lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Dear lightgrid family,


We are entering the portal of 2012. This moon cycle works like a bridge - a bridge to the Higher Realms which we are advised to enter all together.


Lightgrid has become a tool and vehicle for group ascension to count on - due to the work of a handful of people who know who they are. We are learning to work together and co-create the Crystalline New Age and we welcome everyone who knows of the importance of the Violet Flame and Ray in these days and years of the re-structuring! You are called to take your time and join us in our daily connexions - and become part of this growing network of light whose aim it is to prepare the world for ascension through our tireless work with the Violet Ray of FREEDOM through FORGIVENESS.


First and foremost we forgive ourselves

And this done - we see our-Self in everyone we meet.


There are no faults or mistakes we could not make ourself as well ...

No more boundaries for forgiveness.

We are through this game - have committed all mistakes possible in our many lives - and have come to a point of no return.

LIGHT is our choice.

And it includes all darkness ... 

Polarity is no more

Duality is overthrown

UNITY sees beyond the obvious ... and detects SPIRIT ... and in SPIRIT we are all ONE!


Today carried an important energy: the energy of a new beginning.

This beginning is not defined through TIME

and you can access it whenever you are personally ready for it.

Tomorrow is a good day for it -

Yesterday was perfect ;-)

NOW is the access point.


12-12 is exactly one year before the last portal and seal made by mankind shall be opened.

One year from now - and TIME as we count it in Gregorian terms shall no longer be our main frame of reference.


12 keeps us from the 13


13 is the quantum leap.


12 is the circle fulfilled.


The circle is closing.


The snake who bites its tail ...


What will happen when her own poison is running through her veins? 


A QUNATUM LEAP is what we envision.


Encoded in the number 13 






12-12 opens us for more.


Whenever you are ready.


Yesterday during the lunar eclipse ...

Today, 11-12-11,

Tomorrow, 12-12-11

The coming solstice 21-12-11

Or after the closing of the moon cycle whence a new one begins on 24-12-11, CHRISTMAS EVE ...

Any TIME is perfect from NOW on until whenever you are ready for it ... until you see that time is an artificial creation developed to enslave humanity.


We are not yet ready for this truth, I know ... because we are still bound to clocks and calenders - all based on the number 12 - the endless CYCLE ... so just remember: the number which sets free is 13 ...


When I started this message broadcast, I only wanted to write a few lines and then copy part of Suzanne Carroll's latest message here - and share a link with you all from Shanta on 12-12 ... I will do this in abbreviated form now that all these words have come forth - and I ask you to forgive me if I wrote something which you were not prepared for: skip it for the moment and take what resonates with you!


Now here's the link to Shanta's 12-12 alignment 

The following excerpt is from Suzanne Carroll's "Return to Earth" There are three diary entries included in her message which I leave out here due to a lack of space. I highly recommend the Meditation for Creating New Earth which you find at the end of this newsletter.


I wish you all a BLESSED entering of the doorway of 12-12 and hope that this message about the importance of the number 13 will serve you well in the future,


Sonja Myriel Aouine 


Return to New Earth

Introduction by the Arcturians


Our Dearest Ascending Ones,

We are happy that you have been able to maintain the consciousness of unconditional love since you opened your Doorway to New Earth.

It is the continuous FEEL of unconditional love that assures our ascending ones that they are "in the process of creating New Earth." We know that you all will experience some moments of fear-based third dimensional thinking, but we want you to realize that those moments are not a "failure" in any way. Instead, they are moments when you have temporarily returned to "habit."

Habit is the primary survival mechanism that you have created in order to survive the extremely challenging time of the close Kali Yuga (the final 2,000 years of the third dimensional reality). These habits were not bad; they were necessary. Therefore, do not judge yourself. Instead, congratulate yourself. Being consciousness of old habits is a huge achievement, as they hide in your unconscious and deep subconscious mind. Habits are the "primary survival mechanisms" on which all of your programs of behavior were written. Hence, they are the ones and zeros of your third dimensional thinking.

However, as you release your third dimensional thinking, you automatically release the baseline programing that has been the foundation of that thinking. Because of this, you do not need to delve deeply into your past to heal it. Now, you can simply love it free with the power of your unconditional self-love, which is the higher-frequency format of your multidimensional thinking. Multidimensional thinking is truly the only way in which you can fully understand your ascension process of creating New Earth.

Yes, beloved ones, because you have volunteered to assist Gaia with Her transmutation back to SELF, you have joined in a wonderful experiment that all the multiverse is observing with encouragement and unconditional love. Before the advent of "time" many Souls decided to join together to create the adventure of being a planet. Some of you wanted to experience being the actual body of the planet, which was destined to enter into the lower frequencies of polarity and separation. Therefore, you became members of the Mineral Kingdom to partner with the fourth dimensional Elementals, the Gnomes.

Some of you wanted to be members of the Plant Kingdom, who would work in unity with the Sylph Elementals of the air and the Undine Elementals of the water to beautify the body of Gaia. Others of you volunteered to become members of the Animal Kingdom, and unify your efforts with the Fire Elements to ground the Cosmic Light into Gaia's body. For eons, the third and fourth dimensionals lived in cooperation, harmony and great peace. The Blue Planet, Earth, was one of the most beautiful jewels in this Local Universe.

Many developing civilizations visited Gaia to experience Her beauty and peace. However, since these civilizations were still "adolescents" in their development, they were often selfish and took from Gaia without replacing what they had taken. They experimented with her Kingdoms, especially the Animal Kingdom, to attempt to create workers for their selfish needs. Wars were fought and dear Gaia was left on the edge of annihilation more times than She would wish to count.

Again and again, She had to call upon her fourth dimensional Elemental Kingdom and Her sponsors in the higher dimensions to pull Her from the grasp of destruction. However, being the brave Being that She is, she repeatedly rebuilt Her body, with the assistance of Her higher dimensional supporters, and returned to Her true beauty and splendor. Now, She is complete with Her experience of being a polarized being of form. She has learned all the lessons that Her third and fourth dimensional expressions of SELF desired to experience, and She is ascending into her fifth dimensional expression of New Earth.

We wish to tell you that ALL of you "waited in line" and "signed petitions" to have the great honor of incarnating on Earth at this "time." Just as Gaia had no idea how challenging a polarized body could be, many of you who lowered your great multidimensional essence into your current clay vessel, were greatly surprised by how difficult it is to live within the illusion of separation from the ONE. However, many of you are members of Gaia's first manifestation and have returned to assist Her with Her transmutation into New Earth. Hence, you have met your many challenges with bravery and great dedication to your Mother Earth.

Others of you were members of the first civilizations that inhabited Her form, who returned at the Fall of Atlantis to add your great light and save Her from total obliteration. When you entered Her planet at the time, you volunteered to join the Circle of Death and Rebirth until Her final victory of ascension. Those of you who made that great sacrifice to lower your multidimensional consciousness into a third dimensional form are ALL incarnated or living within Her aura to assist with the great Planetary Ascension.

Dear ones, you were Her Priests and Priestesses, Her warriors and Her creators. You suffered many lives of war, poverty and subjugation. Fortunately, you also lived some glorious lives of wisdom, power and love. However, just like Gaia, you are now feeling complete with the experience of polarity and have incarnated one last time to assist your beloved planet Home into Her fifth dimensional expression.

We, the Galactics, many of whom have also held an embodiment on Gaia, assist you from the higher dimensions. We are your supporters, your advisors and we are YOU. Yes, many of us have sent an imprint of our consciousness into a third dimensional form to be in the "front lines" of Planetary Ascension. We are joyous that most of our grounded expressions are awake and communing with us on a regular basis. In fact, you are communing with us on a continual basis, for we are now ONE with our grounded expressions-our ascending ones. If any of you feel that you are not connected to your Galactic and Celestial Source, do not be discouraged. Each of you has a "flash point" of returning to your SELF which was decided before your birth.

You may not have come to that flash point yet, or you have and have not acknowledged it, which is probably because you are still in the grips of habit. You are not alone. We are with you. In fact, we are YOU! We are here now to assist you in releasing the habit of separation so that you can more easily return to your forgotten habit of being fifth dimensional and living in unity with all life.

Listen to the silent voice that caresses your High Heart and perceive the visions of New Earth that flicker into your Opened Third Eye. Polarity is closing and unity is returning. Time is over and the separation from your SELF that Time created is ending. You do not need to "do" anything for "doing" is a third dimensional concept, whereas "being" is a multidimensional concept. Hence, all you need "do" is to BE your SELF.

As you continually and consciously return to your true, Multidimensional SELF, you will increasingly hear your constant communication with your SELF and perceive the higher frequencies of reality that were closed to your third dimensional perception. It is true that you are creating New Earth, but since time is an illusion, it is also true that you are returning to New Earth.

However, while you continue the habit of time-bound thinking, you are bound to third dimensional perceptions. On the other hand, as you continually download and integrate your Multidimensional SELF into your daily life, you will gradually, or swiftly, return to multidimensional thinking. Remember, practice makes perfect. Actually, it is correct to say that the practice of being your SELF will allow you to return to the YOU that has always been perfect.

Therefore, we ask that you close your eyes and take a deep inhale and long, slow exhale to calibrate your perceptions to your innate, Multidimensional SELF.
Continue your deep breathing until you feel your consciousness expand into the higher frequencies.
With your physical eyes closed, open your Third Eye to perceive the higher frequencies of reality that are intermingling with your physical reality.
You will be able to discern between "fifth-dimension-and-beyond" and "fourth-dimension-and-below" by the feeling in your High Heart.
Please do this process now...

Please practice this exercise as often as you can. Just take a few moments throughout your busy day to close your eyes, breathe deeply, see through your Third Eye and use your High Heart to discern old-Earth from New-Earth. Initially, you may need to close your physical eyes to shut out the third dimensional stimuli in order to see through your Third Eye. Also, we wish to remind you that the higher frequencies of reality are not bound by the stark edges and bright colors of the physical world. Fifth dimensional colors are an octave up from third/fourth dimensional colors. Therefore, they are filled with more light and often have a silver over-glow.

There are no "edges" and sharp boundaries in the fifth dimension and beyond. Objects, persons and places seem to waver, much like a reflection on a still pond. Once you are fully "within that pond" the wavering motion will decrease and become "normal." Therefore, if you see wavering, unique colors of unknown form, you are most likely perceiving New Earth. If you were a blind person for all of your life and suddenly had a surgery that total restored your vision, you would see the world around you, but you would have no neural connections to your brain to identify that which you could see.

In the same manner, you have spent myriad lives on Gaia in which you only returned to the fourth dimension upon your birth or even in your meditations. Therefore, your neural connections to your Multidimensional Soul have been forgotten and need to be restored. It is through practice and patience that you will restore these connections enough to be able to identify that which you are seeing. Be patient with yourselves, Beloveds, for you are returning to New Earth much as new babes. Fortunately, we, the Galactics and the Celestials, are here to assist you in your remembering.

We say remembering rather than learning, for you are as much a Galactic and a Celestial as those who are assisting you. It is just that you will need practice to remember what you have always known, but have forgotten. Therefore, as you practice the above exercise, relax into the experience and allow yourself the illusion of time to accustom to your Multidimensional SELF. You are just awakening from a very long dream, which you thought was reality.

As you practice discerning between "old 3D Earth" and "new Multidimensional Earth," remember to ALWAYS follow the feeling of unconditional love. That feeling of unconditional love is your High Heart saying,

"This is the feel of New Earth.

Place your attention there, for 'Where you attention is, there you are also.'"


Meditation for Creating New Earth


The first place to do this meditation is in your home. This is the place where your physical form seeks shelter and protection. Find your favorite place of meditation and go so deep within yourself that you hear your SELF say:

I AM deep in the caves of the Mother once again.

I feel the Love of the Mother about me.

I give thanksgiving to Her for allowing me to live upon Her form and assist Her with Her return.

I feel myself within the Mother, and I feel the Mother within me.

I listen within my heart for Her personal message.


"Beloved Ones,

I AM Gaia-I AM your Mother Earth.


I speak to you from the North

In the North I AM high, snow-capped mountains and forests of tall, green trees.

I touch the sky and carry the mountains. Feel me about you and within you.

My love is a transpersonal energy field that raises you above the wows of daily life

and provides you with a strong foundation.

Feel how my love reminds you to love and support all life.


I speak to you from the East

In the East I AM the rising sun and vast horizons.Feel me around and within you.

I welcome each new day with love so that I may, once again, celebrate all life.

My love is a service to be given away without need for return or compensation.

Feel how my love urges you to greet each new day with joy and unconditional love.


I speak to your from the South

In the South I AM rain forests and dense jungles.

Observe how my great abundance is around and within your daily life.

My love is continuous through all dimensions of life.

Feel how my love allows you to expand your consciousness into

your higher expressions of SELF.


I speak to you from the West

In the West I AM the setting sun and deep oceans.

Feel how my love assists you to release that which has come to completion.

My love creates the union of the Sun and Sea so that ALL your emotions

can be transmuted into joy, unity and unconditional love.


The third dimension is being transmuted into the fourth, and the fourth into the fifth. Now as we, people and planet, welcome and embrace our higher SELF, I ask that my humans remember how to live in unconditional love and unity with all of my life forms.

In this manner, we will create the WAY Home to New Earth,

which resonates beyond time and space in the ONE of the eternal NOW!

Feel your frequency rising and Know that WE ARE ONE.

Dear People of my Planet,

I also ask that you assist me to restore the true beauty and vibrant life of my true form. Hence, whenever you experience any ripples of dissonance or disharmony in your human or planetary body, I ask that you call the higher frequencies of Spirit into the physical frequency of Matter. Through transmuting your personal and planetary body, you assist me in creating OUR New Earth.

In this way we can work a ONE Being to:

Welcome the dawning of a new reality,

Create this reality with the force of our unconditional love,

Unite with our higher expressions on New Earth and

Transmute our physical bodies into our light bodies of New Earth.

Furthermore, to return me, Gaia, to my fullest power, I ask that you assist me in regain ALL my Wisdom, Power and Love by decreeing:

"I AM a Portal through which the Spirit enters the Matter of Earth."

I AM ONE with the Portal and ONE with the Earth"

As I open the Portal to my Multidimensional SELF, I Decree: 



Within the power of my Multidimensional experiences, I remember that

I AM Spirit and I AM Matter

Within the wisdom of my Multidimensional SELF I Know that

I AM the Portal of Spirit into Matter

Through my Creative Force of unconditional love

I awaken the Form of New Earth

As I awaken each morning

I AM the Portal to New Earth

As I walk through my daily life

I AM the Portal to New Earth

As I fall asleep every night

I AM the Portal

The realities, old and the new, are within ME.

The two realities are around ME.

Where MY attention is-there I AM also.

Therefore, I focus my attention on the FACT that:

I AM the Portal through which the New Earth is born.

I AM the Vessel in which the New Earth gestates.

Everywhere I choose to look-I see New Earth.

Everything I choose to hear-I hear New Earth.

With every word I speak-I Create New Earth.

With every choice I make-I Choose New Earth.

With every step I take--I Ground New Earth.

I Am, I See, I Hear, I Speak, I Create, I Choose, I Ground,


I AM Lightbody

Gaia is Lightbody

I AM Gaia

We are going HOME

And HOME is where we have ALWAYS been.

The Circle is Complete

ONE into ALL

And ALL into ONE






Closing Message from Gaia

My Dear Human Ones,

Please remember that YOU are the creators of New Earth. YOU are Elohim, the creators and holders of form. I, the Heart and Soul of New Earth, am alive within your NOW! Dear Human Elohim, when you feel my fifth dimensional expression within you, you can manifest it into your daily life. In fact, you are doing so NOW!

Your Mother Earth 

  To watch the video:




One more link: to Lauren C. Gorgo's latest channeling:

The Arrival of Universal LOVE


Here's just the channeled message - again, it's just an excerpt and to read the whole message please follow the link!


“As the new-human prototypes fully activate and physically embody the frequencies of universal LOVE, mother earth receives the nourishing scalar [solar? comment Sonja Myriel] energies needed to ease her labor pains…as do each of you.” -Seven Sisters of Pleiades


“From the solstice to the new moon you have the opportunity to glean a whole new perspective, one that incurs real change, breakthroughs and freedom”-Seven Sisters


“There is a new order rising and the souls at the forefront of these changes are beginning to come together to create group resonances that will influence earth and humanity in magnanimous ways.” Seven Sisters


“There is a period of global restructuring up ahead, one that will require some patience, but as each of you step into position as new earth guardians, these changes will speed up and gather momentum around the planet. For this reason, it is vital now that those who are being called to planetary missions of service step up and say YES to those opportunities that arise, for these are opening the doors to reunite with your resonant soul families. It is your soul family that carries the group resonance of a new humanity and the time is now to join forces, to co-create your long-held visions of heaven on earth.” -Seven Sisters


“There is a new understanding that is permeating your sphere with regard to LOVE, and this new understanding is the basis for all of life on the new-earth to grow, to flourish.” -Seven Sisters


“Your biology will take on this resonance in waves that will permeate every cell of your bodies. This is what is meant by the term, rapture. This process results in a full-body release from density.” –Seven Sisters


“You are beginning to be seen in all your glory as the radiance of divine love emanates from your heart-core.” –Seven Sisters


“To this we say, the time is now to unwaveringly speak your truth, to flow with your cultivated wisdoms and to allow others in to see the glimmer of hope for a new way.” -Seven Sisters


“From our perspective, many changes will be in place by the next new moon so that you will be in a position of greater clarity and preparedness for the immensely anticipated year of 2012″ -Seven Sisters




I am very much looking forward to meeting you in the ethers now, as it is time for our MIDNIGHT connection.

If you are not sure if you have found out what 12 o'clock midnight in Central Europe is in your time zone, look at the time when you received this mail - It is at about midnight here in Europe ;-)


Love and LIGHT and a blissful rainbow light shower with a Violet Ray embrace,


Sonja Myriel 


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Replies to This Discussion

Oh - yes - group resonance :-)))


Tonight I was taught the art of Magic - or rather I was teaching it - seemingly to me - lol!


It was about the power of our thoughts - and how to focus our thoughts on what we wish - on the best outocome ... to create it!


We are experiencing our multidimensionality ... dear sister Sarah, have you read the whole message from Suzanne Carroll? You find diary entries there from vaious of her multiple personalities - and if you are interested to learn more, read the posts in the Multidimensional News group( sub-tab to GUIDES) - they have helped me a lot in understanding the process in which we are right now!


BLESSINGS of LOVE and LIGHT, my dear, dear, brightly shining si-STAR,


Sonja Myriel 





Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


Blog Posts


Posted by allayah frisch on October 17, 2023 at 5:33pm 0 Comments

It is a special time in the collective humanity evolution. Our sight is being cleared and we are as a whole returning to our connection to the planet. We are becoming childlike as we transition to the new dimension.…



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