lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Thank you! - Information from the 20th of October to the 7th of November 2010



Dear Lightgrid Family,



for having helped to anchor the Crystalline Energies

for the last 10 days and today!!!


Tonight we will have our last session :-)


Open up to the energies


Feel the connection between all of us.

Feel the connection to our Beloved Cetacean Friends and Star Family.


And if you feel that this is useful,


You are welcome to include them in our daily connections from now on as well!


Our brothers and sisters who live in the oceans have been holding the light for all of us for aeons,

Now it is time for Humanity to take responsibility as Keepers of the Land again.


The veils are thinning

We are able to embody more and more light each day

We are ready to LEARN from our Family of Light what our tasks really are.


LightGRID is bridging the gaps of light on Mother Earth





And the dark areas are melting, melting, melting :-)


And our Brothers and Sisters in the Oceans are helping us now to connect the continents, races and kingdoms!


And our Star Family is with us



They are proud of us, I hear them say ;-)


And so it IS.




Now, here's a short overview of what is to come in the next few days:


On October 24 Humanity Healing is calling for a Global Oneness Day. Are you ready to respond? What can you do on that day to really feel the brotherhood of men and the sisterhood of women - LOL - ? Whatever you choose to do - sharing your ideas here at this discussion might inspire others to do the same or something similar ;-)


October 29 is another important date which is not to be missed: The Planet Venus, the Sun and the Earth are all aligned in a row and Plasma from Venus will reach the Earth!

Venus is the Planet of LOVE and home of Lord Sanat Kumara. In the period from October 27 to October 31 he is literally reaching out to us, extending his loving care and support to Mother Earth and all Her Beings.

I strongly suggest you go out and enjoy the sunlight - the wind, the rain or however the weather will present itself ... and placing a crystal out there with the intention to charge it with the incoming energies from Venus will help you to always remember this special day / this special period in time which is closely connected to 2012!

For more information click here.


Venus is actually preparing us for Samhain ... a time when the veils are thinning and the ancestors are calling us. A time for forgiveness and new beginnings. A time for HEALING!


October 31 is also the day of the world meditation "OPENING THE HALLS OF AMENTI" - to participate I strongly suggest you go to Tom Kenyon's site to download the mp3 for the meditation NOW - because on October 31 it might proof difficult ... Here's a link to our Conscious Convergence group where you find two discussion on the topic plus the link to Tom Kenyon's site and a third discussion called "Jumping Timelines" which is also highly interesting material provided by Tom Kenyon and the Hathors!


Highly interesting also because on November 2 / 3, the 6th Night, according to Carl J. Calleman and the Mayan Calendar, will come to an end the the 7th Day begins! The coming year promises the BALANCE of feminine and masculine qualities. We shall finally leave the dark night of the soul behind; the new morning is dawning - the Sun will return - and thus PEACE and LOVE and JOY will bring healing to the Planet!


Interestingly enough, November 2 is exactly 3 cycles of 260 days before 12-21-2012!!!


This is interesting, because November 2 is like a cross point for the two main streams of Mayan Calender Research: one that goes back to José Argüelles which is all about December 2012 - and the other which is promoted by Carl J. Calleman who promoted the Conscious Convergence this year and lets us know that on November 2 the Seventh Day begins!!!


Here's a link to the discussion I posted in our Conscious Convergence Group where more information shall follow. I'm looking forward to your ideas of how to celebrate this unique point in time :-)


And last but not least, Mayan Elder Wandering Wolf will hold a most Sacred Fire Ceremony together with Buddhist Master Kiriyama Kancho on November 6th / 7th in Kyoto, Japan at Agon Shu's mountain temple - and you are whole heartedly invited to take part from your homes!

Thank you all for your participation at lightgrid - and in our daily connections! Lightgrid has brought LOVE, LIGHT and JOY into my life - and brother / siterhood and a feeling of connectedness I had missed before without even knowing it ... THANKS TO YOU!


Brightest Violet Ray BLESSINGS of the NEW MORNING which is announcing itself already,


Sonja Myriel Aouine







Views: 214

Replies to This Discussion

Dear Sonja,
Beautiful........I will do the meditations at regular hours and I wish that I can do fire ceremony on 6/7 November, but I do not know the Mantras for 'Aahuti', what they will use....
But With Gayatri Mantra I will try to do homa......
Yes, that's perfect :-) All that is needed is the INTENT to join in - and a certain amount of dedication, I suppose ;-)

Thank you for participating!
Thank you beloved soul always one with you an with all.........with so much love always in all ways...........xxxxxxxxx

Thank you Dove :-)
Thank you sister Sonja. This message gives me spirit chills...

Energy Blessings to all Cetacean brothers and sisters. I am you, as you are me.

What an energetically full month. We are so ripe for change; the sweet smell is floating along our horizon.

Positive Intentions, providing the roots for infinite possibilities, are power full right now.

I am with you...

love, blessing, light and joy
Blessings from Helios and Vesta and Sanat Kumara


Dear Higher Self,


Thank you sooo much for the insights you allowed me to gain these days!


Thank you for letting me know

that I am not separate and have never been

- not even in those moments of despair

when I didn't realize your presence, nor how near the angels were,

sending me love and comfort, no matter what!


Thank you for bringing people and circumstances into my life continually

who help me re-connect!


Thank you for helping me heal my wounds


and Thank you for helping my soul!


Thank you for never letting me down


and Thank you for always connecting me to ALL!






Yesterday, October 29th, 2010, the air was pregnant with the energies of VENUS and LOVE was in the air as never before ... I was sitting outside in the brilliant sunshine for a while, absorbing the energies and inviting them into my life, allowing them to renew my patterns of thought and restore my soul's LOVE for the world.


Patterns of LIGHT and DARKNESS became visible before my eyes until they finally dissolved - and all that remained was a yellow shining light behind my closed eyes.


Later in the afternoon - it was shortly before sun set - I was sun gazing together with two beloved friends and awsome teachers who have helped me raise my level of consciousness these days. I felt connected to the sun ... re-membered the HEALING ROOM which was there, ready for any one of us to be accessed with a pure and loving heart ... and then I found myelf in the presence of Lord Helios and Lady Vesta ... and behind them, overlightening them, there was Lord Sanat Kumara. And all three of them were bestowing their BLESSINGS on me - and as I am not separate from anything else in this world - on each and every Being on Planet Earth and all the omniverse ...


Reading these lines, YOU ARE BLESSED by Lord Helios, Lady Vesta and Lord Sanat Kumara.


And so it is!


Sonja Myriel Aouine


Greek Ascension Day?


Well, I think I told you about Venus and Lucifer, didn't I?


According to José Argüelles Lucifer is a higher dimensional being who was set to bring havoc to the universe - and Earth ... but he repent and is now no longer nourishing darkness. Since his repention he resides on Planet Venus.


And not so very long ago I was told the story of the rebel Son Sanat Kumara - the typical story of the son who rebels against his father ... but I have not yet found an English printable version.


These are all pieces of a bigger picture ... like a jigsaw puzzle - and one day, when we are ready for it, we will see it all - and marvel how it could possibly have taken us so long to finally see what has never been hidden - lol!




Sonja Myriel


Topic 'Morning's Meditation 11/28/2010: Of Harmony (Re: Sacred Day 2)'


Topic '"The Arcturus Probe" by José Argüelles'


On Greek Orthodox ascension day I awoke with Morning Star in my head and ever since the universe has been slowly for some months now giving me more and more information on these words, I have been told that it is given to those who are to work with the Extraterrestrials, it is the Goddess energy of Mother Earth, it is the end of duality,the union of the light and the dark,it is pure balanced light,Christ light, soul integration healing all our multidimensional selves,parenting the innerchild, embracing our individuality whilst knowing our oneness our connection to each other on this planet and off our connection to everything,'There is not one bird that falls out of the sky without my knowledge'.

Absolutely :-)




Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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