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Soul’s Original Intention – The Fairy Dimension by Master Hilarion Through Natalie Glasson ... And ... Empowered Choice By Jamye Price

Soul’s Original Intention – The Fairy Dimensionby Master Hilarion Through Natalie Glasson 

I, Master Hilarion wish to share with you a most recent experience from my journeys upon the inner planes of the Creator’s Universe. I am the Chohan and overseer of the 5th Ray of Light which is an expression of the Creator’s qualities represented by an orange light. The 5th Ray of Light supports soul discovery and enhancement as well as weaving the divine with science both on the Earth and the inner planes.

Along with my passion of guiding souls who come from the Earth and the Creator’s Universe to my ashram, I also enjoy travelling the Universe of the Creator to discover more about this Creator energy which is at the core of each being; labelled the soul. I discover how the soul can be enhanced and how I can guide others to connect on a deeper level with their soul.

I am drawn to areas of the Creator’s Universe where light technology is created and experienced. I am always interested in how we can integrate light technology into new developments in science, experiments and inventions upon the Earth. I am especially interested when beings draw upon the divine inspiration of the Creator when contemplating science as this always creates new and unique possibilities for all. All that I discover and connect with I channel into the 5th Ray of Light so others who connect with or visit the 5th Ray of Light may benefit from the energy and inspiration.

The Elemental Dimensions

One of my most recent journeys through the Universe of the Creator enabled me to discover more about the soul. When I speak of the soul, I am speaking in general, including your soul, my soul and every soul in existence. My intuition guided me to the Elemental Dimensions, which I like to label the magical kingdom because the Elementals exist more than many within the spiritual dimensions as limitless expressions of the Creator.

Incredibly unique and diverse are the Elementals and those existing within the Elemental Dimensions that they encourage us to perceive the Creator in a completely new, exciting and diverse manner. It is very exciting to be given such freedom within, when entering the Elemental Dimensions. The freedom is always present within; however, the Elemental Dimensions support you in exploring the Creator with greater depth, freedom and expansion. It can be completely mind-blowing.

There is a reason why many have forgotten the Elemental Dimensions and try to create an illusion of the Elementals having a low vibration. Entering and connecting with the Elemental Dimensions is often too much for many, they cannot cope with seeing the truth of the Creator so vividly, magnified and in such detail.

Some beings discover that everything they once believed can be shattered, because of the expansive nature of the Elemental Dimensions and because of lack of understanding and grounding, they can become lost within the Elemental Dimensions. I, Master Hilarion, have a few pointers that you may wish to retain should you find your soul guiding you to the Elemental Dimensions, these allowed me to enter and return from the Elemental Dimensions.

  • When entering the Elemental Dimensions, there is a need to always first create an intention for your visit. It is important that the intention is specific. Examples, ‘I wish to heal my heart chakra.’ ‘I wish to discover my soul to assist me in my life and spiritual growth now.’ ‘I wish to gain wisdom to assist me in being of service to nature and the Elemental Dimensions.’
  • Ask for the most appropriate being from the Elemental Dimensions to step forth, greet and connect with you to be your guide through the Elemental Dimensions. You may not have previously linked to this being before. However, this being is the most appropriate to work with you.
  • Then say, ‘I now allow my soul to direct me within the Elemental Dimensions. My pathway is clear, and understanding dawns with ease for me. I am grounded and my mind is open to the truth of the Creator.’
  • Imagine a green and golden orb of light, like a bubble hovering above you. With your intention draw the bubble to your third eye chakra. Allow the green and golden light to merge with your third eye chakra. You will then enter the Elemental Dimensions.

The Fairy Dimension

To continue my story, I, Master Hilarion, entered the Elemental Dimensions with my intention at the forefront of my mind. ‘My intention is to discover and enhance the soul and its presence for all.’ It was a Fairy who came to greet me. The gateway through which I walked was a creation of weaved branches filled with green and golden leaves which appeared as droplets of honey suspended from the branches. She, the Fairy was there to greet me. I could tell she was of feminine vibration, not because of her appearance which was pink and green flashes of light, but because of the energy, she emanated to me. A warmth and comfort surrounded me as I found myself being led through a magical woodland.

The Fairy who invited me to call her Yosha stopped me every so often and asked me to look at a plant, tree or the view before me. I would see that it was like a picture painted from light so detailed and creative. Then there was a flash, and it was as if I was seeing behind the picture. I saw the energy constantly moving and vibrating which was forming the picture. With another few flashes, I saw the being who had created the vision before me (a Fairy), their original intention and then I saw nothing only the formless light of the Creator so bright it was breath-taking. Yosha, stopped me many times until the energy and truth of each transition filled my senses.

In the distance, I could see a large ball of light suspended in the air. As we moved closer, I saw that the ball was moving, vibrating and constantly changing. The ball was created by millions of Fairy beings gathering together as if they were having a meeting that they were very excited about. Yosha guided me to walk straight into the ball of light composed of Fairies.

I hesitated before doing so asking my soul for reassurance and then I moved forth. It was as if I had walked into another dimension. I found myself sitting on grass surrounded by large rocks of deeply coloured Rose Quartz. Millions of Fairy beings flew in the sky above me and around me. Akin to orbs of light, as I caught sight of one, it was as if my third eye extended and moved into embodiment with the Fairy.

I found myself flying as the Fairy, understanding their purpose, gifts and qualities. No sooner as I realised what was happening, I was back in my own being observing them once more. It was an unusual experience which brought me joy and great understanding. The type of understanding and knowingness that cannot be expressed with words once it has been grasped.

The Wisdom Imparted

Yosha appeared before me. By simply acknowledging her I became her as if my soul was merging with her soul. I heard her voice and vibration pulsating through me. ‘In the truth of the Creator’s Universe, there are no boundaries between souls. Souls merge all the time throughout the Universe of the Creator. The energy you are now doesn’t belong to you. It remains as you recognise it now because of your intention.

Is there a core within you which belongs to you alone, describes you and identifies you? The answer to this is both yes and no. Your soul was born from an intention, a vision, thought or expression of energy. That energy merged with other aspects of the Creator building a truth and wholeness. More qualities, energies, love, light and intentions appeared forming the soul more fully.

Your essence is born from the synthesis of the Creator’s light. You are a creation of synthesis.

This means that there is an original intention within your soul which has been magnified, empowered, expanded and explored. This original intention when discovered and accessed is akin to a key which allows you to exist in harmony with your soul, fulfilling your needs and evolution. The greatest purpose of a soul is Creator synthesis. Each soul has a different synthesis intention to discover, explore and express the Creator fully.


Video: "Channeled Messages Soul’s Original Intention – The Fairy Dimension by Master Hilarion" -

Accessing Your Soul’s Original Intention

Accessing the original intention of your soul can enable your manifestation and creation abilities to be magnified and empowered. We, the fairies, wish to share with you & Hilarion a prayer of truth which we invite you to share with others.

‘I invite my soul, soul group, guides and the Creator to hear me now. I wish to discover my soul’s original intention. The intention that acted as a seed for the energy that I am now as my truth and highest essence. Please filter with clarity into my mind, awareness and heart my soul’s original intention. I know that this intention will be simple and may not even seem that profound as everything that is the Creator is always simple. I am willing to accept the simplicity of my soul’s original intention. I invite myself to become aware of my soul’s original intention in the coming week. Thank you.’

(Take a moment to rest and receive, continue to take moments to rest and receive throughout your week.)

Hilarion, remind souls that when they access their original intention, whether they are conscious of it or not, it can bring great realisation about life, the spiritual journey and purpose. Then when they manifest projecting their energy from their soul into their reality, they will have the power of their soul’s original intention which will advance their manifestation skills and encourage them to experience fulfilment.’

Yosha, continued for some time and I, Hilarion simply sat enjoying the energies, light and activations which were taking place within my entire being.

With gratitude and love,

Master Hilarion

Read More from Master Hilarion

Free audio download of Natalie's message -

Video: "Blossom Goodchild. Children Of The Light meditation. White Cloud and Divine Source Energy" -







Empowered Choice

Empowered Choice By Jamye Price

Blessed Being, as always it is a precious moment when we meet in your awareness. We know you throughout time, and we know your uniqueness in form. This Earth journey that you are evolving through in form is natural to you. You are embarking upon it because it is one that you, as one focused on positive evolution, have a unique experience with.

You have evolved your consciousness throughout the universe, the dimensions, the realities of consciousness and you have created an Akashic access to potentials that could benefit this reality. Your evolutionary experience offers potential here on Earth that is on one hand, a natural evolution; and on another hand, an assisted progression.

Your compassionate heart has been called forth by humanity to assist the evolution of the Earth experience. 

Have you noticed that your compassion, something so natural to you, is not as natural to all? In truth, it is natural to all, but everyone does not have the same access to it yet. Just as it is natural for a child to walk, but they go through stages of strengthening to accomplish it over time.

You may have been born into empathy, or you may have opened to it at a later stage in your life. Your Akashic history determined the perfect path for you. Now you find yourself in the crucible of change, a time in great need of positive focus and action to harmonize the hearts of humanity. Understand that this is a natural step of evolution, yet your Akashic experience lends great assistance to the path of harmony. 

Life builds through resonance. It is inevitable.

The configuration, the timing, the specifics; these are the culmination of free will and divine will; or the mixing of the laws of physical reality and non-physical reality in response to current resonance. 

Your true work is to change your resonance, the depth of vibrational information within yourself. That changes what you are connecting with in the subtle realm, what future potential you are anchoring into form. 

As your resonance is aligned with your powerful compassion, you are anchoring a change that is rooted in Love, the powerful engine that connects Life. Indeed, it is connection that has brought you to this moment of awareness: that your Love is already the effect, the cause, and the beginning of solution.

Challenge creates a desire for solution. It is that desire that has brought you to this focus of choosing to Love Life more, to enjoy Life more. These are times of powerful change. Your compassionate focus on the future allows a new creation to form, rather than repeating fear-based patterns. You have been called to more Love, more strength, more focused-awareness of the potentials of humanity and yourself. Your bring this into form as you are choosing with compassion and empowered Love. 

Empowering Your Compassion

To strengthen your compassion, practice when you are not in challenge. When you find those moments of feeling good, practice connecting with your heart. When you are in challenge, it is going to feel more difficult to access. It doesn't mean that you are not accessing it; it is just more difficult to feel that access.

Part of the polarization of challenge is an aspect of your evolution. Good feels good, you want good. Bad feels bad, you don't want bad, understandably so.

What you recognize as you don't polarize away from the bad and only to the good, is that all of it begins to feel more manageable. You are building an internal strength so that the things that challenged you before are now easier.

This is a clue of your empowered Love leading you rather than fear.

First, practice compassionately connecting with yourself, and with life when you are feeling good. Then consciously remind yourself of the power of your compassion while you are experiencing a challenge. It likely will not feel good at first, but that's okay.

Let us give you some practical ways to connect with compassion, to connect with your heart. There are two ways that humanity recognizes Love—one is within the self and one is outside of the self.

At different times and for different people, one or the other will be easier. Both are important, though most especially—given the progress of humanity, the self-loving, loving the self is very important.

Self-Love is the strength within that allows you to flow Love easily around you.

When you put your hands on your heart, that stimulates a connection. It is a physical sense, it is palpable. You have chakras in your hands that are flowing energy, your whole body flows energy. These hand chakras are very potent, so as you place the palms of your hands on your heart, you stimulate a very physical connection with your heart.

As you add breath to that and breathe in, you are then moving energy through your body. Air is a primary subtle energy on Earth, the basis of Love and Spirit that feeds you. Your hands on your heart combined with your breath will stimulate your parasympathetic nervous system in a way that starts to support an ease in your physical body, your mind and your emotional flow.

We recommend doing this sometimes with your eyes closed and sometimes with your eyes open. They stimulate your brain in different ways, and they teach you how to connect within and connect to the world outside of you.

Practice this when you’re in a moment of ease. As you begin to practice this consistently, even for a few moments a day; you will begin to notice that your body forms a habit. It forms a new pattern. Because of this simple action, you have changed your physiology.

Self Love Flows Outward Areon Channeling by Jamye Price

It may sometimes stir up feelings of agitation, anxiety or emotion. Allow it to be, and keep connecting with the heart. If you don't have that experience, that's fine. If you do, it's something transforming.

What does this do, not only to you, but to the world around you? When you are not in the midst of challenge, it will feel wonderful. When you're in a moment of challenge, you access a balance that sustains you. It will naturally build a foundation of strength in your physiology that will support you through challenge.

What was challenging before, is no longer.

This is natural to your physiology, it is how you grow, learn and evolve. Yet, remember, it may not feel as good in the moments you begin this practice. It  may require your awareness to remind yourself that what you are doing is important and potent, and having an effect on you. That effect then emanates into the world around you.

Your Sensitivity is a Natural Strength

The balance of your inner world and the world around you comes into resolution within the powerful electromagnetic vibration of your heart.

This is why, as you notice your sensitivity, it is actually an indicator of your strength. As you begin to want more of a connection with your heart, you are beginning a process of change that strengthens your compassion. It changes everything.

There's a perfect reason to not seeing it at first. As you love yourself more, you are feeling safer connecting with life. As you connect with life more, you are physically changing yourself and changing the world around you. It is not always an easy process, but you are learning to honor yourself, your uniqueness, your individuality.

But you don't see it at first because it's an exercise in learning to trust yourself and trust Life.

You are learning to trust the experiences of your life. You are learning to make a choice based on your internal desires rather than external reward. This is powerful exercise for streamlining your vibration into the truth of your desires.

If you saw it immediately or experienced it immediately, it wouldn't stay with you enough to change you. You would just keep passing through similar creations without creating real change—new creation.

This is why patience is a virtue, it opens you to the perfection of the pace of life so that new creation can be nurtured to bloom.

That is the excitement of this time. Your compassion is becoming more profound because it's coming into your awareness and connecting with your choice. This strengthens your compassion. Previously it often connected with feelings of powerlessness and victimhood.

It is not for you to save the world; it is not for you to avoid the world. It is for you to experience in your unique way, in your unique time frame, and honor the power of your connection, the power of your perfection.

Your awareness, your uniqueness is a profound treasure. Embrace yourself when you feel good and embrace yourself when you feel vulnerable. Embrace yourself when you feel sorrow and embrace yourself when you feel anger. Embrace yourself when you feel creative and embrace yourself when you feel compassion.

Any emotional experience is a potential of transformation.

As you allow it to flow, you are allowing the fullness of you, and then of Life, to be embraced. You are choosing through empowerment

This is what you are observing with humanity now—that which they have kept suppressed must come forward. Allow yourself and your powerful compassion to be embraced by Life and recognized as part of the whole of this diverse Life. You are a unique individual, as all are. You are a valuable, treasured part of the whole universe. How profound is that? That is what you are.

 Eeshah, Ehmah, Ehtah. We love you. We receive you fully. We are forever changed from the interaction with you and we bring that forward into Life. All love, all perspectives, all experience. That is the beauty of you.

Jamye Price

Jamye Price

Video: "Heart Coherence to Bring Greater Love and Divine Presence Into All Areas Of Your Life" -

Prayer To Help Bring Divine Love, Joy, & Truth to All - By Peace2The World
Dear God, Universe , the Highest Light, I ask you to work through me to bring joy and love to all people I meet in my life.

Dear Buddha I ask you be by my side to assist me with the hearts truth, highest truth, to bring your joy and truth to all people around me.

Dear God may your heavenly love work through me in all i say, do and spread to all people I meet in my life, so they too feel all your happiness in their life
so that my words and action reflect your truth, and only the highest truth, the highest light and love.

I ask Archangel Michael for guidance and a sign in my life

Thank You.
in Holy Spirits name,
Video: "Angelic Fire Transmission: Working with the Archangels"

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Dear Steve,

Thanks for your messages...


You are most welcome Sohini.

Infinite Blessings of Love & Light,




Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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