lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light



Strengthening the POWER of LOVE and JOY in the world


Dear lightgrid family, soul siSTARs and broSTARs,

Beginning in 1 hour from now, on 19th of March 2020 at  23.00 o'clock MEZ/ CET, we are starting a worldwide wave of synchronized meditations. Every day at 5 and 11 am and pm, that is 4 times a day, at our usual lightgrid connexion times we envision the circle of 12 – with the 13th element in its centre.

If possible, light 13 small candles, place 13 crystals or stones on your altar, or simply paint a burning flame on a piece of paper and hold It or place it on a table in front of you during your meditation. The music will help you to let go and energize your spirit with the mantra Om Namaha Shivaya.

These regular, synchronized meditations will help humanity as a whole to overcome the worldwide dark night of the soul. It will serve like a safety net, if you so will, if only enough of us will serve as CONDUITS of LIGHT now, invoking HELP from our guides and guardians, the Angels and Elohim of the 7 Rays and the Ascended Masters, the Nature Beings, Devi and all other life forms on this planet concerned. Especially the nature beings are asking us to VISIT them – they are there for us, but we need to call them back into our reality … THEY ARE AWAITING OUR CALL to open our CHANNELS to RECEIVE the LIGHT OF THE CREATOR through the RAYS OF THE SUN!!! The sun is BRILLIANT these days here in Central Europe – and the sky without chemtrails … do not miss this source of JOY for your soul – Come and serve as a BRIDGE for INFORMATION = LIGHT to FLOW! Let us enrich our personal lives and that of all the people whose life we touch upon with the FREE LOVE OF THE CTREATOR / CREATRESS!

In deep gratitude to Ralf - Ramanand who has come up with this meditation in perfect divine timing, I will stop writing now and pass on to you what he wrote:


This little meditation will help us to quantum jump.



We start tonight, 19th of March 2020 at  23.00 o'clock MEZ/ CET


worldwide meditation times:

5:00   -  11:00   -  17:00   -   23:00        MEZ / CET Greenwich, London, GB 

your time zone   Zeitzone   tu zona horaria


We are now opening a worldwide meditation together with MahaJyoti in the lightgrid, to support the change of the world in a current, united way, with our joy, with our love and a mantra in joined meditation. This meditation is based on the consciousness of Sanatana Dharma - the truth above religions. This term comes from India, where it is explained in detail in the Bhagavad Gita.

The mantra is twell-known as Om Namaha Shivaya and it is the oldest and strongest mantra in the world. Just sing it along. It is simple. Repeat it over and over again.  You are welcome to download it at: or right below as an ATTACHED FILE to this discussion.

Just play the song, sing the mantra and let the power carry you higher and higher with love and joy.

We have added further explanations below.



Prepare the music:

from : Om Namaha Shivaya by Krishna Dass



or from the attachment with whatsApp or the email:

from march 19th download link:

             Arti The Gift 1 - Lord Shiva, Om Namaha Shivaya



Place 12 tea lights or candles in a circle in front of you.

  • (large, small, narrow, thick, white or coloured as you like) if there are no candles, make a small

circle of crystals, stones, fruit stones or paint a circle with 12 candles; whatever you find.)

  • - They manifest the twelve powers, 12 signs of the zodiac, 12 disciples/apostles


Place a thirteenth candle or tea light in the middle.

  • This is the Central Power in the ring, the sun in the signs of the zodiac, the Christ among

   the   disciples/apostles. (Without candles you can put or paint a flower in the middle)


- Now sit quietly in front of your candle circle

- Take a few quiet breaths: 


- Light the middle candle with a match first. (lighter also works)

- Then light all others in the circle


- In a little prayer, invocation or some thoughts you can ask heaven and its lightbeeings to create good powers in the world with these lights and the mantra, to support them and to spread them further.


- Then turn on the music

The mantra is: Om Namaha Shivaya, (Lord your will be done) it is the main mantra that is above all mantras in the world.

in the attached .wma it sounds like this:


Namah Shivaya OM, Namah Shivaya OM, Namah Shivaya Namah OM

also once: Hairakhandi Shiva OM, Hairakhandi Shiva OM, Hairakhandi Shiva OM


The text from Krishna Das on youtube:

OM Namah Shivaya, OM Namah Shivaya, OM Namah Shivaya,

also once: shambo shankar shivaya, shambo shankar shivaya,

If 30 minutes are too long for you, fade out after 5 minutes.

Every single chanted mantra brings light into the world. Don't worry.


Then sit still for a while, enjoy the peace and joy, whatever moves you right now. You can let the candles burn out if you go about your everyday life afterwards. Tea lights should be placed on a plate so that the heat does not scorch the surface.


So LET US CRATE BIG MOLECULES, invoking the Violet Flame on behalf of all life in this universe!


Three-Fold Flame Greetings,


Sonja Myriel RAouine


Further information from Ralf - Ramanand:


OM Namah Shivaya

May peace prevail on earth.

Additional explanations: next page

Additional explanations:

Basically, and especially in times of great difficulty, the greatest success is always to think and say what I want to say. For example: I don't want war. This promotes war, because I talk about it (now I even write it, a conflict when explaining) so very badly.

better I say "I want peace"

the best thing to say is: "I give peace!"  - to the world - you can also add

Mantra: Om Namaha Shivaya,

This mantra is the first mantra from the beginning of the world and it is the strongest of all

a free translation/interpretation is e.g. Lord Thy Will be done

Sanãtana Dharma, Dharma is the wheel of the world, the cycle of life, the movement within it, The Sanãtana Dharma stands above the Dharma and maintains the Dharma. It is easiest to understand in action: "Always do, Everything for the good of all."

Ghandi, Babaji, Amma, Christ. . all were teachers of Sanãtana Dharma, and many many others have also practiced it.


Christ is not a religion, it is the Consciousness of humanity that has become ONE, in Christianity it is called Christ Consciousness, in India it embodies Krishna, etc.

Arrangement of the candles, geometry:

Everything in the visible and invisible universe refers to a centre, sun, stars, planets and atoms, electrons, etc., and ideally arranges itself in a circle around that centre.  So do the signs of the zodiac, faith, the centre of power, just like the twelve disciples/apostles also in consciousness.

But, we first place the candles in a circle. We come from a state of consciousness without having a centre and gather to a circle around the centre.

Then we can again refer to the centre, which we then light first. After that we light all the candles in the circle, to receive the light.


When we sit down in front of the circle, we'll see it and its image now reflects our inner being. We absorb it.

When we light a candle naturally with a match (best), we light this light in the circle and of course we light the sun in the centre, within our own inner being.

Our prayer for heavenly help strengthens the bond of community and unity that exists between heaven and earth.  Thus the whole universe is embraced and of course it manifests itself in ourselves.  Now we are one with everything and everyone and every action we take happens to others (and also it comes back to us).

Give what you want to receive. But give it without intention. (not selfishly)


Some terms and words we know from religions, but it has nothing to do with religion. They are applied knowledge, which everybody finds in his religion. Nowadays, we can also record these scientifically.

Invite friends, your family to meditate. We must act together now and we must be together.  Together always we´ll overcome.  God bless you.

Meditation of:                                      

Please share this link and meditation as you see fit.

Let us create a WAVE of LOVE and UNDERSTANDING, of COMMUNITY and resulting UNITY here on earth! Use the time you must spend at home now for world service. UNITE! Together we will manifest all the changes we have been looking forward to - the more you find the JOY in your life, the more you SHINE and the more LIGHT you emanate, bringing JOY the the HEARTS of your neighbours!

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Join together, all nations, cultures and traditions:

Global Medicine Wheel Ceremony March 19, 2020 -  wherever you are

March 19, 2020 (or your local time) Spring Equinox

Please donate to help with the website and e-mail.

“Upon suffering beyond suffering; the Red Nation shall rise again and it shall be a blessing for a sick world. A world filled with broken promises, selfishness and separations. A world longing for light again. I see a time of seven generations when all the colors of mankind will gather under the sacred Tree of Life and the whole Earth will become one circle again. In that day there will be those among the Lakota who will carry knowledge and understanding of unity among all living things, and the young white ones will come to those of my people and ask for this wisdom. I salute the light within your eyes where the whole universe dwells. For when you are at that center within you and I am that place within me, we shall be as one."  -Crazy Horse

This last vision of Crazy Horse’s was spoken in 1877, approximately seven generations ago.  It was retold by Chief Joe Chasing Horse, a relative of Crazy Horse.  He translated it from the words of the grandmother who was present when the words were spoken, while Crazy Horse sat smoking the sacred pipe with Sitting Bull for the very last time, four days later he was slain.

Some say Crazy Horse was a great mystic and knew there would come a time when the white man and his ways of treating the Earth and his fellow human beings would leave him hanging on the edge of a very deep chasm.  He knew these ancient teachings of respecting the Earth and each other, must once again be honored and respected.

Come join us in the Medicine Wheel Ceremonies as we fulfill Crazy Horse's message and many more of these type prophecies from the Red Nations in the healing for peace,  sharing and remembering these ancient teachings. 

Please join us for the winter solstice global medicine wheel ceremony. You can connect to us in spirit from a point on one of the current medicine wheels or from your own sacred site.

As we do our ceremonies, we can connect to every sacred site on the planet.

Since we are all connected through the Earth’s ley lines, when we go to our sacred sites to do ceremony, we can collectively clean and clear old programs from the environment and charge the Earth with peace, love, joy and abundance.

There are two large ley lines circling the Earth: the Rainbow Serpent (female) and the Plumed Serpent (male). With ceremonies at each of these sites and the Medicine Wheels connected to them through their sacred points, we connect through our hearts and send energy through the Earth’s sacred energy lines.

Copyright Robert Coon

You can see how this works on our website at  Upcoming Ceremonies.

As you go to your sacred site, connect to all of us at the other points. The energy from our hearts will connect and the ley lines will be cleaned and cleared, then charged with peace, love, joy, harmony and abundance.

We are the ones we’ve been waiting for, today’s stewards who would choose to bring peace, love and harmony to the planet with every thought, word, emotion and action. We can re-harmonize the Earth, re-tune the Web of Life, re-calibrate the grids to make the Earth beautiful.

If you would like to be an Ambassador for a sacred site on any of the Medicine Wheel points, on your own sacred site, or work with us to create new medicine wheels for your local region, e-mail Pat Rasmussen


Thank You, Oohweehoo, thanking you into infinity, Aho...                                                             
Pat Rasmussen - Earth Wisdom Foundation’s President 
Phone: 509-669-1549

Some of my friends who completed the circle with us:

Om Namaha Shivaya!




Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!



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