lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
Dearly beloved lightgrid family and gridwork team,
I hope you were having an uplifting time, receiving insights and guidance during these Holy 13 days and nights which are ending today in the RETURN of the light for 2020 to come!
I had been thinking of writing a broadcast message several times, had even started to do so 2 or 3 times – but never sent anything out. “WHY?”, I was asking myself, “Why is it so difficult for me these days to focus enough to be able to pass on the pictures I am receiving?”
Well, maybe it is because during this Sacred Time of Christmas going INWARD is much more recommendable than reaching out ... much of the wisdom received is still not processed and the time for sharing is only now OPENING UP again ... EACH of us was gifted with unique experiences and insights and EACH OF US now holds an essential key for 2020 and beyond.
And now that we have come out the other end of the Holy 13 nights, I would like to invite you to SHARE your experiences, your impressions, visions and highest insights with your bothers and sisters here at lightgrid, by leaving a comment below this broadcast message on the teachings you have received, so we can compare and tune into each other’s visions and see, where we are connected and who our soul family is!
As I do not want to put my personal experiences over anyone else’s, I will post my personal insights in the comments section below, as well, and make room now here for an announcement which has touched me deeply:
3-day COSMIC RE-CONNEXION starts on January 10th, culminating on 12th January 2020!
I’m sure you know about the Earth’s ley lines and Chakras. The following picture illustrates the world wide ley lines of the Plumed Serpent and the Rainbow Serpent:
On January 12 2020 CEREMONY will be held at Uluru, Australia, to finish an ancient ritual which will re-connect Mother Earth’s Solar Plexus Chakra to the COSMIC UMBILICAL CORD!
On 21st December 2012, 7 years ago, we were finishing the seeding of the Crystalline Light Creatrix with a very, very special Ceremony at Uluru. This ceremony was like the capstone inserted at the most auspicious time of our awakening. Back then, however, I was not capable of grasping the full significance of our doings. When I came across Aluna Joy’s message however, this morning, many, many little parts started to fall into place and open-hearted, eyes wide in awe before the magnificence of the Divine Plan, I am witnessing now the miraculously guided path that we have been plowing through time as we were each fulfilling our heart’s biggest desire: to be of SERVICE by attending to our Divine Heart’s Call!
And NOW is the time again for re-connexion and MIRACLES to start expanding in our every-day lives!
Please, follow the links above to find out MORE if these lines speak to your HEART! You are WELCOME to SHARE this message and to LEAVE A COMMENT below, so we can re-connect RIGHT WHERE WE ARE NOW, stretching the bow from past to PRESENT – to be released on 12 – 01 – 2020 like an ARROW into the FUTURE!
May we unveil together the mystery which has brought us together here at lightgrid, step by step!
Sonja Myriel RAouine
On December 28th both, Aluna Joy and Celina Fenn, were experiencing extraordinary shifts of consciousness. What about YOU? What was your 28th of December 2019 like? Have you had similar experiences of awakening since then?
For me, it all started out with my visit in Nairobi and then the 11:11 alignment 2019 - Since then I have been experiencing moments of Divine Bliss when Cosmic Codes were anchoring through my Light body. The amount of light codes anchoring through my human vessel into Mother Earth and the 3rd dimesion is far to big for describing it on a sequential level. What is required of me is simply to BE THE OPEN DOOR through which the LIGHT may enter.
I would LOVE to hear from you, if you have been having similar experiences or different ones which you feel are important for ALL of us.
I am looking forward to reading your comment, so we can exchange insights, wisdom and experiences and thus discover MORE about the bigger picture.
Sonja Myriel
re-connexion and MIRACLES to start expanding in our every-day lives!
thank you for sharing this powerful event,
in loving connection dear Sonja
with love and gratitude
Oh YES! Can you tell us of one of those miracles in your life, Rhea? Would love to hear everything and put it together :-)
Love eternal,
Sonja Myriel
Bringing Home the Light of Love
Bringing Home the Light of Love
Into my awareness
Through all the layers of sub consciousness.
I want to turn it upside down,
So conscious awareness will be My Compass.
It needs quit time
And stillness deep within,
So the knowledge can emerge
From the depths of my Soul.
Connected with my Heart to show
The true unique responses
That will enable me to learn and grow
And more than that,
To feel the willingness of myself,
Available when the thoughts disappear,
And the feelings are released
In this ongoing process of bringing in
More and more Love for Self.
By that acceptance is no longer a word,
It is the energy that flows openly
And reaches every part of me
That is still to be unfolding.
Step by step the tread gets lighter
And the joy of loving and releasing
Comes closer and closer to be brought
Into the world to see,
The full color of Me.
I am the Vessel that will shine,
The deep love that is my guideline.
Courage and strength are given
As tools to step forward,
Bold and brave,
And by doing so creating a deeper connection
Ongoing sharing within my Essence of Light
Until I can truly say,
I AM HOME, yet again.
Dearest Rhea, thank you so much for sharing your heartfelt thoughts here with us, adding more blessings to our quest :-)
Violet Love Blessings,
Sonja MYriel
On 12-12 2019 the 13 original Crystal Skulls came together and since that day they are rhythmically sending out waves of new DNA encodements - only to then draw back in the energy for restructuring and the next round to be followed ...
Breathing in ... breathing out ...
On 12-01 2020 the focus moves from the Mayan pyramids and Palenque to Uluru. Yin and Yang displaying their beautiful dance around the world ...
I envision now the PERFECT BALANCE of Yin and Yang for Australia and the planet at large. I see the fires extiguish miraculously, as fire and water, air and earth are being birthed anew into the New Spring of the Golden Era of LOVE ...
FIRE is HEAT and LIGHT emanating from an object that has started to BURN and thus transform ... May the newly burnt areas be held SACRED so that Mother Earth can RE-GENERATE as NATURE usually does, enhanced by our collective imagination of flowers and green grass coming through everywhere where the fires have been burning! May humanity learn to be the stewarts of Earth again in CO-CREATION with the Nature Sprites, the Devi, the 5 elements and the Elementary Kingdom at large! May the Australian bush replenish and blossom and bloom soon again!
May the Amazonian Rainforest be allowed to RECOVER! May humanity STAND UP for our rights as FREE DIVINE SOULS inhabiting a FREE DIVINE PLANET and may we bring forth the very best for our future as we learn from the past and receive new ways to further the evolution of human-divine consciousness in the NOW for the FUTURE! And may we have the POWER to follow through the Ascension Path in front of us until we will reach the climax all together, being able to MOVE ON from there!
Connecting and connected to the Violet Light PRESENCE I AM,
Sonja MYriel
This past week, people I have known a long time have shown their true colors or else I just didn’t notice it. They were not who I thought they were and I feel my life better without them. I would think it normal if there were not so many in such a short space of time. I also noticed that internal dialogue has toned way down since the new year!
That is really interesting to note, Carol, that the internal dialogue has toned down ... giving way to more internal PEACE, releasing judgement ... that's how I am noting this, too!
Moreover, I could observe MYSELF behaving oddly some times in thhe last few days ... like in a mirror ... I could not change my behavior at the least, even though I KNEW and FELT it was not the best I could do ... it was as if an old pattern had to play out one more time - giving me all the impressions needed to see what I did not want anylonger in my life - and what I would like to BE like instead ... I am positive that 2020 will bring out this NEW ME more and more now!
Thank you so much for your comment, Carol! Before starting to write back to you, I was not consciously aware of all that lay below the tip of the iceberg, the remembrance of my odd behavior!
May 2020 be the Year of MASTERY!
And may we he helped and guided by each other's active EXCHANGE of WISDOM and LOVE!
BLESSINGS for this brand new year, decade and 20-year period,
Sonja Myriel
More insights:
Do you know about the groups of 40? Groups of 4 are/were? also being organized by Suzanne Lie ... the number 4 is a BASE number for PLANETARY HEALING in MANIFESTATION ... 2020 is a clear number 4 year ... Who is interested in experimenting with Biorelativity and the Medicine Wheel? All who share an Arcturian background, please check out this discussion link and let me know if you are interested:
I am thinking of enhancing our work with the 4/5 elements: WATER - FIRE - EARTH - AIR - SPIRIT / Ether - and of course our HEALING WORK for Mother Earth in general.
Any ideas are WELCOME,
BLESSINGS of INFINITE DIVINE LIGHT, Violet Ray kisses and Angel hugs,
Sonja Myriel
I know someone who was written off at one time in his life, even by himself. Now, he is an empathetic, wise friend who is loved by many people who treasure his gifts. It is like the bud is blooming after a long hibernation. It is joyous to witness! After a long conversation with him, I realized how this great growth is taking off.
I have been thinking lately, that some of us have gifts that seem silent and invisible, but may be extremely important. We cannot judge what these are, even with our own gifts, but once in a while we are gifted to see them.
Blessings on all of your gifts,
Thank you so much for this blessing, Ishema! Yes, the invisible gifts go by unnoticed in most of the cases - and not even the affected person knows about them ... it is the small characteristics, ... the woman who cares about the young girl living next to her, the man opening the door for the neighbour's child - without thinking! And yet, to SEE what is needed at any given moment AND ACT on it is one of the most prescious gifts I know of :-)
I wish you all the best for the rest of the week,
Sonja MYriel
Interesting, I wrote a Blog on this subject, not knowing about this previous message. It's massive, earthquakes happening all over the earth as of yesterday. This time the Interrupted Ceremony is NOT going to be stopped, it's NOW! So excited to find it here too, validating my findings. Love & Light, Laurel Ann Browne
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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