lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
Beloved Dragon Family and Gridwork Team,
You may have wondered why I didn't write any broadcast messages for quite some time now. The reason is simple: LIFE itself has had all my attention and the need to share was small, as NOW is the time we have been waiting for and we encounter all we really need to know WITHIN, rather than in the outside world. Yet, NOW I am reminded that our focused attention is paramount to bring about a good amount of PEACEFUL changes - instead of turmoil, fight and war again - and so I write ...
Re-MEMBER: you have come here for a purpose.
Re-MEMBER: Lightgrid is not just a site you visit to stay informed!
If you are merely interested in channelings, workshops and teleconferences you will benefit the most from joining the newsletters and sites which call your attention.
But if you know that LIGHTGRID is your calling, I ask you to set up an intuitive CRYSTAL GRID now and work with the Violet Ray as much as you possibly can throughout the coming moon.
In my last broadcast message I asked you to reconnect to your soul family and establish PERSONAL lightgrids. Personal lightgrids are uncontrollable. YOU decide upon the focus, YOU decide upon the time. And the better you come to know each other in the course of your work, the more powerful your grid becomes.
NOW is the time to consciously re-unite our efforts again - to UNITE our personal lightgrids in order to shine the light into the rising darkness which comes with the shadows which long to be set free NOW.
On september 13th a partial solar eclipse will initiate the "Moon of Change" which will culminate in a total lunar eclipse - a Blood Moon - on September 27/28, a time of global change as this is the fourth of a row of total lunar eclipses. As co-creators of the Divine Plan you are well aware that the OUTCOME of this global change for humanity depends on the FOCUS which we decide to apply - and thus I ask you to UNITE and focus on the HEART energy of LOVE and balanced PEACE!
For all our new members: we inundate Mother Earth and all of humanity in VIOLET LIGHT 4 times a day, as the Violet Light brings BALANCE and FREEDOM through the transmutation of all misqualified energy back into pure Divine Potential. The key to freedom is forgiveness, as through forgiveness we call forth the Divine Qualities of Eternal GRACE.
This very same GRACE is key to bring about the shift of consciousness in a peaceful and divinely quick way.
The SHIFT is inspired by the CRYSTALLINE WHITE LIGHT which carries all the seeds of new ideas needed now - and as SPRING comes in abundant green fields, GREEN is the colour of the Ray which flows out of the Crystalline CREATRIX, first, followed by all the colours of the rainbow ... the rainbow tribe of ALL colours, who bring back the living LOVE and LIGHT into the grey cities, which have been manipulated by corporate greed.
The colours of the rainbow are represented by you and me. Each of us carries a unique seed, a unique frequency, a unique colour, unique sound ... and this SYNFONY of colours, of sounds, of frequencies together form the living waters of the RIVER of LIFE - which re-connects us all as one, from the bottom up to the heavenly sky through the GOLDEN Christ Consciousness!
This is the picture I was given three weeks ago when I received definite proof that the surrounding darkness is, finally, no longer supported by the powers of Lucifer!
See the Violet Flame to the left
as its transmutative power flows to the WHITE LIGHT CREATIVE FLAME to the right which instills NEW POTENTIAL, thus replacing the old with new ideas
and EMPOWERING the rainbow tribe and world of the New Earth
which is deeply rooted in the HEART of Mother Earth, connecting humanity up through the GOLDEN LIGHT of Christ Consciousness and Unity through our own HEART to the HEART of the Universe!
These are the 4 steps: CLEANSE (Violet Light) - REPLACE (White Light Creatrix) - EMPOWER (Green Ray and Rainbow Light of ALL colours) - RECONNECT into UNITY Consciousness
The Green Ray, born of the White Light Creatrix and flowing into multidimensional RAINBOW possibilities is what is NEW in all this - and this is the step which will bring about the much needed CHANGES now.
The drops on both sides of the picture above the Violet Light Flame and the Crystalline White Light Flame represent the DIVINE SEEDS which rain down on us as new Divine Potentials and GRACE, thus initiating the next round of transmutation, replacement, empowerment and re-connexion ... and thus on and on and on until the shift shall be complete, that is, until it will have fully reached the density of the third dimension!
The game is over in the Higher Realms already!
The game of power over others is no longer nourished by any source in this universe!
This is the message which I bring to you now and here.
Yet, there are still those who cannot imagine life without this paradigm here on earth.
Through our very example we are meant to show them an ALTERNATIVE way of how to receive energy when it's no longer possible and allowed to simply take it from another - and this way is that of receiving DIRECTLY FROM SOURCE!
Our HEART is the receiver and it is the sender through which we request and then distribute LOVE as well.
Our HEART connects us to all that IS.
And through our HEART we receive the counterclockwise spin now which connects us back to Mother Earth and all Her Beings - and thus back to our own Divine Nature!
See the DNA Spiral connecting up AND down now simultaneously ...
We are no longer caught in that endless circle of life and death and rebirth which only led to death again - this old game, the old matrix, is disintegrating now and through our focussed intention we begin to GAIN ACCESS again TO OUR FULL CREATIVE POTENTIAL.
And this is the focus I ask you to hold throughout the coming moon - when you look into the eyes of refugees, the eyes of children, but also the eyes of dictators, of those in power: be aware that you look into the eyes of your brothers and sisters! And look at whosever crosses your path WITHOUT JUDGEMENT - look with the EYES of LOVE and bring comfort and understanding into the lives of those who you thus gift with God's Divine GRACE.
If you feel increasing pressure put on you from the outside - TURN INWARDS for support from your I AM presence and your multidimensional support team. Turn inwards and call on the Violet Ray and its Beings who shall help you find BALANCE and PEACE again through FORGIVENESS and LOVE.
And re-MEMBER my words: the game is over!
LOVE has already won over fear, the LIGHT has already been lit in the darkness of human despair - and with every person who lights his /her candle of LOVE, with every person who accesses the Higher Realms, the light is spreading further and further, illuminating the stern darkness around a bit more.
Dragon warriors, re-MEMBER your POWER to LOVE!
And your love shall not only free your SELF, but ALL who are near you, as well ...
and SHIFT together ...
Your Crystal Grids connect you.
Your Crystal Grids help you KEEP the FOCUS on what you wish to see in the world.
Together we stand now - wielding the Violet Light Ray!
Empowering new thought forms of LOVE which take seat as seeds of LIGHT in our lives.
Connecting as ONE CONSCIOUSNESS that we truly ARE!
Blessed are the Warriors of the Rainbow.
Blessed are the Seeds of LOVE!
Sonja Myriel RAouine
Right after sending out this message I found Natalie Glasson's message in my in-box, shared by Steve:
Thank you Sonja for including this link.
It is very helpful and meaningful to me. I once practiced sending love into a room before a meeting. It is easy to do, just send pure love without an object such as another human. Of course I knew humans would receive it, but not any one specifically.
With Love and Gratitude,
Sonja, thank you so much for your message about using our grids and sending Love! I join you!
With Love, Ishema
Thank you from the bottom of my HEART, beloved siSTAR IshIMA,
Sonja Myriel
Here's another most important link:
And work together again with the elements and their beings, with the Devic Beings, the tree consciousness, and all we are connected to!
Infinite BLESSINGS - NOW and forEVER,
Sonja Myriel
Dear SiSTAR.
Thank you so much for all this wonderful information. Exactly what we need today as we approach this very powerful time between - the solar eclipse/full blood moon Lunar eclipse. We need to work together and increase the LOVE of our heart flame to help mother earth and all her people.
I am so pleased you have given us the colours to work with at our connection time so we can unite in Oneness.
You are such a blessing and I am so grateful to be able to connect with you on the inner planes.
Eternal love dear heart
Jewel White
Beloved Jewel White,
My heart embraces you in gratitude for your loving reply as it revelas to me the profoundness of our soul alignment!
YES! The time has come to enter full responsibility - and thus co-creatorship!
I was swimming in our pond when this vision of alignment to all the colours of the rainbow came to me. What profound invitation! We are here to truly begin the creation of NEW EARTH NOW!
The Violet Ray, the Crystalline White Light CREATRIX and the Golden Ray of Unity and Christ Consciousness are the Threefold Pillars - and within, inside the Sacred Space thus provided, the New Creation waits to be received - and actualized!
And very recently, that is shortly before I began to write the broadcast message, I realized that now that the spin of the spiral has changed direction, that is, that no more violence, greed and selfish behavior is supoorted by any source in this universe, the DNA upgrade has reached mass level ...
On a planetary scale, all this indicates the need for us to TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY for what is going to happen on the planet!
Humanity is menat to work as the keepers of the land - and the Cetaceans work together with us as the keepers of the oceans.
NOW is the time to connect to their realms CONSCIOUSLY to learn learn from them - and then apply in our daily connexion times what we have come to learn.
Thus, I do appreciate a lot any feedback or insights into the state of affairs from any of our members.
Cleansing and purifying
replacing old paradigms by new ones
empowering the new seed ideas through according action
and re-connecting back to Unity Source Consciousness ...
I fly in Dragon form with the legions of Light to bring about the changes we all wish to see in the world - and I feel you at my side, dear Jewel White, so we can Co-CREATE the Portals to the New World which will enable humanity to enter the world of LOVING sympathy and co-creative potential!
Fly high, beloved Jewel White, and GROUND your wisdom through your body into the very beingness of GAIA WHO WE ARE all together as ONE!
Spirit Love and BLESSINGS,
Sonja Myriel
Spirit LOVE and blessings to you dear heart and all my GRATITUDE for your soul to soul connection.
Eternal Love
Jewel White
Oh YES! Magnificent :-)
A bit more green in my vision, maybe, instead of the brownish red earth in the right corner, but wonderful rainbow illumination, just as in my vision, indeed!
THANK you for sharing :-)
Sonja Myriel
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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July 3rd-4th 2014 and March 20th-21st 2015:
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