile and spread Light … I get that … yet, there have been many comments of everything seeming so pointless!

Yet … how can this be so? Is it pointless to raise the Vibration of yourself … all … the Planet? Just by having a good time? To us and indeed, as you have once said yourself, Blossom … it seems like the perfect plan!

Yes … the plan is indeed Divine. Yet, not always that easy to put into practice. That’s the thing. I feel we need to move on to another level of understanding exactly what ‘a good time’ is? It’s not about holidays or partying or drinking and smoking. We somehow desire to ‘escape’ by these methods or watching a movie or mundane TV … just to zone out from reality. I am not saying ‘all of us’ … but in general it seems this way.

And yet … these very escapisms will dissipate as one rises Higher. One will be drawn into their Higher potentials and MAKE MORE OF AN EFFORT to meditate and be amongst nature. To spend time in games and fun with family, instead of sitting together in a family group where no words are spoken … because each one is so engrossed in a private world on their devices.

What is it exactly you are trying to escape from?

Mmm.  I need to think about that. Reality? The mundaneness of it all?

And yet, we would say … so many of you have fallen into the trap. The trap set by those elite Beings, who do not wish success upon you. Those Beings of lesser Light who desire for you to live in a mundane existence. Where you ‘blob’ about because nothing excites you. They have programmed you to feel this way. Your inner Truth knows these Truths.

Yes. I do … and I don’t fight against such things … I succumb most of the time … well, at the moment I feel this way.

Because their desire to dampen and dispel Joy are heightening. They have to up the ante because they are so very much aware that THE LIGHT OF TRUTH AND LOVE IS SHINING THROUGH and there is little they can do about it.

So, dearest friends … are you going to sit back and let them win?

Not on your Nelly. What would you suggest?

Getting off your proverbial behinds and start taking control! These methods to keep you lulled into a sense of false security … these trickeries that make you believe something is so different from what it actually is … are merely systems to keep you at bay. To Literally STOP YOU from Being your TRUE LIGHT.


Are you not going to stand in your Light and say ‘NO MORE! We came to fulfill a mission and we SHALL see it through!’

STOP falling for these webs of entanglement that hold you in a place of ‘awaiting your fate’.

Remove yourselves from these falsities … these disguises of untruth and START FEELING /BEING WHO YOU TRULY ARE.


You, YOU need to take hold of the situation.

Yes, you are going through major transformations … and yes, this can leave you feeling a little lost … yet, do not fall to your knees and surrender … do something about it.

Start your daily meditations … exercise … eat healthily … play … share moments of Joy … take time to send your Love out to the Planet … the all that is.

Give gratitude AT ALL TIMES.

DO WHAT YOU KNOW TO DO … yet, have let slip by the way side.

Many of you may say ‘Oh, but we do not have time for all that’, ‘We have to work, we have to do this and that’.

And we say to you … MAKE TIME FOR ALL THAT.

These are your key survival methods. By doing such … you strengthen EVERY VITAL PART OF YOUR BEING.

You are preparing yourself for all that lies ahead … This is necessary. To strengthen mind, body and spirit.

If you know you have a marathon coming up, you prepare for it. You do not suddenly decide to run all those miles without preparation. It would not turn out well.

The same for walking into the New World. Much preparation is underway on so many levels … and your part is to stay strong … on all levels of self.

We say to you with all Love and respect … NOW IS THE TIME TO ‘GET A GRIP’ … to ‘PULL YOURSELVES TOGETHER’ and …

My God, I have to laugh … for I know what your next sentence is to be …


So unlike you!!! Yet … I Truly get where you are coming from. For I feel no malice … and yes, perhaps we all need a bit of a kick up the doodah! Well said!

Of course we smile and come from humour and Love. Yet whinging and whining will not get you to where you are going. Stop complaining about the state of affairs and do what you came here to do.

Shine the LIGHT THAT YOU ARE CONTINUALLY … out to the Planet. Shine that Light of yours into every situation ... every circumstance … every thought that you offer to self and all.

 Just shine that Light … all the time.



Yet, it has been forgotten.

These Higher Energies coming in are here to help you. Blend with them … welcome them … they are here to help you recognize more of yourself and allow acknowledgements of wonders to come to Light.

Do you see Dearest souls? Please take a breath with is now … and FEEL what is occurring.

We are entering the next phase … a very important transformation into a HIGHER POSITIONING OF YOUR SOULSELF. YOUR SPIRIT is moving into a place that can be recognized as so much nearer to home. Where one’s self can feel so much more at ease … so much more comfortable BEING in/with itself.

And from there, Dearest Souls … it is plane sailing, as you accept the new place … as you settle down within it. You will reminisce of how tough times once were … and give thanks that those days are over. You will congratulate yourselves and all for getting this far ahead in the Divine Plan and you will rejoice in the KNOWING that LOVE … only Love ... is what got you through.

Onwards Dearest souls. Never give up … never give in.

We are closer to you now than ever before as these Energies allow us to be so.



Thank you. When you were saying about ‘pulling ourselves together’ … you were so right. It is so much easier to succumb to the negative energies and just think ‘so what’. Yet … Truly that just isn’t good enough is it? So, thank you for the pep talk. I will make an effort to implement change and prepare in a more stalwart fashion. Follow on troops!

We are a gathering of Light. The more we recognize ourselves as such … the Brighter the Light we can shine. In Love and thanks to each one of you.

Ditto my friends. Ditto.


Make every day a HAPPY HUMAN DAY!

Please revisit The Invocation 'We are the Game Changers' whenever the mood takes you ... to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can.

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Video: " Let's Experience Divine Happiness & Freedom" -

          Message from the Grandmothers

 Take This Step.....And Be Happy !

We want to see you happy.

"Oh, how we love you
  Oh, how we love you," the Grandmothers sang.
"Please begin to love yourself the way we love you," they said, gazing into my eyes. "Ask us to see through you--to look out through your eyes, to hear through your ears, to think through your mind, and feel through your heart. Ask us to live and breathe through you so each time you look outward it is US looking outward through you. "
"The negative conditioning that's been heaped on human beings makes it difficult for you to witness the beauty around you, even more difficult to witness the beauty that you are. But we can easily see it. So right now, ask the Divine to start operating from inside you. We will then see through you."
"Living with this Divine perspective will bring you a life filled with happy surprises. You will fall in love with life and fall in love with your own precious self. And the love that will fill you each time you realize how truly good you are will shoot throughout the Net of Light, automatically blessing everyone. Eyes of love cannot help but bless whatever they touch."
"It's not difficult for us to see through your eyes; really there's nothing to it. You just have to ask us. Try it! Go to a mirror right now and ask us or any form of the Divine you love to look out at you through the windows of your eyes. Your eyes will immediately soften and as we look through you, your heart will also soften. As you continue to invite us in to "see" in this new way, happiness will wash over you and then wash over everything your eyes touch. We are here within you, accessible now and always, so start allowing us to love through you."
"Inviting the Divine to live inside you will give you joy that will infect everyone you meet. Go ahead. Take this step. We want to see you happy." 
The Great Council of the Grandmothers/ 
 For more of the Grandmothers' messages, go to
Video: "Expanding Your Consciousness While Manifestation Your Soul's Desires - By Steven Hutchinson"

Views: 152


Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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