lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
Dear Lightgrid Family and Gridwork Team,
The Cardinal Grand Cross is gaining momentum and what is to happen depends a lot on US.
I ask you to focus on PEACE - for the Ukraine, for the Near and Middle East, for AFRICA and Latinamerica! May the era of manipulation END!
This moon holds unparalleled intensity.
We have just had a Lunar Eclipse, followed by the Easter Weekend which is now moving directly into the full manifestation of the Cardinal Grand Cross - as if the Easter Myth were displayed in the Heavens. And next week the Solar Eclipse will be directly flow into BELTANE, the SPRING festival of New Life on the Northern Hemisphere. May this New Life be based on EQUALITY and LOVE instead of exploitation and the unfair distribution of wealth!
NOW is the time to come together in UNITY!
NOW is the time to meditate together!
NOW is the time to set up a grid and focus on LOVE and PEACE!
You are powerfully guided by your angels and guards - heed the call and we shall bring PEACE, LOVE and UNITY Consciousness back to the world!
Yesterday I was called to leave my family for two hours at midday and join my lightgrid brethren in meditation out in nature's embrace. I received 5 signs:
1. On my way to the place I had chosen for my re-union with you all: The BUTTERFLY crossed my way three times - the symbol of transmutation from one level of being (caterpillar) to the next (butterfly) - The message I received: IT IS ACCOMPLISHED!
2. In my meditation the opening scene began with the four elements - and the fifth element being SPIRIT - the number FIVE is the number of MAGIC, the magic which evolves naturally when we encounter and apply the Higher Laws of Existence, leaving behind us the lower realms of duality, of life versus death.
3. Then I moved from my meditation seat beneath my facourite willow tree to a place where I was surrounded by the water of the Horse River - and I experienced myself as ONE with the HEART of Mother Earth ... and the Rays which emanated from this HEART and spread around me like a DOME of LIGHT which finally encompassed the entire planet, displayed ALL colours, ALL frequencies, ALL the codes of Creation. And it was at this point that I FELT the Unity with ALL of you who were in meditation right at that very same point in time, too ... and HEALING spread to those who were receptive and who I was thinking about.
4. The last image I captured to be passed on here is that of the CARDINAL GRAND CROSS - the number FOUR - the number of manifestation. It envelopped the entire planet - like a blessing ... a promise ... a very real ENERGY LINE which we worked with on May 1st 2012: The Centre of the cross being in the Altai Mountains.
5. On my way home I was still in this altered state of being - and I realized: All that I perceive as REAL around me - does not EXIST! All that truly exists is my PERCEPTION of what IS.
Remember Matrix? When Neo is invited by the child to bend the spoon? The child tells Neo not to try to bend the spoon, but instead reMEMBER the TRUTH. Upon which Neo asks what truth? "The spoon does not exist! It is YOU who needs to bend - and the spoon will follow."
Well, later that day I read a message which made me realize much more of what had really taken place.
I had overlooked a message from Tej and Vee for several days! They announced that they would hold a Sacred Fire Ceremony, a HAVAN, which I had asked them to do that weekend, guess when? YES, exactly at the time I was out in nature in Union with them!
I had asked for a sign, a sign if I could truly TRUST that SPIRIT, the world I perceived within me, was MORE REAL than the catastrophic events I consciously witness in the outside: political intrigues, fraud, environmental pollution, threats of war and the corruption of a system which does not care for the people and the planet, but only the money it can make out of their misery. And there was my answer! YES! We are TRULY connected on levels unknown to most!
YES! All it takes is TRUST - Have FAITH in your inner perception and guidance and FOLLOW suite!
If I only walk my talk the journey into the depth of Existence continues on and on - until I shall finally be re-united with who IAM!
Only today I encountered Amoran's post - about the PENTAGRAM and SEED ENERGY, another confirmation of how closely connected we truly ARE!
And I will close this message with a story shared with my by a close friend and master who asked me to pass it on to you now - as we have truly taken the last step already and find ourselves now ON TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN! And it is our turn to make the most of it ... Thus, I wish you all a most splendid and miraculous journey TOGETHER AS ONE through the storm of the Grand Cross enfolding, the coming Solar Eclipse and BELTANE - and hope you have your grids in place, your intention focussed on PEACE and your HEART full of LOVE so you can heed the call when you are asked to ACT, to REMAIN SILENTor to SPEAK YOUR TRUTH, to MEDITATE, to UNITE as ONE, to INVITE the elemtnes, the Fairy and Angel Kingdom and BE, thus spreading the energy of HOME.
WE PRAY for PEACE and the return of the POWER of LOVE on EARTH!
"We are all like a band or group of beings, but we are really ONE multidimensional aspect. It depends upon your interpretation and your level of awareness. Where one being may see us as a group of souls working together, another higher level Being would see us as only One being with may different aspects which can come together, or go apart, as required, to do the work.”
So explained the Trees.
Excerpt from Amoran's message on The Pentagram and Seed Energy
Sonja Myriel
Comments at:
Now enjoy Ralf's story called:
The last step with the help of an Angel
I remember one story when I nearly failed, not noticing that I already was on top of the mountain, but having made the last step I realized being on top of the mountain.
But let me tell you:
It was a time after having had for many years many debts, with a lot of problems. I never gave up and so, one day it happend that the day of the liberation of all my debts came closer. I decided to celebrate the first day of my new free life on top of a mountain greeting the first ray of the sun in the morning time. But the evening before I had to give classes. So I did. At 11 o´clock at night I started to climb up the mountain, who already had 1400 m height. I started at 700 m. By day I already climbed it once with my son, but this night it was cloudy, windy and there was no moon. But nobody could stop me to climb up. I wanted to celebrate my new live the next morning.
In the darkness I failed and I missed my way. I walked and climbed across and at least I reached a field with tiny stones and sand and some tuft of gras, where I could step on, to stay save. But the mountain became steeply rising, and I already I was far away from any path. The path I new was on the left side of the mountain. In between I was on the right side, and it became rough and dangerous. I only worn my tennis shoes, which was not the best equipment to climb up hills
At least, climbing up an area for professionals, I reached the edge of a crest. When I lifted myself up, the wind nearly blow me away and on the other side there was only a wall upwards. I was trapped.
Very very pecurly I returned 2 meters down and tried to raise up again 2 meters to the left. I needed a way to the top. I hoped that the edge becomes wider there and I tried to get up, but there I had to climb up nearly 2 meters in a wall and I got only two points to fix me. In the mountains you always have to fix yourself in three points. If you fail with one, you already have two fixed.
So again I was in a trap?
I stopped thinking, I stopped struggling. Becoming calm , suddenly I remembered the story of one of my scholars of my classes. She failed steeping in a train and an Angel hold her foot, that she could step into the train with two heavy bags, standing with one foot in the "air".
I called an Angel. And I waited to feel his presence and as well I was waiting for the moment of realizing feeling trust inside myself. After a few minutes or one minute, I don't know it any more, I felt a strong force within me and lifted up in one way only fixed on two points. I did it in one way and I felt moved up vertical very lightly by his strong force. I landed on my belly and in the first moment I wouldn't stand up. I couldn't believe that I made it.
But than upright..................I saw the top of the mountain: he was 15 meters away from me! I only needed to go, there was nothing more to climb. I made it!! I was really happy and my heart was full of grace to the help of the Angel.
This was the last sign for me for what I had done all the years in problems! I never gave up. And so many times when I thought this is the end, I was very close to the top.
If you won´t believe, that the darkness after so many times really has disappeared; struggling for the problems beeing in darkness and without light, remember at this little story!
With love to you, with love to all, God bless you.
Ralf / Ramanand
Oh - here they are - the butterflies :-) Thank you so much for sharing, Apollo - Sun Love Greetings,
Sonja Myriel
Beautiful! Deepest Gratitude to you, Dear Sister, Sonja, for all that you do with such Divine Grace and Perfect Timing!
Much love, always,
Thank you for this message for we must keep going for there are more to do so stay on your paths and all will be well for this is to be all of us doing this together Love and light I Elfso
The following is a comment which I just wrote in reply to Amoran's latest message and IShema's poem on the energies of the Cardinal Grand Cross. It describes my experiences during our 6 pm and midnight connexions yesterda, April 23rd. My comment begins with the last lines of IShema's poem:
We blend the oppositions within our hearts
To bring resolution,
Transmuting energies that conflict,
Within the fiery center,
Of our hearts.
This, my most adored siSTAR, is exactly what I experienced yesterday!
Imagine me sit by the fire - I lit the Easter Fire anew, as the ashes were still hot although a sprew of rain had cooled the upper surface. My mother working in the garden ... We are no longer allowed to make fires in our gardens, but what the heck???
My mother is angry at me. How can I dare to light a fire? Especially when she is working in the garden? And then just SIT there and do (seemingly) nothing???
I continued to sit ...
My daughter comes home, it's 6:05, hardly 5 minutes of meditation have passed.
"Mom, can you make me lunch?"
Ok, I get up, focussed still on my meditation and prepare her lunch. I come back and sit down again.
For another 5 minutes or so - it is INTENSE now ... and suddenly I realize: I HAVE THE CHOICE! I can sit here and immersed in meditation or I can work in the garden or prepare lunch - IT IS ALL THE SAME!
My Higher Aspects are still busy at work while I get up and begin to help my father move the raspberries from one place to another.
My daughter helps us, too.
At the end we gather all the remaining wood sticks which had fallen from the staple and bring them to the fire. I am looking forward to our midnight connexion now. I have learnt something important!
MIDNIGHT connexion: I sit down, candles lit and focus on Unity and PEACE. MELTING - a rush of sensations ... WE ARE ONE - ONE DNA, ONE INFORMATION, ONE LOVE, ONE FAMILY ... But what's that? All of a sudden I find myself cut off from this energy. I try to enter again - but everything has changed.
I lie down.
I focus on LOVE, PRETECTION and PEACE - and all of a sudden I realise: It is NOT just about peace ...!
What we need is not just PEACE!
It is not the kind of peace which ignores circumstances.
What we need, what we are looking for is FREEDOM!!!
And the PEACE born of FREEDOM shall, finally, be a LASTING one ...
Thus, I complete the stanza which I wrote before I went to meditate:
PEACE is our focus
LOVE is the ENERGY ...
and FREEDOM is the outcome!
Without the FREEDOM to express our SELVES - Peace is empty, bland and meaningless.
Here I am, dearest Amoran - and once again I find confirmation of what I experienced retrosepctively, reading your words now although I had begun to read them right before our midnight connexion, but, alas, it had been too late - and now I realize it was too early for me to read them.
Time lines meet in the NOW
Dimensions meet in the NOW
Parallel Realities meet in the NOW
NOW is when we change the fabric of existence ...
We are free.
We are protected.
Our focus on HARMONIZING these difficult aspects of the Cardinal Grand Cross bring great changes - and enormous LIGHT to the Earth Plane.
Light and darkness shall no longer fight each other.
Sonja Myriel MarYam RAouine
Thank you Sonja yes freedom need to be there I been detoxing for three weeks now my breathing as been hard to do Jesus came 4;30 this morning and pulled it off of my so I can feel lighter I told Him I had this Illness for 30 year almost as long as you were on the earth. He said yes and I know how you feel be sometimes I don't think they do. but I know now He does. for He was on this earth to know what we would go though so He can tell the Father and give understanding to Him. Jesus is our go between to talk to him so we can talk to the Father. The Father gives Us Free will it is the dark one who takes this I know the Spirit Dance is helping to for we are to be free and Mother Earth is to be free. Thank You for your message to help all of us though the hard time and the good Love to you Sister I Elfso
Healing Blessings are sent to you, Dear Elfso.
With much love,
All my LOVE to you dearest Elfso :-)
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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July 3rd-4th 2014 and March 20th-21st 2015:
SUN and Central Sun Connection
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